예제 #1
 private function setNewPassword($password)
     if (!file_exists($this->passwordHashFilepath)) {
         $passwordHash = hash('sha256', $password);
         file_put_contents2($this->passwordHashFilepath, "<?php die('Forbidden'); ?>\n" . $passwordHash);
예제 #2
 public function start()
     global $projectTmpDir, $php_errormsg;
     $authenticator = new Auth();
     if ($authenticator->auth()) {
         if (!empty($_GET['a'])) {
             $action = $_GET['a'];
             $interval = empty($_GET['delay']) ? 5 : (int) $_GET['delay'];
             $fileScanner = new FileList();
             if ($action === 'cleanUp') {
                 print json_encode(array('type' => 'cleanUp', 'status' => 'ok', 'phpError' => $php_errormsg));
             } else {
                 if ($action === 'getFileList') {
                     echo $fileScanner->performScanning();
                 } else {
                     if ($action === 'getSignatureScanResult') {
                         $this->detector = new MalwareDetector();
                         print $this->detector->malwareScanRound();
                     } else {
                         if ($action === 'getWebsiteLog') {
                             $xmlLog = $this->getXMLReport();
                             $logFilename = $projectTmpDir . '/scan_log.xml';
                             file_put_contents2($logFilename, $xmlLog);
                             print json_encode(array('type' => 'getWebsiteLog', 'status' => 'ok', 'phpError' => $php_errormsg));
         } else {
             $fileScanner = new FileList();
             define('PS_ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_URL', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?controller=download&f=report');
예제 #3
 public function executeXmlRecipe($deleteFiles, $quarantineFiles, &$numQuarantined)
     //Put suspicious file in quarantine archive
     $this->archiver = new Archiver($this->quarantineFilepath, 'a');
     $numQuarantined = 0;
     foreach ($quarantineFiles as $filename) {
         $absolutePath = $this->webRootDir . substr($filename, 1);
         if ($this->quarantineFile($absolutePath)) {
             $this->log .= sprintf(PS_WAS_QUARANTINED, $filename) . '<br/>';
     //Put malicious files to backup archive and delete them
     foreach ($deleteFiles as $filename) {
         $this->archiver = new Archiver($this->backupFilepath, 'a');
         $absolutePath = $this->webRootDir . substr($filename, 1);
         if ($this->deleteFile($absolutePath)) {
             $this->log .= sprintf(PS_WAS_DELETED, $filename) . '<br/>';
     if (file_exists($this->quarantineFilepath)) {
         file_put_contents2($this->quarantineFilepathFilepath, $this->quarantineFilepath);
     return $this->log;
예제 #4
 function malwareScanRound()
     global $php_errormsg;
     $startTime = time();
     if (!is_file($this->QUEUE_FILENAME)) {
         die(basename(__FILE__) . ': cannot open ' . $this->QUEUE_FILENAME . ' on scan round');
     $fh = fopen($this->QUEUE_FILENAME, 'r');
     $offset = 0;
     if (file_exists($this->QUEUE_OFFSET_FILENAME)) {
         $offset = (int) file_get_contents($this->QUEUE_OFFSET_FILENAME);
         fseek($fh, $offset);
     if (filesize($this->QUEUE_FILENAME) - $offset <= 0) {
         return $this->finishMalwareScan();
     $queueText = fread($fh, filesize($this->QUEUE_FILENAME) - $offset);
     $queueLines = explode("\n", $queueText);
     $numFilesScanned = 0;
     if (count($queueLines) < 1) {
         return $this->finishMalwareScan();
     foreach ($queueLines as $line) {
         $executionTime = time() - $startTime;
         if ($executionTime >= round($this->MAX_EXECUTION_DURATION * 0.8)) {
         } else {
             if (empty($line)) {
         $offset += strlen($line) + 1;
         $fileinfo = explode(' ', $line);
         $filePath = $fileinfo[0];
         $fileHash = $fileinfo[1];
         $snippet = '';
         $fileExtension = pathinfo(basename($filePath), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         $res = $this->detectMalware($filePath, $snippet, $pos, $this->SCRIPT_START, $this->MAX_EXECUTION_DURATION, $fileExtension);
         switch ($res) {
             case 'no_need_to_check':
             case 'no_read':
             case 'skipped':
             case 'timeout':
                 file_put_contents2($this->QUEUE_OFFSET_FILENAME, $offset);
                 $content = $filePath . ';detected=' . $res . ';pos=' . $pos . ';snippet=' . base64_encode($snippet) . PHP_EOL;
