예제 #1
  * Tests CRUD operations for text formats and filters.
 function testTextFormatCrud()
     // Add a text format with minimum data only.
     $format = FilterFormat::create(array('format' => 'empty_format', 'name' => 'Empty format'));
     // Add another text format specifying all possible properties.
     $format = FilterFormat::create(array('format' => 'custom_format', 'name' => 'Custom format'));
     $format->setFilterConfig('filter_url', array('status' => 1, 'settings' => array('filter_url_length' => 30)));
     // Alter some text format properties and save again.
     $format->set('name', 'Altered format');
     $format->setFilterConfig('filter_url', array('status' => 0));
     $format->setFilterConfig('filter_autop', array('status' => 1));
     // Add a filter_test_replace  filter and save again.
     $format->setFilterConfig('filter_test_replace', array('status' => 1));
     // Disable the text format.
     $formats = filter_formats();
     $this->assertTrue(!isset($formats[$format->id()]), 'filter_formats: Disabled text format no longer exists.');
 protected function setUp()
     // Enable user signatures.
     \Drupal::config('user.settings')->set('signatures', 1)->save();
     // Create Basic page node type.
     $this->drupalCreateContentType(array('type' => 'page', 'name' => 'Basic page'));
     // Add a comment field with commenting enabled by default.
     $this->container->get('comment.manager')->addDefaultField('node', 'page');
     // Prefetch and create text formats.
     $this->filtered_html_format = entity_create('filter_format', array('format' => 'filtered_html_format', 'name' => 'Filtered HTML', 'weight' => -1, 'filters' => array('filter_html' => array('module' => 'filter', 'status' => TRUE, 'settings' => array('allowed_html' => '<a> <em> <strong>')))));
     $this->full_html_format = entity_create('filter_format', array('format' => 'full_html', 'name' => 'Full HTML'));
     user_role_grant_permissions(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, array($this->filtered_html_format->getPermissionName()));
     // Create regular and administrative users.
     $this->web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('post comments'));
     $admin_permissions = array('post comments', 'administer comments', 'administer user form display', 'administer account settings');
     foreach (filter_formats() as $format) {
         if ($permission = $format->getPermissionName()) {
             $admin_permissions[] = $permission;
     $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser($admin_permissions);
예제 #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getSettableOptions(AccountInterface $account = NULL)
     // @todo: Avoid calling functions but move to injected dependencies.
     return array_map(function ($format) {
         return $format->label();
     }, filter_formats($account));
예제 #4
  * Returns a new term with random properties in vocabulary $vid.
  * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary $vocabulary
  *   The vocabulary object.
  * @param array $values
  *   (optional) An array of values to set, keyed by property name. If the
  *   entity type has bundles, the bundle key has to be specified.
  * @return \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term
  *   The new taxonomy term object.
 function createTerm(Vocabulary $vocabulary, $values = array())
     $filter_formats = filter_formats();
     $format = array_pop($filter_formats);
     $term = Term::create($values + ['name' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'description' => ['value' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'format' => $format->id()], 'vid' => $vocabulary->id(), 'langcode' => LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED]);
     return $term;
예제 #5
  * Get a text format object given its machine name.
  * @param string $format_name
  *    Text format machine name.
  * @param bool $reset
  *    TRUE to reset filter formats cache.
  * @return object|bool
  *    Text format object or FALSE.
 public function getFormat($format_name, $reset = FALSE)
     if ($reset) {
     $formats = filter_formats();
     return isset($formats[$format_name]) ? (object) $formats[$format_name] : FALSE;
  * Returns a new term with random properties in vocabulary $vid.
  * @return \Drupal\taxonomy\Term
  *   The created taxonomy term.
 protected function createTerm()
     $filter_formats = filter_formats();
     $format = array_pop($filter_formats);
     $term = entity_create('taxonomy_term', array('name' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'description' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'format' => $format->format, 'vid' => $this->vocabulary->id(), 'langcode' => LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED));
     return $term;
예제 #7
 public function buildConfigurationForm(array &$form, array &$form_state)
     global $user;
     $options = array();
     foreach (filter_formats($user) as $id => $format) {
         $options[$id] = $format->label();
     $form['format'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Description format'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $this->configuration['format']);
예제 #8
파일: Text.php 프로젝트: Tawreh/mtg
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $options = [];
     foreach (filter_formats($this->user) as $id => $format) {
         $options[$id] = $format->label();
     $form['format'] = ['#type' => 'select', '#title' => $this->t('Filter format'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $this->configuration['format']];
     return $form;
예제 #9
  * Overrides Drupal\configuration\Config\Configuration::findDependencies().
 public function findDependencies()
     $format = $this->getIdentifier();
     $formats = filter_formats();
     if (isset($formats[$format])) {
         $filter_format = ConfigurationManagement::createConfigurationInstance('text_format.' . $format);
예제 #10
  * Implements QuickEditInPlaceEditorInterface::getAttachments().
  * @see Drupal 8's \Drupal\editor\Plugin\quickedit\editor\Editor::getAttachments().
 public function getAttachments()
     global $user;
     // Get a list of formats to which the current user has access.
     $formats = filter_formats($user);
     // Get filter configuration information for the available formats.
     $settings = editor_get_attached($formats);
     // Also include editor.module's formatted text editor.
     $settings['library'][] = array('editor', 'quickedit.inPlaceEditor.formattedText');
     $settings['js'][] = array('type' => 'setting', 'data' => array('quickedit' => array('ckeditor' => array('basePath' => base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'editor_ckeditor') . '/lib/ckeditor/'))));
     return $settings;
 * Overrides theme_filter_tips().
function bootstrap_subtheme_filter_tips($variables)
    global $user;
    // Create a place holder for the tabs.
    $build['tabs'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => array(), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('nav', 'nav-tabs'), 'role' => 'tablist'));
    // Create a placeholder for the panes.
    $build['panes'] = array('#theme_wrappers' => array('container'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('tab-content')));
    $format_id = arg(2);
    $current_path = current_path();
    $formats = filter_formats($user);
    $filter_info = filter_get_filters();
    foreach ($formats as $format) {
        $tab = array('data' => array('#type' => 'link', '#title' => check_plain($format->name), '#href' => $current_path, '#attributes' => array('role' => 'tab', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'), '#options' => array('fragment' => $format->format)));
        if (!$format_id || $format_id === $format->format) {
            $tab['class'][] = 'active';
            $format_id = $format->format;
        $build['tabs']['#items'][] = $tab;
        // Retrieve each filter in the format.
