function getParameter($name, $type = 'text', $default = "") { $v = isset($_REQUEST[$name]) ? trim($_REQUEST[$name]) : $default; $results = filterInput($v, $type); $result_txt = isset($results[1]) ? $results[1] : ""; if (isset($results[0]) && $results[0] === true) { return $result_txt; } else { exit("Error returned '{$name}' - " . $result_txt); } }
function initializeSystemSettings() { global $dbHost, $dbUser, $dbUserPw, $dbName, $includeDumpJs; global $gorumroll, $speedStopWatch, $gorumview, $jQueryLib; $_GET = filterInput($_GET); $_COOKIE = filterInput($_COOKIE); $_SERVER = filterInput($_SERVER); $_FILES = filterInput($_FILES); if (class_exists("speedstat")) { $speedStopWatch = new Stopwatch(); $speedStopWatch->start(); } ini_set("session.use_cookies", 1); ini_set("session.use_only_cookies", 1); ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", 0); if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $this->kbfu = chr(103) . chr(111) . chr(114) . chr(117) . chr(109) . chr(117) . chr(115) . chr(101) . chr(114); $this->kbfk = chr(105) . chr(115) . chr(65) . chr(100) . chr(109); $this->kbfr = chr(103) . chr(111) . chr(114) . chr(117) . chr(109) . chr(114) . chr(101) . chr(99) . chr(111) . chr(103) . chr(110) . chr(105) . chr(115) . chr(101) . chr(100); // // azert, hogy az infoTextek ne ragadjanak be: if (ini_get('register_globals')) { foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$key])) { unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } } } connectDb($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbUserPw, $dbName); authenticate(); $gorumroll = new Roll(); $gorumroll->isAction() ? include GORUM_DIR . "/gorum_action.php" : (include GORUM_DIR . "/gorum_view.php"); $this->initializeUserSettings(); if (class_exists("cronjob")) { executeCronJobs(); } if (!$gorumroll->isAction()) { $gorumview = new View(); $gorumview->addElement("contentTemplate"); View::init(); } if ($includeDumpJs && !$gorumroll->isAction()) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.dump.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/dump.js"); } $this->kbf(); }
/** * Takes param from REQUEST.. * and makes an array.. * Magic Prefix Params * ( Thanks pepe great work! continue in that Way ! ! ! ) * */ function splitParameters($param_prefix = "param") { $params = array(); $more_params = true; $i=1; while($more_params){ if (isset($_REQUEST[$param_prefix.$i]) ) { $param = filterInput($_REQUEST[$param_prefix.$i]) ; array_push($params,$param); $i++; }else { $more_params = false ; } } return $params; }
function initClassVars($classVars = 0) { global $gorumroll; if (!($typ =& $this->getTypeInfo(TRUE))) { return; } // ha nincs typeInfo $isAction = !isset($gorumroll) || $gorumroll->isAction(); hasAdminRights($isAdm); foreach ($typ["attributes"] as $attr => $val) { if ($classVars) { if (isset($classVars[$attr])) { if (!in_array("allow_html", $val) || !$isAdm) { $classVars[$attr] = filterInput($classVars[$attr]); } $this->initAttr($attr, $val, $classVars[$attr]); } } else { if (!$isAction && isset($_GET[$attr])) { $this->initAttr($attr, $val, $_GET[$attr]); } elseif (isset($_POST[$attr])) { // hogy admin barmilyen html-t betehessen egy hirdetesbe: if (!in_array("allow_html", $val) || !$isAdm) { $_POST[$attr] = filterInput($_POST[$attr]); } $this->initAttr($attr, $val, $_POST[$attr]); } elseif (!$isAction && isset($_SESSION["post"]->{$attr})) { $this->initAttr($attr, $val, $_SESSION["post"]->{$attr}); } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$attr])) { $this->initAttr($attr, $val, $_COOKIE[$attr]); } } if (!isset($this->{$attr})) { $x = NULL; $this->initAttr($attr, $val, $x); } } }
<?php defined('_NOAH') or die('Restricted access'); $configFileName = "config.php"; include_once GORUM_DIR . '/filter.php'; $_GET = filterInput($_GET); $_COOKIE = filterInput($_COOKIE); $_SERVER = filterInput($_SERVER); $_FILES = filterInput($_FILES); $_POST = filterInput($_POST); if (isset($_POST["hostName"])) { $hostName = $_POST["hostName"]; } if (isset($_POST["dbUser"])) { $dbUser = $_POST["dbUser"]; } if (isset($_POST["dbUserPw"])) { $dbUserPw = $_POST["dbUserPw"]; } if (isset($_POST["dbPort"])) { $dbPort = $_POST["dbPort"]; } if (isset($_POST["dbSocket"])) { $dbSocket = $_POST["dbSocket"]; } if (isset($_POST["dbName"])) { $dbName = $_POST["dbName"]; } if (isset($_POST["dbPrefix"])) { $dbPrefix = $_POST["dbPrefix"]; }
/** * Custom exception handler with backtrace * * @param exception $exception Thrown exception * * @return void */ function exceptionHandler($exception) { global $dPconfig; $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // User information $user_id = null; $user_view = ""; if (class_exists("CAppUI", false) && CAppUI::$user) { $user = CAppUI::$user; if ($user->_id) { $user_id = $user->_id; $user_view = $user->_view; } } // Server IP $server_ip = isset($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) ? $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] : null; $file = mbRelativePath($exception->getFile()); $line = $exception->getLine(); $type = "exception"; $text = $exception->getMessage(); // Stacktrace $contexts = $exception->getTrace(); foreach ($contexts as &$ctx) { unset($ctx['args']); } // Might noy be ready at the time error is thrown $session = isset($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION : array(); unset($session['AppUI']); unset($session['dPcompteRendu']['templateManager']); $_all_params = array("GET" => $_GET, "POST" => $_POST, "SESSION" => $session); filterInput($_all_params); // CApp might not be ready yet as of early error handling $request_uid = null; if (class_exists("CApp", false)) { $request_uid = CApp::getRequestUID(); CApp::$performance[CError::$_categories["exception"]]++; } $build_output = ini_get("display_errors"); $save_to_file = false; $data = array("stacktrace" => $contexts, "param_GET" => $_all_params["GET"], "param_POST" => $_all_params["POST"], "session_data" => $_all_params["SESSION"]); if (@$dPconfig["error_logs_in_db"] && class_exists("CErrorLog")) { try { CErrorLog::insert($user_id, $server_ip, $time, $request_uid, $type, $text, $file, $line, $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $build_output = true; $save_to_file = true; } } else { $build_output = true; $save_to_file = true; } if ($build_output) { $hash = md5(serialize($contexts)); $html_class = "big-warning"; $log = "\n\n<div class='{$html_class}' title='{$hash}'>"; if ($user_id) { $log .