function GB_renew_giftbox() { $res = 0; //load settings DoInit(); $GB_ingiftbox = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('giftbox')); $GB_AllStorages = load_array(GBox_storage); if (!$GB_AllStorages) { $GB_AllStorages = array(); } $GB_AllStorages['have'] = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('storagedata')); if (is_array($GB_AllStorages['have'])) { save_array($GB_AllStorages, GBox_storage); AddLog2("GiftBox AllStorage update - saved "); } else { AddLog2("AllStorage ERROR - Not saved "); } if ($GBox_Settings['Place']) { // see if we can store the latest info on farm XY $objects = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('objects')); save_array($objects, GBox_XY_objects); AddLog2("Giftbox Objects - saved "); // build the map to find empty spots GB_buildEmptyXY(); } // now update the building parts GB_BuiltPartBD(); return $res; }
function fvXML($inittype = '') { $this->userId = $_SESSION['userId']; list(, , , , , , , , , , , $this->flashRevision) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); //Open Databases $this->_fvXMLDBM = new SQLiteDatabase(fvXML_Path . fvXML_Main); $this->_fvXMLDBU = new SQLiteDatabase(fvXML_Path . fvXML_Units); if (!$this->_fvXMLDBM || !$this->_fvXMLDBU) { $this->error = 'fvXML - Database Error'; return; } $this->_fvXMLDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA cache_size=20000'); $this->_fvXMLDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF'); $this->_fvXMLDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA count_changes=OFF'); $this->_fvXMLDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY'); $this->_fvXMLDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY'); $this->_fvXMLDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA cache_size=20000'); $this->_fvXMLDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF'); $this->_fvXMLDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA count_changes=OFF'); $this->_fvXMLDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY'); $this->_fvXMLDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY'); //Get Settings $this->settings = $this->fvGetSettings(); if ($inittype == 'formload') { if (empty($this->settings)) { $this->error = 'Please allow fvXML to run a cycle'; } return; } //Load the world from Z* $this->_refreshWorld(); if ($this->haveWorld === true) { if ($this->settings === false) { $this->_fvXML_checkDB(); //Database doesn't exist, create $this->_fvUpdateSettings(); //Insert initial settings $this->_fvUpdateUnits(); //Update the Units file $this->error = 'Please allow fvXML to run a cycle to update all settings'; return; } if ($this->settings['flashRevision'] != $this->flashRevision) { $this->_fvUpdateUnits(); //Update the Units file $this->settings = $this->fvGetSettings(); } if ($this->settings['unitversion'] != $this->flashRevision) { $this->_fvUpdateUnits(); //Update the Units file } $this->_fvUpdateSettings(); //Update the settings $this->_fvUpdateImages(); //Update Thumbnails } }
function Grifter_loadSettings() { global $Grifter_settings; list($level, $gold, $cash, $sizeX, $sizeY, $firstname) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); $need_save = false; $Grifter_settings = load_array(Grifter_settings); if ($Grifter_settings['Grifter_version'] != Grifter_version) { $Grifter_settings['Grifter_version'] = Grifter_version; $Grifter_settings['level'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['gold'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['sizeX'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['sizeY'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['giftbox'] = 0; $Grifter_Settings['auto'] = false; $Grifter_settings['max'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['reset'] = false; $Grifter_settings['keep'] = false; $Grifter_Settings['smaller'] = false; $Grifter_Settings['turbo'] = false; $Grifter_settings['mansion'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['villa'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['logcabin'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['postoffice'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['fruitstand'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['schoolhouse'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['resttent'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['woodpile'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['haybale'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['engineer'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['pheasant'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['beltedcow'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['goat'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['saddleback'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['windmill'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['cowsilo'] = 0; $need_save = true; } $Grifter_settings['giftbox'] = 0; $Grifter_settings['giftbox'] = array_sum(@unserialize(fBGetDataStore('ingiftbox'))); $Grifter_settings['level'] = $level; $Grifter_settings['gold'] = $gold; $Grifter_settings['sizeX'] = $sizeX; $Grifter_settings['sizeY'] = $sizeY; if ($need_save) { save_array($Grifter_settings, Grifter_settings); } }
unset($overridelist[$item]); file_put_contents($_SESSION['base_path'] . F('overrideseed.txt'), serialize($overridelist)); } } } if (isset($_POST['defsub'])) { //Remove Seed From Default Seedlist if (isset($_POST['defaultlist'])) { foreach ($_POST['defaultlist'] as $item) { unset($defaultlist[$item]); file_put_contents($_SESSION['base_path'] . F('defaultseed.txt'), serialize($defaultlist)); } } } $mastcnt = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('cropmastery')); $maststar = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('cropmasterycnt')); $fvM->settings = $fvM->fvGetSettings(); @($plowcheck = $fvM->settings['plow'] == 1 ? 'CHECKED' : ''); @($plantcheck = $fvM->settings['plant'] == 1 ? 'CHECKED' : ''); @($harvestcheck = $fvM->settings['harvest'] == 1 ? 'CHECKED' : ''); @($planecheck = $fvM->settings['flyplane'] == 1 ? 'CHECKED' : ''); @($autocheck = $fvM->settings['automast'] == 1 ? 'CHECKED' : ''); ?> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/fvFarmer.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/fvFarmerCheckBoxes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/fvFarmer.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/tabber.js"></script>
function TEmptyXYSQL($loc, $amount) { $cont = true; $counter = 0; if (!in_array($loc, array("Animal", "Tree", "Decoration"))) { $cont = false; } if (!in_array($amount, array("ALL", "ONE"))) { $cont = false; } //$GB_Setting['userid'] $minX = $this->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X1']; $minY = $this->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y1']; $maxX = $this->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X2']; $maxY = $this->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y2']; if ($cont) { @(list($level, $gold, $cash, $FarmSizeX, $FarmSizeY) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo'))); if ($FarmSizeX == '' || $FarmSizeY == '') { $GB_place_items = "No"; return; } else { $GB_place_items = "OK"; } if (file_exists($_SESSION['base_path'] . "plugins/GiftBox/" . $this->GB_Setting['userid'] . "_" . GBox_XY_map)) { $MapXY = load_array(GBox_XY_map); } else { AddLog2("GB_XY_map.txt not found"); return "Not indexed yet."; } $Map_pos_x = $minX; while ($Map_pos_x < $maxX) { $Map_pos_y = $minY; while ($Map_pos_y < $maxY) { if (!array_key_exists($Map_pos_x . "-" . $Map_pos_y, $MapXY)) { // empty position found $EmptyXY['x'] = $Map_pos_x; $EmptyXY['y'] = $Map_pos_y; if ($amount == "ONE") { $MapXY[$Map_pos_x . "-" . $Map_pos_y] = "temp_Giftbox"; save_array($MapXY, GBox_XY_map); return $EmptyXY; } else { $counter++; } } $Map_pos_y++; } $Map_pos_x++; } if ($amount == "ONE") { return "fail"; } return $counter; } else { return "fail"; } // paramter wrong }
function fsGetFeature() { //AddLog2(print_r($this->featurecred,true)); $fcred = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('featurecred')); $featcred = array(); if (empty($fcred)) { return; } foreach ($fcred as $key => $feature) { $uinfo = Units_GetUnitByName(strtolower($key)); if ($uinfo['type'] == 'building') { $featcred['building'][$uinfo['realname']] = $feature; } if ($uinfo['type'] != 'building' && !empty($uinfo)) { $featcred['decoration'][$uinfo['realname']] = $feature; } if (empty($uinfo)) { $featcred['building'][$key] = $feature; } } //AddLog2(print_r($featcred,true)); return $featcred; }
function DoWork() { $grabs = unserialize($this->settings['sharelinks']); if (empty($grabs)) { return; } $gbcount = array_sum(unserialize(fBGetDataStore('ingiftbox'))); $cbcount = array_sum(unserialize(fBGetDataStore('inconbox'))); $count = 0; foreach ($grabs as $fbid => $info) { if (@$info['share'] != 1) { continue; } $links = $this->GetLinkTypes($fbid); foreach ($links as $cat => $link) { if (@$info[$cat] == 1) { continue; } foreach ($link as $nlink) { if ($gbcount + $cbcount + $count >= 500) { AddLog2('fvLinks: GiftBox/Consumable Box Full'); return; } $key = str_replace('&key={*key*}', '', $nlink['rewardLink']); if ($this->fvCheckLink($key) === true) { continue; } $fvSQL = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO rewardlinks(rewardlinks_link, rewardlinks_timestamp) values('{$key}','" . time() . "')"; $this->_fsManagerDBM->queryExec($fvSQL); $answer = $this->_fvLinksGet('' . $key); $count++; preg_match_all('/<h3>(.*)<\\/h3>/sim', $answer, $text); if (!empty($answer) && empty($text[1][0])) { AddLog2('fvLinks: Unknown Gift Response'); continue; } if ($text[1][0] == "Hey there, farmer! You've claimed all the rewards you can from your friends today. Try again tomorrow!") { break; } if (!empty($answer)) { AddLog2($text[1][0]); } sleep(3); } } } }