                 file_put_contents2($this->MALWARE_LOG_FILENAME, $content, 'a');
                 if ($res) {
     file_put_contents2($this->QUEUE_OFFSET_FILENAME, $offset);
     if (count($queueLines) <= 1) {
         return $this->finishMalwareScan();
     $data = array('filesScannedThisTime' => $numFilesScanned, 'filesLeft' => count($queueLines), 'lastFile' => $filePath);
     $result = json_encode(array('type' => 'getSignatureScanResult', 'status' => 'inProcess', 'data' => $data, 'phpError' => $php_errormsg));
     return $result;
예제 #5
function content_do_export_data()
    global $cur_mysql_table;
    // just a quick error message function for the export routine
    function draw_errmsg($msg, $qry, $msg2)
        echo "<p><span style=\"font-size:110%;\"><b>{$msg}</b></span> -- <br />\n <i>{$qry}</i><br /><b>{$msg2}</b></p>\n";
    // see if they want MySQL to do the export, rather than Sqlicity:
        $sqlicity_exportfile = trim($_POST['sqlicity_exportfile']);
        // make sure they requested a file!
        if (!$sqlicity_exportfile) {
            draw_errmsg('You need to specify a file location for the export to be saved!', '', '');
        // export location can be relative or absolute
        if ($_POST['exportfile_absolutepath']) {
            $thefile = $sqlicity_exportfile;
        } else {
            $thefile = getcwd() . '/' . $sqlicity_exportfile;
        // do the export
        mysql_query($query = "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '{$thefile}'\n\t\t FIELDS\n\t\t  TERMINATED BY '{$_POST['fields_terminatedby']}'\n\t\t  " . (trim($_POST['fields_optionally_enclosed']) ? ' OPTIONALLY' : '') . "\n\t\t  ENCLOSED BY '{$_POST['fields_enclosedby']}'\n\t\t  ESCAPED BY '{$_POST['fields_escapedby']}'\n\t\t LINES\n\t\t  TERMINATED BY '{$_POST['lines_terminatedby']}'\n\t\t  STARTING BY '{$_POST['lines_startingby']}'\n\t\t FROM `{$cur_mysql_table}`\n\t\t;");
        // see if they have an error trying this query
        if (mysql_error()) {
            draw_errmsg('Your SELECT INTO OUTFILE failed', nl2br($query), mysql_error());
        // ASSERT: it worked, give the user the file as well
        header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($thefile) . '"');
        // read and output the file in chunks,
        //  this allows us to handle much bigger files here
        $export_filehandle = fopen($thefile, 'rb');
        while (!feof($export_filehandle)) {
            echo fread($export_filehandle, 8192);
        // quit now, the rest is for sqlicity's export functionality
    // FIRST, make sure the submitted stuff makes sense as a SELECT
    // get the select conditions from submitted form
    $select_where = $_POST['select_where'];
    $select_columns = $_POST['select_columns'];
    // store all column names, and enclosed columns+BLOB columns
    $all_columns = array();
    // store all column names (only the names)
    $enclosed_cols = array();
    // track enclosed string columns
    $blob_cols = array();
    // track BLOB columns
    $result_cols = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$cur_mysql_table}`");
    // make sure table still exists
    if (!$result_cols) {
        echo "<p><b>Table <i>`{$cur_mysql_table}`</i> no longer exists!</b></p>\n";
    // store all the columns and flag important ones
    while ($column = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_cols)) {
        // find out if this column should be enclosed on output
        if (isEnclosedColumn($column['Type'])) {
            $enclosed_cols[$column['Field']] = TRUE;
        // handle BLOB type columns specially
        if (strtolower(substr($column['Type'], 0, 4)) == 'blob') {
            $blob_cols[$column['Field']] = TRUE;
        // store all column names in case no explicit select_columns was given
        $all_columns[] = $column['Field'];
    // check for columns to select
    if (!$select_columns) {
        $select_columns = implode(', ', array_map(create_function('$c', 'return "`$c`";'), $all_columns));
    // select_where MUST start with either: WHERE, ORDER, or LIMIT
    $select_where2 = strtoupper(substr(trim($select_where), 0, 5));
    if ($select_where2 !== NULL && $select_where2 !== '' && strpos($select_where2, 'WHERE') !== 0 && strpos($select_where2, 'ORDER') !== 0 && strpos($select_where2, 'LIMIT') !== 0) {
        draw_errmsg('Invalid WHERE/etc clause!', $select_where, '');
    // try the SELECT now so that we can verify it will actuall work!