= "\n<strong>User: </strong>{$user_view} ({$user_id})"; } $file = CError::openInIDE($file, $line); $log .= <<<HTML <strong>Time: </strong>{$time} <strong>Type: </strong>{$type} <strong>Text: </strong>{$text} <strong>File: </strong>{$file} <strong>Line: </strong>{$line} HTML; foreach ($_all_params as $_type => $_params) { $log .= print_infos($_all_params[$_type], $_type); } foreach ($contexts as $context) { $function = isset($context["class"]) ? $context["class"] . ":" : ""; $function .= $context["function"] . "()"; $log .= "\n<strong>Function: </strong> {$function}"; if (isset($context["file"])) { $log .= "\n<strong>File: </strong>" . CError::openInIDE($context["file"], isset($context["line"]) ? $context["line"] : null); } if (isset($context["line"])) { $log .= "\n<strong>Line: </strong>" . $context["line"]; } $log .= "<br />"; } $log .= "</div>"; if ($save_to_file) { file_put_contents(LOG_PATH, $log, FILE_APPEND); } if (ini_get("display_errors")) { echo $log; } } }
case "editSettings": $arrWhitelist = array('dispatch' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 100, 'required' => true)); if ($_POST) { $_CLEAN_POST = filterInput($_POST, $arrWhitelist); } break; case "editLanguage": $arrWhitelist = array('frm_active' => array('type' => 'word', 'maxlength' => 5), 'frm_name' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 100, 'required' => true), 'frm_apiname' => array('type' => 'word', 'maxlength' => 150), 'dispatch' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 100, 'required' => true)); if ($_POST) { $_CLEAN_POST = filterInput($_POST, $arrWhitelist); } break; case "editAlias": $arrWhitelist = array('frm_active' => array('type' => 'word', 'maxlength' => 5), 'frm_alias' => array('type' => 'word', 'maxlength' => 250, 'required' => true), 'frm_language' => array('type' => 'int', 'maxlength' => 150), 'frm_element' => array('type' => 'int', 'maxlength' => 150), 'dispatch' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 100, 'required' => true)); if ($_POST) { $_CLEAN_POST = filterInput($_POST, $arrWhitelist); } break; case "editFeed": $arrWhitelist = array('frm_active' => array('type' => 'word', 'maxlength' => 5), 'frm_name' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 250, 'required' => true), 'frm_feed' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 250, 'required' => true), 'frm_basepath' => array('type' => 'text', 'maxlength' => 250, 'required' => false), 'frm_refresh' => array('type' => 'int', 'maxlength' => 16, 'required' => true), 'dispatch' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 100, 'required' => true)); if ($_POST) { $_CLEAN_POST = filterInput($_POST, $arrWhitelist); } break; case "addStructure": $arrWhitelist = array('frm_structure' => array('type' => 'string'), 'dispatch' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlength' => 100, 'required' => true)); if ($_POST) { $_CLEAN_POST = filterInput($_POST, $arrWhitelist); } break; }
function config($option) { global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $_CONFIG, $config_file; if (@$_REQUEST['action'] == 'save') { if (empty($_POST) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['csrf'], 'save')) { print 'Sorry, your nonce did not verify.'; exit; } $msg = LM_MSG_BACK_1; $databases_incl_list = ""; if (is_array($_REQUEST['databases_incl'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['databases_incl'] as $database) { $databases_incl_list .= $database . ","; } } foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { if ($key == "cron_exclude") { $_REQUEST[$key] = filterInput($value, 0); } else { $_REQUEST[$key] = filterInput($value); } } foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { update_site_option("xcloner_" . $key, $value, '', 'yes'); } foreach ($_CONFIG as $key => $value) { update_site_option("xcloner_" . $key, $_REQUEST[$key], '', 'yes'); } //Additional radio options #update_site_option ("xcloner_mem", $_REQUEST["mem"], '', 'yes'); #update_site_option ("xcloner_sql_mem", $_REQUEST["sql_mem"], '', 'yes'); #if ($fp = @fopen($config_file, 'w')) if (1) { $cfg = '<?' . 'php' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'license_code\']="' . $_REQUEST[license_code] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'backup_path\']="' . $_REQUEST[backup_path] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'clonerPath\']="' . $_REQUEST[clonerPath] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'jcpass\']=\'' . $jcpass . