예제 #1
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     global $user;
     global $db;
     $i18n = exponent_lang_loadFile('modules/calendarmodule/class.php');
     $template = new template('calendarmodule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
     $canviewapproval = false;
     $inapproval = false;
     global $user;
     if ($user) {
         $canviewapproval = exponent_permissions_check("approve", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("manage_approval", $loc);
     if ($db->countObjects("calendar", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=1")) {
         foreach ($db->selectObjects("calendar", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=1") as $c) {
             if ($c->poster == $user->id) {
                 $canviewapproval = true;
         $inapproval = true;
     $time = isset($_GET['time']) ? $_GET['time'] : time();
     $template->assign("time", $time);
     $viewconfig = $template->viewparams;
     if ($viewconfig === null) {
         $viewconfig = array("type" => "default");
     if (!defined("SYS_DATETIME")) {
         include_once BASE . "subsystems/datetime.php";
     if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) {
         include_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php';
     if (!function_exists("exponent_sorting_byEventStartAscending")) {
         function exponent_sorting_byEventStartAscending($a, $b)
             return $a->eventstart < $b->eventstart ? -1 : 1;
     //Pathos Compatibility::this is deprecated
     if (@defined(PATHOS)) {
         if (!function_exists('pathos_sorting_byEventStartAscending')) {
             function pathos_sorting_byDateAscending($a, $b)
                 return exponent_sorting_byEventStartAscending($a, $b);
     //End Pathos Compatibility
     if ($viewconfig['type'] == "minical") {
         $monthly = array();
         $info = getdate(time());
         $info = getdate(time());
         // Grab non-day numbers only (before end of month)
         $week = 0;
         $currentweek = 0;
         $currentday = $info['mday'];
         $infofirst = getdate(mktime(12, 0, 0, $info['mon'], 1, $info['year']));
         if ($infofirst['wday'] == 0) {
             $monthly[$week] = array();
         // initialize for non days
         for ($i = 0 - $infofirst['wday']; $i < 0; $i++) {
             $monthly[$week][$i] = array("number" => -1, "ts" => -1);
         $weekday = $infofirst['wday'];
         // day number in grid.  if 7+, switch weeks
         // Grab day counts (deprecated, handled by the php date function)
         // $endofmonth = exponent_datetime_endOfMonthDay(time());
         $endofmonth = date('t', time());
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $endofmonth; $i++) {
             $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $info['mon'], $i, $info['year']);
             if ($i == $info['mday']) {
                 $currentweek = $week;
             $monthly[$week][$i] = array("ts" => $start, "number" => $db->countObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$start}"));
             if ($weekday >= 6) {
                 $monthly[$week] = array();
                 // allocate an array for the next week
                 $weekday = 0;
             } else {
         // Grab non-day numbers only (after end of month)
         for ($i = 1; $weekday && $i <= 7 - $weekday; $i++) {
             $monthly[$week][$i + $endofmonth] = -1;
         $template->assign("monthly", $monthly);
         $template->assign("currentweek", $currentweek);
         $template->assign("currentday", $currentday);
         $template->assign("now", time());
     } else {
         if ($viewconfig['type'] == "byday") {
             $startperiod = 0;
             $totaldays = 0;
             if ($viewconfig['range'] == "week") {
                 $startperiod = exponent_datetime_startOfWeekTimestamp($time);
                 $totaldays = 7;
             } else {
                 $startperiod = exponent_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp($time);
                 $totaldays = date('t', time());
             $template->assign("prev_timestamp", $startperiod - 3600);
             $template->assign("next_timestamp", $startperiod + $totaldays * 86400 + 3600);
             $days = array();
             //added per Ignacio
             $endofmonth = date('t', $time);
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $endofmonth; $i++) {
                 $info = getdate($time);
                 $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $info['mon'], $i, $info['year']);
                 //for ($i = 0; $i < $totaldays; $i++) {
                 //  	if( $i == 0 )
                 //  	{
                 //	    $start = $startperiod + ($i*86400);
                 //	} else {
                 //		$start = $startperiod + ($i*86400)-3600;
                 //	}
                 #$days[$start] = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='".serialize($loc)."' AND (eventstart >= $start AND eventend <= " . ($start+86399) . ") AND approved!=0");
                 $edates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$start}");
                 $days[$start] = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($edates);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < count($days[$start]); $j++) {
                     $thisloc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $days[$start][$j]->id);
                     $days[$start][$j]->permissions = array("administrate" => exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $loc), "edit" => exponent_permissions_check("edit", $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check("edit", $loc), "delete" => exponent_permissions_check("delete", $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check("delete", $loc));
                 usort($days[$start], "exponent_sorting_byEventStartAscending");
             $template->assign("days", $days);
         } else {
             if ($viewconfig['type'] == "monthly") {
                 $monthly = array();
                 $counts = array();
                 $info = getdate($time);
                 $nowinfo = getdate(time());
                 if ($info['mon'] != $nowinfo['mon']) {
                     $nowinfo['mday'] = -10;
                 // Grab non-day numbers only (before end of month)
                 $week = 0;
                 $currentweek = -1;
                 $timefirst = mktime(12, 0, 0, $info['mon'], 1, $info['year']);
                 $infofirst = getdate($timefirst);
                 if ($infofirst['wday'] == 0) {