    $export_data = mysql_query($query_temp = "SELECT {$select_columns} FROM `{$cur_mysql_table}` {$select_where}");
    // make sure their query was valid...
    if (mysql_error()) {
        draw_errmsg('ERROR in query', $query_temp, mysql_error());
    // make sure there is data to export!
    if (mysql_num_rows($export_data) < 1) {
        draw_errmsg('NO data in this SELECT to export!', $query_temp, $cur_mysql_table);
    // ASSERT: now we have valid data for export selected already
    // get the actually displayed columns, for building the list with INSERT or column header list
    //  we just do the exact same export query, and pull off the first entry to get the column names from it
    // I'd like to do a LIMIT 1 in here, but there might already be a LIMIT in $select_where...
    $display_columns = mysql_query("SELECT {$select_columns} FROM `{$cur_mysql_table}` {$select_where}");
    $display_columns = mysql_fetch_assoc($display_columns);
    $display_columns = array_keys($display_columns);
    // are we doing SQL INSERTs or delimited output?
    $exportSQLinsert = $_POST['export_sqlinserts'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
    // are we trying to save this to the server?
    $thefile = NULL;
    if ($_POST['sqlicity_export_saveonserver']) {
        // make sure they requested a file!
        if (!$_POST['sqlicity_exportfile2']) {
            draw_errmsg('You need to specify a file location for the export to be saved!', '', '');
        // export location can be relative or absolute
        if ($_POST['exportfile_absolutepath2']) {
            $thefile = $_POST['sqlicity_exportfile2'];
        } else {
            $thefile = getcwd() . '/' . $_POST['sqlicity_exportfile2'];
        // we will NOT overwrite existing files with this!
        if (@file_exists($thefile)) {
            draw_errmsg('That file already exists -- you cannot overwrite existing files!', $thefile, '');
        // name the file we send to the user after the export filename
        $export_filename = basename($thefile);
    } else {
        // name the file we send to the user after the table being exported
        $export_filename = $cur_mysql_table . '.';
        // if no compression requested, file extension is .txt or .sql
        if (!$_POST['export_file_compression']) {
            // if we are outputing sql, name it .sql
            if ($exportSQLinsert) {
                $export_filename .= 'sql';
            } else {
                $export_filename .= 'txt';
        } else {
            $export_filename .= $_POST['export_file_compression'];
    // identify this as a zip file being transferred
    //  or just generic binary data: application/octet-stream
    //  http://www.graphcomp.com/info/specs/mime.html
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $export_filename . '"');
    // if this is going to be compressed or written to the server, save it all
    //  otherwise it's plaintext and I can just put it out as I go along
    if ($fileextension || $thefile) {
    // if we're outputing SQL, we do that special -- same func as with db sql export
    if ($exportSQLinsert) {
        output_sql_insert_values($export_data, $display_columns, $enclosed_cols);
    } else {
        // get field/line terminator/encloser/escape chars and optionally, etc
        //  these get overwritten if we're exporting sql inserts
        // the eval()s are needed to handle escaped chars like \n, etc properly
        $optionally_enclosed = $_POST['fields_optionally_enclosed'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $field_enclose_char = unescape_mysql_chars($_POST['fields_enclosedby']);
        $field_enclose_char = $field_enclose_char[0];
        // force only one char
        $field_escape_char = unescape_mysql_chars($_POST['fields_escapedby']);
        $field_escape_char = $field_escape_char[0];
        // force only one char
        $field_terminatedby = unescape_mysql_chars($_POST['fields_terminatedby']);
        $line_terminatedby = unescape_mysql_chars($_POST['lines_terminatedby']);
        $line_startingby = unescape_mysql_chars($_POST['lines_startingby']);
        // this one picks which string to use in place of enclosers in data
        $encloser_in_data = $_POST['double_fields_encloser'] ? $field_enclose_char . $field_enclose_char : $field_escape_char . $field_enclose_char;
        // these are used only for escaping fields/lines terminated by sequence
        //  FIXME FIX ME -- have to test this properly:
        //  is this only inside enclosed data?