        $tips = array();
        $filters = filter_list_format($format->format);
        foreach ($filters as $name => $filter) {
            if ($filter->status && isset($filter_info[$name]['tips callback']) && is_callable($filter_info[$name]['tips callback'])) {
                $tip = $filter_info[$name]['tips callback']($filter, $format, TRUE);
                if (isset($tip)) {
                    $tips[] = $tip;
        // Construct the pane.
        $pane = array('#theme_wrappers' => array('container'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('tab-pane', 'fade'), 'id' => $format->format));
        if (count($tips) === 1) {
            $pane['list'] = array('#markup' => $tips[0]);
        } else {
            $pane['list'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $tips);
        if ($format_id === $format->format) {
            $pane['#attributes']['class'][] = 'active';
            $pane['#attributes']['class'][] = 'in';
            $format_id = $format->format;
        $build['panes'][] = $pane;
    return drupal_render($build);
예제 #12
  * Helper function for mass adding of terms.
  * @param $input
  *   The textual input with terms. Each line contains a single term. Child term
  *   can be prefixed with a dash '-' (one dash for each level). Term names
  *   starting with a dash and should not become a child term need to be wrapped
  *   in quotes.
  * @param $vid
  *   The vocabulary id.
  * @param int $parents
  *   An array of parent term ids for the new inserted terms. Can be 0.
  * @param $term_names_too_long
  *   Return value that is used to indicate that some term names were too long
  *   and truncated to 255 characters.
  * @return An array of the newly inserted term objects
 public static function mass_add_terms($input, $vid, $parents, &$term_names_too_long = array())
     $new_terms = array();
     $terms = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", '', $input));
     $parents = count($parents) ? $parents : 0;
     // Stores the current lineage of newly inserted terms.
     $last_parents = array();
     foreach ($terms as $name) {
         if (empty($name)) {
         $matches = array();
         // Child term prefixed with one or more dashes
         if (preg_match('/^(-){1,}/', $name, $matches)) {
             $depth = strlen($matches[0]);
             $name = substr($name, $depth);
             $current_parents = isset($last_parents[$depth - 1]) ? array($last_parents[$depth - 1]->id()) : 0;
         } elseif (preg_match('/^\\"(-){1,}.*\\"/', $name, $matches)) {
             $name = substr($name, 1, -1);
             $depth = 0;
             $current_parents = $parents;
         } else {
             $depth = 0;
             $current_parents = $parents;
         // Truncate long string names that will cause database exceptions.
         if (strlen($name) > 255) {
             $term_names_too_long[] = $name;
             $name = substr($name, 0, 255);
         $filter_formats = filter_formats();
         $format = array_pop($filter_formats);
         $values = ['name' => $name, 'format' => $format->id(), 'vid' => $vid, 'langcode' => LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED];
         if (!empty($current_parents)) {
             foreach ($current_parents as $p) {
                 $values['parent'][] = array('target_id' => $p);
         $term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->create($values);
         $new_terms[] = $term;
         $last_parents[$depth] = $term;
     return $new_terms;
예제 #13
   * Creates and saves a new term with in vocabulary $vid.
   * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary $vocabulary
   *   The vocabulary object.
   * @param array $values
   *   (optional) An array of values to set, keyed by property name. If the
   *   entity type has bundles, the bundle key has to be specified.
   * @return \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term
   *   The new taxonomy term object.
  private function createTerm(Vocabulary $vocabulary, $values = array()) {
    $filter_formats = filter_formats();
    $format = array_pop($filter_formats);

    $termStorage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term');
    $term = $termStorage->create($values + array(
        'name' => $this->randomMachineName(),
        'description' => array(
          'value' => $this->randomMachineName(),
          // Use the first available text format.
          'format' => $format->id(),
        'vid' => $vocabulary->id(),
        'langcode' => LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED,
    return $term;
예제 #14
  * @param $contentTypes
  * @param $limit
  * @param $titleWords
  * @param $timeRange
  * @return array
 public function createTerm($vocabularies, $limit, $nameWords)
     $terms = [];
     $values = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
         $vocabulary = Vocabulary::load($vocabularies[array_rand($vocabularies)]);
         $filter_formats = filter_formats();
         $format = array_pop($filter_formats);
         $term = entity_create('taxonomy_term', $values + array('name' => $this->getRandom()->sentences(mt_rand(1, $nameWords), true), 'description' => array('value' => $this->getRandom()->sentences(), 'format' => $format->id()), 'vid' => $vocabulary->id(), 'langcode' => LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED));
         try {
             $terms['success'][] = ['tid' => $term->id(), 'vocabulary' => $vocabulary->get('name'), 'name' => $term->getName()];
         } catch (\Exception $error) {
             $terms['error'][] = ['vocabulary' => $vocabularies[$vocabulary], 'name' => $term->getName(), 'error' => $error->getMessage()];
     return $terms;
예제 #15
  * Overrides Drupal\configuration\Config\Configuration::alterDependencies().
 public static function alterDependencies(Configuration $config)
     if ($config->getComponent() == 'permission') {
         // Generate permissions for each text format. Warn the administrator that any
         // of them are potentially unsafe.