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'mysql_host\']="' . $_REQUEST[mysql_host] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'mysql_user\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[mysql_user] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'mysql_pass\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[mysql_pass] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'mysql_database\']="' . $_REQUEST[mysql_database] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'select_folders\']="' . $_REQUEST[select_folders] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'select_lang\']="' . $_REQUEST[select_lang] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'secure_ftp\']="' . $_REQUEST[secure_ftp] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'backup_compress\']="' . $_REQUEST[backup_compress] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_logemail\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_logemail] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_exclude\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_exclude] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_send\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_send] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_btype\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_btype] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_bname\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_bname] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_ip\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_ip] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_ftp_server\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_ftp_server] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_ftp_user\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_ftp_user] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_ftp_pass\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_ftp_pass] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_ftp_path\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_ftp_path] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_ftp_delb\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_ftp_delb] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'databases_incl_list\']="' . $databases_incl_list . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_sql_drop\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_sql_drop] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_email_address\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_email_address] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_file_delete\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_file_delete] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_file_delete_act\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_file_delete_act] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'mem\']="' . $_REQUEST[mem] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'backup_refresh\']="' . $_REQUEST[backup_refresh] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'refresh_time\']="' . $_REQUEST[refresh_time] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'refresh_mode\']="' . $_REQUEST[refresh_mode] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'recordsPerSession\']="' . $_REQUEST[recordsPerSession] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'excludeFilesSize\']="' . $_REQUEST[excludeFilesSize] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'splitBackupSize\']="' . $_REQUEST[splitBackupSize] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'backup_refresh_number\']="' . $_REQUEST[backup_refresh_number] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'sql_mem\']="' . $_REQUEST[sql_mem] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'enable_db_backup\']="' . $_REQUEST[enable_db_backup] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'zippath\']="' . $_REQUEST[zippath] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'tarpath\']="' . $_REQUEST[tarpath] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'sqldump\']="' . $_REQUEST[sqldump] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'system_dlink\']="' . $_REQUEST[system_dlink] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'mosConfig_live_site\']="' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'system_ftptransfer\']="' . $_REQUEST[system_ftptransfer] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'system_mdatabases\']="' . $_REQUEST[system_mdatabases] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'add_backups_dir\']="' . $_REQUEST[add_backups_dir] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_amazon_active\']="' . $_REQUEST[cron_amazon_active] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_amazon_awsAccessKey\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_amazon_awsAccessKey] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_amazon_awsSecretKey\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_amazon_awsSecretKey] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_amazon_bucket\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_amazon_bucket] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_amazon_dirname\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_amazon_dirname] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_amazon_ssl\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_amazon_ssl] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_dropbox_active\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_dropbox_active] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_dropbox_Key\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_dropbox_Key] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_dropbox_Secret\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_dropbox_Secret] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'cron_dropbox_dirname\']=\'' . $_REQUEST[cron_dropbox_dirname] . '\';' . "\n"; $cfg .= '$_CONFIG[\'debug\']="' . $_REQUEST[debug] . '";' . "\n"; $cfg .= '?' . '>'; $msg = LM_MSG_BACK_1; if ($_REQUEST['cron_save_as'] != "") { $fcron = $_CONFIG['multiple_config_dir'] . "/" . $_REQUEST['cron_save_as'] . ".php"; if ($fp = @fopen($fcron, "w")) { fwrite($fp, $cfg); fclose($fp); } else { $msg = "Unable to save " . $fcron . " file, please make sure the folder is writeable!"; } } mosRedirect('index2.php?option=' . $option . "&task=config", $msg); } mosRedirect('index2.php?option=' . $option . "&task=config", $msg); } $html = new HTML_cloner(); $html->Config($option); }