        //  what about newline chars when terminator is newline????
        $field_terminated_firstchar = $field_terminatedby[0];
        $line_terminated_firstchar = $line_terminatedby[0];
        // the list of chars that need to be escaped on output
        //  this is for the loop over all the field data in every row
        //  AND also for the column header list, if that is output
        $output_escaped_chars = array(chr(0) => $field_escape_char . '0', $fields_escape_char => $field_escape_char . $fields_escape_char, $field_enclose_char => $encloser_in_data, $field_terminated_firstchar => $field_escape_char . $field_terminated_firstchar, $line_terminated_firstchar => $field_escape_char . $line_terminated_firstchar);
        // just in case any empties (e.g. enclose_char) come in
        //  such empty keys can seriously break str_replace
        // remove line/field terminator escaped chars if requested
        if ($_POST['noescape_lf_terminator']) {
        // add newline escape chars if requested
        if ($_POST['escape_all_newlines']) {
            $output_escaped_chars["\n"] = '\\n';
            $output_escaped_chars["\r"] = '\\r';
        // when not outputting sql, we might want a header line
        if ($_POST['addfirstlineheaders']) {
            // we need to handle escaped chars in the column names!
            foreach ($display_columns as $k => $col) {
                // if there is escaping going on, we do some here
                if ($field_escape_char) {
                    // we do not handle enclosers here, that is outside this escaping
                    //  so we TEMPORARILY turn this off
                    // do the escaping needed for this identifier
                    $col = str_replace(array_keys($output_escaped_chars), array_values($output_escaped_chars), $col);
                    // return this to original, IF there is an encloser at all!
                    if ($field_enclose_char) {
                        $output_escaped_chars[$field_enclose_char] = $encloser_in_data;
                // even if there is no official escaping going on, we double enclosers anyway
                $col = str_replace($field_enclose_char, $field_enclose_char . $field_enclose_char, $col);
                // use the original or escaped identifier name (as it is now)
                //  and ALL identifiers get enclosed, whether an encloser exists or not
                $display_columns[$k] = $field_enclose_char . $col . $field_enclose_char;
            // now that we've fixed encloser chars, echo it joinned
            //  make sure to include startingby and terminatedby strings
            //  -- this is a real line like the rest, and will be imported as such
            echo $line_startingby . implode($field_terminatedby, $display_columns) . $line_terminatedby;
        // handle each row one at a time -- using the select we did above
        while ($exportrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($export_data)) {
            // start the row's "line" properly
            echo $line_startingby;
            // now handle every field in the row
            $firstcol = TRUE;
            // to do separating on fields
            foreach ($exportrow as $name => $value) {
                // after first col, start with field terminator
                if (!$firstcol) {
                    echo $field_terminatedby;
                } else {
                    $firstcol = FALSE;
                // handle NULLs specially
                if ($value !== NULL) {
                    // enclosed data on _export_ (different when importing) will always need escaping
                    //  while uneclosed data will never need escaping, almost by definition
                    if ($enclosed_cols[$name] || !$optionally_enclosed) {
                        // open enclosed data
                        echo $field_enclose_char;
                        // are we actually escaping chars?