                     $monthly[$week] = array();
                     // initialize for non days
                     $counts[$week] = array();
                 for ($i = 1 - $infofirst['wday']; $i < 1; $i++) {
                     $monthly[$week][$i] = array();
                     $counts[$week][$i] = -1;
                 $weekday = $infofirst['wday'];
                 // day number in grid.  if 7+, switch weeks
                 // Grab day counts (deprecated, handled by the date function)
                 // $endofmonth = exponent_datetime_endOfMonthDay($time);
                 $endofmonth = date('t', $time);
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $endofmonth; $i++) {
                     $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $info['mon'], $i, $info['year']);
                     if ($i == $nowinfo['mday']) {
                         $currentweek = $week;
                     #$monthly[$week][$i] = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='".serialize($loc)."' AND (eventstart >= $start AND eventend <= " . ($start+86399) . ") AND approved!=0");
                     $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$start}");
                     $monthly[$week][$i] = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($dates);
                     $counts[$week][$i] = count($monthly[$week][$i]);
                     if ($weekday >= 6) {
                         $monthly[$week] = array();
                         // allocate an array for the next week
                         $counts[$week] = array();
                         $weekday = 0;
                     } else {
                 // Grab non-day numbers only (after end of month)
                 for ($i = 1; $weekday && $i < 8 - $weekday; $i++) {
                     $monthly[$week][$i + $endofmonth] = array();
                     $counts[$week][$i + $endofmonth] = -1;
                 $template->assign("currentweek", $currentweek);
                 $template->assign("monthly", $monthly);
                 $template->assign("counts", $counts);
                 $template->assign("nextmonth", $timefirst + 86400 * 45);
                 $template->assign("prevmonth", $timefirst - 86400 * 15);
                 $template->assign("now", $timefirst);
             } else {
                 if ($viewconfig['type'] == "administration") {
                     // Check perms and return if cant view
                     if ($viewconfig['type'] == "administration" && !$user) {
                     $continue = exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("post", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("edit", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("delete", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("approve", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("manage_approval", $loc) ? 1 : 0;
                     $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
                     $items = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($dates);
                     if (!$continue) {
                         foreach ($items as $i) {
                             $iloc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $i->id);
                             if (exponent_permissions_check("edit", $iloc) || exponent_permissions_check("delete", $iloc) || exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $iloc)) {
                                 $continue = true;
                     if (!$continue) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
                         $thisloc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $items[$i]->id);
                         if ($user && $items[$i]->poster == $user->id) {
                             $canviewapproval = 1;
                         $items[$i]->permissions = array("administrate" => exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $loc), "edit" => exponent_permissions_check("edit", $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check("edit", $loc), "delete" => exponent_permissions_check("delete", $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check("delete", $loc));
                     usort($items, "exponent_sorting_byEventStartAscending");
                     $template->assign("items", $items);
                 } else {
                     if ($viewconfig['type'] == "default") {
                         if (!isset($viewconfig['range'])) {
                             $viewconfig['range'] = "all";
                         $limit = '';
                         if (isset($template->viewconfig) && isset($template->viewconfig['num_events']) && $template->viewconfig['num_events'] != 0) {
                             $limit = $db->limit($template->viewconfig['num_events'], 0);
                         $items = null;
                         $dates = null;
                         $day = exponent_datetime_startOfDayTimestamp(time());
                         $sort_asc = true;
                         // For the getEventsForDates call
                         switch ($viewconfig['range']) {
                             case "all":
                                 $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
                             case "upcoming":
                                 $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date > {$day} ORDER BY date ASC " . $limit);
                             case "past":
                                 $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date < {$day} ORDER BY date DESC " . $limit);
                                 $sort_asc = false;
                             case "today":
                                 $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$day}");
                             case "next":
                                 $dates = array($db->selectObject("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date >= {$day}"));
                             case "month":
                                 $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date >= " . exponent_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp(time()) . " AND date <= " . exponent_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp(time()));
                         $items = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($dates, $sort_asc);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
                             $thisloc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $items[$i]->id);
                             if ($user && $items[$i]->poster == $user->id) {