         foreach (filter_formats() as $format) {
             $permission = filter_permission_name($format);
             if (!empty($permission)) {
                 $data = $config->getData();
                 if ($permission == $data['permission']) {
                     $text_format = ConfigurationManagement::createConfigurationInstance('text_format.' . $format->format);
예제 #16
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function form(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $medium_editor = $this->getEntity();
     // Check duplication
     if ($this->getOperation() === 'duplicate') {
         $medium_editor = $medium_editor->createDuplicate();
         $medium_editor->set('label', $this->t('Duplicate of !label', array('!label' => $medium_editor->label())));
     // Label
     $form['label'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Name'), '#default_value' => $medium_editor->label(), '#maxlength' => 64, '#required' => TRUE);
     // Id
     $form['id'] = array('#type' => 'machine_name', '#machine_name' => array('exists' => array(get_class($medium_editor), 'load'), 'source' => array('label')), '#default_value' => $medium_editor->id(), '#maxlength' => 32, '#required' => TRUE);
     // Description
     $form['description'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Description'), '#default_value' => $medium_editor->get('description'));
     // Delay
     $form['delay'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Delay'), '#default_value' => $medium_editor->get('delay'));
     // Diffleft
     $form['diffleft'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Diffleft'), '#default_value' => $medium_editor->get('diffleft'));
     // Diffright
     $form['difftop'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Difftop'), '#default_value' => $medium_editor->get('difftop'));
     // Settings
     $form['settings'] = array('#tree' => TRUE);
     $widget_libraries = $widget['libraries'];
     $form['settings']['toolbar_config'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => $this->t('Toolbar configuration'), '#attached' => array('library' => $widget_libraries, 'drupalSettings' => array('medium' => array('twSettings' => $widget))));
     $form['settings']['toolbar_config']['toolbar'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Active toolbar'), '#default_value' => implode(', ', $medium_editor->getToolbar()), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('medium-toolbar-input')), '#maxlength' => NULL, '#parents' => array('settings', 'toolbar'));
     // Add demo
     if (!$medium_editor->isNew()) {
         $formats = array();
         foreach (filter_formats(\Drupal::currentUser()) as $format) {
             $formats[] = '<option value="' . String::checkPlain($format->id()) . '">' . String::checkPlain($format->label()) . '</option>';
         $form['demo']['#markup'] = '<div class="form-item form-type-textarea medium-demo"><label>' . $this->t('Demo') . '</label><textarea class="form-textarea" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea><div class="form-item form-type-select filter-wrapper"><span class="label">' . $this->t('Text format') . '</span> <select class="filter-list form-select">' . implode('', $formats) . '</select></div></div>';
         $form['demo']['#weight'] = 1000;
         $form['demo']['#attached']['library'] = $medium_editor->getLibraries();
         $form['demo']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['medium']['demoSettings'] = $medium_editor->getJSSettings();
     // Add admin library
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'medium/drupal.medium.admin';
     // Allow plugins to add their elements
     \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.medium.plugin')->alterEditorForm($form, $form_state, $medium_editor);
     return parent::form($form, $form_state);
예제 #17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function preprocessVariables(Variables $variables, $hook, array $info)
     /** @var \Drupal\filter\FilterFormatInterface $current_format */
     $current_format = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('filter_format');
     $current_format_id = $current_format ? $current_format->id() : FALSE;
     // Create a place holder for the tabs.
     $build['tabs'] = ['#theme' => 'item_list__filter_tips__tabs', '#items' => [], '#attributes' => ['class' => ['nav', 'nav-tabs', 'filter-formats'], 'role' => 'tablist']];
     // Create a placeholder for the panes.
     $build['panes'] = ['#theme_wrappers' => ['container__filter_tips__panes'], '#attributes' => ['class' => ['tab-content']]];
     foreach (filter_formats(\Drupal::currentUser()) as $format_id => $format) {
         // Set the current format ID to the first format.
         if (!$current_format_id) {
             $current_format_id = $format_id;
         $tab = ['#type' => 'link', '#title' => $format->label(), '#url' => Url::fromRoute('filter.tips', ['filter_format' => $format_id]), '#attributes' => ['role' => 'tab', 'data-toggle' => 'tab', 'data-target' => "#{$format_id}"]];
         if ($current_format_id === $format_id) {
             $tab['#wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'active';
         $build['tabs']['#items'][] = $tab;
         $tips = [];
         // Iterate over each format's enabled filters.
         /** @var \Drupal\filter\Plugin\FilterBase $filter */
         foreach ($format->filters() as $name => $filter) {
             // Ignore filters that are not enabled.
             if (!$filter->status) {
             $tip = $filter->tips(TRUE);
             if (isset($tip)) {
                 $tips[] = ['#markup' => $tip];
         // Construct the pane.
         $pane = ['#theme_wrappers' => ['container__filter_tips'], '#attributes' => ['class' => ['tab-pane', 'fade'], 'id' => $format_id], 'list' => ['#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $tips]];
         if ($current_format_id === $format_id) {
             $pane['#attributes']['class'][] = 'active';
             $pane['#attributes']['class'][] = 'in';
         $build['panes'][] = $pane;
     $variables['tips'] = $build;
예제 #18
파일: Editor.php 프로젝트: ddrozdik/dmaps
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getAttachments()
     $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
     $user_format_ids = array_keys(filter_formats($user));
     $manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.editor');
     $definitions = $manager->getDefinitions();
     // Filter the current user's formats to those that support inline editing.
     $formats = array();
     foreach ($user_format_ids as $format_id) {
         if ($editor = editor_load($format_id)) {
             $editor_id = $editor->getEditor();
             if (isset($definitions[$editor_id]['supports_inline_editing']) && $definitions[$editor_id]['supports_inline_editing'] === TRUE) {
                 $formats[] = $format_id;
     // Get the attachments for all text editors that the user might use.
     $attachments = $manager->getAttachments($formats);
     // Also include editor.module's formatted text editor.
     $attachments['library'][] = 'editor/quickedit.inPlaceEditor.formattedText';
     return $attachments;
예제 #19
 public function generateValues($object, $instance, $plugin_definition, $form_display_options)
     $object_field = array();
     $settings = $instance->getSettings();
     if (!empty($settings['text_processing'])) {
         $formats = filter_formats();
         $format = array_rand($formats);
     } else {
         $format = filter_fallback_format();
     if (empty($settings['max_length'])) {
         // Textarea handling
         $object_field['value'] = DevelGenerateBase::createContent($format);
         if ($form_display_options['type'] == 'text_textarea_with_summary' && !empty($settings['display_summary'])) {
             $object_field['summary'] = DevelGenerateBase::createContent($format);
     } else {
         // Textfield handling.
         $object_field['value'] = substr(DevelGenerateBase::createGreeking(mt_rand(1, $settings['max_length'] / 6), FALSE), 0, $settings['max_length']);
     $object_field['format'] = $format;
     return $object_field;
예제 #20
  * Creates a taxonomy term with specified name and other properties.
  * @param array $properties
  *   Array of properties and field values to set.
  * @return \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface
  *   The created taxonomy term.
 protected function createTermWithProperties($properties)
     // Use the first available text format.
     $filter_formats = filter_formats();
     $format = array_pop($filter_formats);
     $properties += array('name' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'description' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'langcode' => LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED, 'field_foo' => $this->randomMachineName());
     $term = Term::create(['name' => $properties['name'], 'description' => $properties['description'], 'format' => $format->id(), 'vid' => $this->vocabulary->id(), 'langcode' => $properties['langcode']]);
     $term->field_foo->value = $properties['field_foo'];
     return $term;
예제 #21
  * Helper function for testTextfieldWidgetsFormatted().
 function _testTextfieldWidgetsFormatted($field_type, $widget_type)
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
     $renderer = $this->container->get('renderer');
     // Create a field.
