function get_list_username($user_id, $mode, $subject = NULL, $redirect_link = NULL, $redirect_url = NULL) { // Do not include email link, if Current User. if ($user_id == get_opendb_session_var('user_id')) { return get_opendb_lang_var('current_user', array('fullname' => fetch_user_name($user_id), 'user_id' => $user_id)); } else { $user_name = get_opendb_lang_var('user_name', array('fullname' => fetch_user_name($user_id), 'user_id' => $user_id)); if (is_user_granted_permission(PERM_VIEW_USER_PROFILE)) { return "<a href=\"user_profile.php?uid=" . $user_id . "&subject=" . urlencode(ifempty($subject, get_opendb_lang_var('no_subject'))) . "&redirect_link=" . urlencode($redirect_link) . "&redirect_url=" . urlencode($redirect_url) . "\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars(get_opendb_lang_var('user_profile')) . "\">{$user_name}</a>"; } else { return $user_name; } } }
//if(!is_user_active($HTTP_VARS['user_id'])) echo format_error_block(get_opendb_lang_var('operation_not_available')); } echo format_footer_links($footer_links_r); echo _theme_footer(); } else { opendb_not_authorised_page(PERM_ADMIN_USER_PROFILE, $HTTP_VARS); } } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'delete') { if (is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ADMIN_USER_PROFILE)) { echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('delete_user')); echo "<h2>" . get_opendb_lang_var('delete_user') . "</h2>"; $return_val = handle_user_delete($HTTP_VARS['user_id'], $HTTP_VARS, $errors); if ($return_val === '__CONFIRM__') { echo get_op_confirm_form($PHP_SELF, get_opendb_lang_var('confirm_user_delete', array('fullname' => fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['user_id']), 'user_id' => $HTTP_VARS['user_id'])), $HTTP_VARS); } else { if ($return_val === '__ABORTED__') { echo "<p class=\"success\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('user_not_deleted') . "</p>"; $footer_links_r[] = array(url => "{$PHP_SELF}?op=edit&user_id=" . $HTTP_VARS['user_id'], text => $HTTP_VARS['user_id'] == get_opendb_session_var('user_id') ? get_opendb_lang_var('edit_my_info') : get_opendb_lang_var('edit_user_info')); } else { if ($return_val === TRUE) { echo "<p class=\"success\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('user_deleted') . "</p>"; } else { //if($return_val === FALSE) echo format_error_block($errors); } } } echo format_footer_links($footer_links_r); echo _theme_footer();
} } else { $result = fetch_item_instance_history_rs($item_r['item_id'], $item_r['instance_no'], $listingObject->getCurrentOrderBy(), $listingObject->getCurrentSortOrder()); } } else { opendb_not_authorised_page(); } } else { echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('item_not_found')); echo "<p class=\"error\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('item_not_found') . "</p>"; echo _theme_footer(); } } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'my_history') { if (is_user_valid($HTTP_VARS['uid']) && $HTTP_VARS['uid'] !== get_opendb_session_var('user_id') && is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ADMIN_BORROWER)) { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('borrower_history_for_fullname', array('fullname' => fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['uid']), 'user_id' => $HTTP_VARS['uid'])); if (is_numeric($listingObject->getItemsPerPage())) { $listingObject->setTotalItems(fetch_my_history_item_cnt($HTTP_VARS['uid'])); if ($listingObject->getTotalItemCount() > 0) { $result = fetch_my_history_item_rs($HTTP_VARS['uid'], $listingObject->getCurrentOrderBy(), $listingObject->getCurrentSortOrder(), $listingObject->getStartIndex(), $listingObject->getItemsPerPage()); } } else { $result = fetch_my_history_item_rs($HTTP_VARS['uid'], $listingObject->getCurrentOrderBy(), $listingObject->getCurrentSortOrder()); } } else { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('my_history'); if (is_numeric($listingObject->getItemsPerPage())) { $listingObject->setTotalItems(fetch_my_history_item_cnt(get_opendb_session_var('user_id'))); if ($listingObject->getTotalItemCount() > 0) { $result = fetch_my_history_item_rs(get_opendb_session_var('user_id'), $listingObject->getCurrentOrderBy(), $listingObject->getCurrentSortOrder(), $listingObject->getStartIndex(), $listingObject->getItemsPerPage()); }
} if (is_site_enabled()) { if (is_opendb_valid_session()) { if (is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ADMIN_QUICK_CHECKOUT)) { if (get_opendb_config_var('borrow', 'enable') !== FALSE) { if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'checkout' || $HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'checkin') { if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'checkout' && !validate_borrower_id($HTTP_VARS['borrower_id'], $errors)) { echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('quick_check_out')); echo "<h2>" . get_opendb_lang_var('quick_check_out') . "</h2>"; if (is_array($errors) > 0) { echo format_error_block($errors); } display_borrower_form($HTTP_VARS); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'checkout') { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('quick_check_out_for_fullname', array('user_id' => $HTTP_VARS['borrower_id'], 'fullname' => fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['borrower_id']))); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'checkin') { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('quick_check_in'); } } echo _theme_header($page_title); echo '<h2>' . $page_title . ' ' . $page_image . '</h2>'; $attribute_type_r = fetch_alt_item_id_attribute_type_r(); $altid_item_instance_rs = update_altid_item_instance_rs($HTTP_VARS['op'], $HTTP_VARS['alt_item_id'], $attribute_type_r, get_decoded_item_instance_rs($HTTP_VARS['op'], $HTTP_VARS['checkout_item_instance_rs']), $errors); if (is_array($errors) > 0) { echo format_error_block($errors); } echo "\n<form action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">"; echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"" . $HTTP_VARS['op'] . "\">"; echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page_no\" value=\"\">";
} echo _theme_footer(); } else { opendb_not_authorised_page(PERM_ADMIN_SEND_EMAIL, $HTTP_VARS); } } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'send_to_uid' && is_user_permitted_to_receive_email($HTTP_VARS['uid'])) { if (is_user_granted_permission(PERM_SEND_EMAIL)) { echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('send_email'), $HTTP_VARS['inc_menu']); echo "<h2>" . get_opendb_lang_var('send_email') . "</h2>"; $from_user_r = fetch_user_r(get_opendb_session_var('user_id')); $HTTP_VARS['toname'] = trim(strip_tags($HTTP_VARS['toname'])); if ($HTTP_VARS['op2'] == 'send' && send_email_to_userids(array($HTTP_VARS['uid']), $from_user_r['user_id'], $HTTP_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_VARS['message'], $errors)) { // do nothing } else { show_email_form($HTTP_VARS['uid'], fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['uid']), $from_user_r['user_id'], $from_user_r['fullname'], $HTTP_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_VARS['message'], $HTTP_VARS, $errors); } echo _theme_footer(); } else { opendb_not_authorised_page(PERM_SEND_EMAIL, $HTTP_VARS); } } else { opendb_operation_not_available(); } } } } else { opendb_operation_not_available(); } } else { // invalid login, so login instead.