private function _acceptGifts() { $giftReqs = $this->_getGifts(); $gBCount = count(unserialize(fBGetDataStore('ingiftbox'))); $cBCount = count(unserialize(fBGetDataStore('inconbox'))); AddLog2('fBGifts: ' . count($giftReqs) . ' Gifts On Gift Page'); $giftSettings = unserialize($this->settings['giftopts']); if (is_array($giftReqs)) { if (count($giftReqs) > 0) { $count = 0; foreach ($giftReqs as $key => $data) { if (!isset($giftSettings[$data['app_id'] . '_accept'])) { continue; } if ($gBCount + $cBCount >= 500 && $data['app_id'] == '102452128776') { AddLog2('fBGifts: Giftbox or Consumable Box Full, Skipping Farmville Gift'); continue; } elseif ($data['app_id'] == '102452128776') { $gBCount++; } $count++; $accepted = 0; $returned = 0; //Remove Link From Gifts Page $discard = $this->_fBGiftsPost("", $data['post_data']); //file_put_contents('debug/data.txt', print_r($data,true), FILE_APPEND); //Submit the link to goto the page $giftAction = $this->_fBGiftsGet($data['action_url']); //file_put_contents('debug/data.txt', $giftAction, FILE_APPEND); if (!empty($giftAction)) { $accepted = 1; AddLog2("[{$count}] fBGifts: Accept Gift From " . $data['app_name'] . ' - Success'); } else { $accepted = 9; AddLog2("[{$count}] fBGifts: Accept Gift From " . $data['app_name'] . ' - Failed'); } if (isset($giftSettings[$data['app_id'] . '_return']) && $accepted == 1) { preg_match_all('/class="fb_protected_wrapper"><form(.*?)<\\/div>/ims', $giftAction, $forms); foreach ($forms[0] as $key => $form) { if (stripos($form, "thank you") !== false || stripos($form, 'send to') !== false || stripos($form, 'é€') !== false) { $postdata = array(); $arr1 = ''; $arr2 = ''; preg_match_all('/.*action="([^"]*)".*/ims', $form, $acts); preg_match_all('/.*giftRecipient=([^&]*).*type="([^"]*)".*content="([^"]*)".*id="([^"]*)".*post_form_id=([^&]*).*/ims', $form, $fields); preg_match('/content="([^"]*)"/sim', $form, $content); //AddLog2(print_r($content,true)); $form = html_entity_decode($form); preg_match_all('/PlatformInvite.*\\{(.*)\\}/sim', $form, $newfields); $newdata = str_replace('"', '', $newfields[1][0]); $arr1 = explode(',', $newdata); foreach ($arr1 as $tmpdata) { $tmp = explode(':', $tmpdata); $arr2[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } $postdata['app_id'] = $data['app_id']; $postdata['to_ids[0]'] = $arr2['prefill']; $postdata['request_type'] = urlencode($arr2['request_type']); $postdata['invite'] = $arr2['invite']; $postdata['content'] = urlencode($content[1]); $postdata['preview'] = 'true'; $postdata['is_multi'] = $arr2['is_multi']; $postdata['is_in_canvas'] = $arr2['is_in_canvas']; $postdata['form_id'] = $arr2['request_form']; $postdata['prefill'] = 'true'; $postdata['message'] = ''; $postdata['donot_send'] = 'false'; $postdata['include_ci'] = $arr2['include_ci']; $postdata['__d'] = 1; $postdata['post_form_id'] = $fields[5][0]; $postdata['fb_dtsg'] = $data['fb_dtsg']; $postdata['lsd'] = null; $postdata['post_form_id_source'] = 'AsyncRequest'; $discard = $this->_fBGiftsPost("", $postdata); //file_put_contents('debug/discard.txt', $discard, FILE_APPEND); //unset($postdata['request_type']); //$postdata['&request_type'] = urlencode($arr2['request_type']); $postdata['preview'] = 'false'; $retGift = $this->_fBGiftsPost("", $postdata); //AddLog2($acts[1][0]); $retGift2 = $this->_fBGiftsPost(html_entity_decode($acts[1][0]), array()); if (stripos(strip_tags($retGift), '"error":0')) { $returned = 1; AddLog2("[{$count}] fBGifts: Returned Gift From " . $data['app_name'] . ' - Success'); } else { $returned = 9; AddLog2("[{$count}] fBGifts: Returned Gift From " . $data['app_name'] . ' - Failed'); } //file_put_contents('debug/postdata.txt', print_r($postdata,true), FILE_APPEND); //file_put_contents('debug/formdata.txt', print_r($form,true), FILE_APPEND); //file_put_contents('debug/giftaction.txt', $giftAction, FILE_APPEND); //file_put_contents('debug/returngift.txt', $retGift, FILE_APPEND); //file_put_contents('debug/returngift2.txt', $retGift2, FILE_APPEND); //sleep(500); break; } } } $data['gift_text'] = str_replace("'", "''", @$data['gift_text']); $fvSQL = "INSERT INTO giftlog(giftlog_timestamp, giftlog_appname, giftlog_text, giftlog_link, giftlog_accept, giftlog_return) " . "values('" . time() . "','" . $data['app_name'] . "','" . $data['gift_text'] . "','" . $data['action_url'] . "','{$accepted}', '{$returned}')"; $this->_fBGiftsDBM->queryExec($fvSQL, $error); if (!empty($error)) { AddLog2($error . " " . $fvSQL); } } } } }
<? if (!empty($_POST)) { $_GET = $_POST; } else { $_POST = $_GET; } require_once '../../fB_PluginAPI.php'; include_once('functions.php'); define('sections_Path', '/plugins/Sections/'); define('sections_URL', 'index.php'); define('sections_Version', file_get_contents('Sections.ver')); define('sections_Version_Date', ''); $objects = @unserialize(fBGetDataStore('objects')); list($level, $gold, $cash, $sizeX, $sizeY, $firstname, $locale, $tileset, $wither, $xp, $energy, $flashRevision) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); $sections = array(); $sections = load_array('sections.txt'); if ( !(is_array($sections) && count($sections)) ) { $sections = array(); } $sections = array_merge($sections); // normalize ids $vSettings = array(); $vSettings = load_array('settings.txt'); if($vSettings['ratio']<1 || $vSettings['ratio']>5) $vSettings['ratio']=3; if (isset($_POST['vDoExpension'])) { foreach ($sections as $vSNum=>$section) { $sections[$vSNum]['top_x']=$sections[$vSNum]['top_x']+8; $sections[$vSNum]['top_y']=$sections[$vSNum]['top_y']+8; $sections[$vSNum]['bot_x']=$sections[$vSNum]['bot_x']+8; $sections[$vSNum]['bot_y']=$sections[$vSNum]['bot_y']+8;
function create_image2() { $GBC = new GBsql(); $GBC->GB_getSQLsetting(); $GBSQL = "SELECT * from locations "; $result = $GBC->_GBUser->query($GBSQL); $locs = $result->fetchAll(); @(list($level, $gold, $cash, $FarmSizeX, $FarmSizeY) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo'))); if ($FarmSizeX == '' || $FarmSizeY == '') { $GB_place_items = "No"; return; } else { $GB_place_items = "OK"; } $maxX = $FarmSizeX * 4; $maxX = $maxX + 3; $maxY = $FarmSizeY * 4; $maxY = $maxY + 3; $im = @imagecreate($maxX, $maxY) or AddLog2("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream"); $background_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); // yellow $red = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0); // red $green = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 255, 0); $blue = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255); // blue $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $yellow = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 0); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $purple = ImageColorAllocate($im, 153, 51, 255); //purple $pink = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 128); //pink $grey = ImageColorAllocate($im, 192, 192, 192); //grey $brown = ImageColorAllocate($im, 51, 0, 0); $loc = "Animal"; $style = array($white, $white, $white, $blue, $blue, $blue); ImageSetStyle($im, $style); $X1 = $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X1'] * 4; $Y1 = $maxY - $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y1'] * 4; $X2 = $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X2'] * 4; $Y2 = $maxY - $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y2'] * 4; imagefilledrectangle($im, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $loc = "Tree"; $style = array($white, $white, $white, $yellow, $yellow, $yellow); ImageSetStyle($im, $style); $X1 = $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X1'] * 4; $Y1 = $maxY - $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y1'] * 4; $X2 = $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X2'] * 4; $Y2 = $maxY - $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y2'] * 4; imagefilledrectangle($im, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $loc = "Decoration"; $style = array($white, $white, $white, $black, $black, $black); ImageSetStyle($im, $style); $X1 = $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X1'] * 4; $Y1 = $maxY - $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y1'] * 4; $X2 = $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'X2'] * 4; $Y2 = $maxY - $GBC->GB_Setting[$loc . 'Y2'] * 4; imagefilledrectangle($im, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); foreach ($locs as $loc) { $GB_fill = $red; if (strpos($loc['_what'], 'E') !== false) { $GB_fill = $green; } if (strpos($loc['_what'], 'Decoration') !== false) { $GB_fill = $black; } if (strpos($loc['_what'], 'Animal') !== false) { $GB_fill = $purple; } if (strpos($loc['_what'], 'Building') !== false) { $GB_fill = $pink; } if (strpos($loc['_what'], 'Plot') !== false) { $GB_fill = $brown; } $Map_PXI = $loc['_X'] * 4; $Map_PYI = $loc['_Y'] * 4; $Map_PYI = $maxY - $Map_PYI; imagefilledrectangle($im, $Map_PXI, $Map_PYI, $Map_PXI + 1, $Map_PYI + 1, $GB_fill); } $GB_map_image = $_SESSION['userId'] . "_FarmMap3.png"; imagepng($im, $GB_map_image); imagedestroy($im); }
<td class="builds" style="vertical-align: top;"> <div style="overflow-y: scroll; height: 245px;"> <ul> <?php $messages = $fsM->fsMessages(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo '<li style="text-indent:-40px; list-style-type: none;">• ' . $message['myworld_message'] . '</li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <?php $seedpkgs = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('inseedbox')); ?> <td class="builds" style="vertical-align: top; width: 33%;"><font size="2"><b>Seeds: </b><?php echo array_sum($seedpkgs); ?> </font></td> <td class="builds" style="vertical-align: top; width: 33%;"></td> <td class="builds" style="vertical-align: top;"></td> </tr> <tr> <!-- Seeds --> <td class="builds" style="vertical-align: top;"> <div style="overflow-y: scroll; height: 245px;"> <ul> <?php
private function _fvGetLicense($license) { $licenses = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('licenses')); if (empty($licenses)) { return false; } foreach ($licenses as $lic) { if ($lic['licensedItem'] == $license) { $fvSQL = "SELECT license_duration FROM license WHERE license_code='{$license}'"; $q = $this->_fvFarmerDBM->query($fvSQL); $result = $q->fetchSingle(); if ($result !== false) { $ltime = $result * (24 * 3600); if ($lic['timeAcquired'] + $ltime > time()) { return true; } } return false; } } return false; }
function GB_LoadCcount() { return unserialize(fBGetDataStore('ccount')); }