     $field_name = Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
     $field_storage = entity_create('field_storage_config', array('field_name' => $field_name, 'entity_type' => 'entity_test', 'type' => $field_type));
     entity_create('field_config', array('field_storage' => $field_storage, 'bundle' => 'entity_test', 'label' => $this->randomMachineName() . '_label'))->save();
     entity_get_form_display('entity_test', 'entity_test', 'default')->setComponent($field_name, array('type' => $widget_type))->save();
     entity_get_display('entity_test', 'entity_test', 'full')->setComponent($field_name)->save();
     // Disable all text formats besides the plain text fallback format.
     foreach (filter_formats() as $format) {
         if (!$format->isFallbackFormat()) {
             $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/content/formats/manage/' . $format->id() . '/disable', array(), t('Disable'));
     // Display the creation form. Since the user only has access to one format,
     // no format selector will be displayed.
     $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][value]", '', 'Widget is displayed');
     $this->assertNoFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][format]", '', 'Format selector is not displayed');
     // Submit with data that should be filtered.
     $value = '<em>' . $this->randomMachineName() . '</em>';
     $edit = array("{$field_name}[0][value]" => $value);
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     preg_match('|entity_test/manage/(\\d+)|', $this->url, $match);
     $id = $match[1];
     $this->assertText(t('entity_test @id has been created.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was created');
     // Display the entity.
     $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $id);
     $display = entity_get_display($entity->getEntityTypeId(), $entity->bundle(), 'full');
     $content = $display->build($entity);
     $this->assertNoRaw($value, 'HTML tags are not displayed.');
     $this->assertEscaped($value, 'Escaped HTML is displayed correctly.');
     // Create a new text format that does not escape HTML, and grant the user
     // access to it.
     $edit = array('format' => Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName()), 'name' => $this->randomMachineName());
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/content/formats/add', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
     $format = entity_load('filter_format', $edit['format']);
     $format_id = $format->id();
     $permission = $format->getPermissionName();
     $roles = $this->webUser->getRoles();
     $rid = $roles[0];
     user_role_grant_permissions($rid, array($permission));
     // Display edition form.
     // We should now have a 'text format' selector.
     $this->drupalGet('entity_test/manage/' . $id . '/edit');
     $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][value]", NULL, 'Widget is displayed');
     $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[0][format]", NULL, 'Format selector is displayed');
     // Edit and change the text format to the new one that was created.
     $edit = array("{$field_name}[0][format]" => $format_id);
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertText(t('entity_test @id has been updated.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was updated');
     // Display the entity.
     $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $id);
     $display = entity_get_display($entity->getEntityTypeId(), $entity->bundle(), 'full');
     $content = $display->build($entity);
     $this->assertRaw($value, 'Value is displayed unfiltered');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $config = $this->config('mimemail.settings');
     $form = array();
     $form['mimemail']['name'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Sender name'), '#default_value' => $config->get('name') ? $config->get('name') : \Drupal::config('system.site')->get('name'), '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => 128, '#description' => t('The name that all site emails will be from when using default engine.'));
     $form['mimemail']['mail'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Sender e-mail address'), '#default_value' => $config->get('mail') ? $config->get('mail') : \Drupal::config('system.site')->get('mail'), '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => 128, '#description' => t('The email address that all site e-mails will be from when using default engine.'));
     // Get a list of all formats.
     $formats = filter_formats();
     $format_options = array();
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
         $format_options[$format->get('format')] = $format->get('name');
     $form['mimemail']['format'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('E-mail format'), '#default_value' => $this->config('mimemail.settings')->get('format'), '#options' => $format_options, '#access' => count($formats) > 1, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('filter-list')));
     // Check for the existence of a mail.css file in the default theme folder.
     /*$theme = variable_get('theme_default', NULL);
         $mailstyle = drupal_get_path('theme', $theme) . '/mail.css';
         // Disable site style sheets including option if found.
         if (is_file($mailstyle)) {
           variable_set('mimemail_sitestyle', 0);
           $disable_sitestyle = TRUE;
         else {
           $disable_sitestyle = FALSE;
         $form = array();
         $form['mimemail']['mimemail_name'] = array(
           '#type'          => 'textfield',
           '#title'         => t('Sender name'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_name', variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal')),
           '#size'          => 60,
           '#maxlength'     => 128,
           '#description'   => t('The name that all site emails will be from when using default engine.'),
         $form['mimemail']['mimemail_mail'] = array(
           '#type'          => 'textfield',
           '#title'         => t('Sender e-mail address'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_mail', variable_get('site_mail', ini_get('sendmail_from'))),
           '#size'          => 60,
           '#maxlength'     => 128,
           '#description'   => t('The email address that all site e-mails will be from when using default engine.'),
         $form['mimemail']['mimemail_simple_address'] = array(
           '#type'          => 'checkbox',
           '#title'         => t('Use simple address format'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_simple_address', FALSE),
           '#description' => t('Use the simple format of user@example.com for all recipient email addresses.'),
         $form['mimemail']['mimemail_sitestyle'] = array(
           '#type'          => 'checkbox',
           '#title'         => t('Include site style sheets'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_sitestyle', TRUE),
           '#description'   => t('Gather all style sheets when no mail.css found in the default theme directory.'),
           '#disabled'      => $disable_sitestyle,
         $form['mimemail']['mimemail_textonly'] = array(
           '#type' => 'checkbox',
           '#title' => t('Send plain text email only'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_textonly', FALSE),
           '#description' => t('This option disables the use of email messages with graphics and styles. All messages will be converted to plain text.'),
         $form['mimemail']['mimemail_linkonly'] = array(
           '#type'          => 'checkbox',
           '#title'         => t('Link images only'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_linkonly', 0),
           '#description'   => t('This option disables the embedding of images. All image will be available as external content. This can make email messages much smaller.'),
         if (module_exists('mimemail_compress')) {
           $form['mimemail']['mimemail_preserve_class'] = array(
             '#type' => 'checkbox',
             '#title' => t('Preserve class attributes'),
             '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_preserve_class', 0),
             '#description' => t('This option disables the removing of class attributes from the message source. Useful for debugging the style of the message.'),
         // Get a list of all formats.
