/** * Function: __construct * See Also: * <Model::grab> */ public function __construct($extension_id, $options = array()) { if (!isset($extension_id) and empty($options)) { return; } $options["left_join"][] = array("table" => "versions", "where" => "extension_id = extensions.id"); $options["select"][] = "extensions.*"; $options["select"][] = "MAX(versions.created_at) AS last_update"; $options["group"][] = "id"; $options["order"] = array("__last_update DESC", "extensions.id DESC"); parent::grab($this, $extension_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $this->textID = $this->url; $this->filtered = !isset($options["filter"]) or $options["filter"]; $trigger = Trigger::current(); if ($this->filtered) { if (!$this->user->group->can("code_in_extensions")) { $this->name = fix($this->name); } $trigger->filter($this->name, array("markup_title", "markup_extension_title"), $this); } $trigger->filter($this, "extension"); }
/** * Function: __construct * See Also: * <Model::grab> */ public function __construct($version_id, $options = array()) { if (!isset($version_id) and empty($options)) { return; } $options["left_join"][] = array("table" => "notes", "where" => "version_id = versions.id"); $options["select"][] = "versions.*"; $options["select"][] = "COUNT(notes.id) AS note_count"; $options["select"][] = "MAX(notes.created_at) AS last_note"; $options["group"][] = "id"; parent::grab($this, $version_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $this->compatible = array_map(array("Version", "numberfy"), (array) YAML::load($this->compatible)); $this->tags = !empty($this->tags) ? YAML::load($this->tags) : array(); $this->linked_tags = self::link_tags($this->tags); $this->filtered = !isset($options["filter"]) or $options["filter"]; $trigger = Trigger::current(); if ($this->filtered) { $this->description_unfiltered = $this->description; if (!$this->extension->user->group->can("code_in_extensions")) { $this->description = fix($this->description); } $trigger->filter($this->description, array("markup_text", "markup_version_text"), $this); } $trigger->filter($this, "version"); }
/** * Function: __construct * See Also: * <Model::grab> */ public function __construct($ticket_id, $options = array()) { if (!isset($ticket_id) and empty($options)) { return; } $options["left_join"][] = array("table" => "revisions", "where" => "ticket_id = tickets.id"); $options["select"][] = "tickets.*"; $options["select"][] = "COUNT(revisions.id) AS revision_count"; $options["select"][] = "MAX(revisions.created_at) AS last_revision"; $options["select"][] = "MAX(revisions.updated_at) AS last_update"; $options["group"][] = "id"; parent::grab($this, $ticket_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $this->last_activity = max(array_map("strtotime", array($this->last_revision, $this->last_update, $this->created_at, $this->updated_at))); $this->done = in_array($this->state, array("resolved", "invalid", "declined")); $this->filtered = !isset($options["filter"]) or $options["filter"]; $trigger = Trigger::current(); if ($this->filtered) { if (!$this->user->group->can("code_in_revisions")) { $this->title = fix($this->title); $this->description = fix($this->description); } $trigger->filter($this->title, array("markup_title", "markup_ticket_title"), $this); $trigger->filter($this->description, array("markup_text", "markup_ticket_text"), $this); } $trigger->filter($this, "ticket"); }
static function __install() { $digest = MAIN_DIR . DIR . "digest.txt.php"; $output = "<?php header(\"Status: 403\"); exit(\"Access denied.\"); ?>\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary=\"---correspondence---\"\r\n" . "\r\n---correspondence---\r\n"; if (!file_exists($digest) and !@file_put_contents($digest, $output)) { error(__("Error"), _f("The digest file <em>%s</em> could not be created.", fix($digest), "mail_to_file")); } }
public function test_create_queries_with_alternate_columns() { $fname = path('symmetric.csv'); $this->assertTrue($this->csv->uses($fname)); $columns = array('header_a', 'header_c'); $res = $this->csv->createQueries('test_table', $columns); $this->assertEquals(fix('alternated_header_queries'), $res); }