                                 $canviewapproval = 1;
                             $items[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $loc), 'edit' => exponent_permissions_check('edit', $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check('edit', $loc), 'delete' => exponent_permissions_check('delete', $thisloc) || exponent_permissions_check('delete', $loc));
                         $template->assign('items', $items);
     $template->assign('in_approval', $inapproval);
     $template->assign('canview_approval_link', $canviewapproval);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'post', 'edit', 'delete', 'manage_approval', 'manage_categories'), $loc);
     $cats = $db->selectObjectsIndexedArray("category", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     $cats[0] = null;
     $cats[0]->name = '<i>' . $i18n['no_category'] . '</i>';
     $cats[0]->color = "#000000";
     $template->assign("categories", $cats);
     $config = $db->selectObject("calendarmodule_config", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     if (!$config) {
         $config->enable_categories = 0;
     $template->assign("modconfig", $config);
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     $template = new template('WeblogModule', $view, $loc);
     global $db;
     global $user;
     $user_id = $user ? $user->id : -1;
     $config = $db->selectObject('WeblogModule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     if ($config == null) {
         $config->allow_comments = 1;
         $config->items_per_page = 10;
     $viewconfig = array('type' => 'default');
     if (is_readable($template->viewdir . "/{$view}.config")) {
         $viewconfig = (include $template->viewdir . "/{$view}.config");
     $where = '(is_draft = 0 OR poster = ' . $user_id . ") AND location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'";
     if (!exponent_permissions_check('view_private', $loc)) {
         $where .= ' AND is_private = 0';
     if ($viewconfig['type'] == 'monthlist') {
         $months = array();
         $min_date = $db->min('weblog_post', 'posted', 'location_data', $where);
         $max_date = $db->max('weblog_post', 'posted', 'location_data', $where);
         $months = array();
         if (!defined('SYS_DATETIME')) {
             require_once BASE . 'subsystems/datetime.php';
         $start_month = exponent_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp($min_date);
         $end_month = exponent_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp($min_date) + 86399;
         do {
             $count = $db->countObjects('weblog_post', $where . ' AND posted >= ' . $start_month . ' AND posted <= ' . $end_month);
             if ($count) {
                 $months[$start_month] = $count;
             $start_month = $end_month + 1;
             $end_month = exponent_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp($start_month) + 86399;
         } while ($start_month < $max_date);
         $template->assign('months', array_reverse($months, true));
     } else {
         if ($viewconfig['type'] == 'calendar') {
             if (!defined('SYS_DATETIME')) {
                 require_once BASE . 'subsystems/datetime.php';
             $month_days = exponent_datetime_monthlyDaysTimestamp(time());
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($month_days); $i++) {
                 foreach ($month_days[$i] as $mday => $timestamp) {
                     if ($mday > 0) {
                         // Got a valid one.  Go with it.
                         $month_days[$i][$mday] = array('number' => $db->countObjects('weblog_post', $where . ' AND posted >= ' . $timestamp . ' AND posted < ' . strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp)), 'ts' => $timestamp);
             $template->assign('days', $month_days);
             $template->assign('now', time());
         } else {
             $total = $db->countObjects('weblog_post', $where);
             $posts = $db->selectObjects('weblog_post', $where . ' ORDER BY posted DESC ' . $db->limit($config->items_per_page, 0));
             if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) {
                 require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($posts); $i++) {
                 $ploc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $posts[$i]->id);
                 $posts[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $ploc), 'edit' => exponent_permissions_check('edit', $ploc), 'delete' => exponent_permissions_check('delete', $ploc), 'comment' => exponent_permissions_check('comment', $ploc), 'edit_comments' => exponent_permissions_check('edit_comments', $ploc), 'delete_comments' => exponent_permissions_check('delete_comments', $ploc), 'view_private' => exponent_permissions_check('view_private', $ploc));
                 $comments = $db->selectObjects('weblog_comment', 'parent_id=' . $posts[$i]->id);
                 usort($comments, 'exponent_sorting_byPostedDescending');
                 $posts[$i]->comments = $comments;
             usort($posts, 'exponent_sorting_byPostedDescending');
             $template->assign('posts', $posts);
             $template->assign('total_posts', $total);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'post', 'edit', 'delete', 'comment', 'edit_comments', 'delete_comments', 'view_private'), $loc);
     $template->assign('config', $config);
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
# General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
if (!defined('EXPONENT')) {
exponent_flow_set(SYS_FLOW_PUBLIC, SYS_FLOW_ACTION);
if (!defined('SYS_DATETIME')) {
    require_once BASE . 'subsystems/datetime.php';
$time = isset($_GET['month']) ? $_GET['month'] : time();
$start_month = exponent_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp($time);
$end_month = exponent_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp($time);
$where = "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND (is_draft = 0 OR poster = " . ($user ? $user->id : -1) . ") AND posted >= {$start_month} AND posted <= {$end_month}";
if (!exponent_permissions_check('view_private', $loc)) {
    $where .= ' AND is_private = 0';
$config = $db->selectObject('WeblogModule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
if ($config == null) {
    $config->allow_comments = 1;
$posts = $db->selectObjects('weblog_post', $where);
if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) {
    require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($posts); $i++) {
    $ploc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $posts[$i]->id);