function emailListener()
    $connection = establishConnection();
    $dbConn = establishDBConnection();
    $messagestatus = "UNSEEN";
    $emails = imap_search($connection, $messagestatus);
    if ($emails) {
        foreach ($emails as $email_number) {
            // echo "in email loop";
            $header = imap_headerinfo($connection, $email_number);
            $message = imap_fetchbody($connection, $email_number, 1.1);
            if ($message == "") {
                $message = imap_fetchbody($connection, $email_number, 1);
            $emailaddress = substr($header->senderaddress, stripos($header->senderaddress, "<") + 1, stripos($header->senderaddress, ">") - (stripos($header->senderaddress, ">") + 1));
            if (!detectOOOmessage($header->subject, $message, $emailaddress)) {
                detectBIOmessage($header->subject, $emailaddress);
            imap_delete($connection, 1);
            //this might bug out but should delete the top message that was just parsed
    $dbConn->query("DELETE FROM away_mentor WHERE tiStamp <= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 DAY) limit 1");
    //delete mentors that have been away for more than 24 hours from the away list
예제 #2
function insertKommentar($produktid, $text)
    $con = establishConnection();
    //$query = "insert into kommentar values(null,".$produktid.",'".$text."');";
    $query = sprintf("insert into kommentar values(null, %d, '%s')", $produktid, $text);
    $con->query($query) or die($con->error);
예제 #3
function addNewType($id, $parent_id, $name, $txt, $img)
    $types_table = "test_cable_types";
    $types_table_desc = "id, parent_id, name, txt, img";
    $conn = establishConnection(GOODS_DB);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $types_table . "(" . $types_table_desc . ") VALUES (\"" . $id . "\", \"" . $parent_id . "\", \"" . $name . "\", \"" . $txt . "\", \"" . $img . "\")";
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    // TODO Check returned
    return $result;
예제 #4
function getUserData($user)
    $user_table = "users";
    $conn = establishConnection(USERS_DB);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $user_table . " WHERE name=\"" . $user . "\"";
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
        $user_data = new UserData($row["id"], $row["name"], $row["pass"], $row["privileges"]);
        return $user_data;
    } else {
        return NULL;
function emailListener()
    //$output = "<script>console.log( 'just got in' );</script>";
    //echo $output;
    $connection = establishConnection();
    $dbConn = establishDBConnection();
    //$output = "<script>console.log( 'set up connection' );</script>";
    //$dbConn->query("INSERT INTO away_mentor (userID, tiStamp) VALUES (99897, NOW())");//test the db connection
    //echo $output;//develop thread/loop
    $messagestatus = "UNSEEN";
    $countTo24 = 0;
    while (true) {
        echo "in check loop";
        $emails = imap_search($connection, $messagestatus);
        if ($emails) {
            foreach ($emails as $email_number) {
                echo "in email loop";
                $header = imap_headerinfo($connection, $email_number);
                $message = imap_fetchbody($connection, $email_number, 1.1);
                if ($message == "") {
                    $message = imap_fetchbody($connection, $email_number, 1);
                $emailaddress = substr($header->senderaddress, stripos($header->senderaddress, "<") + 1, stripos($header->senderaddress, ">") - (stripos($header->senderaddress, ">") + 1));
                if (!detectOOOmessage($header->subject, $message, $emailaddress)) {
                    detectB00message($header->subject, $emailaddress);
                imap_delete($connection, 1);
                //this might bug out but should delete the top message that was just parsed
        //do check every 10 minutes
        $countTo24 = $countTo24 + 1;
        if ($countTo24 >= 144) {
            $countTo24 = 0;
            $dbConn->query("DELETE FROM away_mentor WHERE tiStamp <= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL -1 DAY)");
            //delete mentors that have been away for more than 24 hours from the away list
            //$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
            //   $command->delete('away_mentor', 'tiStamp <= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE , INTERVAL -1 DAY )');//this might bug the hell out deletes mentors on the away list that were put on over 24 hours ago
        if (!imap_ping($connection)) {
            $connection = establishConnection();
예제 #6
function startServer($data)
    // if the content-type is json, start loading
    if ($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] == "application/json" || $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] == "application/json; charset=UTF-8") {
        // open connection to database
        $con = establishConnection();
        $jsonObject = json_decode($data);
        // create JSON-String and return it to the client
        echo json_encode(perform($jsonObject));
        // close connection to database
        // else send a warning
    } else {
        $error = new Statusmessage();
        $error->addFailure("Wrong content-type. Content-Type: application/json expected!");
        echo json_encode($error);
예제 #7

require_once './Popo/Produkt.php';
require_once './Popo/Kommentar.php';
require_once './dbconnection.php';
//$produktid = $_GET['produktID'];
$conn = establishConnection();
$produkt = getProduct($_GET['produktID']);
if (isset($_POST['menge'])) {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['bestellung'])) {
        $_SESSION['bestellung'] = array($produkt);
    } else {
        $_SESSION['bestellung'][] = $produkt;
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'> alert('Der Warenkorb wurde erfolgreich befüllt! \\nUm ihre Produkte anzuzeigen, sehen sie im Warenkorb nach') </script>";
if (isset($_POST['kommentar'])) {
    insertKommentar($_GET['produktID'], $_POST['kommentar']);
$kommis = getKommentare($_GET['produktID']);

<div class="container">
    <table class="table table-bordered">
            <td><h3> Name </h3></td>
            <td> <?php 
echo $produkt->getName();
 public function transfer_end($full_path)
     set_exception_handler(array(&$this, 'exception_handler'));
     set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'error_handler'));
     $starttime = time();
     $incomingFilename = $full_path;
     $path_parts = pathinfo($incomingFilename);
     $client = establishConnection($this->config);
     $entry = findMatchingEntry($path_parts["base_name"], $client);
     if (!$entry) {
         $client->stats->reportError("Entry not found", "Cannot find matching entry for referenceId [" . $path_parts["base_name"] . "]");
         throw new Exception("Cannot find matching entry for referenceId [" . $path_parts["base_name"] . "]");
     log_message('debug', "Kaltura Library transfer_end trace: EntryID: " . $entry->id);
     $resource = new KalturaRemoteStorageResource();
     $resource->storageProfileId = $this->config["source_storage_profile_id"];
     //$resource->url = $path_parts['basename'];
     $resource->url = $full_path;
     log_message('debug', "Kaltura Library transfer_end trace: URL " . $resource->url);
     $client->media->updateContent($entry->id, $resource);
     $endtime = time() - $starttime;
     log_message('debug', "Kaltura Library transfer_end Execution Time: " . $endtime . "s");
     return true;