public function format_dialogue($text, $post = null) { if (isset($post)) { $post->dialogue_unformatted = $text; } $split = explode("\n", $text); $return = '<ul class="dialogue">'; $count = 0; $my_name = ""; $links = array(); foreach ($split as $line) { # Remove the timstamps $line = preg_replace("/[ ]?[\\[|\\(]?[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?[ ]?(pm|am)?[\\]|\\)]?[ ]?/i", "", $line); preg_match("/(<?)(.+)(:|>)\\s*(.+)/i", $line, $matches); if (empty($matches)) { continue; } if (preg_match("/\\s*\\(([^\\)]+)\\)\$/", $matches[2], $attribution)) { if ($attribution[1] == "me") { $my_name = $matches[2] = str_replace($attribution[0], "", $matches[2]); } else { $matches[2] = str_replace($attribution[0], "", $matches[2]); $links[$matches[2]] = $attribution[1]; } } $link = oneof(@$links[$matches[2]], ""); $me = $my_name == $matches[2] ? " me" : ""; $username = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3]; $class = $count % 2 ? "even" : "odd"; $return .= '<li class="' . $class . $me . '">'; if (!empty($link)) { $return .= '<span class="label">' . $matches[1] . '<a href="' . $link . '">' . fix($matches[2], false) . '</a>' . $matches[3] . '</span> ' . $matches[4] . "\n"; } else { $return .= '<span class="label">' . fix($username, false) . '</span> ' . $matches[4] . "\n"; } $return .= '</li>'; $count++; } $return .= "</ul>"; # If they're previewing. if (!isset($post)) { $return = preg_replace("/(<li class=\"(even|odd) me\"><span class=\"label\">)(.+)(<\\/span> (.+)\n<\\/li>)/", "\\1<strong>\\3</strong>\\4", $return); } return $return; }
/** * Function: __construct * See Also: * <Model::grab> */ public function __construct($message_id, $options = array()) { if (!isset($message_id) and empty($options)) { return; } fallback($options["order"], array("created_at ASC", "id ASC")); parent::grab($this, $message_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $this->filtered = !isset($options["filter"]) or $options["filter"]; $trigger = Trigger::current(); if ($this->filtered) { if (!$this->user->group->can("code_in_messages")) { $this->body = fix($this->body); } $trigger->filter($this->body, array("markup_text", "markup_message_text"), $this); } $trigger->filter($this, "message"); }
/** * Function: __construct * See Also: * <Model::grab> */ public function __construct($revision_id, $options = array()) { if (!isset($revision_id) and empty($options)) { return; } parent::grab($this, $revision_id, $options); $options["order"] = "created_at ASC, id ASC"; if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $this->changes = YAML::load($this->changes); $this->filtered = !isset($options["filter"]) or $options["filter"]; $trigger = Trigger::current(); if ($this->filtered) { if (!$this->user->group->can("code_in_revisions")) { $this->body = fix($this->body); } $trigger->filter($this->body, array("markup_text", "markup_revision_text"), $this); } $trigger->filter($this, "revision"); }
/** * Function: feathers * Feather enabling/disabling. */ public function feathers() { if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("toggle_extensions")) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to enable/disable feathers.")); } $config = Config::current(); $this->context["enabled_feathers"] = $this->context["disabled_feathers"] = array(); if (!($open = @opendir(FEATHERS_DIR))) { return Flash::warning(__("Could not read feathers directory.")); } while (($folder = readdir($open)) !== false) { if (!file_exists(FEATHERS_DIR . "/" . $folder . "/" . $folder . ".php") or !file_exists(FEATHERS_DIR . "/" . $folder . "/info.yaml")) { continue; } if (file_exists(FEATHERS_DIR . "/" . $folder . "/locale/" . $config->locale . ".mo")) { load_translator($folder, FEATHERS_DIR . "/" . $folder . "/locale/" . $config->locale . ".mo"); } $info = YAML::load(FEATHERS_DIR . "/" . $folder . "/info.yaml"); fallback($info["name"], $folder); fallback($info["version"], "0"); fallback($info["url"]); fallback($info["description"]); fallback($info["author"], array("name" => "", "url" => "")); fallback($info["help"]); $info["description"] = __($info["description"], $folder); $info["description"] = preg_replace("/<code>(.+)<\\/code>/se", "'<code>'.fix('\\1').'</code>'", $info["description"]); $info["description"] = preg_replace("/<pre>(.+)<\\/pre>/se", "'<pre>'.fix('\\1').'</pre>'", $info["description"]); $info["author"]["link"] = !empty($info["author"]["url"]) ? '<a href="' . fix($info["author"]["url"]) . '">' . fix($info["author"]["name"]) . '</a>' : $info["author"]["name"]; $category = feather_enabled($folder) ? "enabled_feathers" : "disabled_feathers"; $this->context[$category][$folder] = array("name" => $info["name"], "version" => $info["version"], "url" => $info["url"], "description" => $info["description"], "author" => $info["author"], "help" => $info["help"]); } $this->display("feathers"); }
