예제 #1
  * Called to add the field to a query.
  * By default, the only columns added to the query are entity_id and
  * entity_type. This is because other needed data is fetched by entity_load().
  * Other columns are added only if they are used in groupings, or if
  * 'add fields to query' is specifically set to TRUE in the field definition.
  * The 'add fields to query' switch is used by modules which need all data
  * present in the query itself (such as "sphinx").
 function query($use_groupby = FALSE)
     $params = array();
     if ($use_groupby) {
         // When grouping on a "field API" field (whose "real_field" is set to
         // entity_id), retrieve the minimum entity_id to have a valid entity_id to
         // pass to field_view_field().
         $params = array('function' => 'min');
     // Get the entity type according to the base table of the field.
     // Then add it to the query as a formula. That way we can avoid joining
     // the field table if all we need is entity_id and entity_type.
     $entity_type = $this->definition['entity_tables'][$this->base_table];
     $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
     if (isset($this->relationship)) {
         $this->base_table_alias = $this->relationship;
     } else {
         $this->base_table_alias = $this->base_table;
     // We always need the base field (entity_id / revision_id).
     if (empty($this->definition['is revision'])) {
         $this->field_alias = $this->query->add_field($this->base_table_alias, $entity_info['entity keys']['id'], '', $params);
     } else {
         $this->field_alias = $this->query->add_field($this->base_table_alias, $entity_info['entity keys']['revision'], '', $params);
         $this->aliases['entity_id'] = $this->query->add_field($this->base_table_alias, $entity_info['entity keys']['id'], '', $params);
     // The alias needs to be unique, so we use both the field table and the entity type.
     $entity_type_alias = $this->definition['table'] . '_' . $entity_type . '_entity_type';
     $this->aliases['entity_type'] = $this->query->add_field(NULL, "'{$entity_type}'", $entity_type_alias);
     $fields = $this->additional_fields;
     // We've already added entity_type, so we can remove it from the list.
     $entity_type_key = array_search('entity_type', $fields);
     if ($entity_type_key !== FALSE) {
     if ($use_groupby) {
         // Add the fields that we're actually grouping on.
         $options = array();
         if ($this->options['group_column'] != 'entity_id') {
             $options = array($this->options['group_column'] => $this->options['group_column']);
         $options += is_array($this->options['group_columns']) ? $this->options['group_columns'] : array();
         $fields = array();
         $rkey = $this->definition['is revision'] ? 'FIELD_LOAD_REVISION' : 'FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT';
         // Go through the list and determine the actual column name from field api.
         foreach ($options as $column) {
             $name = $column;
             if (isset($this->multifield_info['storage']['details']['sql'][$rkey][$this->table][$column])) {
                 $name = $this->multifield_info['storage']['details']['sql'][$rkey][$this->table][$column];
             $fields[$column] = $name;
         $this->group_fields = $fields;
     // Add additional fields (and the table join itself) if needed.
     if ($this->add_field_table($use_groupby)) {
         // Filter by language, if field translation is enabled.
         $field = $this->multifield_info;
         if (field_is_translatable($entity_type, $field) && !empty($this->view->display_handler->options['field_language_add_to_query'])) {
             $column = $this->table_alias . '.language';
             // By the same reason as field_language the field might be LANGUAGE_NONE in reality so allow it as well.
             // @see this::field_language()
             global $language_content;
             $default_language = language_default('language');
             $language = str_replace(array('***CURRENT_LANGUAGE***', '***DEFAULT_LANGUAGE***'), array($language_content->language, $default_language), $this->view->display_handler->options['field_language']);
             $placeholder = $this->placeholder();
             $language_fallback_candidates = array($language);
             if (variable_get('locale_field_language_fallback', TRUE)) {
                 require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/language.inc';
                 $language_fallback_candidates = array_merge($language_fallback_candidates, language_fallback_get_candidates());
             } else {
                 $language_fallback_candidates[] = LANGUAGE_NONE;
             $this->query->add_where_expression(0, "{$column} IN({$placeholder}) OR {$column} IS NULL", array($placeholder => $language_fallback_candidates));
     // The revision id inhibits grouping.
     // So, stop here if we're using grouping, or if aren't adding all columns to
     // the query.
     if ($use_groupby || empty($this->definition['add fields to query'])) {
예제 #2
  * Returns the entity language.
  * @return string
  *   The entity language.
 public function getEntityLanguage()
     if (field_is_translatable($this->entityType, $this->fieldInfo)) {
         return entity_language($this->entityType, $this->entity);
     return LANGUAGE_NONE;
 public function post($route, $form)
     global $user;
     if ($route == 'comments.json') {
         $options = $this->getOptions();
         $node = node_load($options['nid']);
         if ($options['uid'] != $user->uid || !is_object($node)) {
             return false;
         // Should we let the comment pass ?
         if ($node->comment != COMMENT_NODE_OPEN || !user_access('post comments')) {
             // Access denied.
             return false;
         if (!empty($form->values['cid'])) {
             $comment = comment_load($form->values['cid']);
             if (!is_object($comment)) {
                 // Not existent CID.. Access denied
                 return false;
             $nodeSubmittedComment = node_load($comment->nid);
             if (!is_object($nodeSubmittedComment) || $nodeSubmittedComment->nid != $node->nid) {
                 return FALSE;
                 // BAD nid.. Or node non existent
             // Publish
             if ($form->values['toPublish']) {
                 if (user_access('administer comments') && user_access('post comments')) {
                     $comment->status = COMMENT_PUBLISHED;
             // Deletion
             if ($form->values['toDelete']) {
                 if (user_access('administer comments') && user_access('post comments')) {
             if (!comment_access('edit', $comment)) {
                 return FALSE;
                 // No access to edit the comment.
         if (empty($comment)) {
             $pid = NULL;
             if (!empty($form->values['pid'])) {
                 if ($form->values['pid'] == (int) $form->values['pid']) {
                     if ($comment_parent = comment_load((int) $form->values['pid'])) {
                         $pid = $form->values['pid'];
             $comment = new stdClass();
             $comment->nid = $node->nid;
             $comment->pid = $pid;
             $comment->uid = $user->uid;
             $comment->name = check_plain($form->values['author']);
         $comment->subject = check_plain($form->values['subject']);
         $field = field_info_field('comment_body');
         $langcode = field_is_translatable('comment', $field) ? entity_language('comment', $comment) : LANGUAGE_NONE;
         $field_infos = field_info_instance('comment', 'comment_body', 'comment_node_' . $node->type);
         $format = $options['comment-body-format'];
         $text_processing = $field_infos['settings']['text_processing'];
         $body = $form->values['body'];
         $body = $format != 'plain_text' && $text_processing ? check_markup($body, $format) : check_plain($body);
         if ($text_processing) {
             $comment->comment_body[$langcode][0]['format'] = $format;
         $comment->comment_body = array($langcode => array());
         $comment->comment_body[$langcode][0]['value'] = $body;