예제 #1
function smarty_function_picture($params, $template)
    $src = smarty_plugin_get_variable($params, $template, 'src', true);
    $alt = smarty_plugin_get_variable($params, $template, 'alt');
    $path = smarty_plugin_get_variable($params, $template, 'path');
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $file = find_img($src);
    ci_log('The image file that needs to be picture is %s', $file);
    if ($file == null) {
        // We can't read the file
        $src = 'default.png';
    $size = get_image_size($src);
    $size = $size['width'];
    $attr = $params;
    $medias = array();
    $ret = array();
    $attr['src'] = $src;
    if ($path != '') {
        $attr['path'] = site_url($path);
    $ret[] = '<picture ' . _parse_form_attributes($attr, array()) . ' >';
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
        // Check if user has set the customized media
        if (strpos($key, 'media') !== false) {
            $media = str_replace('media', '', $key);
            $medias[] = $media;
            $ret[] = "\t" . '<source src="' . site_url('responsive/size/' . $value . '/' . $src) . '" media="(min-width:' . $media . 'px)">';
        $attr[$key] = smarty_plugin_get_variable($params, $template, $key, false);
    if ($path == '') {
        $resolutions = get_ci_config('resolutions');
        foreach ($resolutions as $res) {
            if (array_search($res, $medias) !== false) {
                // If the resolution is already covered
            $ret[] = "\t" . '<source src="' . site_url('responsive/size/' . (double) $res / 2880 * (double) $size . '/' . $src) . '" media="(min-width:' . $res . 'px)">';
    $ret[] = "\t" . '<noscript>';
    $ret[] = "\t\t" . '<img src="' . site_url('static/img/' . $src) . '" alt="' . $alt . '">';
    $ret[] = "\t" . '</noscript>';
    $ret[] = '</picture>';
    return implode("\n", $ret);
예제 #2
function smarty_function_action($params, $template)
    $action = get_default($params, 'obj', null);
    $alt = get_default($params, 'alt', '');
    if ($action == null) {
        trigger_error('The obj parameter is required for action!');
        return '';
    if (gettype($action) != 'object' || get_class($action) != 'Action') {
        trigger_error('The obj parameter must be of Class Action!');
        return '';
    $fields = json_decode($action->fields);
    ci_log('The action to show is', $action);
    $data = array();
    $uri = $action->uri();
    if ($uri) {
        $data['href'] = $uri;
    $content = lang($action->label);
    if (isset($action->logo) && $action->logo != '') {
        $data = array('src' => $action->logo, 'path' => '/responsive/size', 'data-placement' => isset($fields->placement) ? $fields->placement : 'right', 'data-original-title' => $action->label);
        $auto = get_default($params, 'auto', true);
        if ($auto) {
            $data["data-toggle"] = "tooltip";
        $CI =& get_instance();
        $file = find_img($data['src']);
        // Try to find the image in static/img
        if ($file == null) {
            // We can't read the file
            $data['src'] = 'default.png';
        $picturedata = $data;
        $content = smarty_function_picture($picturedata, $template);
        if (isset($action->controller) && isset($action->method) && $uri) {
            $data['href'] = $uri;
    return build_tag('a', $data, $content);
예제 #3
function get_image_size($src)
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $file = find_img($src);
    if ($file == null) {
        trigger_error('The responsive image can\'t be found');
        return '';
    if (extension_loaded('imagick')) {
        $img = new Imagick($file);
        return $img->getImageGeometry();
    if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
        $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
        $ext = $path_parts['extension'];
        if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
            $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
        } else {
            $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($file);
        return array('width' => imageSX($src_img), 'height' => imageSY($src_img));
    return array(0, 0);
예제 #4
function inner_create_image_thumbnail($orig, $width, $height = 0)
    $output_dir = 'application/cache/img/' . $width . 'x' . $height . '/';
    // All the thumbnails is located in cache
    $out_file = find_file($orig, $output_dir);
    // Try to find the file from output dir
    if ($out_file != null) {
        // If the cached file is exists, return it
        return $out_file;
    $file = find_img($orig);
    if ($file == null) {
        // We can't read the file {
        return null;
    if ($width == 'normal') {
        return $file;
    if (!file_exists($output_dir)) {
        // If the output dir is not exists, then create it
        mkdir($output_dir, 0777, true);
    $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
    $name = $path_parts['filename'];
    $ext = $path_parts['extension'];
    $out_file = FCPATH . $output_dir . $orig;
    $dir = dirname($out_file);
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
        mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
    if (extension_loaded('imagick')) {
        Imagick::setResourceLimit(6, 1);
        // Set the thread limit to image magick
        $img = new Imagick($file);
        $img->thumbnailImage($width, $height);
        return $out_file;
    if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
        if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
            $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
        } else {
            $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($file);
        $old_x = imageSX($src_img);
        $old_y = imageSY($src_img);
        if ($height == 0) {
            $height = $old_y * $width / $old_x;
        $dst_img = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
        imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $old_x, $old_y);
        if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
            imagejpeg($dst_img, $out_file);
        } else {
            imagepng($dst_img, $out_file);
        return $out_file;
    return null;