         $formats = filter_formats();
         foreach ($formats as $format) {
           $format_options[$format->format] = $format->name;
         $form['mimemail']['mimemail_format'] = array(
           '#type' => 'select',
           '#title' => t('E-mail format'),
           '#options' => $format_options,
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_format', filter_fallback_format()),
           '#access' => count($formats) > 1,
           '#attributes' => array('class' => array('filter-list')),
         $form['mimemail']['advanced'] = array(
           '#type' => 'fieldset',
           '#title' => t('Advanced settings'),
           '#collapsible' => TRUE,
           '#collapsed' => TRUE,
         $form['mimemail']['advanced']['mimemail_incoming'] = array(
           '#type' => 'checkbox',
           '#title' => t('Process incoming messages posted to this site'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_incoming', FALSE),
           '#description' => t('This is an advanced setting that should not be enabled unless you know what you are doing.'),
         $form['mimemail']['advanced']['mimemail_key'] = array(
           '#type' => 'textfield',
           '#title' => t('Message validation string'),
           '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_key', drupal_random_key()),
           '#required' => TRUE,
           '#description' => t('This string will be used to validate incoming messages. It can be anything, but must be used on both sides of the transfer.'),
         // Get the available mail engines.
         $engines = mimemail_get_engines();
         foreach ($engines as $module => $engine) {
           $engine_options[$module] = $engine['name'] . ': ' . $engine['description'];
         // Hide the settings if only 1 engine is available.
         if (count($engines) == 1) {
           variable_set('mimemail_engine', key($engines));
           $form['mimemail']['mimemail_engine'] = array(
             '#type' => 'hidden',
             '#value' => variable_get('mimemail_engine', 'mimemail'),
         else {
           $form['mimemail']['mimemail_engine'] = array(
             '#type' => 'select',
             '#title' => t('E-mail engine'),
             '#default_value' => variable_get('mimemail_engine', 'mimemail'),
             '#options' => $engine_options,
             '#description' => t('Choose an engine for sending mails from your site.'),
         if (variable_get('mimemail_engine', 'mail')) {
           $settings = module_invoke(variable_get('mimemail_engine', 'mimemail'), 'mailengine', 'settings');
           if ($settings) {
             $form['mimemail']['engine_settings'] = array(
               '#type' => 'fieldset',
               '#title' => t('Engine specific settings'),
             foreach ($settings as $name => $value) {
               $form['mimemail']['engine_settings'][$name] = $value;
         else {
           drupal_set_message(t('Please choose a mail engine.'), 'error');
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
예제 #23
 * Loads the format declared in the config file
function loadFormat()
    global $mniblogpub_props;
    $format = null;
    if ($mniblogpub_props["mniblogpub.php"]["format.name"]) {
        $formats = filter_formats();
        foreach ($formats as $f) {
            if ($f->name == $mniblogpub_props["mniblogpub.php"]["format.name"]) {
                $format = $f->format;
    return $format;
예제 #24
  * Tests editing a page using a disallowed text format.
  * Verifies that regular users and administrators are able to edit a page, but
  * not allowed to change the fields which use an inaccessible text format.
  * Also verifies that fields which use a text format that does not exist can
  * be edited by administrators only, but that the administrator is forced to
  * choose a new format before saving the page.
 function testFormatWidgetPermissions()
     $body_value_key = 'body[0][value]';
     $body_format_key = 'body[0][format]';
     // Create node to edit.
     $edit = array();
     $edit['title[0][value]'] = $this->randomMachineName(8);
     $edit[$body_value_key] = $this->randomMachineName(16);
     $edit[$body_format_key] = $this->disallowedFormat->id();
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/add/page', $edit, t('Save'));
     $node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($edit['title[0][value]']);
     // Try to edit with a less privileged user.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     // Verify that body field is read-only and contains replacement value.
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//textarea[@name='{$body_value_key}' and @disabled='disabled']", t('This field has been disabled because you do not have sufficient permissions to edit it.'), 'Text format access denied message found.');
     // Verify that title can be changed, but preview displays original body.
     $new_edit = array();
     $new_edit['title[0][value]'] = $this->randomMachineName(8);
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $new_edit, t('Preview'));
     $this->assertText($edit[$body_value_key], 'Old body found in preview.');
     // Save and verify that only the title was changed.
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $new_edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertNoText($edit['title[0][value]'], 'Old title not found.');
     $this->assertText($new_edit['title[0][value]'], 'New title found.');
     $this->assertText($edit[$body_value_key], 'Old body found.');
     // Check that even an administrator with "administer filters" permission
     // cannot edit the body field if they do not have specific permission to
     // use its stored format. (This must be disallowed so that the
     // administrator is never forced to switch the text format to something
     // else.)
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit');
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//textarea[@name='{$body_value_key}' and @disabled='disabled']", t('This field has been disabled because you do not have sufficient permissions to edit it.'), 'Text format access denied message found.');
     // Disable the text format used above.
     // Log back in as the less privileged user and verify that the body field
     // is still disabled, since the less privileged user should not be able to
     // edit content that does not have an assigned format.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit');
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//textarea[@name='{$body_value_key}' and @disabled='disabled']", t('This field has been disabled because you do not have sufficient permissions to edit it.'), 'Text format access denied message found.');
     // Log back in as the filter administrator and verify that the body field
     // can be edited.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit');
     $this->assertNoFieldByXPath("//textarea[@name='{$body_value_key}' and @disabled='disabled']", NULL, 'Text format access denied message not found.');
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//select[@name='{$body_format_key}']", NULL, 'Text format selector found.');
     // Verify that trying to save the node without selecting a new text format
     // produces an error message, and does not result in the node being saved.
     $old_title = $new_edit['title[0][value]'];
     $new_title = $this->randomMachineName(8);
     $edit = array();
     $edit['title[0][value]'] = $new_title;
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertText(t('@name field is required.', array('@name' => t('Text format'))), 'Error message is displayed.');
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertText($old_title, 'Old title found.');
     $this->assertNoText($new_title, 'New title not found.');
     // Now select a new text format and make sure the node can be saved.
     $edit[$body_format_key] = filter_fallback_format();
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertUrl('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertText($new_title, 'New title found.');
     $this->assertNoText($old_title, 'Old title not found.');
     // Switch the text format to a new one, then disable that format and all
     // other formats on the site (leaving only the fallback format).
     $edit = array($body_format_key => $this->allowedFormat->id());
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertUrl('node/' . $node->id());
     foreach (filter_formats() as $format) {
         if (!$format->isFallbackFormat()) {
     // Since there is now only one available text format, the widget for
     // selecting a text format would normally not display when the content is
     // edited. However, we need to verify that the filter administrator still
     // is forced to make a conscious choice to reassign the text to a different
     // format.
