예제 #1
 * Manually process an image from the Media Library
function ewww_image_optimizer_manual()
    global $ewww_debug;
    $ewww_debug .= "<b>ewww_image_optimizer_manual()</b><br>";
    // check permissions of current user
    $permissions = apply_filters('ewww_image_optimizer_manual_permissions', '');
    if (FALSE === current_user_can($permissions)) {
        // display error message if insufficient permissions
        wp_die(__('You don\'t have permission to optimize images.', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN));
    // make sure we didn't accidentally get to this page without an attachment to work on
    if (FALSE === isset($_GET['ewww_attachment_ID'])) {
        // display an error message since we don't have anything to work on
        wp_die(__('No attachment ID was provided.', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN));
    // store the attachment ID value
    $attachment_ID = intval($_GET['ewww_attachment_ID']);
    // retrieve the existing attachment metadata
    $original_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($attachment_ID);
    // if the call was to optimize...
    if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'ewww_image_optimizer_manual_optimize') {
        // call the optimize from metadata function and store the resulting new metadata
        $new_meta = ewww_image_optimizer_resize_from_meta_data($original_meta, $attachment_ID);
    } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'ewww_image_optimizer_manual_restore') {
        $new_meta = ewww_image_optimizer_restore_from_meta_data($original_meta, $attachment_ID);
    // update the attachment metadata in the database
    wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_ID, $new_meta);
    // store the referring webpage location
    $sendback = wp_get_referer();
    // sanitize the referring webpage location
    $sendback = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:]|i', '', $sendback);
    // send the user back where they came from
    // we are done, nothing to see here
예제 #2
 * Manually process an image from the Media Library
function ewww_image_optimizer_manual()
    ewwwio_debug_message('<b>' . __FUNCTION__ . '()</b>');
    global $ewww_defer;
    $ewww_defer = false;
    // check permissions of current user
    $permissions = apply_filters('ewww_image_optimizer_manual_permissions', '');
    if (FALSE === current_user_can($permissions)) {
        // display error message if insufficient permissions
        wp_die(esc_html__('You do not have permission to optimize images.', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN));
    // make sure we didn't accidentally get to this page without an attachment to work on
    if (FALSE === isset($_GET['ewww_attachment_ID'])) {
        // display an error message since we don't have anything to work on
        wp_die(esc_html__('No attachment ID was provided.', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN));
    // store the attachment ID value
    $attachment_ID = intval($_GET['ewww_attachment_ID']);
    if (empty($_REQUEST['ewww_manual_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['ewww_manual_nonce'], "ewww-manual-{$attachment_ID}")) {
        wp_die(esc_html__('Access denied.', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN));
    // retrieve the existing attachment metadata
    $original_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($attachment_ID);
    // if the call was to optimize...
    if ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'ewww_image_optimizer_manual_optimize') {
        // call the optimize from metadata function and store the resulting new metadata
        $new_meta = ewww_image_optimizer_resize_from_meta_data($original_meta, $attachment_ID);
    } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] === 'ewww_image_optimizer_manual_restore') {
        $new_meta = ewww_image_optimizer_restore_from_meta_data($original_meta, $attachment_ID);
    global $ewww_attachment;
    $ewww_attachment['id'] = $attachment_ID;
    $ewww_attachment['meta'] = $new_meta;
    add_filter('w3tc_cdn_update_attachment_metadata', 'ewww_image_optimizer_w3tc_update_files');
    // update the attachment metadata in the database
    wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_ID, $new_meta);
    // store the referring webpage location
    $sendback = wp_get_referer();
    // sanitize the referring webpage location
    $sendback = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:]|i', '', $sendback);
    // send the user back where they came from
    // we are done, nothing to see here