function get_search_query_matrix($HTTP_VARS) { function get_match_type($match) { if ($match == 'word') { return get_opendb_lang_var('word_match'); } else { if ($match == 'partial') { return get_opendb_lang_var('partial_match'); } else { if ($match == 'exact') { return get_opendb_lang_var('exact_match'); } else { return NULL; } } } } $searches = array(); if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['title']) > 0) { // Default title match is exact match. $HTTP_VARS['title_match'] = ifempty($HTTP_VARS['title_match'], 'exact'); if ($HTTP_VARS['title_match'] == 'word' || $HTTP_VARS['title_match'] == 'partial') { if (is_null($HTTP_VARS['title_case'])) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('title') . ' (<em>' . get_match_type($HTTP_VARS['title_match']) . '</em>)', field => $HTTP_VARS['title']); } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('title') . ' (<em>' . get_match_type($HTTP_VARS['title_match']) . ', ' . get_opendb_lang_var('case_sensitive') . '</em>)', field => $HTTP_VARS['title']); } } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('title'), field => $HTTP_VARS['title']); } } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['category']) > 0) { // If s_item_type defined, we can get at the s_attribute_type of the category value. if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) > 0) { $attribute_type_r = fetch_sfieldtype_item_attribute_type_r($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'], 'CATEGORY'); $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('category'), field => get_item_display_field(NULL, $attribute_type_r, $HTTP_VARS['category'], FALSE)); } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('category'), field => $HTTP_VARS['category']); } } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['owner_id']) > 0) { $username = fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['owner_id']); if (strlen($username) > 0) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('owner'), field => $username . ' (' . $HTTP_VARS['owner_id'] . ')'); } } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type_group']) > 0) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('s_item_type_group'), field => $HTTP_VARS['s_item_type_group']); } if (is_array($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'])) { $field = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']); $i++) { $item_type_r = fetch_item_type_r($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'][$i]); $field .= theme_image($item_type_r['image'], $item_type_r['description'], 's_item_type'); } $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('s_item_type'), field => $field); } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) > 0) { $item_type_r = fetch_item_type_r($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']); $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('s_item_type'), field => theme_image($item_type_r['image'], $item_type_r['description'], 's_item_type')); } } if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['rating'])) { $attribute_type_r = fetch_cached_attribute_type_r('S_RATING'); $searches[] = array(prompt => $attribute_type_r['prompt'], field => get_display_field($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], NULL, 'review()', $HTTP_VARS['rating'], FALSE)); } $attribute_type_r = NULL; if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_type']) > 0) { $attribute_type_r = fetch_cached_attribute_type_r($HTTP_VARS['attribute_type']); if (is_not_empty_array($attribute_type_r)) { $attribute_type_r['listing_link_ind'] = 'N'; // Default title match is exact match. $HTTP_VARS['attr_match'] = ifempty($HTTP_VARS['attr_match'], 'exact'); // Special category search, but ignore if category variable actually specified. if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['category']) == 0 && strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']) > 0 && $HTTP_VARS['attr_match'] == 'category') { // We do not want the Listing Link to be added to this display field $searches[] = array(prompt => $attribute_type_r['prompt'], field => get_item_display_field(NULL, $attribute_type_r, stripslashes($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']), FALSE)); } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']) > 0) { $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'] = stripslashes($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']); if (starts_with($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'], '"') && ends_with($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'], '"')) { $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'] = substr($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'], 1, -1); } $search = ifempty(get_item_display_field(NULL, $attribute_type_r, $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'], FALSE), $HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']); } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['lookup_attribute_val']) > 