     $old_title = $new_title;
     $new_title = $this->randomMachineName(8);
     $edit = array();
     $edit['title[0][value]'] = $new_title;
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertText(t('@name field is required.', array('@name' => t('Text format'))), 'Error message is displayed.');
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertText($old_title, 'Old title found.');
     $this->assertNoText($new_title, 'New title not found.');
     $edit[$body_format_key] = filter_fallback_format();
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertUrl('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertText($new_title, 'New title found.');
     $this->assertNoText($old_title, 'Old title not found.');
예제 #25
  * Tests breadcrumbs on node and administrative paths.
 function testBreadCrumbs()
     // Prepare common base breadcrumb elements.
     $home = array('' => 'Home');
     $admin = $home + array('admin' => t('Administration'));
     $config = $admin + array('admin/config' => t('Configuration'));
     $type = 'article';
     // Verify Taxonomy administration breadcrumbs.
     $trail = $admin + array('admin/structure' => t('Structure'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/taxonomy', $trail);
     $trail += array('admin/structure/taxonomy' => t('Taxonomy'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags', $trail);
     $trail += array('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags' => t('Tags'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview', $trail);
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/add', $trail);
     // Verify Menu administration breadcrumbs.
     $trail = $admin + array('admin/structure' => t('Structure'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/menu', $trail);
     $trail += array('admin/structure/menu' => t('Menus'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools', $trail);
     $trail += array('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools' => t('Tools'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/structure/menu/link/node.add_page/edit", $trail);
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools/add', $trail);
     // Verify Node administration breadcrumbs.
     $trail = $admin + array('admin/structure' => t('Structure'), 'admin/structure/types' => t('Content types'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/types/add', $trail);
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}", $trail);
     $trail += array("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}" => t('Article'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}/fields", $trail);
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}/display", $trail);
     $trail_teaser = $trail + array("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}/display" => t('Manage display'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}/display/teaser", $trail_teaser);
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}/delete", $trail);
     $trail += array("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}/fields" => t('Manage fields'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/structure/types/manage/{$type}/fields/node.{$type}.body", $trail);
     // Verify Filter text format administration breadcrumbs.
     $filter_formats = filter_formats();
     $format = reset($filter_formats);
     $format_id = $format->id();
     $trail = $config + array('admin/config/content' => t('Content authoring'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/config/content/formats', $trail);
     $trail += array('admin/config/content/formats' => t('Text formats and editors'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/config/content/formats/add', $trail);
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/config/content/formats/manage/{$format_id}", $trail);
     // @todo Remove this part once we have a _title_callback, see
     //   https://www.drupal.org/node/2076085.
     $trail += array("admin/config/content/formats/manage/{$format_id}" => $format->label());
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("admin/config/content/formats/manage/{$format_id}/disable", $trail);
     // Verify node breadcrumbs (without menu link).
     $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode();
     $nid1 = $node1->id();
     $trail = $home;
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("node/{$nid1}", $trail);
     // Also verify that the node does not appear elsewhere (e.g., menu trees).
     // Also verify that the node does not appear elsewhere (e.g., menu trees).
     $trail += array("node/{$nid1}" => $node1->getTitle());
     $this->assertBreadcrumb("node/{$nid1}/edit", $trail);
     // Verify that breadcrumb on node listing page contains "Home" only.
     $trail = array();
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('node', $trail);
     // Verify node breadcrumbs (in menu).
     // Do this separately for Main menu and Tools menu, since only the
     // latter is a preferred menu by default.
     // @todo Also test all themes? Manually testing led to the suspicion that
     //   breadcrumbs may differ, possibly due to theme overrides.
     $menus = array('main', 'tools');
     // Alter node type menu settings.
     $node_type = NodeType::load($type);
     $node_type->setThirdPartySetting('menu_ui', 'available_menus', $menus);
     $node_type->setThirdPartySetting('menu_ui', 'parent', 'tools:');
     foreach ($menus as $menu) {
         // Create a parent node in the current menu.
         $title = $this->randomMachineName();
         $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'menu' => array('enabled' => 1, 'title' => 'Parent ' . $title, 'description' => '', 'menu_name' => $menu, 'parent' => '')));
         if ($menu == 'tools') {
             $parent = $node2;
     // Create a Tools menu link for 'node', move the last parent node menu
     // link below it, and verify a full breadcrumb for the last child node.
     $menu = 'tools';
     $edit = array('title[0][value]' => 'Root', 'link[0][uri]' => '/node');
     $this->drupalPostForm("admin/structure/menu/manage/{$menu}/add", $edit, t('Save'));
     $menu_links = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('menu_link_content', array('title' => 'Root'));
     $link = reset($menu_links);
     $edit = array('menu[menu_parent]' => $link->getMenuName() . ':' . $link->getPluginId());
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $parent->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save and keep published'));
     $expected = array("node" => $link->getTitle());
     $trail = $home + $expected;
     $tree = $expected + array('node/' . $parent->id() => $parent->menu['title']);
     $trail += array('node/' . $parent->id() => $parent->menu['title']);
     // Add a taxonomy term/tag to last node, and add a link for that term to the
     // Tools menu.
     $tags = array('Drupal' => array(), 'Breadcrumbs' => array());
     $edit = array('field_tags[target_id]' => implode(',', array_keys($tags)));
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $parent->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save and keep published'));
     // Put both terms into a hierarchy Drupal » Breadcrumbs. Required for both
     // the menu links and the terms itself, since taxonomy_term_page() resets
     // the breadcrumb based on taxonomy term hierarchy.
     $parent_tid = 0;
     foreach ($tags as $name => $null) {
         $terms = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('taxonomy_term', array('name' => $name));
         $term = reset($terms);
         $tags[$name]['term'] = $term;
         if ($parent_tid) {
             $edit = array('parent[]' => array($parent_tid));
             $this->drupalPostForm("taxonomy/term/{$term->id()}/edit", $edit, t('Save'));
         $parent_tid = $term->id();
     $parent_mlid = '';
     foreach ($tags as $name => $data) {
         $term = $data['term'];
         $edit = array('title[0][value]' => "{$name} link", 'link[0][uri]' => "/taxonomy/term/{$term->id()}", 'menu_parent' => "{$menu}:{$parent_mlid}", 'enabled[value]' => 1);
         $this->drupalPostForm("admin/structure/menu/manage/{$menu}/add", $edit, t('Save'));
         $menu_links = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('menu_link_content', array('title' => $edit['title[0][value]'], 'link.uri' => 'internal:/taxonomy/term/' . $term->id()));
         $tags[$name]['link'] = reset($menu_links);
         $parent_mlid = $tags[$name]['link']->getPluginId();
     // Verify expected breadcrumbs for menu links.