                        if ($field_escape_char) {
                            echo str_replace(array_keys($output_escaped_chars), array_values($output_escaped_chars), $value);
                        } else {
                            echo $value;
                        // close enclosed data
                        echo $field_enclose_char;
                    } else {
                        echo $value;
                } else {
                    echo $field_escape_char ? $field_escape_char . 'N' : 'NULL';
            // end the row's "line" properly
            echo $line_terminatedby;
    // end non sql insert export version
    // do the compression, if requested
    $compressed_export_file = '';
    // default to empty
    if ($fileextension) {
        // get all the content of the file to be compressed
        $export_file_contents = ob_get_contents();
        // need to end before we try to echo the content!
        // have to do different compressions differently
        switch ($fileextension) {
            case 'zip':
                $compressed_export_file = 'zip';
            case 'gz':
                $compressed_export_file = 'gz';
            case 'bz2':
                $compressed_export_file = 'bz2';
        // php does NOT write zip?!?!
        //  http://www.smiledsoft.com/demos/phpzip/index.shtml
        // consider alternative (open-source) compression:
        //  http://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.compression.php
        // this will not be written to the server, so just send it now
        if (!$thefile) {
            echo $compressed_export_file;
    // end do compression conditional
    // allow for sqlicity exporting into a file on the server:
    if ($thefile) {
        // simluates a PHP 5 function -- named 2 to not conflict
        function file_put_contents2($filename, $data)
            $retval = FALSE;
            if ($file_res = fopen($filename, 'wb')) {
                $retval = fwrite($file_res, $data);
            return $retval;
        // did we compress the export file?
        //  NOTE: I made a choice, better to be told that the file
        //  was NOT saved on the server, than to download the file
        //  thinking that it did in fact happen
        if ($fileextension) {
            // write it to the server, then echo it for the user to download
            if (@file_put_contents2($thefile, $compressed_export_file) === FALSE) {
                echo "\nFile NOT successfully saved on server at\n {$_POST['sqlicity_exportfile2']}\n-- are you sure your permissions are high enough?\n\nYou must redo the export WITHOUT trying to save to the server\n in order to download the export file.\n";
            echo $compressed_export_file;
        } else {
            // write it to the server, then echo it for the user to download
            $export_file_contents = ob_get_contents();
            // need to end before we try to echo the content!
            if (@file_put_contents2($thefile, $export_file_contents) === FALSE) {
                echo "\nFile NOT successfully saved on server at\n {$_POST['sqlicity_exportfile2']}\n-- are you sure your permissions are high enough?\n\nYou must redo the export WITHOUT trying to save to the server\n in order to download the export file.\n";
            echo $export_file_contents;
    // end writing to server
예제 #6
function cache_changed($file, $data, $func = 'seri')
    $file = cache_getfilename($file, $func);
    $backup = @file_get_contents($file);
    if ($func == 'md5') {
        if ($backup != md5(json_encode($data))) {
            file_put_contents2($file, md5(json_encode($data)));
            return true;
    } elseif ($func == 'json') {
        if ($backup != json_encode($data)) {
            file_put_contents2($file, json_encode($data));
            return true;
    } elseif ($func == 'seri') {
        if ($backup != serialize($data)) {
            file_put_contents2($file, serialize($data));
            return true;
    return false;
예제 #7
 public function performScanning()
     global $php_errormsg;
     $dirs = '.';
     if (file_exists($this->DIRLIST_TMP_FILENAME)) {
         $dirs = file_get_contents($this->DIRLIST_TMP_FILENAME);
     $dirList = explode("\n", $dirs);
     $startTime = time();
     while (true) {
         $dirList = array_merge($this->folderWalker(array_shift($dirList), $this->filesFound), $dirList);
         $currentTime = time();
         if ($currentTime - $startTime >= $this->MAX_EXECUTION_DURATION || count($dirList) < 1) {
     $result = $this->finalizeRound();
     if (!$this->filesFound) {
         $response['meta'] = array('type' => 'getFileList', 'status' => 'finished', 'phpError' => $php_errormsg);
         $response['data'] = array();
         $report = json_encode($response);
         return $report;
     file_put_contents2($this->DIRLIST_TMP_FILENAME, implode("\n", $dirList));
     return $result;