0) { $search = get_item_display_field(NULL, $attribute_type_r, stripslashes($HTTP_VARS['lookup_attribute_val']), FALSE); } } if (!is_lookup_attribute_type($HTTP_VARS['attribute_type']) && $HTTP_VARS['attr_match'] != 'exact') { $searches[] = array(prompt => $attribute_type_r['prompt'] . ' (<em>' . get_match_type($HTTP_VARS['attr_match']) . '</em>)', field => $search); } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => $attribute_type_r['prompt'], field => $search); } } } //if(is_not_empty_array($attribute_type_r)) } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val']) > 0) { // specified a search term without attribute type, this is a global search. if (is_null($HTTP_VARS['attr_case'])) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('attribute_val') . ' (<em>' . get_match_type(ifempty($HTTP_VARS['attr_match'], 'exact')) . '</em>)', field => stripslashes($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'])); } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('attribute_val') . ' (<em>' . get_match_type(ifempty($HTTP_VARS['attr_match'], 'exact')) . ', ' . get_opendb_lang_var('case_sensitive') . '</em>)', field => stripslashes($HTTP_VARS['attribute_val'])); } } } // add another search field if update_on value also specified. if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on']) > 0) { if (is_not_empty_array($attribute_type_r)) { $prompt = get_opendb_lang_var('attribute_prompt_updated', array('s_attribute_type' => $attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], 'prompt' => $attribute_type_r['prompt'])); } else { $prompt = get_opendb_lang_var('attributes_updated'); } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']) > 0) { $searches[] = array(prompt => $prompt, field => $HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on'] . ' (' . $HTTP_VARS['datetimemask'] . ')'); } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => $prompt, field => $HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on']); } } else { if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'])) { if (is_not_empty_array($attribute_type_r)) { $prompt = get_opendb_lang_var('attribute_prompt_updated', array('s_attribute_type' => $attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], 'prompt' => $attribute_type_r['prompt'])); } else { $prompt = get_opendb_lang_var('attributes_updated'); } if ($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'] == '1') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_day_ago'); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'] == '7') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_week_ago'); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'] == '28') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_month_ago'); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['attr_update_on_days'] == '365') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_year_ago'); } } } } $searches[] = array(prompt => $prompt, field => $field); } } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['update_on']) > 0) { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['datetimemask']) > 0) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('updated'), field => $HTTP_VARS['update_on'] . ' (' . $HTTP_VARS['datetimemask'] . ')'); } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('updated'), field => $HTTP_VARS['update_on']); } } else { if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['update_on_days'])) { if ($HTTP_VARS['update_on_days'] == '1') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_day_ago'); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['update_on_days'] == '7') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_week_ago'); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['update_on_days'] == '28') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_month_ago'); } else { if ($HTTP_VARS['update_on_days'] == '365') { $field = get_opendb_lang_var('one_year_ago'); } } } } $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('updated'), field => $field); } } if (is_not_empty_array($HTTP_VARS['s_status_type']) > 0) { $search = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($HTTP_VARS['s_status_type']); $i++) { if (strlen($search) > 0) { $search .= ' '; } $status_type_r = fetch_status_type_r($HTTP_VARS['s_status_type'][$i]); if (is_not_empty_array($status_type_r)) { $search .