private function _fvDoGreenhouse() { $bsInfo = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('bsinfo')); $greenhouses = GetObjectsByName('greenhousebuildable_finished'); if (empty($greenhouses)) { return; } $trayscnt = $bsInfo[0]['upgradeUnlockedTrays']; $totaltrays = $trayscnt[$greenhouses[0]['expansionLevel']]; $bsStats = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('bsstats')); $fthybrids = unserialize($this->fvGetSettings('fthybrids')); $genealogy = $bsInfo[0]['genealogy']; foreach ($genealogy as $gene) { foreach ($gene['ingredient'] as $key => $ingred) { $gene['ingredient'][$key]['quantity'] = $ingred['quantity'] * 50; } $recipes[$gene['itemCode']] = $gene['ingredient']; } $alltrays = $bsStats['breedingFeatures']['farm']['greenhousebuildable_finished']['trays']; //Harvest Trays foreach ($alltrays as $key => $tray) { if (count($tray['helpingFriendIds']) >= 3 || $_SESSION['servertime'] >= $tray['startTime'] + $bsInfo[0]['breedingDuration']) { $amf = CreateRequestAMF('', 'BreedingService.finishBreedingProject'); $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][0]['params'][0] = 'greenhousebuildable_finished'; $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][0]['params'][1] = $key; $res = RequestAMF($amf); AddLog2('fvTools: Collecting Seeds From Tray ' . ($key + 1) . ': ' . $res); if ($res = 'OK') { unset($alltrays[$key]); } } } //Start New Trays if (empty($fthybrids)) { return; } $traycnt = 0; for ($x = count($alltrays); $x < $totaltrays; $x++) { $traycode = $fthybrids['tray_' . $x]; $seedname = Units_GetRealnameByCode($traycode); $amf = CreateRequestAMF('', 'BreedingService.beginNewBreedingProject'); $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][0]['params'][0] = 'greenhousebuildable_finished'; $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][0]['params'][1] = $traycnt; $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][0]['params'][2] = $recipes[$traycode]; $res = RequestAMF($amf); AddLog2('fvTools: Starting ' . $seedname . ' in Tray ' . ($traycnt + 1) . ': ' . $res); $traycnt++; } }
function fvNeighbors($inittype = '') { list($this->level, $this->gold, $cash, $this->wsizeX, $this->wsizeY, $firstname, $locale, $tileset, $wither, $this->xp, $this->energy) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); $this->userId = $_SESSION['userId']; $this->flashRevision = $_SESSION['flashRevision']; $this->error = ''; $this->haveWorld = false; $this->fndebug = false; if (!is_numeric($this->userId)) { $this->error = "Farmville Bot Not Initialized/User Unknown"; return; } //Open Databases $this->_fnNeighborsDBM = new SQLiteDatabase(fvNeighbors_Path . PluginF(fvNeighbors_Main)); if (!$this->_fnNeighborsDBM) { $this->error = 'fvNeighbors - Database Error'; return; } $this->_fnNeighborsDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA cache_size=20000'); $this->_fnNeighborsDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF'); $this->_fnNeighborsDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA count_changes=OFF'); $this->_fnNeighborsDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY'); $this->_fnNeighborsDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY'); $this->_fnNeighbors_checkDB(); //Get Settings $this->settings = $this->fnGetSettings(); if ($inittype == 'formload') { if (empty($this->settings)) { $this->error = 'Please allow fvNeighbors to run a cycle'; } return; } if ($this->settings !== false && (!isset($this->settings['version']) || $this->settings['version'] != fvNeighbors_version)) { $fbSQL = "DROP TABLE neighborsn;"; $q = $this->_fnNeighborsDBM->query($fbSQL); $this->_fnNeighbors_checkDB(); //Database doesn't exist, create /*$this->_fnUpdateSettings();//Insert initial settings AddLog2('fvNeighbors upgrade finished');*/ } //Load the world from Z* $this->_refreshWorld(); if ($this->haveWorld === true) { if ($this->settings === false) { $this->_fnNeighbors_checkDB(); //Database doesn't exist, create $this->_fnUpdateSettings(); //Insert initial settings $this->error = 'Please allow fvNeighbors to run a cycle to update all settings'; return; } $this->_fnUpdateSettings(); //Update the settings $this->_fnUpdateWorldDB(); //Update the World } }
function fvManager($inittype = '') { list($this->level, $this->gold, $this->coin, $this->wsizeX, $this->wsizeY, $firstname, $locale, $tileset, $wither, $xp, $energy, $this->flashRevision) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); $this->userId = $_SESSION['userId']; $this->flashRevision = $_SESSION['flashRevision']; $this->xp = $xp; $this->energy = $energy; $this->error = ''; $this->haveWorld = false; if (!is_numeric($this->userId)) { $this->error = "Farmville Bot Not Initialized/User Unknown"; return; } //Open Databases $this->_fvManagerDBM = new SQLiteDatabase(fvManager_Path . PluginF(fvManager_Main)); $this->_fvManagerDBW = new SQLiteDatabase(fvManager_Path . PluginF(fvManager_World)); $this->_fvManagerDBU = new SQLiteDatabase(fvManager_Path . PluginF(fvManager_Units)); if (!$this->_fvManagerDBM || !$this->_fvManagerDBW || !$this->_fvManagerDBU) { $this->error = 'fvManager - Database Error'; return; } $this->_fvManagerDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA cache_size=20000'); $this->_fvManagerDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF'); $this->_fvManagerDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA count_changes=OFF'); $this->_fvManagerDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY'); $this->_fvManagerDBM->queryExec('PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY'); $this->_fvManagerDBW->queryExec('PRAGMA cache_size=20000'); $this->_fvManagerDBW->queryExec('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF'); $this->_fvManagerDBW->queryExec('PRAGMA count_changes=OFF'); $this->_fvManagerDBW->queryExec('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY'); $this->_fvManagerDBW->queryExec('PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY'); $this->_fvManagerDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA cache_size=20000'); $this->_fvManagerDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF'); $this->_fvManagerDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA count_changes=OFF'); $this->_fvManagerDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY'); $this->_fvManagerDBU->queryExec('PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY'); //Get Settings $this->settings = $this->fvGetSettings(); if ($inittype == 'formload') { if (empty($this->settings)) { $this->error = 'Please allow fvManager to run a cycle'; } return; } //Version Upgrade if ($this->settings !== false && (!isset($this->settings['version']) || $this->settings['version'] != fvManager_version)) { AddLog2('fvManager preparing to upgrade'); $fwSQL = "DROP TABLE myworld;"; $q = $this->_fvManagerDBW->query($fwSQL); $fgSQL = "DROP TABLE giftbox;"; $q = $this->_fvManagerDBW->query($fgSQL); $fuSQL = "DROP TABLE units;"; $q = $this->_fvManagerDBU->query($fuSQL); $fgSQL = "DROP TABLE fmarket;"; $q = $this->_fvManagerDBW->query($fgSQL); $fbSQL = "DROP TABLE fmbushels;"; $q = $this->_fvManagerDBW->query($fbSQL); $fbSQL = "DROP TABLE work;"; $q = $this->_fvManagerDBM->query($fbSQL); $fbSQL = "DROP TABLE storage;"; $q = $this->_fvManagerDBW->query($fbSQL); $this->_fvManager_checkDB(); //Database doesn't exist, create $this->_fvUpdateSettings(); //Insert initial settings $this->_fvUpdateUnits(); //Update the Units file AddLog2('fvManager upgrade finished'); } //Load the world from Z* $this->_refreshWorld(); if ($this->haveWorld === true) { if ($this->settings === false) { $this->_fvManager_checkDB(); //Database doesn't exist, create $this->_fvUpdateSettings(); //Insert initial settings $this->_fvImageRev(); //Update the Image Revision $this->_fvUpdateUnits(); //Update the Units file $this->_fvUpdateWorldDB(); //Update the World $this->_findEmpty(); //$this->_fvCreateMap();//Create World Map //$this->_fvGetEmptySpots();//Get Empty Spots $this->error = 'Please allow fvManager to run a cycle to update all settings'; return; } if ($this->settings['flashRevision'] != $this->flashRevision) { $this->_fvImageRev(); //Update the Image Revision $this->_fvUpdateUnits(); //Update the Units file $this->settings = $this->fvGetSettings(); } if ($this->settings['unitversion'] != $this->flashRevision) { $this->_fvUpdateUnits(); //Update the Units file } $this->_fvUpdateWorldDB(); //Update the World $this->_findEmpty(); $this->_fvUpdateSettings(); //Update the settings $this->_fvUpdateImages(); //Update Thumbnails } }
function GetNeighbors() { $neighbors = unserialize(fBGetDataStore('neighbors')); return $neighbors; }
var dsocleft=document.all? iebody.scrollLeft : pageXOffset; //define universal dsoc top point var dsoctop=document.all? iebody.scrollTop : pageYOffset; //if the user is using IE 4+ or Firefox/ NS6+ if (document.all||document.getElementById){"px";"px"; } } <?php if (!(isset($_SESSION["browser"]) && $_SESSION["browser"])) { echo 'setInterval("positionit()",100);'; } ?> </script> <?php } if (isset($_GET['userId']) && is_numeric($_GET['userId'])) { $_SESSION['userId'] = $_GET['userId']; } else { $dUserInfo = fBGetDefUser(); if (!isset($dUserInfo)) { echo '<b>No User Accounts have Ran Yet - Please Allow the Bot to Run</b>'; exit; } else { $_SESSION['userId'] = $dUserInfo; } } list(, , , , , , , , , , , $_SESSION['flashRevision']) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo'));