/** * Function: arr2xml * Recursively adds an array (or object I guess) to a SimpleXML object. * * Parameters: * &$object - The SimpleXML object to modify. * $data - The data to add to the SimpleXML object. */ function arr2xml(&$object, $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (is_int($key) and (empty($val) or is_string($val) and trim($val) == "")) { unset($data[$key]); continue; } if (is_array($val)) { if (in_array(0, array_keys($val))) { # Numeric-indexed things need to be added as duplicates foreach ($val as $dup) { $xml = $object->addChild($key); arr2xml($xml, $dup); } } else { $xml = $object->addChild($key); arr2xml($xml, $val); } } else { $object->addChild($key, fix($val, false, false)); } } }
/** * Function: search * Grabs the posts for a search query. */ public function search() { fallback($_GET['query'], ""); $config = Config::current(); if ($config->clean_urls and substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?") and !substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "%2F")) { # Searches with / and clean URLs = server 404 redirect("search/" . urlencode($_GET['query']) . "/"); } if (empty($_GET['query'])) { return Flash::warning(__("Please enter a search term.")); } list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "post_attributes.value LIKE :query OR url LIKE :query", "posts"); $results = Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); $ids = array(); foreach ($results[0] as $result) { $ids[] = $result["id"]; } if (!empty($ids)) { $posts = new Paginator(Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => array("id" => $ids))), $this->post_limit); } else { $posts = new Paginator(array()); } $this->display(array("pages/search", "pages/index"), array("posts" => $posts, "search" => $_GET['query']), fix(_f("Search results for \"%s\"", array($_GET['query'])))); }
<?php $iterator = new \CallbackFilterIterator(new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/../src/Bond/')), function (\SplFileInfo $file) { return $file->isFile() and $file->getExtension() === 'php'; }); foreach ($iterator as $file) { echo fix($file) ? "{$file->getRealPath()}\n" : ''; } function fix($file) { $contents = file_get_contents($file->getRealPath()); // rtrim every line $string = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return rtrim(str_replace("\t", " ", $line)); }, explode("\n", $contents))); $regex = '/\\v{3,}/m'; file_put_contents($file->getRealPath(), preg_replace($regex, "\n\n", $string)); return $contents !== $string; }
$errors[] = __("Password cannot be blank."); } if ($settings['password_1'] != $settings['password_2']) { $errors[] = __("Passwords do not match."); } if (empty($settings['email'])) { $errors[] = __("E-Mail address cannot be blank."); } if (empty($errors)) { if (!$htaccess_has_chyrp) { if (!file_exists(MAIN_DIR . "/.htaccess")) { if (!@file_put_contents(MAIN_DIR . "/.htaccess", $htaccess)) { $errors[] = _f("Could not generate .htaccess file. Clean URLs will not be available unless you create it and put this in it:\n<pre>%s</pre>", array(fix($htaccess))); } } elseif (!@file_put_contents(MAIN_DIR . "/.htaccess", "\n\n" . $htaccess, FILE_APPEND)) { $errors[] = _f("Could not generate .htaccess file. Clean URLs will not be available unless you create it and put this in it:\n<pre>%s</pre>", array(fix($htaccess))); } } $config->set("sql", array()); $config->set("name", $settings['name']); $config->set("description", $settings['description']); $config->set("url", $url); $config->set("chyrp_url", $url); $config->set("feed_url", ""); $config->set("email", $settings['email']); $config->set("locale", "en_US"); $config->set("theme", "stardust"); $config->set("posts_per_page", 5); $config->set("feed_items", 20); $config->set("clean_urls", false); $config->set("post_url", "(year)/(month)/(day)/(url)/");
