if ($DB->query("UPDATE `" . $table_forum . "` SET `friend`='" . substr($friendBar, 0, -1) . "' WHERE `fid`=" . $fid)) { echo "1"; } } $DB->close(); } exit; } if (isset($_GET['fid']) && is_numeric($_GET['fid']) && $_GET['fid'] >= 1) { $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname); $forumArr = $QA->getForumInfo($_GET['fid']); if (!empty($forumArr['fid'])) { if (isset($_POST['name'], $_POST['category'], $_POST['intro'], $_POST['push'])) { $name = strAddslashes(trim($_POST['name'])); $cid = $_POST['category']; $intro = filterCode($_POST['intro']); $push = $_POST['push']; if (empty($name) || getStrlen($name) > 15 || !wordCheck($name)) { echo "<script>alert('换一个吧名吧');</script>"; } else { $BId = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `fid` FROM `" . $table_forum . "` WHERE lower(`name`)='" . strtolower($name) . "'"); if (!empty($BId) && $BId != $forumArr['fid']) { echo "<script>alert('该吧已存在,请更换吧名。');</script>"; } else { if (getStrlen($intro) > 90) { echo "<script>alert('吧简介不能超过90个字');</script>"; } else { $forumInfo['cid'] = $cid; $forumInfo['name'] = $name; $forumInfo['synopsis'] = $intro; if ($forumArr['commend'] == 0) {
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.php"; if ($loginArr['state'] == 0) { header("location:./login.php"); } else { if (isset($_GET['do'], $_POST['reportcontent'], $_POST['reportpid']) && $_GET['do'] == "report") { $content = trim(filterCode($_POST['reportcontent'])); $pid = intval($_POST['reportpid']); $content_len = getStrlen($content); if ($content_len < 3 || $content_len > 80) { echo "1 举报原由应控制在3到80个字之间"; } else { $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname); $postArr = $TB->getPostInfo($pid); if (empty($postArr['pid'])) { echo "0 该帖已被删除!"; } else { $reportArr['uname'] = $loginArr['name']; $reportArr['uid'] = $loginArr['uid']; $reportArr['fid'] = $postArr['fid']; $reportArr['tid'] = $postArr['tid']; $reportArr['pid'] = $postArr['pid']; $reportArr['author'] = $postArr['author']; $reportArr['authorid'] = $postArr['authorid']; $reportArr['message'] = $content; $reportArr['dateline'] = time(); if ($DB->query($DB->insert_sql("`" . $table_report . "`", $reportArr))) { echo "0 举报成功,感谢您对本吧的支持。"; } else { echo "1 数据库繁忙,请重试!";
if (isset($_POST['do']) && $_POST['do'] == "Reply") { if ($userGroup[$loginArr['group']]['reply'] == 0) { die("0 " . $userGroup[$loginArr['group']]['name'] . "不能回复帖子"); } $postTime = time(); if (isset($_COOKIE['lastPostTime']) && $postTime - $_COOKIE['lastPostTime'] < 10) { die("0 您的回帖速度太快了!"); } if (isset($_POST['tid'], $_POST['fid'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['content'])) { $topicId = intval($_POST['tid']); $forumId = intval($_POST['fid']); $floorId = intval(preg_replace("/回复(\\d+):(.*)/is", "\\1", $_POST['title'])); if ($floorId < 1) { $floorId = 1; } $content = filterCode(htmlToUBB($_POST['content']), false); $checkContent = checkPostContent($content); if ($checkContent != "") { die("0 " . $checkContent); } $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname); $forumArr = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT `fid`,`moderator` FROM `" . $table_forum . "` WHERE `fid`=" . $forumId); if (empty($forumArr['fid'])) { $DB->close(); die("0 该吧不存在或者已被删除"); } if ($DB->fetch_one("SELECT `lockout` FROM `" . $table_topic . "` WHERE `tid`=" . $topicId) != 0) { $DB->close(); die("0 该主题已被锁定,禁止回复!"); } $postTotal = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT COUNT(`pid`) FROM `" . $table_post . "` WHERE `tid`=" . $topicId);
require dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.php"; $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname); if (isset($_POST['deleteId']) && !empty($_POST['deleteId'])) { $deleteId = $_POST['deleteId']; if (count(explode(",", $deleteId)) > 1) { $D = "IN (" . $deleteId . ")"; } else { $D = "= " . $deleteId; } $DB->query("DELETE FROM `" . $table_topic . "` WHERE `tid` " . $D); $DB->query("DELETE FROM `" . $table_post . "` WHERE `tid` " . $D); $DB->query("DELETE FROM `" . $table_post2 . "` WHERE `tid` " . $D); $DB->close(); echo "1"; exit; } $where = ""; if (isset($_GET['wd']) && !empty($_GET['wd'])) { $where = "WHERE `subject` LIKE '" . trim(filterCode($_GET['wd'])) . "%'"; } $topicArr = $QA->getTopic($where, $page, "30"); $DB->close(); unset($DB, $QA); $tmp =& myTpl("topic_list.html"); $tmp->assign('codeName', $code_name); $tmp->assign('codeVersion', $code_version); $tmp->assign('siteName', $site_name); $tmp->assign('siteDomain', $site_domain); $tmp->assign('siteCatalog', $site_catalog); $tmp->assign('topicArr', $topicArr); $tmp->output();