function Sections_form() { if (!empty($_POST)) { $_POST = $_POST; } else { $_POST = $_POST; } require_once '../../fB_PluginAPI.php'; define('sections_Path', '/plugins/Sections/'); define('sections_URL', 'index.php'); define('sections_Version', file_get_contents('Sections.ver')); define('sections_Version_Date', ''); $objects = @unserialize(fBGetDataStore('objects')); list($level, $gold, $cash, $sizeX, $sizeY, $firstname, $locale, $tileset, $wither, $xp, $energy, $flashRevision) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); $sections = array(); $sections = load_array('sections.txt'); if (!(is_array($sections) && count($sections))) { $sections = array(); } $sections = array_merge($sections); // normalize ids $vSettings = array(); $vSettings = load_array('settings.txt'); if ($vSettings['ratio'] < 1 || $vSettings['ratio'] > 5) { $vSettings['ratio'] = 3; } if (isset($_POST['vDoExpension'])) { foreach ($sections as $vSNum => $section) { $sections[$vSNum]['top_x'] = $sections[$vSNum]['top_x'] + 8; $sections[$vSNum]['top_y'] = $sections[$vSNum]['top_y'] + 8; $sections[$vSNum]['bot_x'] = $sections[$vSNum]['bot_x'] + 8; $sections[$vSNum]['bot_y'] = $sections[$vSNum]['bot_y'] + 8; } save_array($sections, 'sections.txt'); } $is_add = isset($_POST['add_sec_form']) && strlen($_POST['add_sec_form']) > 0; $is_copy = isset($_POST['copy_sec_form']) && strlen($_POST['copy_sec_form']) > 0; $is_edit = isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) && strlen($_POST['edit_sec_form']) > 0; if (isset($_POST['vSave'])) { if (isset($_POST['ratio'])) { $vSettings['ratio'] = $_POST['ratio']; } if ($vSettings['ratio'] < 1 || $vSettings['ratio'] > 5) { $vSettings['ratio'] = 3; } $vSettings['map_main'] = isset($_POST['map_main']) ? $_POST['map_main'] : '0'; $vSettings['map_edit'] = isset($_POST['map_edit']) ? $_POST['map_edit'] : '0'; $vSettings['map_new'] = isset($_POST['map_new']) ? $_POST['map_new'] : '0'; if (isset($_POST['tooltip'])) { $vSettings['tooltip'] = $_POST['tooltip']; } save_array($vSettings, 'settings.txt'); } if (isset($_POST['image']) && $_POST['image'] == '1') { include 'image.php'; } elseif (isset($_POST['js']) && $_POST['js'] == '1') { include 'wz_tooltip.js'; } elseif (isset($_POST['js']) && $_POST['js'] == '2') { include 'functions.js'; } elseif (isset($_POST['css']) && $_POST['css'] == '1') { include 'main.css'; } else { if (isset($_POST['add_sec']) || isset($_POST['edit_sec'])) { foreach ($_POST as $vName => $vValue) { if (strpos($vName, 's_a_') !== false && $vValue == '1') { $vAnimArray[] = substr($vName, 4); } if (strpos($vName, 's_t_') !== false && $vValue == '1') { $vTreeArray[] = substr($vName, 4); } if (strpos($vName, 's_d_') !== false && $vValue == '1') { $vDecoArray[] = substr($vName, 4); } if (strpos($vName, 's_b_') !== false && $vValue == '1') { $vBuildingArray[] = substr($vName, 4); } } if (@$_POST['top_x'] < @$_POST['bot_x']) { $vTmpX = @$_POST['top_x']; @($_POST['top_x'] = @$_POST['bot_x']); @($_POST['bot_x'] = $vTmpX); } if (@$_POST['top_y'] < @$_POST['bot_y']) { $vTmpY = @$_POST['top_y']; @($_POST['top_y'] = @$_POST['bot_y']); @($_POST['bot_y'] = $vTmpY); } } if (isset($_POST['add_sec'])) { $sections[] = array('top_x' => @$_POST['top_x'], 'top_y' => @$_POST['top_y'], 'bot_x' => @$_POST['bot_x'], 'bot_y' => @$_POST['bot_y'], 'pat' => @$_POST['pat'], 'seed' => @$_POST['seed'], 'seed2' => @$_POST['seed2'], 'type' => @$_POST['type'], 'anim' => @implode('|', $vAnimArray), 'tree' => @implode('|', $vTreeArray), 'deco' => @implode('|', $vDecoArray), 'building' => @implode('|', $vBuildingArray), 'buyanim' => @$_POST['buyanim'], 'buytree' => @$_POST['buytree'], 'buydeco' => @$_POST['buydeco'], 'active' => @$_POST['active'], 'place' => @$_POST['place'], 'rotate' => @$_POST['rotate'], 'walk' => @$_POST['walk']); save_array($sections, 'sections.txt'); } if (isset($_POST['edit_sec'])) { $sections[$_POST['num']] = array('top_x' => @$_POST['top_x'], 'top_y' => @$_POST['top_y'], 'bot_x' => @$_POST['bot_x'], 'bot_y' => @$_POST['bot_y'], 'pat' => @$_POST['pat'], 'seed' => @$_POST['seed'], 'seed2' => @$_POST['seed2'], 'type' => @$_POST['type'], 'anim' => @implode('|', $vAnimArray), 'tree' => @implode('|', $vTreeArray), 'deco' => @implode('|', $vDecoArray), 'building' => @implode('|', $vBuildingArray), 'buyanim' => @$_POST['buyanim'], 'buytree' => @$_POST['buytree'], 'buydeco' => @$_POST['buydeco'], 'active' => @$_POST['active'], 'place' => @$_POST['place'], 'rotate' => @$_POST['rotate'], 'walk' => @$_POST['walk']); save_array($sections, 'sections.txt'); } if (isset($_POST['vEditActive'])) { $sections[$_POST['vEditActive']]['active'] = @$_POST['vActiv']; save_array($sections, 'sections.txt'); } if (isset($_POST['vEditPlace'])) { $sections[$_POST['vEditPlace']]['place'] = @$_POST['vPlace']; save_array($sections, 'sections.txt'); } if (isset($_POST['del_sec'])) { $num = @$_POST['num']; unset($sections[$num]); $sections = array_merge($sections); save_array($sections, 'sections.txt'); } ?> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="functions.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="wz_tooltip.js"></script> <MAP name='farm'> <?php $item_loc = array(); for ($x = 0; $x < $sizeX; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $sizeY; $y++) { $item_loc[$x][$y] = (object) array('name' => '', 'icon' => ''); } } foreach ($objects as $oID => $o) { # $u = $units[$o['itemName']]; $u = Units_GetUnitByName($o['itemName']); if (!isset($u['sizeX'])) { $u['sizeX'] = 1; $u['sizeY'] = 1; } if ($o['state'] == 'vertical') { $t = $u['sizeX']; $u['sizeX'] = $u['sizeY']; $u['sizeY'] = $t; } for ($x = 0; $x < $u['sizeX']; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $u['sizeY']; $y++) { $item_loc[$o['position']['x'] + $x][$o['position']['y'] + $y]->name = Sections_GetRealName(Sections_GetValue($u, 'name'), Sections_GetValue($u, 'realname')); $item_loc[$o['position']['x'] + $x][$o['position']['y'] + $y]->icon = Sections_GetValue($u, 'iconurl'); } } $vCntItems[$o['itemName']]++; foreach ($sections as $vSNum => $section) { if ($o['position']['x'] >= $section['bot_x'] && $o['position']['x'] <= $section['top_x'] && $o['position']['y'] >= $section['bot_y'] && $o['position']['y'] <= $section['top_y']) { # $vSecLoc[$vSNum][(isset($units[$o['itemName']]['realname']) ? $units[$o['itemName']]['realname'] : $units[$o['itemName']]['name']).' ('.$o['itemName'].')']++; $vSecLoc[$vSNum][Units_GetRealnameByName($o['itemName']) . ' (' . $o['itemName'] . ')']++; $vSecItems[$o['itemName']][$vSNum]++; for ($x = 0; $x < $u['sizeX']; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $u['sizeY']; $y++) { $item_loc[$o['position']['x'] + $x][$o['position']['y'] + $y]->snum = $vSNum; $item_loc[$o['position']['x'] + $x][$o['position']['y'] + $y]->stype = $section['type']; } } continue; } } } $local_path = "file:///" . str_replace("\\", "/", getcwd()) . '/'; $remote_path = '' . $flashRevision . '/'; if ($vSettings['map_main'] == '1' && (isset($_POST['add_sec_form']) || count($sections) == 0) || $vSettings['map_edit'] == '1' && (isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['copy_sec_form'])) || $vSettings['map_new'] == '1' && !(isset($_POST['add_sec_form']) || count($sections) == 0 || isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['copy_sec_form']))) { for ($x = 0; $x < $sizeX; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $sizeY; $y++) { $vRest = ''; if (isset($item_loc[$x][$y]->snum)) { $vAppend = '<br>in Section ' . $item_loc[$x][$y]->snum . ' (' . $item_loc[$x][$y]->stype . ')<br>'; $vAppend2 = 'click to edit Section'; $vAppend3 = ' onclick=window.location.href="index.php?edit_sec_form=Edit&num=' . $item_loc[$x][$y]->snum . '"'; } else { $vAppend = ''; $vAppend2 = ''; $vAppend3 = ''; } if ($vSettings['tooltip'] == 'small') { if (isset($_POST['add_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['copy_sec_form']) || count($sections) == 0) { $vRest = " onmouseover=\"Tip('<i>click to set<br><b>'+vTopBot+'</b><br>coordinates</i>', TITLE, '" . $x . " - " . $y . "', DELAY, 1)\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onclick=\"fClick(" . $x . "," . $y . ");this.onmouseover();\""; } else { $vRest = " onmouseover=\"Tip('" . $vAppend2 . "', TITLE, '" . $x . "-" . $y . "', DELAY, 1)\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" " . $vAppend3; } } if ($vSettings['tooltip'] == 'full') { $info = $item_loc[$x][$y]->name ? str_replace("'", "\\'", $item_loc[$x][$y]->name) . "<br/><img src=\\'" . (file_exists($item_loc[$x][$y]->icon) ? $local_path : $remote_path) . $item_loc[$x][$y]->icon . "\\' width=100 height=100/>" : ""; if (strlen($info) == 0) { $info = 'empty place'; } if (isset($_POST['add_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['copy_sec_form']) || count($sections) == 0) { $vRest = " onmouseover=\"Tip('" . $info . $vAppend . "<br><i>click to set<br><b>'+vTopBot+'</b><br>coordinates</i>', TITLE, '" . $x . " - " . $y . "', DELAY, 1)\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onclick=\"fClick(" . $x . "," . $y . ");this.onmouseover();\""; } else { $vRest = " onmouseover=\"Tip('" . $info . $vAppend . $vAppend2 . "', TITLE, '" . $x . "-" . $y . "', DELAY, 1)\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" " . $vAppend3; } } Sections_Draw_MapThing($x, $y, 1, 1, $vSettings['ratio'], $vRest); } } } ?> <h1>Sections <?php echo sections_Version; ?> <font size=+1> by ralphm2004 <?php echo sections_Version_Date; ?> </font></h1> <span onclick="fShowHide('tab_setting')"><small>Show/Hide Settings</small></span> <br> <table border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: none" id="tab_setting"> <tr> <td> <form action="index.php" method="post"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr valign=top> <td><?php echo 'Zoom: <select name="ratio" onchange="this.form.submit();">'; echo '<option value="1" ' . ($vSettings['ratio'] == '1' ? 'selected' : '') . '>50%</option>'; echo '<option value="2" ' . ($vSettings['ratio'] == '2' ? 'selected' : '') . '>75%</option>'; echo '<option value="3" ' . ($vSettings['ratio'] == '3' ? 'selected' : '') . '>100%</option>'; echo '<option value="4" ' . ($vSettings['ratio'] == '4' ? 'selected' : '') . '>150%</option>'; echo '<option value="5" ' . ($vSettings['ratio'] == '5' ? 'selected' : '') . '>200%</option>'; echo '</select>'; ?> </td> <td> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign=top> <td>Show Map:</td> <td><?php echo '<input type="checkbox" name="map_main" value="1" ' . ($vSettings['map_main'] != 0 ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>Main Screen</small><br>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="map_edit" value="1" ' . ($vSettings['map_edit'] != 0 ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>Edit Screen</small><br>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="map_new" value="1" ' . ($vSettings['map_new'] != 0 ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>New Screen</small><br>'; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign=top> <td>Show Tooltip:</td> <td><?php echo '<input type="radio" name="tooltip" value="full" ' . ($vSettings['tooltip'] == 'full' ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>Full</small><br>'; echo '<input type="radio" name="tooltip" value="small" ' . ($vSettings['tooltip'] == 'small' ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>Coordinates</small><br>'; echo '<input type="radio" name="tooltip" value="off" ' . ($vSettings['tooltip'] == 'off' ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>Off</small><br>'; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> <button type="submit" name="vSave" value="Save" onmouseover="this.className='hover';" onmouseout="this.className='';">Save</button> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if (!function_exists("gd_info")) { echo "<font size='+4' color='red'>GD is required to render the farm map image. Please enable it. (See the readme file on how to do this).