function feed_item($post) { $config = Config::current(); foreach ($post->tags as $tag => $clean) { echo " <category scheme=\"" . $config->url . "/tag/\" term=\"" . $clean . "\" label=\"" . fix($tag) . "\" />\n"; } }
/** * Function: register * Process registration. If registration is disabled or if the user is already logged in, it will error. */ public function register() { $config = Config::current(); if (!$config->can_register) { error(__("Registration Disabled"), __("I'm sorry, but this site is not allowing registration.")); } if (logged_in()) { error(__("Error"), __("You're already logged in.")); } if (!empty($_POST)) { if (empty($_POST['login'])) { Flash::warning(__("Please enter a username for your account.")); } elseif (count(User::find(array("where" => array("login" => $_POST['login']))))) { Flash::warning(__("That username is already in use.")); } if (empty($_POST['password1'])) { Flash::warning(__("Password cannot be blank.")); } elseif ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2']) { Flash::warning(__("Passwords do not match.")); } if (empty($_POST['email'])) { Flash::warning(__("E-mail address cannot be blank.")); } elseif (!preg_match("/^[_A-z0-9-]+((\\.|\\+)[_A-z0-9-]+)*@[A-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[A-z]{2,4})\$/", $_POST['email'])) { Flash::warning(__("Invalid e-mail address.")); } if ($config->enable_recaptcha and !check_captcha()) { Flash::warning(__("Incorrect captcha code. Please try again.")); } if (!Flash::exists("warning")) { if ($config->email_activation) { $to = $_POST['email']; $subject = _f($config->name . " Registration Pending"); $message = _f("Hello, " . fix($_POST['login']) . ".\n\nYou are receiving this message because you recently registered at " . $config->chyrp_url . "\nTo complete your registration, go to " . $config->chyrp_url . "/?action=validate&login="******"&token=" . sha1($_POST['login'] . $_POST['email'])); $headers = "From:" . $config->email . "\r\n" . "Reply-To:" . $config->email . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $user = User::add($_POST['login'], $_POST['password1'], $_POST['email'], "", "", 5, false); $sent = email($to, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($sent) { Flash::notice(__("The email address you provided has been sent details to confirm registration."), "/"); } else { Flash::notice(__("There was an error emailing the activation link to your email address."), "/"); } } else { $user = User::add($_POST['login'], $_POST['password1'], $_POST['email']); Trigger::current()->call("user_registered", $user); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->id; Flash::notice(__("Registration successful."), "/"); } } } $this->display("forms/user/register", array(), __("Register")); }
?> " /> <author> <name><?php echo fix($author); ?> </name> <?php if (!empty($post->user->website)) { ?> <uri><?php echo fix($post->user->website); ?> </uri> <?php } ?> </author> <content type="html"><?php echo fix($post->feed_content()); ?> </content> <?php $trigger->call("feed_item", $post); ?> </entry> <?php } ?> </feed>
public function admin_delete_milestone($admin) { if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { error(__("Error"), __("No milestone ID specified.", "progress")); } $milestone = new Milestone($_GET['id']); if ($milestone->no_results) { error(__("Error"), __("Invalid milestone ID specified.", "progress")); } if (!$milestone->deletable()) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this milestone.", "progress")); } $admin->display("delete_milestone", array("milestone" => $milestone, "milestones" => Milestone::find(array("where" => array("id not" => $milestone->id)))), _f("Delete Milestone “%s”", array(fix($milestone->name)), "progress")); }
public function test_must_use_headers_as_max_row_padding_when_headers_length_is_longer_than_all_rows_length() { $this->csv = new File_CSV_DataSource(path('longer_headers.csv')); $this->csv->symmetrize(); $this->assertEquals(fix('longer_headers'), $this->csv->connect()); }
function twig_escape_filter($string, $quotes = true, $decode = true) { if (!is_string($string)) { # Certain post attributes might be parsed from YAML to an array, return $string; } # in which case the module provides a value. However, the attr # is still passed to the "fallback" and "fix" filters when editing. $safe = fix($string, $quotes); return $decode ? preg_replace("/&(#?[A-Za-z0-9]+);/", "&\\1;", $safe) : $safe; }