     $trail = $home;
     $tree = array();
     // Logout the user because we want to check the active class as well, which
     // is just rendered as anonymous user.
     foreach ($tags as $name => $data) {
         $term = $data['term'];
         /** @var \Drupal\menu_link_content\MenuLinkContentInterface $link */
         $link = $data['link'];
         $link_path = $link->getUrlObject()->getInternalPath();
         $tree += array($link_path => $link->getTitle());
         $this->assertBreadcrumb($link_path, $trail, $term->getName(), $tree);
         $this->assertEscaped($parent->getTitle(), 'Tagged node found.');
         // Additionally make sure that this link appears only once; i.e., the
         // untranslated menu links automatically generated from menu router items
         // ('taxonomy/term/%') should never be translated and appear in any menu
         // other than the breadcrumb trail.
         $elements = $this->xpath('//nav[@id=:menu]/descendant::a[@href=:href]', array(':menu' => 'block-bartik-tools', ':href' => Url::fromUri('base:' . $link_path)->toString()));
         $this->assertTrue(count($elements) == 1, "Link to {$link_path} appears only once.");
         // Next iteration should expect this tag as parent link.
         // Note: Term name, not link name, due to taxonomy_term_page().
         $trail += array($link_path => $term->getName());
     // Verify breadcrumbs on user and user/%.
     // We need to log back in and out below, and cannot simply grant the
     // 'administer users' permission, since user_page() makes your head explode.
     user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, array('access user profiles'));
     // Verify breadcrumb on front page.
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('<front>', array());
     // Verify breadcrumb on user pages (without menu link) for anonymous user.
     $trail = $home;
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user', $trail, t('Log in'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user/' . $this->adminUser->id(), $trail, $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     // Verify breadcrumb on user pages (without menu link) for registered users.
     $trail = $home;
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user', $trail, $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user/' . $this->adminUser->id(), $trail, $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     $trail += array('user/' . $this->adminUser->id() => $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit', $trail, $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     // Create a second user to verify breadcrumb on user pages again.
     $this->webUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer users', 'access user profiles'));
     // Verify correct breadcrumb and page title on another user's account pages.
     $trail = $home;
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user/' . $this->adminUser->id(), $trail, $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     $trail += array('user/' . $this->adminUser->id() => $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit', $trail, $this->adminUser->getUsername());
     // Verify correct breadcrumb and page title when viewing own user account.
     $trail = $home;
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user/' . $this->webUser->id(), $trail, $this->webUser->getUsername());
     $trail += array('user/' . $this->webUser->id() => $this->webUser->getUsername());
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('user/' . $this->webUser->id() . '/edit', $trail, $this->webUser->getUsername());
     // Create an only slightly privileged user being able to access site reports
     // but not administration pages.
     $this->webUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access site reports'));
     // Verify that we can access recent log entries, there is a corresponding
     // page title, and that the breadcrumb is just the Home link (because the
     // user is not able to access "Administer".
     $trail = $home;
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin', $trail, t('Access denied'));
     // Since the 'admin' path is not accessible, we still expect only the Home
     // link.
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/reports', $trail, t('Reports'));
     // Since the Reports page is accessible, that will show.
     $trail += array('admin/reports' => t('Reports'));
     $this->assertBreadcrumb('admin/reports/dblog', $trail, t('Recent log messages'));
     // Ensure that the breadcrumb is safe against XSS.
예제 #26
 * Define custom prepare_translation behavior for this module's field types.
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The type of $entity.
 * @param $entity
 *   The entity for the operation.
 * @param $field
 *   The field structure for the operation.
 * @param $instance
 *   The instance structure for $field on $entity's bundle.
 * @param $langcode
 *   The language associated to $items.
 * @param $items
 *   $entity->{$field['field_name']}[$langcode], or an empty array if unset.
 * @param $source_entity
 *   The source entity from which field values are being copied.
 * @param $source_langcode
 *   The source language from which field values are being copied.
function hook_field_prepare_translation($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, &$items, $source_entity, $source_langcode)
    // If the translating user is not permitted to use the assigned text format,
    // we must not expose the source values.
    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
    $formats = filter_formats();
    $format_id = $source_entity->{$field_name}[$source_langcode][0]['format'];
    if (!filter_access($formats[$format_id])) {
        $items = array();
  * Creates and returns a taxonomy term.
  * @param array $settings
  *   (optional) An array of values to override the following default
  *   properties of the term:
  *   - name: A random string.
  *   - description: A random string.
  *   - format: First available text format.
  *   - vid: Vocabulary ID of self::$vocabulary object.
  *   - langcode: LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED.
  *   Defaults to an empty array.
  * @return \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term
  *   The created taxonomy term.
 protected function createTerm(array $settings = [])
     $filter_formats = filter_formats();
     $format = array_pop($filter_formats);
     $settings += ['name' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'description' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'format' => $format->id(), 'vid' => $this->vocabulary->id(), 'langcode' => LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED];
     $term = Term::create($settings);
     return $term;
예제 #28
  * Expands an element into a base element with text format selector attached.
  * The form element will be expanded into two separate form elements, one
  * holding the original element, and the other holding the text format
  * selector:
  * - value: Holds the original element, having its #type changed to the value
  *   of #base_type or 'textarea' by default.
  * - format: Holds the text format details and the text format selection,
  *   using the text format ID specified in #format or the user's default
  *   format by default, if NULL.
  * The resulting value for the element will be an array holding the value and
  * the format. For example, the value for the body element will be:
  * @code
  *   $values = $form_state->getValue('body');
  *   $values['value'] = 'foo';
  *   $values['format'] = 'foo';
  * @endcode
  * @param array $element
  *   The form element to process. See main class documentation for properties.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
  *   The current state of the form.
  * @param array $complete_form
  *   The complete form structure.
  * @return array
  *   The form element.
 public static function processFormat(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form)
     $user = static::currentUser();
     // Ensure that children appear as subkeys of this element.
     $element['#tree'] = TRUE;
     $blacklist = array('#parents', '#id', '#name', '#process', '#pre_render', '#description', '#weight', '#prefix', '#suffix', '#attached', '#processed', '#theme_wrappers');
     // Move this element into sub-element 'value'.
     foreach (Element::properties($element) as $key) {
         if (!in_array($key, $blacklist)) {
             $element['value'][$key] = $element[$key];
     $element['value']['#type'] = $element['#base_type'];
     $element['value'] += static::elementInfo()->getInfo($element['#base_type']);
     // Make sure the #default_value key is set, so we can use it below.