</font>"; } else { if (isset($_POST['add_sec_form']) || count($sections) == 0) { if ($vSettings['map_new'] == '1') { echo "<img src='index.php?image=1" . "&edit_sec_form=" . (isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) ? $_POST['edit_sec_form'] : '') . "©_sec_form=" . (isset($_POST['copy_sec_form']) ? $_POST['copy_sec_form'] : '') . "&num=" . (isset($_POST['num']) ? $_POST['num'] : '') . "' USEMAP='#farm' border=0 style='cursor:crosshair;'/><br/>" . "<small>Hover over the image to see coordinates, click to set top/bottom coordinates</small><br/>\n"; } } elseif (isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['copy_sec_form'])) { if ($vSettings['map_edit'] == '1') { echo "<img src='index.php?image=1" . "&edit_sec_form=" . (isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) ? $_POST['edit_sec_form'] : '') . "©_sec_form=" . (isset($_POST['copy_sec_form']) ? $_POST['copy_sec_form'] : '') . "&num=" . (isset($_POST['num']) ? $_POST['num'] : '') . "' USEMAP='#farm' border=0 style='cursor:crosshair;'/><br/>" . "<small>Hover over the image to see coordinates, click to set top/bottom coordinates</small><br/>\n"; } } else { if ($vSettings['map_main'] == '1') { echo "<img src='index.php?image=1" . "' USEMAP='#farm' border=0/><br/>" . "<small>Hover over the image to see coordinates</small><br/>\n"; } } } # $vSectionUnitsArray=Sections_GetUnits($units,$flashRevision); $vSectionUnitsArray = Sections_GetUnits($flashRevision); $vSeeds = $vSectionUnitsArray['vSeeds']; $vAnimals = $vSectionUnitsArray['vAnimals']; $vTrees = $vSectionUnitsArray['vTrees']; $vDecorations = $vSectionUnitsArray['vDecorations']; $vBuildings = $vSectionUnitsArray['vBuildings']; $vBuyAnimals = $vSectionUnitsArray['vBuyAnimals']; $vBuyTrees = $vSectionUnitsArray['vBuyTrees']; $vBuyDecorations = $vSectionUnitsArray['vBuyDecorations']; $vAnimalUnits = $vSectionUnitsArray['vAnimalUnits']; $vAll = $vSectionUnitsArray['vAll']; if (isset($_POST['add_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['copy_sec_form']) || isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || count($sections) == 0) { if (isset($_POST['edit_sec_form'])) { echo '<h4>Edit section ' . $_POST['num'] . '</h4>'; $action = 'edit_sec'; $thissec = $sections[$_POST['num']]; } elseif (isset($_POST['copy_sec_form'])) { echo '<h4>Copy section ' . $_POST['num'] . '</h4>'; $action = 'add_sec'; $thissec = $sections[$_POST['num']]; $_POST['num'] = ''; } else { echo '<h4>Add section</h4>'; $action = 'add_sec'; $thissec = array('top_x' => 8, 'top_y' => 8, 'bot_x' => 0, 'bot_y' => 0, 'pat' => 'none', 'seed' => '---', 'seed2' => '---', 'type' => 'seed', 'anim' => '', 'tree' => '', 'deco' => '', 'buyanim' => '', 'buytree' => '', 'buydeco' => '', 'active' => 1, 'place' => ''); } $vGiftboxContent = Sections_GetGiftboxContent(); echo '<form action="' . sections_URL . '" name=myform>'; echo '<button type="submit" name="' . $action . '" value="Save" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Save</button> '; echo '<button type="submit" name="undo" value="Back" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Back</button>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="num" value="' . @$_POST['num'] . '">'; echo '<br/><br/>'; echo '<fieldset class="cream">'; echo '<small>A Section consists of a square located on the map above. Hover over the map, and find the coordinates of the <b>top</b> and <b>bottom</b> corners of the square you want to define your section in.</small><br/>'; echo '<span style="width: 50px">Active</span>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="active" value="1" ' . ($thissec['active'] != 0 ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>(Switch this Section on/off)</small><br>'; echo '<span style="width: 50px">Place/Plow</span>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="place" value="1" ' . ($thissec['place'] == 1 ? 'checked ' : '') . '> <small>(Place Items from GiftBox / Plow plot</small><br>'; echo '<span style="width: 150px">Top corner:</span>'; echo '<input type="text" name="top_x" id="top_x" value="' . $thissec['top_x'] . '" size=2 />'; echo ' - '; echo '<input type="text" name="top_y" id="top_y" value="' . $thissec['top_y'] . '" size=2 />'; echo '<br/>'; echo '<span style="width: 150px">Bottom corner:</span>'; echo '<input type="text" name="bot_x" id="bot_x" value="' . $thissec['bot_x'] . '" size=2 />'; echo ' - '; echo '<input type="text" name="bot_y" id="bot_y" value="' . $thissec['bot_y'] . '" size=2 />'; echo '<br/>'; echo '</fieldset>'; echo '<br/>'; echo '<fieldset class="cream">'; echo '<legend>'; echo '<b>Section Type:</b> '; if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'seed') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_seed\')" type=radio value="seed" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'seed' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Seed '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'anim') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_anim\')" type=radio value="anim" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'anim' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Animal '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'tree') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_tree\')" type=radio value="tree" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'tree' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Tree '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'deco') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_deco\')" type=radio value="deco" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'deco' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Decoration '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'building') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_building\')" type=radio value="building" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'building' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Buildings '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'buyanim') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_buyanim\')" type=radio value="buyanim" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'buyanim' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Buy Animal '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'buytree') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_buytree\')" type=radio value="buytree" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'buytree' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Buy Tree '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'buydeco') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_buydeco\')" type=radio value="buydeco" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'buydeco' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Buy Decoration '; } if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'dontmove') { echo '<input onclick="fShowTab(\'tab_dontmove\')" type=radio value="dontmove" name="type" ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'dontmove' ? 'checked' : '') . '>Don\'t Move '; } echo '</legend>'; echo '<br>'; ######################################## seed if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'seed') { echo '<table id="tab_seed" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'seed' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<span style="width: 150px">Pattern:</span>'; echo '<select name="pat" id="pat">'; echo '<option value="none" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'none' ? 'selected' : '') . '>None (just use first seed)</option>'; echo '<option value="checkerboard" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'checkerboard' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Checkerboard</option>'; echo '<option value="striped-row" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'striped-row' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Striped (north to south)</option>'; echo '<option value="striped-col" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'striped-col' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Striped (east to west)</option>'; echo '<option value="squared1" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'squared1' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Squared variant 1</option>'; echo '<option value="squared2" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'squared2' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Squared variant 2</option>'; echo '<option value="corner-n" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'corner-n' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Corner (north) </option>'; echo '<option value="corner-e" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'corner-e' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Corner (east)</option>'; echo '<option value="corner-s" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'corner-s' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Corner (south)</option>'; echo '<option value="corner-w" ' . ($thissec['pat'] == 'corner-w' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Corner (west)</option>'; echo '</select><br/>'; echo '<span style="width: 150px">First Seed:</span>'; echo '<select name="seed" id="seed">'; echo '<option ' . ($thissec['seed'] == '---' || $thissec['seed'] == '' ? 'selected ' : '') . 'value="---">please select</option>'; echo '<option ' . ($thissec['seed'] == 'just_plow' ? 'selected ' : '') . 'value="just_plow">place/plow plot, dont seed it</option>'; foreach ($vSeeds as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ' . ($thissec['seed'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '') . 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option>---- Seeder-Glitch ----</option>'; foreach ($vAll as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ' . ($thissec['seed'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '') . 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '</select><br/>'; echo '<span style="width: 150px">Second Seed:</span>'; echo '<select name="seed2" id="seed2">'; echo '<option ' . ($thissec2['seed'] == '---' || $thissec2['seed'] == '' ? 'selected ' : '') . 'value="---">please select</option>'; foreach ($vSeeds as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ' . ($thissec['seed2'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '') . 