function replaceDim2($DimList, $DimName) { $ZD = ''; $splStr = ''; $i = ''; $s = ''; $nMod = ''; $nInt = ''; $c = ''; $replaceDim2 = $DimName; $ZD = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $DimName = lCase($DimName); $splStr = aspSplit($DimList, ','); for ($i = 0; $i <= uBound($splStr); $i++) { $s = $splStr[$i]; if ($s == $DimName) { $nMod = $i % len($ZD) + 1; $nInt = fix($i / len($ZD)); if ($nMod != 0) { $c = $c . mid($ZD, $nMod, 1); } if ($nInt != 0) { $c = $c . copyStr(mid($ZD, $nInt, 1), $nInt); } //Call Echo(I,Len(ZD)) //Call Echo("nMod",nMod) //Call Echo("nInt",nInt) //Call Echo("C",C) $replaceDim2 = $c; return @$replaceDim2; } } return @$replaceDim2; }
/** * Function: feeds * Outputs the Feed references. */ public function feeds() { // Compute the URL of the per-page feed (if any): $config = Config::current(); $request = $config->clean_urls ? rtrim(Route::current()->request, "/") : fix($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $append = $config->clean_urls ? "/feed" : ((count($_GET) == 1 and Route::current()->action == "index") ? "/?feed" : "&feed"); $append .= $config->clean_urls ? "/" . urlencode($this->title) : "&title=" . urlencode($this->title); # Create basic list of links (site and page Atom feeds): $feedurl = oneof(@$config->feed_url, url("feed")); $pagefeedurl = $config->url . $request . $append; $links = array(array("href" => $feedurl, "type" => "application/atom+xml", "title" => $config->name)); if ($pagefeedurl != $feedurl) { $links[] = array("href" => $pagefeedurl, "type" => "application/atom+xml", "title" => "Current Page (if applicable)"); } # Ask modules to pitch in by adding their own <link> tag items to $links. # Each item must be an array with "href" and "rel" properties (and optionally "title" and "type"): Trigger::current()->filter($links, "links"); # Generate <link> tags: $tags = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $rel = oneof(@$link["rel"], "alternate"); $href = $link["href"]; $type = @$link["type"]; $title = @$link["title"]; $tag = '<link rel="' . $rel . '" href="' . $link["href"] . '"'; if ($type) { $tag .= ' type="' . $type . '"'; } if ($title) { $tag .= ' title="' . $title . '"'; } $tags[] = $tag . ' />'; } return implode("\n\t", $tags); }
$add_ten_to_two_numbers = $add_three_numbers(10); var_dump($add_ten_to_two_numbers(1, 2)); // int(13) $add_15_to_one_number = $add_ten_to_two_numbers(5); var_dump($add_15_to_one_number(27)); // int(42) //composition: (f.g)x == f(g(x)) $not_return_value = composition("doubleValue", "add5"); var_dump($not_return_value(1)); //int(12) var_dump($not_return_value(0)); //int(10) //fix: passes the function into it's self as the first parameter, allows resursive annoymous functions $fib = fix(function ($fib, $n) { if ($n <= 0) { return 0; } if ($n <= 2) { return 1; } return $fib($fib, $n - 1) + $fib($fib, $n - 2); }); //lazy_map: maps each element in the array to the function (like array_map). Outputted value is only evaluated on demand $lazy_map = lazy_map($fib, array(2, 5, 100000, 10)); var_dump($lazy_map[0]); //int(1) var_dump($lazy_map[1]); //int(5) //$fib( 100000 ) is never evaluated, since we don't ask for it var_dump($lazy_map[3]); //int(55)
public function test_symetrize_must_not_alter_symmetric_data() { $this->assertTrue($this->csv->uses(path('symmetric.csv'))); $this->csv->symmetrize(); $this->assertEquals(fix('symmetric_headers'), $this->csv->headers()); $this->assertEquals(fix('symmetric_rows'), $this->csv->rows()); $this->assertEquals(fix('symmetric_raw_data'), $this->csv->rawArray()); }