= format_display_value('%img%', $status_type_r['img'], 'Y', $status_type_r['description'], 's_status_type'); } } if (strlen($search) > 0) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('s_status_type'), field => $search); } } if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['status_comment']) > 0) { // Default status_comment match is exact match. $HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match'] = ifempty($HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match'], 'exact'); if ($HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match'] == 'word' || $HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match'] == 'partial' || $HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match'] == 'exact') { if (is_null($HTTP_VARS['status_comment_case'])) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('status_comment') . ' (<em>' . get_match_type($HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match']) . '</em>)', field => $HTTP_VARS['status_comment']); } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('status_comment') . ' (<em>' . get_match_type($HTTP_VARS['status_comment_match']) . ', ' . get_opendb_lang_var('case_sensitive') . '</em>)', field => $HTTP_VARS['status_comment']); } } else { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('status_comment'), field => $HTTP_VARS['status_comment']); } } if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['interest_level']) && $HTTP_VARS['interest_level'] > 0) { $searches[] = array(prompt => get_opendb_lang_var('interest'), field => theme_image("interest_1.gif", get_opendb_lang_var('interest'), 's_item_type')); } return $searches; }
function get_item_review_block($item_r) { $buffer .= "<h3>" . get_opendb_lang_var('review(s)') . "</h3>"; $result = fetch_review_rs($item_r['item_id']); if ($result) { $buffer .= "<ul>"; while ($review_r = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $action_links = NULL; $buffer .= "<li>"; // even if already review author its possible to revoke rights to // edit / modify own reviews by revoking the PERM_USER_REVIEWER grant! if (is_user_granted_permission(PERM_ADMIN_REVIEWER) || is_user_granted_permission(PERM_USER_REVIEWER) && is_review_author($review_r['sequence_number'])) { $action_links_rs = NULL; if (get_opendb_config_var('item_review', 'update_support') !== FALSE) { $action_links[] = array(url => "item_review.php?op=edit&sequence_number=" . $review_r['sequence_number'] . "&item_id=" . $item_r['item_id'] . "&instance_no=" . $item_r['instance_no'], text => get_opendb_lang_var('edit')); } if (get_opendb_config_var('item_review', 'delete_support') !== FALSE) { $action_links[] = array(url => "item_review.php?op=delete&sequence_number=" . $review_r['sequence_number'] . "&item_id=" . $item_r['item_id'] . "&instance_no=" . $item_r['instance_no'], text => get_opendb_lang_var('delete')); } $buffer .= format_footer_links($action_links); } $buffer .= "<p class=\"author\">"; $buffer .= get_opendb_lang_var('on_date_name_wrote_the_following', array('date' => get_localised_timestamp(get_opendb_config_var('item_display', 'review_datetime_mask'), $review_r['update_on']), 'fullname' => fetch_user_name($review_r['author_id']), 'user_id' => $review_r['author_id'])); $buffer .= "</p>"; $buffer .= "<p class=\"comments\">" . nl2br(trim($review_r['comment'])); if ($review_r['item_id'] != $item_r['item_id']) { $buffer .= "<span class=\"reference\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('review_for_item_type_title', array('s_item_type' => $review_r['s_item_type'], 'item_id' => $review_r['item_id'])) . "</span>"; } $buffer .= "</p>"; $average = $review_r['rating']; $attribute_type_r = fetch_attribute_type_r("S_RATING"); $buffer .= "<span class=\"rating\">" . get_display_field($attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], NULL, 'review()', $average, FALSE) . "</span>"; $buffer .= "</li>"; } //while $buffer .= "</ul>"; } else { $buffer .= '<p>' . get_opendb_lang_var('no_item_reviews') . '</p>'; } $action_links = NULL; if (is_user_granted_permission(PERM_USER_REVIEWER)) { $action_links[] = array(url => "item_review.php?op=add&item_id=" . $item_r['item_id'] . "&instance_no=" . $item_r['instance_no'], text => get_opendb_lang_var('review')); $buffer .= format_footer_links($action_links); } return $buffer; }
$page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('type_export_for_name_item_type', array('description' => $exportPlugin->get_display_name(), 'fullname' => fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['owner_id']), 'user_id' => $HTTP_VARS['owner_id'], 's_item_type' => $HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'])); } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['s_item_type']) > 0) { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('type_export_for_item_type', array('description' => $exportPlugin->get_display_name(), 's_item_type' => $HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'])); } else { if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['item_id']) && is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['instance_no'])) { $item_r = fetch_item_instance_r($HTTP_VARS['item_id'], $HTTP_VARS['instance_no']); $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('type_export_for_item_instance', array('description' => $exportPlugin->get_display_name(), 'item_id' => $HTTP_VARS['item_id'], 'instance_no' => $HTTP_VARS['instance_no'], 'title' => $titleMaskCfg->expand_item_title($item_r))); } else { if (is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['item_id'])) { // Not really a child