     $element['value'] += array('#default_value' => '');
     // Turn original element into a text format wrapper.
     $element['#attached']['library'][] = 'filter/drupal.filter';
     // Setup child container for the text format widget.
     $element['format'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('filter-wrapper')));
     // Get a list of formats that the current user has access to.
     $formats = filter_formats($user);
     // Allow the list of formats to be restricted.
     if (isset($element['#allowed_formats'])) {
         // We do not add the fallback format here to allow the use-case of forcing
         // certain text formats to be used for certain text areas. In case the
         // fallback format is supposed to be allowed as well, it must be added to
         // $element['#allowed_formats'] explicitly.
         $formats = array_intersect_key($formats, array_flip($element['#allowed_formats']));
     if (!isset($element['#format']) && !empty($formats)) {
         // If no text format was selected, use the allowed format with the highest
         // weight. This is equivalent to calling filter_default_format().
         $element['#format'] = reset($formats)->id();
     // If #allowed_formats is set, the list of formats must not be modified in
     // any way. Otherwise, however, if all of the following conditions are true,
     // remove the fallback format from the list of formats:
     // 1. The 'always_show_fallback_choice' filter setting has not been activated.
     // 2. Multiple text formats are available.
     // 3. The fallback format is not the default format.
     // The 'always_show_fallback_choice' filter setting is a hidden setting that
     // has no UI. It defaults to FALSE.
     $config = static::configFactory()->get('filter.settings');
     if (!isset($element['#allowed_formats']) && !$config->get('always_show_fallback_choice')) {
         $fallback_format = $config->get('fallback_format');
         if ($element['#format'] !== $fallback_format && count($formats) > 1) {
     // Prepare text format guidelines.
     $element['format']['guidelines'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('filter-guidelines')), '#weight' => 20);
     $options = array();
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
         $options[$format->id()] = $format->label();
         $element['format']['guidelines'][$format->id()] = array('#theme' => 'filter_guidelines', '#format' => $format);
     $element['format']['format'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Text format'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $element['#format'], '#access' => count($formats) > 1, '#weight' => 10, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('filter-list')), '#parents' => array_merge($element['#parents'], array('format')));
     $element['format']['help'] = ['#type' => 'container', 'about' => ['#type' => 'link', '#title' => t('About text formats'), '#url' => new Url('filter.tips_all'), '#attributes' => ['target' => '_blank']], '#attributes' => ['class' => ['filter-help']], '#weight' => 0];
     $all_formats = filter_formats();
     $format_exists = isset($all_formats[$element['#format']]);
     $format_allowed = !isset($element['#allowed_formats']) || in_array($element['#format'], $element['#allowed_formats']);
     $user_has_access = isset($formats[$element['#format']]);
     $user_is_admin = $user->hasPermission('administer filters');
     // If the stored format does not exist or if it is not among the allowed
     // formats for this textarea, administrators have to assign a new format.
     if ((!$format_exists || !$format_allowed) && $user_is_admin) {
         $element['format']['format']['#required'] = TRUE;
         $element['format']['format']['#default_value'] = NULL;
         // Force access to the format selector (it may have been denied above if
         // the user only has access to a single format).
         $element['format']['format']['#access'] = TRUE;
     } elseif (!$user_has_access || !$format_exists) {
         // Overload default values into #value to make them unalterable.
         $element['value']['#value'] = $element['value']['#default_value'];
         $element['format']['format']['#value'] = $element['format']['format']['#default_value'];
         // Prepend #pre_render callback to replace field value with user notice
         // prior to rendering.
         $element['value'] += array('#pre_render' => array());
         array_unshift($element['value']['#pre_render'], 'filter_form_access_denied');
         // Cosmetic adjustments.
         if (isset($element['value']['#rows'])) {
             $element['value']['#rows'] = 3;
         $element['value']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
         $element['value']['#resizable'] = 'none';
         // Hide the text format selector and any other child element (such as text
         // field's summary).
         foreach (Element::children($element) as $key) {
             if ($key != 'value') {
                 $element[$key]['#access'] = FALSE;
     return $element;
예제 #29
  * Returns a string or an array of randomly generated textfield values.
  * @param int $num
  *   Number of values to return.
  * @param bool $generate_format
  *   Whether to generate the format of the textfield.
  * @param int $max_length
  *   Maximum length of the text field.
  * @return string|array
  *   A string if only one value was to be returned, an array of strings
  *   otherwise.
 protected static function generateValues($num, $generate_format = FALSE, $generate_summary = FALSE, $max_length = 100, $newline = TRUE)
     $filter_formats = array();
     if ($generate_format) {
         global $user;
         $filter_formats = array_keys(filter_formats($user));
     $values = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
         $values[$i]['value'] = Utils::getRandomText($max_length);
         if (!$newline) {
             $values[$i]['value'] = str_replace(PHP_EOL, " ", $values[$i]['value']);
         if ($generate_format) {
             $values[$i]['format'] = $filter_formats[array_rand($filter_formats)];
         if ($generate_summary) {
             $values[$i]['summary'] = Utils::getRandomText($max_length);
     return Utils::normalize($values);
예제 #30
  * Function to build the form
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function buildQuickForm()
     $wysiwyg_options = array('' => ts('Textarea')) + CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('wysiwyg_editor');
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $extra = array();
     //if not using Joomla, remove Joomla default editor option
     if ($config->userFramework != 'Joomla') {
     $drupal_wysiwyg = FALSE;
     if (!$config->userSystem->is_drupal || !module_exists("wysiwyg")) {
     } else {
         $extra['onchange'] = '
   if (this.value==4) {
   else {
         $formats = filter_formats();
         $format_options = array();
         foreach ($formats as $id => $format) {
             $format_options[$id] = $format->name;
         $drupal_wysiwyg = TRUE;
     $this->addElement('select', 'editor_id', ts('WYSIWYG Editor'), $wysiwyg_options, $extra);
     if ($drupal_wysiwyg) {
         $this->addElement('select', 'wysiwyg_input_format', ts('Input Format'), $format_options, NULL);
     $editOptions = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('contact_edit_options', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'AND v.filter = 0');
     $this->assign('editOptions', $editOptions);
     $contactBlocks = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('contact_edit_options', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'AND v.filter = 1');
     $this->assign('contactBlocks', $contactBlocks);
     $nameFields = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('contact_edit_options', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'AND v.filter = 2');
     $this->assign('nameFields', $nameFields);
     $this->addElement('hidden', 'contact_edit_preferences', NULL, array('id' => 'contact_edit_preferences'));