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '(Used when pattern not none)<br/>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## anim if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'anim') { echo '<script>'; echo 'function fCheckUncheckAnimUnit(vUnit,vCheck){', "\n"; foreach ($vAnimalUnits as $vUnitName => $vArray) { echo 'if(vUnit=="', $vUnitName, '" || vUnit=="all") {', "\n"; foreach ($vArray as $vName => $Tmp) { echo 'document.forms["myform"].elements["s_a_' . htmlentities($vName) . '"].checked=vCheck;', "\n"; } echo '}', "\n"; } echo 'document.forms["myform"].elements["vCheckAllAnimal"].value="---"', "\n"; echo 'document.forms["myform"].elements["vUnCheckAllAnimal"].value="---"', "\n"; echo '}', "\n"; echo '</script>', "\n"; echo '<table id="tab_anim" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: '; echo (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'anim' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="cream2"><tr valign=top><td>'; echo 'Walk: '; echo '</td><td>'; echo '<input type="radio" name="walk" value="nothing" ', @isset($thissec['walk']) && $thissec['walk'] == 'nothing' || $thissec['walk'] == '' ? 'checked' : '', '> dont change<br>'; echo '<input type="radio" name="walk" value="walk" ', @isset($thissec['walk']) && $thissec['walk'] == 'walk' ? 'checked' : '', '> allow animals to walk<br>'; echo '<input type="radio" name="walk" value="stay" ', @isset($thissec['walk']) && $thissec['walk'] == 'stay' ? 'checked' : '', '> forbid animals to walk<br>'; echo '</td><td> </td><td>'; echo 'Rotate: '; echo '</td><td>'; echo '<input type="radio" name="rotate" value="nothing" ', @isset($thissec['rotate']) && $thissec['rotate'] == 'nothing' || $thissec['rotate'] == '' ? 'checked' : '', '> dont change<br>'; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="cream2"> <tr> <td align="right">top-left <input type="radio" name="rotate" value="3" ', @isset($thissec['rotate']) && $thissec['rotate'] == '3' ? 'checked' : '', '></td> <td><input type="radio" name="rotate" value="2" ', @isset($thissec['rotate']) && $thissec['rotate'] == '2' ? 'checked' : '', '> top-right</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">bottom-left <input type="radio" name="rotate" value="0" ', @isset($thissec['rotate']) && $thissec['rotate'] == '0' ? 'checked' : '', '></td> <td><input type="radio" name="rotate" value="1" ', @isset($thissec['rotate']) && $thissec['rotate'] == '1' ? 'checked' : '', '> bottom-right</td> </tr> </table>'; echo '</td></tr></table><br>'; echo ' Select: <select name="vCheckAllAnimal" onchange="fCheckUncheckAnimUnit(this.value,true)"><option value="---">please select</option><option value="all">all animals</option>', "\n"; foreach ($vAnimalUnits as $vUnitName => $vTmp) { echo '<option value="', $vUnitName, '">', $vUnitName, '</option>', "\n"; } echo '</select>', "\n"; echo ' UnSelect: <select name="vUnCheckAllAnimal" onchange="fCheckUncheckAnimUnit(this.value,false)"><option value="---">please select</option><option value="all">all animals</option>', "\n"; foreach ($vAnimalUnits as $vUnitName => $vTmp) { echo '<option value="', $vUnitName, '">', $vUnitName, '</option>', "\n"; } echo '</select>', "\n"; echo '<br>'; echo '<table class="cream" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; echo '<tr bgcolor=white>'; echo '<th></th><th>RealName</th><th>Name</th><th>In Giftbox</th><th>In Sections</th><th>On the Farm</th>'; echo '</tr>'; $vArray = explode('|', $thissec['anim']); foreach ($vAnimals as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<tr bgcolor=white valign=top>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="s_a_', htmlentities($vName), '" value="1" '; echo in_array(htmlentities($vName), $vArray) ? 'checked ' : '', '>'; echo '</td><td>', $vRealName, '</td><td>', $vName, '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntGB = 0; foreach ($vGiftboxContent['animal'] as $vItem) { if ($vItem['name'] == $vName) { $vCntGB++; } } if ($vCntGB > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntGB, 'x in GiftBox </nobr> '; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntInSections = 0; foreach ($vSecItems[$vName] as $vSecNum => $count) { echo '<nobr>', $count, 'x in S.', $vSecNum, ' </nobr> '; $vCntInSections += $count; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntWorld = $vCntItems[$vName]; if ($vCntWorld > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntWorld, 'x on Farm'; if ($vCntInSections != $vCntWorld && $vCntInSections > 0) { echo ' / ', $vCntWorld - $vCntInSections, 'x not in Sections'; } echo '</nobr>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## tree if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'tree') { echo '<script>'; echo 'function fCheckUncheckTree(vCheck){', "\n"; foreach ($vTrees as $vName => $vRealName) { echo 'document.forms["myform"].elements["s_t_' . htmlentities($vName) . '"].checked=vCheck;', "\n"; } echo '}', "\n"; echo '</script>'; echo '<table id="tab_tree" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: '; echo (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'tree' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:fCheckUncheckTree(true)">Select All</a>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:fCheckUncheckTree(false)">UnSelect All</a><br>'; echo '<table class="cream" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; echo '<tr bgcolor=white>'; echo '<th></th><th>RealName</th><th>Name</th><th>In Giftbox</th><th>In Sections</th><th>On the Farm</th>'; echo '</tr>'; $vArray = explode('|', $thissec['tree']); foreach ($vTrees as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<tr bgcolor=white valign=top>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="s_t_', htmlentities($vName), '" value="1" '; echo in_array(htmlentities($vName), $vArray) ? 'checked ' : '', '>'; echo '</td><td>', $vRealName, '</td><td>', $vName, '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntGB = 0; foreach ($vGiftboxContent['tree'] as $vItem) { if ($vItem['name'] == $vName) { $vCntGB++; } } if ($vCntGB > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntGB, 'x in GiftBox </nobr> '; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntInSections = 0; foreach ($vSecItems[$vName] as $vSecNum => $count) { echo '<nobr>', $count, 'x in S.', $vSecNum, ' </nobr> '; $vCntInSections += $count; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntWorld = $vCntItems[$vName]; if ($vCntWorld > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntWorld, 'x on Farm'; if ($vCntInSections != $vCntWorld && $vCntInSections > 0) { echo ' / ', $vCntWorld - $vCntInSections, 'x not in Sections'; } echo '</nobr>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## deco if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'deco') { $vEggNewNameArray[] = 'egg_white'; $vEggOldNameArray[] = 'mysteryeggwhite'; $vEggNewNameArray[] = 'egg_brown'; $vEggOldNameArray[] = 'mysteryeggbrown'; $vEggNewNameArray[] = 'egg_black'; $vEggOldNameArray[] = 'mysteryeggblack'; $vEggNewNameArray[] = 'egg_gold'; $vEggOldNameArray[] = 'mysteryegggold'; $vEggNewNameArray[] = 'egg_cornish'; $vEggOldNameArray[] = 'mysteryeggcornish'; $vEggNewNameArray[] = 'egg_rhodered'; $vEggOldNameArray[] = 'mysteryeggrhodered'; $vEggNewNameArray[] = 'egg_scotsgrey'; $vEggOldNameArray[] = 'mysteryeggscotsgrey'; echo '<script>'; echo 'function fCheckUncheckDeco(vCheck){', "\n"; foreach ($vDecorations as $vName => $vRealName) { echo 'document.forms["myform"].elements["s_d_' . htmlentities($vName) . '"].checked=vCheck;', "\n"; } echo '}', "\n"; echo '</script>'; echo '<table id="tab_deco" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: '; echo (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'deco' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:fCheckUncheckDeco(true)">Select All</a>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:fCheckUncheckDeco(false)">UnSelect All</a><br>'; echo '<table class="cream" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; echo '<tr bgcolor=white>'; echo '<th></th><th>RealName</th><th>Name</th><th>In Giftbox</th><th>In Sections</th><th>On the Farm</th>'; echo '</tr>'; $vArray = explode('|', $thissec['deco']); foreach ($vDecorations as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<tr bgcolor=white valign=top>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="s_d_', htmlentities($vName), '" value="1" '; echo in_array(htmlentities($vName), $vArray) ? 'checked ' : '', '>'; echo '</td><td>', $vRealName, '</td><td>', $vName, '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntGB = 0; foreach ($vGiftboxContent['decoration'] as $vItem) { if (str_replace($vEggOldNameArray, $vEggNewNameArray, $vItem['name']) == $vName) { $vCntGB++; } } if ($vCntGB > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntGB, 'x in GiftBox </nobr> '; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntInSections = 0; if (strpos($vName, 'egg_') !== false) { foreach ($vSecItems[str_replace($vEggNewNameArray, $vEggOldNameArray, $vName)] as $vSecNum => $count) { echo '<nobr>', $count, 'x in S.', $vSecNum, ' </nobr> '; $vCntInSections += $count; } $vCntWorld = $vCntItems[str_replace($vEggNewNameArray, $vEggOldNameArray, $vName)]; } else { foreach ($vSecItems[$vName] as $vSecNum => $count) { echo '<nobr>', $count, 'x in S.', $vSecNum, ' </nobr> '; $vCntInSections += $count; } $vCntWorld = $vCntItems[$vName]; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($vCntWorld > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntWorld, 'x on Farm'; if ($vCntInSections != $vCntWorld && $vCntInSections > 0) { echo ' / ', $vCntWorld - $vCntInSections, 'x not in Sections'; } echo '</nobr>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## building if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'building') { echo '<script>'; echo 'function fCheckUncheckBuilding(vCheck){', "\n"; foreach ($vBuildings as $vName => $vRealName) { echo 'document.forms["myform"].elements["s_d_' . htmlentities($vName) . '"].checked=vCheck;', "\n"; } echo '}', "\n"; echo '</script>'; echo '<table id="tab_building" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: '; echo (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'building' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:fCheckUncheckBuilding(true)">Select All</a>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:fCheckUncheckBuilding(false)">UnSelect All</a><br>'; echo '<table class="cream" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; echo '<tr bgcolor=white>'; echo '<th></th><th>RealName</th><th>Name</th><th>In Giftbox</th><th>In Sections</th><th>On the Farm</th>'; echo '</tr>'; $vArray = explode('|', $thissec['building']); foreach ($vBuildings as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<tr bgcolor=white valign=top>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="s_b_', htmlentities($vName), '" value="1" '; echo in_array(htmlentities($vName), $vArray) ? 