public function posts_export($atom, $post) { $comments = Comment::find(array("where" => array("post_id" => $post->id)), array("filter" => false)); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $updated = $comment->updated ? $comment->updated_at : $comment->created_at; $atom .= " <chyrp:comment>\r"; $atom .= ' <updated>' . when("c", $updated) . '</updated>' . "\r"; $atom .= ' <published>' . when("c", $comment->created_at) . '</published>' . "\r"; $atom .= ' <author chyrp:user_id="' . $comment->user_id . '">' . "\r"; $atom .= " <name>" . fix($comment->author) . "</name>\r"; if (!empty($comment->author_url)) { $atom .= " <uri>" . fix($comment->author_url) . "</uri>\r"; } $atom .= " <email>" . fix($comment->author_email) . "</email>\r"; $atom .= " <chyrp:login>" . fix(@$comment->user->login) . "</chyrp:login>\r"; $atom .= " <chyrp:ip>" . long2ip($comment->author_ip) . "</chyrp:ip>\r"; $atom .= " <chyrp:agent>" . fix($comment->author_agent) . "</chyrp:agent>\r"; $atom .= " </author>\r"; $atom .= " <content>" . fix($comment->body) . "</content>\r"; foreach (array("status", "signature") as $attr) { $atom .= " <chyrp:" . $attr . ">" . fix($comment->{$attr}) . "</chyrp:" . $attr . ">\r"; } $atom .= " </chyrp:comment>\r"; } return $atom; }
</p> <p> <label for="created_at"><?php echo __("Timestamp"); ?> </label> <input class="text" type="text" name="created_at" value="<?php echo when("F jS, Y H:i:s", $comment->created_at); ?> " id="created_at" /> </p> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo fix($comment->id); ?> " id="id" /> <input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="true" id="ajax" /> <div class="buttons"> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo __("Update"); ?> " accesskey="s" /> <?php echo __("or"); ?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="comment_cancel_edit_<?php echo $comment->id; ?> " class="cancel"><?php echo __("Cancel");
function t_fanli($uid, $money) { global $_G; $org_money = $money; if ($uid == $this->user['uid']) { $user = $this->user; } else { $user = getuser($uid, 'uid'); } //if($user['uid'] == $this->user[uid]) return $money; //if($user['t_uid'] && $user['t_uid'] == $this->user[uid]) return $money; //防止死循环 //4,3,1,1,2 $rank = $user['rank']; if (!$rank || !$_G['rank'][$rank]) { return $money; } $group = $_G['rank'][$rank]; $bili = intval($group['bili']); //当前推荐者所在推荐的返利比例 if ($bili <= 0) { return $money; } $yongjin = fix($money * ($bili / 100), 2); $money = $money - $yongjin; //给佣金表,增加记录,供用户查询 $log = array(); //第'.($k+1).'级 if (!$this->order['price'] || $yongjin <= 0) { return $money; } $log['desc'] = '您推荐的用户' . $this->user['username'] . '购物消费,您获得:' . $yongjin . '元(' . $bili . '%)'; $add_money = $user['money'] + $yongjin; update_member(array('money' => $add_money), $user['uid']); $log['org_money'] = $user['money']; $log['money'] = $yongjin; $log['status'] = 1; $log['uid'] = $user['uid']; $log['username'] = $user['username']; $this->write_log($log); //无限上级推荐人返利 /*if($user['t_uid']>0){ if($user['t_uid'] == $this->user['uid'] || $user['t_uid'] == $user['uid'])continue; //防止死循环 $money = $this->t_fanli($user['t_uid'],$org_money); }*/ return $money; }
echo fix($author); ?> </name> <?php if (!empty($post->user->website)) { ?> <uri><?php echo fix($post->user->website); ?> </uri> <?php } ?> </author> <content type="html"> <?php echo fix($post->feed_content()); ?> <?php echo fix("<br /><a href='{$original_url}'> ☃ </a>"); ?> </content> <?php $trigger->call("feed_item", $post); ?> </entry> <?php } ?> </feed>
public function image_tag($post, $max_width = 500, $max_height = null, $more_args = "quality=100") { $filename = $post->filename; $config = Config::current(); $alt = !empty($post->alt_text) ? fix($post->alt_text, true) : $filename; return '<img src="' . $config->chyrp_url . '/includes/thumb.php?file=..' . $config->uploads_path . urlencode($filename) . '&max_width=' . $max_width . '&max_height=' . $max_height . '&' . $more_args . '" alt="' . $alt . '" />'; }
function value_fallback($index, $fallback = "") { echo isset($_POST[$index]) ? fix($_POST[$index]) : $fallback; }
<?php define('JAVASCRIPT', true); require_once "common.php"; error_reporting(0); header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript"); $route = Route::current(MainController::current()); ?> <!-- --><script> var Route = { action: "<?php echo fix($_GET['action']); ?> " } var site_url = "<?php echo $config->chyrp_url; ?> " $(function(){ // Scan AJAX responses for errors. $(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, request){ var response = request ? request.responseText : null if (isError(response)) alert(response.replace(/(HEY_JAVASCRIPT_THIS_IS_AN_ERROR_JUST_SO_YOU_KNOW|<([^>]+)>\n?)/gm, "")) })<?php echo "\n\n\n\n\n"; # Balance out the line numbers in this script and in the output to help debugging. ?>