item, but we are not interested in the instance, so use this. It still // returns the right data anyway. $item_r = fetch_child_item_r($HTTP_VARS['item_id']); $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('type_export_for_item', array('description' => $exportPlugin->get_display_name(), 'item_id' => $HTTP_VARS['item_id'], 'title' => $titleMaskCfg->expand_item_title($item_r))); } else { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('type_export_for_name', array('description' => $exportPlugin->get_display_name(), 'fullname' => fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['owner_id']), 'user_id' => $HTTP_VARS['owner_id'])); } } } } } else { //if(strlen($HTTP_VARS['owner_id'])>0 || is_numeric($HTTP_VARS['item_id'])) $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('type_export', array('description' => $exportPlugin->get_display_name())); } @set_time_limit(600); if (!export_type_items($exportPlugin, $page_title, $HTTP_VARS['s_item_type'], $HTTP_VARS['item_id'], $HTTP_VARS['instance_no'], $HTTP_VARS['owner_id'], $HTTP_VARS['s_status_type'])) { echo _theme_header($page_title); echo "<h2>" . $page_title . "</h2>"; echo format_error_block(array('error' => get_opendb_lang_var('no_records_found'), 'detail' => '')); echo _theme_footer(); }
echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('undefined_error')); echo "<p class=\"error\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('undefined_error') . " (" . $import_cache_r['plugin_name'] . ")</p>"; echo _theme_footer(); } } else { //if(is_not_empty_array($import_cache_r)) echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('import_cache_file_not_found')); echo "<p class=\"error\">" . get_opendb_lang_var('import_cache_file_not_found') . "</p>"; echo _theme_footer(); } } else { if (strlen($HTTP_VARS['owner_id']) > 0) { if (strcmp($HTTP_VARS['owner_id'], get_opendb_session_var('user_id')) === 0) { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('import_my_items'); } else { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('import_items_for_name', array('fullname' => fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['owner_id']), 'user_id' => $HTTP_VARS['owner_id'])); } } else { $page_title = get_opendb_lang_var('import_items'); } echo _theme_header($page_title); echo "<h2>" . $page_title . "</h2>"; echo get_upload_form($HTTP_VARS); echo _theme_footer(); } } } } else { // if(is_file_upload_enabled() && import_check_is_installed()) if (is_file_upload_enabled()) { echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('import_not_available'));
/** * Will work out based on the $op what the title should be. It will * return a complete heading, including calling the _theme_header * and everything. */ function do_op_title($item_r, $status_type_r, $op) { global $titleMaskCfg; global $HTTP_VARS; // hack if ($op == 'new' || $op == 'site' || $op == 'site-search' || $op == 'insert') { if ($item_r['owner_id'] != get_opendb_session_var('user_id')) { $item_title = get_opendb_lang_var('add_new_item_for_name', array('user_id' => $item_r['owner_id'], 'fullname' => fetch_user_name($item_r['owner_id']))); } else { $item_title = get_opendb_lang_var('add_new_item'); } } else { if ($op == 'update' || $op == 'delete' || $op == 'delete_related') { $item_title = get_opendb_lang_var($op . '_item'); } else { if ($op == 'refresh' || $op == 'edit' || $op == 'clone_item') { if ($op == 'clone_item') { $op = 'clone'; } $item_title = get_opendb_lang_var($op . '_title', array('display_title' => $titleMaskCfg->expand_item_title($item_r))); } else { if ($op == 'newinstance') { // temporarily remove instance_no so that title renders correctly. $item_r['instance_no'] = NULL; $item_title = get_opendb_lang_var('new_item_instance_title', array('display_title' => $titleMaskCfg->expand_item_title($item_r))); } } } } echo _theme_header($item_title, $HTTP_VARS['inc_menu']); echo "<h2>" . $item_title . " " . get_item_image($item_r['s_item_type']) . "</h2>\n"; }
function addUserNameColumn($user_id, $extra_http_vars = NULL) { $this->_row_column_rs[] = array(column_type => 'username', user_id => $user_id, fullname => fetch_user_name($user_id), extra_http_vars => $extra_http_vars); }
/** The $borrow_item_r array format: $item_r $details */ function send_notification_email($to_user, $from_user, $heading, $introduction, $more_information, $item_entry_rs, &$errors) { // Format the entire message. $message = get_opendb_lang_var('to_user_email_intro', 'fullname', fetch_user_name($to_user)) . "\n\n" . $introduction; while (list(, $item_entry_r) = each($item_entry_rs)) { $message .= "\n* " . $item_entry_r['display_title']; // Add any item Borrow (overdue,due,reminder,etc) details here. while (list(, $detail) = @each($item_entry_r['detail'])) { $message .= "\n - " . $detail; } } if (strlen($more_information) > 0) { $message .= "\n\n\n" . $more_information . "\n"; } // Send the mail! return opendb_user_email($to_user, $from_user, $heading, $message, $errors); }