'checked ' : '', '>'; echo '</td><td>', $vRealName, '</td><td>', $vName, '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntGB = 0; foreach ($vGiftboxContent['building'] as $vItem) { if ($vItem['name'] == $vName) { $vCntGB++; } } if ($vCntGB > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntGB, 'x in GiftBox </nobr> '; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $vCntInSections = 0; foreach ($vSecItems[$vName] as $vSecNum => $count) { echo '<nobr>', $count, 'x in S.', $vSecNum, ' </nobr> '; $vCntInSections += $count; } $vCntWorld = $vCntItems[$vName]; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($vCntWorld > 0) { echo '<nobr>', $vCntWorld, 'x on Farm'; if ($vCntInSections != $vCntWorld && $vCntInSections > 0) { echo ' / ', $vCntWorld - $vCntInSections, 'x not in Sections'; } echo '</nobr>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## buyanim if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'buyanim') { echo '<table id="tab_buyanim" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'buyanim' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<select name="buyanim" id="buyanim">'; echo '<option ', $thissec['buyanim'] == '---' || $thissec['buyanim'] == '' ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="---">please select</option>'; echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Buyable, Coins ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyAnimals['coins'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buyanim'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Buyable, Cash ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyAnimals['cash'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buyanim'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Not Buyable, Coins ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyAnimals['nocoins'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buyanim'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Not Buyable, Cash ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyAnimals['nocash'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buyanim'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## buytree if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'buytree') { echo '<table id="tab_buytree" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'buytree' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<select name="buytree" id="buytree">'; echo '<option ', $thissec['buytree'] == '---' || $thissec['buytree'] == '' ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="---">please select</option>'; echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Buyable, Coins ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyTrees['coins'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buytree'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Buyable, Cash ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyTrees['cash'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buytree'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Not Buyable, Coins ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyTrees['nocoins'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buytree'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Not Buyable, Cash ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyTrees['nocash'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buytree'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## buydeco if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'buydeco') { echo '<table id="tab_buydeco" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'buydeco' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<select name="buydeco" id="buydeco">'; echo '<option ', $thissec['buydeco'] == '---' || $thissec['buydeco'] == '' ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="---">please select</option>'; echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Buyable, Coins ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyDecorations['coins'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buydeco'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Buyable, Cash ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyDecorations['cash'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buydeco'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Not Buyable, Coins ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyDecorations['nocoins'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buydeco'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '<option style="background-color:#dddddd" value="">==== Not Buyable, Cash ===</option>'; foreach ($vBuyDecorations['nocash'] as $vName => $vRealName) { echo '<option ', $thissec['buydeco'] == htmlentities($vName) ? 'selected ' : '', 'value="' . htmlentities($vName) . '">' . htmlentities($vRealName . ' (' . $vName . ')') . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } ######################################## dontmove if (!isset($_POST['edit_sec_form']) || $thissec['type'] == 'dontmove') { echo '<table id="tab_dontmove" border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="display: ' . (@isset($thissec['type']) && $thissec['type'] == 'dontmove' ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } echo '</fieldset><br/>'; echo '<button type="submit" name="' . $action . '" value = "Save" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Save</button> '; echo '<button type="submit" name="undo" value="Back" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Back</button>'; echo '</form>'; } else { echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="7" cellpadding="0"><tr valign=center>'; echo '<td><big><b>Sections</b></big></td>'; echo '<td> </td>'; echo '<form action="index.php" method="post">'; echo '<td>'; echo '<button type="submit" name="add_sec_form" value="Add section" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Add section</button>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</form>'; echo '<td> </td>'; echo '<form action="index.php" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="vDoExpension" value="on">'; echo '<td>'; echo '<button onclick="javascript:if(confirm(\'*REALLY* UPGRADED FARM? All Sections get move 8x8 Spots\')){this.form.submit()}" type="button" name="farm_expension" value="Farm Expension" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Farm Expension</button>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</tr></table>'; echo '<table class="cream" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; echo '<tr bgcolor=white>'; echo '<th colspan=4>Number</th><th> Active </th><th> Place <br> Plow </th><th colspan=3>Top</th><th> </th><th colspan=3>Bottom</th><th> </th><th colspan=2>Details</th><th colspan=2>Content</th>'; echo '</tr>'; foreach ($sections as $num => $section) { echo '<tr bgcolor=white valign=top class="sec' . $num . '">'; echo '<td align=left>' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<form action="index.php" methd="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="num" value="' . $num . '">'; echo '<button type="submit" name="edit_sec_form" value="Edit" title="Edit" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Edit</button>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</form>'; echo '<form action="index.php" method="post"><td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="num" value="' . $num . '">'; echo '<button type="submit" name="copy_sec_form" value="Copy" title="Copy" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Copy</button>'; echo '</td></form>'; echo '<form action="index.php" method="post"><td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="num" value="' . $num . '">'; echo '<button type="submit" name="del_sec" value="Del" title="Delete" onmouseover="this.className=\'hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';">Delete</button>'; echo '</td></form>'; echo '<td>'; echo ' '; echo '<input onclick="self.location.href=\'index.php?vEditActive=' . $num . '&vActiv=' . ($section['active'] != 0 ? '0' : '1') . '\'" type="checkbox" name="active" value="1" ' . ($section['active'] != 0 ? 'checked ' : '') . '>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo ' '; if ($section['type'] == 'anim' || $section['type'] == 'tree' || $section['type'] == 'deco' || $section['type'] == 'building' || $section['type'] == 'seed') { echo '<input onclick="self.location.href=\'main.php?vEditPlace=' . $num . '&vPlace=' . ($section['place'] != 0 ? '0' : '1') . '\'" type="checkbox" name="place" value="1" ' . ($section['place'] == 1 ? 'checked ' : '') . '>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . $section['top_x'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>-</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . $section['top_y'] . '</td>'; echo '<td> </td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . $section['bot_x'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>-</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . $section['bot_y'] . '</td>'; echo '<td> </td>'; echo '<td>' . $section['type'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($section['type'] == 'seed') { echo ' pattern ' . $section['pat'] . ": "; echo Sections_GetValue($vSeeds, $section['seed']) . ' (' . $section['seed'] . ')'; echo $section['pat'] != 'none' ? '/' . Sections_GetValue($vSeeds, $section['seed2']) . ' (' . $section['seed2'] . ')' : ''; } elseif ($section['type'] == 'anim') { foreach (explode('|', $section['anim']) as $vAnimal) { echo '<nobr>' . $vAnimals[$vAnimal] . ' (' . $vAnimal . ') </nobr> '; } if ($section['walk'] == 'walk') { echo 'walk '; } if ($section['walk'] == 'stay') { echo 'stay '; } if ($section['rotate'] == '0') { echo '<nobr>bottom-left </nobr> '; } if ($section['rotate'] == '1') { echo '<nobr>bottom-right </nobr> '; } if ($section['rotate'] == '2') { echo '<nobr>top-right </nobr> '; } if ($section['rotate'] == '3') { echo '<nobr>top-left </nobr> '; } } elseif ($section['type'] == 'tree') { foreach (explode('|', $section['tree']) as $vTree) { echo '<nobr>' . (isset($vTrees[$vTree]) ? $vTrees[$vTree] . ' (' . $vTree . ')' : $vTree) . ' </nobr> '; } } elseif ($section['type'] == 'deco') { foreach (explode('|', $section['deco']) as $vDeco) { echo '<nobr>' . $vDecorations[$vDeco] . ' (' . $vDeco . ') </nobr> '; } } elseif ($section['type'] == 'building') { foreach (explode('|', $section['building']) as $Building) { echo '<nobr>' . $vBuildings[$Building] . ' (' . $Building . ') </nobr> '; } } elseif ($section['type'] == 'buyanim') { echo $vAnimals[$section['buyanim']] . ' (' . $section['buyanim'] . ')'; } elseif ($section['type'] == 'buytree') { echo $vTrees[$section['buytree']] . ' (' . $section['buytree'] . ')'; } elseif ($section['type'] == 'buydeco') { echo $vDecorations[$section['buydeco']] . ' (' . $section['buydeco'] . ')'; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; foreach ($vSecLoc[$num] as $itemName => $count) { echo '<nobr>', $count, 'x ' . $itemName . '</nobr> '; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table><br/>'; } echo "</body></html>"; } }