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.php"; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $fromUrl = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } else { $fromUrl = "./"; } if (isset($_GET['wd'], $_GET['tb']) && !empty($_GET['wd']) && is_numeric($_GET['tb'])) { $keyword = trim(filterCode($_GET['wd'])); $startTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($keyword) && $_GET['tb'] == 1) { $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname); $forumId = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `fid` FROM `" . $table_forum . "` WHERE lower(`name`)='" . strtolower($keyword) . "'"); $DB->close(); if (empty($forumId)) { header("location:./create.php?name=" . urlencode(filterHTML($keyword, false))); } else { if ($site_rewrite) { header("location:./bar-" . $forumId . "-1.html"); } else { header("location:./forum.php?fid=" . $forumId); } } } else { if (!empty($keyword) && $_GET['tb'] == 3) { $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname); $userId = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `uid` FROM `" . $table_member . "` WHERE lower(`name`)='" . strtolower($keyword) . "'"); $DB->close(); header("location:./search.php?wd=" . urlencode(filterHTML($keyword, false)) . "&tb=4&id=" . $userId); } else {
function handreg($nickname, $email, $password) { require_once "../global.php"; error_reporting(~E_ALL); $email = strtolower(stripslashes(trim($email))); $nickname = filterCode($nickname, true); $password = stripslashes($password); if (!emailCheck($email)) { $remsg["msg"] = "邮件地址不正确1" . $email; $remsg["jg"] = "2"; return $remsg; } $nicknameError = checkNickname($nickname); if ($nicknameError != "") { $remsg["msg"] = $nicknameError; $remsg["jg"] = "2"; return $remsg; } if (substr_count($password, " ") > 0) { $remsg["msg"] = "密码不能使用空格2"; $remsg["jg"] = "2"; return $remsg; } if (strlen($password) < 6 || strlen($password) > 26) { $remsg["msg"] = "密码长度不合法3"; $remsg["jg"] = "2"; return $remsg; } $DB = database(); if (PHPSay::getMemberCount($DB, "email", $email) != 0) { $remsg["msg"] = "邮件地址已被占用,请进行帐号绑定4"; $remsg["jg"] = "3"; return $remsg; } else { if (PHPSay::getMemberCount($DB, "nickname", $nickname) != 0) { $remsg["msg"] = "昵称已被占用,请进行帐号绑定5"; $remsg["jg"] = "3"; return $remsg; } else { $userID = PHPSay::memberJoin($DB, $nickname, $email, md5($password), ""); if ($userID > 0) { newAvatar($userID, ""); loginCookie($PHPSayConfig['ppsecure'], $userID, $nickname, 1); $remsg["msg"] = "注册成功"; $remsg["jg"] = "1"; return $remsg; } else { $remsg["msg"] = "注册失败6"; $remsg["jg"] = "2"; return $remsg; } } } $DB->close(); }
/** * Add a comment to a file * @param file The destination file path * @param name The user's name * @param email The user's email * @param url The user's site url * @param body The user's message * @param abuse Set 1 to mark the message as an abuse * @param approved Set 1 to mark the message as approved */ function addComment($file, $name, $email, $url, $body, $abuse = "0", $approved = 0) { global $imSettings; $name = filterCode($name); $email = filterCode($email); $url = filterCode($url); $body = filterCode($body); $locked = 0; $comments = $this->getComments($file); if (!is_array($comments)) { $comments = array(); } if ($url != "" && stripos($url, "http://") === FALSE) { $url = "http://" . $url; } $comments[] = array("name" => $name, "email" => $email, "url" => $url, "body" => $body, "abuse" => $abuse, "timestamp" => date("d-m-Y H:i:s"), "approved" => $approved); if ($file != "" && trim($name) != "" && trim($email) != "" && trim($body) != "") { return $this->writeXML($file, $comments); } else { return -1; } }
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.php"; if ($loginArr['state'] == 0) { header("location:./login.php"); } else { if (isset($_GET['do'], $_POST['applyreason'], $_POST['applyfid'], $_POST['applytype']) && $_GET['do'] == "apply") { $content = trim(filterCode($_POST['applyreason'])); $fid = intval($_POST['applyfid']); $type = intval($_POST['applytype']); $content_len = getStrlen($content); if ($content_len < 10 || $content_len > 90) { echo "1 理由应控制在10到90个字之间!"; } else { $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname); $ForumArr = $TB->getForumInfo($fid); if (empty($ForumArr['fid']) || $type != "1" && $type != "0") { echo "0 非法请求!"; } else { $isModerator = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ForumArr['moderator']); $i++) { if ($ForumArr['moderator'][$i]['uid'] == $loginArr['uid']) { $isModerator = 1; } } if ($type == "1" && $isModerator == "0" || $type == "0" && $isModerator == "1") { $cSql = "SELECT COUNT(`aid`) FROM `" . $table_apply . "` WHERE `type`=" . $type; if ($DB->fetch_one($cSql . " AND `uid`=" . $loginArr['uid'] . " AND `fid`=" . $ForumArr['fid']) == 0) { $applyArr['type'] = $type; $applyArr['uname'] = $loginArr['name']; $applyArr['uid'] = $loginArr['uid'];
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); ini_set('errors_reporting', ~E_ALL); $res = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) { $code = filterCode($_REQUEST['code']); if ($code) { $root = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once "{$root}include/githubapi/GithubApi.php"; require_once "{$root}config.php"; $config['github']['variables']['code'] = $code; @unlink($config['github']['token_file']); $res = array('result' => 'ok'); try { $github_api = new GithubApi($config['github']); $token = array('token' => $github_api->authGetToken()); file_put_contents($config['github']['token_file'], $token); } catch (Exception $e) { $res = array('error' => 'Fatal error. ' . $e->getMessage()); } } else { $res = array('error' => 'Invalid request'); } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($res); exit; function filterCode($code) { return preg_replace('~[^A-Za-z0-9]~', '', substr(trim($code), 0, 32));