function evalFullPrereq($token, $studentId, $courseId) { $result = "false"; try { if (!validateToken($token, $studentId)) { return 403; } $conn = new PDO(DBCONNECTSTRING, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD); $sql = 'SELECT expression FROM prereqs WHERE prereqs.courseId=:courseId'; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':courseId', $courseId); $stmt->execute(); $prereq = $stmt->fetch(); //echo "pcount: ".$stmt->rowCount()."<br />"; if ($stmt->rowCount() <= 0) { //double check no prereqs //echo "courseId: ".$courseId; $sql = 'SELECT prereqs FROM courses WHERE'; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':courseId', $courseId); $stmt->execute(); $course = $stmt->fetch(); if ($stmt->rowCount() <= 0) { //echo "if"; return 404; //course not found } else { if ($course['prereqs'] == 0) { //echo "else"; return true; //no prereqs } } //echo "neither"; } //echo "expression: ".$prereq['expression']." ;"; $tokens = explode(" ", $prereq['expression']); $evaledTokens = []; foreach ($tokens as $token) { //echo "<p>token:".$token; if (is_numeric($token)) { $eval = evalSinglePrereq($token, $studentId, $token); // echo "=>".$eval; $evaledTokens[] = $eval; } else { $evaledTokens[] = $token; } // echo "</p>"; } //end foreach token //echo "<p>"; foreach ($evaledTokens as $t) { //echo $t." "; } // echo "</p>"; //send boolean expression to shunting yard function $input = shunting_yard($evaledTokens); $result = eval_rpn($input); foreach ($evaledTokens as $t) { //echo $t." "; //echo "==> ".($result ? "true" : "false")."\n"; $sql = ""; } $stmt = null; /* if($prereq['type'] == 2) // grade of X or above in X course { //Did student take course and make grade? $sql = 'SELECT id, grade from course_records WHERE studentId=:stuId AND courseId=:courseId AND type=1'; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':stuId',$studentId); $stmt->bindParam(':courseId',$prereq['courseId']); $stmt->execute(); $taken = $stmt->fetchAll(); $count=0; $count = $stmt->rowCount(); echo "taken: ".$count."<br />"; $meetsPrereq = false; if($count>0) { foreach($taken as $c) { if($c['grade'] >= $prereq['minGrade']) $meetsPrereq = true; } } $result = $meetsPrereq? "true":"false"; echo "<p> Meets Prereq? ".$result."</p>"; }//end if type=2 else if($prereq['type'] == 3) // at least X hours in X group { //TODO } */ } catch (PDOException $e) { //echo $sql . "<br>" . $e->getMessage(); return 500; } $conn = null; return $result; }
$o1 = array_pop($stack); $r = apply_operator($t, $o1, null); array_push($stack, $r); } else { // binary $o1 = array_pop($stack); $o2 = array_pop($stack); $r = apply_operator($t, $o1, $o2); array_push($stack, $r); } } else { // operand array_push($stack, $t); } } if (count($stack) != 1) { die("invalid token array"); } return $stack[0]; } // $input = array("A", "and", "B", "or", "C", "and", "(", "D", "or", "F", "or", "not", "G", ")"); $input = array("false", "and", "true", "or", "true", "and", "(", "false", "or", "false", "or", "not", "true", ")"); // math or math or math and other and other $input = array("(", "true", "or", "false", "or", "false", ")", "and", "true", "and", "true"); $input = array("true", "and", "false"); $tokens = shunting_yard($input); $result = eval_rpn($tokens); /*foreach($input as $t) echo $t." "; echo "==> ".($result ? "true" : "false")."\n"; */