function Sections_plant_sections() { global $need_reload; $enable_seed = true; echo "Sections v", sections_Version, " >> plant_sections\r\n"; $sections = load_array('sections.txt'); if (!(is_array($sections) && count($sections))) { return; } #return; // uncomment to disable for debug purposes if ($need_reload) { $res = DoInit(); //reload farm $need_reload = false; } # $units = @unserialize(file_get_contents(F('units.txt'))); $objects = @unserialize(fBGetDataStore('objects')); list($level, $gold, $cash, $sizeX, $sizeY, $firstname, $locale, $tileset, $wither, $xp, $energy, $flashRevision) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); // Build matrix so we can know which locations are empty $location_empty = array(); for ($x = 0; $x < $sizeX; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $sizeY; $y++) { $location_empty[$x][$y] = true; } } foreach ($objects as $o) { # $u = $units[$o['itemName']]; $u = Units_GetUnitByName($o['itemName']); if (!isset($u['sizeX'])) { $u['sizeX'] = 1; $u['sizeY'] = 1; } if ($o['state'] == 'vertical') { $t = $u['sizeX']; $u['sizeX'] = $u['sizeY']; $u['sizeY'] = $t; } for ($x = 0; $x < $u['sizeX']; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $u['sizeY']; $y++) { $location_empty[$o['position']['x'] + $x][$o['position']['y'] + $y] = false; } } } foreach ($sections as $section) { if ($section['active'] == '1' && $section['place'] == '1' && $section['type'] == 'seed') { $u['sizeX'] = 4; $u['sizeY'] = 4; while ($newpos = Sections_Find_Free_Location_Buy($section, $u, $location_empty)) { unset($vPlot); $vPlot['itemName'] = null; $vPlot['isProduceItem'] = false; $vPlot['isBigPlot'] = false; $vPlot['direction'] = 0; $vPlot['plantTime'] = 'NaN'; $vPlot['deleted'] = false; $vPlot['isJumbo'] = false; $vPlot['state'] = 'plowed'; $vPlot['tempId'] = -1; $vPlot['id'] = 0; $vPlot['className'] = 'Plot'; $vPlot['position']['z'] = 0; $vPlot['position']['x'] = (int) $newpos['x']; $vPlot['position']['y'] = (int) $newpos['y']; $tractor_plots[] = $vPlot; for ($x = 0; $x < $u['sizeX']; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $u['sizeY']; $y++) { $location_empty[$newpos['x'] + $x][$newpos['y'] + $y] = false; } } } } } if (isset($tractor_plots) && count($tractor_plots) > 0) { $result = Do_Farm_Work_Plots($tractor_plots, 'tractor'); $need_reload = $need_reload || $result; } // Below mostly copied from parser.php with adaptions if ($need_reload) { $res = DoInit(); //reload farm $need_reload = false; } if ($enable_seed) { $plots = GetObjects('Plot'); //Find empty plots $plowed_plots = array(); foreach ($plots as $plowed_key => $plot) { if ($plot['state'] == 'plowed') { $plowed_plots[] = $plot; } } $seed_plots = array(); foreach ($plowed_plots as $plot) { $itemName = ""; $px = floor($plot['position']['x'] / 4); $py = floor($plot['position']['y'] / 4); $npx = $plot['position']['x']; $npy = $plot['position']['y']; foreach ($sections as $section) { if ($section['active'] == '1' && $section['type'] == 'seed' && $section['seed'] != 'just_plow' && $section['seed'] != '---' && $npx >= $section['bot_x'] && $npx <= $section['top_x'] && $npy >= $section['bot_y'] && $npy <= $section['top_y']) { // found the section switch ($section['pat']) { case 'checkerboard': $itemName = ($px + $py) % 2 == 1 ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'striped-row': $itemName = $py % 2 == 1 ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'striped-col': $itemName = $px % 2 == 1 ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'squared1': $itemName = $px % 2 == 1 || $py % 2 == 1 ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'squared2': $itemName = $px % 2 == 1 || $py % 2 == 1 ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'corner-w': $itemName = $px % 2 == 1 && $px >= $py || $py % 2 == 1 && $py >= $px ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'corner-e': $itemName = $px % 2 == 1 && $px <= $py || $py % 2 == 1 && $py <= $px ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'corner-n': $sz_x = floor(($section['top_x'] - $section['bot_x']) / 4); $itemName = $px % 2 == 1 && $sz_x - $px <= $py || $py % 2 == 1 && $py <= $sz_x - $px ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; case 'corner-s': $sz_x = floor(($section['top_x'] - $section['bot_x']) / 4); $itemName = $px % 2 == 1 && $sz_x - $px >= $py || $py % 2 == 1 && $py <= $sz_x - $px ? $section['seed'] : $section['seed2']; break; default: $itemName = $section['seed']; } } } if (strlen($itemName) > 0) { $plot['itemName'] = $itemName; $seed_plots[] = $plot; # } else { # echo GetPlotName($plot) . " not in a section."; } } if (count($seed_plots) > 0) { Do_Farm_Work_Plots($seed_plots, 'place'); //plant crops } unset($seed_plots, $plowed_plots); } }
function Do_Farm_Work_Plots($plots, $action = "harvest") { global $vCnt63000; list(, , , , , , , , , , $fuel) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); if (@strlen($vCnt63000) == 0) { $vCnt63000 = 63000; } $px_Setopts = LoadSavedSettings(); if (!@$px_Setopts['bot_speed'] || @$px_Setopts['bot_speed'] < 1) { $px_Setopts['bot_speed'] = 1; } if (@$px_Setopts['bot_speed'] > PARSER_MAX_SPEED) { $px_Setopts['bot_speed'] = PARSER_MAX_SPEED; } $vMaxEquip = 16; if (@(!$fuel) || @$fuel < 0) { $fuel = 0; } if ($fuel == 0 && $action == 'tractor') { return; } if ($fuel == 0) { Do_Farm_Work($plots, $action); return; } while (count($plots) > 0) { $amf = new AMFObject(""); $amf->_bodys[0] = new MessageBody(); $amf->_bodys[0]->targetURI = 'FlashService.dispatchBatch'; $amf->_bodys[0]->responseURI = '/1/onStatus'; $amf->_bodys[0]->responseIndex = '/1'; $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[0] = GetAMFHeaders(); $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[2] = 0; $vCntSpeed = 0; while (count($plots) > 0 && $vCntSpeed < $px_Setopts['bot_speed'] && $fuel > 0) { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['sequence'] = GetSequense(); $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['functionName'] = "EquipmentWorldService.onUseEquipment"; if ($action == 'tractor') { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][0] = 'plow'; } else { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][0] = $action; } $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][1]['id'] = -1; if ($action == 'harvest') { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][1]['key'] = 'V1:32'; } # fully expanded harvester if ($action == 'tractor' || $action == 'plow') { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][1]['key'] = 'T1:32'; } # fully expanded tractor if ($action == 'place') { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][1]['key'] = 'S1:32'; } # fully expanded seeder $vCntEquip = 0; $vSeed = ''; $vLastSeed = ''; while (count($plots) > 0 && $vCntEquip < $vMaxEquip && $fuel > 0) { $vPlot = array_pop($plots); if ($action == 'place') { $vSeed = $vPlot['itemName']; if ($vLastSeed == '') { $vLastSeed = $vSeed; } elseif ($vLastSeed != $vSeed) { array_push($plots, $vPlot); break; } } if (@(!$plotsstring)) { $plotsstring = $vPlot['itemName'] . " " . GetPlotName($vPlot); } else { $plotsstring = $plotsstring . ", " . $vPlot['itemName'] . " " . GetPlotName($vPlot); } if (@(!$OKstring)) { $OKstring = $action . " " . $vPlot['itemName'] . " on plot " . GetPlotName($vPlot); } else { $OKstring = $OKstring . "\r\n" . $action . " " . $vPlot['itemName'] . " on plot " . GetPlotName($vPlot); } $fuel--; if ($action == 'tractor') { $vCnt63000++; $vPlot['id'] = $vCnt63000; $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][2][$vCntEquip] = $vPlot; } else { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][2][$vCntEquip]['id'] = $vPlot['id']; } $vCntEquip++; } if ($action == 'tractor' || $action == 'harvest' || $action == 'plow') { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][3] = 'plowed'; } if ($action == 'place') { $amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1][$vCntSpeed]['params'][3] = $vSeed; } $vCntSpeed++; } AddLog2($action . " " . $plotsstring); $res = RequestAMF($amf); AddLog2("result {$res}"); unset($amf->_bodys[0]->_value[1]); if ($res === 'OK') { AddLog($OKstring); $need_reload = true; } else { if ($res) { AddLog("Error: {$res} on " . $OKstring); if (intval($res) == 29 || strpos($res, 'BAD AMF') !== false) { // Server sequence was reset DoInit(); } } } unset($plotsstring, $OKstring); } $px_Setopts = LoadSavedSettings(); if ($action == 'plow' || $action == 'tractor') { $px_Setopts['fuel_plow'] = $fuel; } if ($action == 'place') { $px_Setopts['fuel_place'] = $fuel; } if ($action == 'harvest') { $px_Setopts['fuel_harvest'] = $fuel; } SaveSettings($px_Setopts); }
function SM_showFarmStats() { list($level, $gold, $cash, $sizeX, $sizeY, $firstname) = explode(';', fBGetDataStore('playerinfo')); $xm = $sizeX - 1; $ym = $sizeY - 1; $farm = array(); $farm = TB_buildFarmArray(); $cPlots = 0; $cFree = 0; for ($x = 0; $x <= $xm; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y <= $ym; $y++) { if ($farm[$x][$y]) { $cFree++; } $cPlots++; } } echo '<table style="border:none" width="100%">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td colspan="4">'; echo 'Your farm: ' . $sizeX . ' x ' . $sizeY . ' - ' . round($cFree / $cPlots * 100) . '% is free'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; }