function event_espresso_get_final_price($price_id = FALSE, $event_id = FALSE, $orig_price = FALSE)
     do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, '');
     if (!$price_id || !$event_id) {
         return FALSE;
     if (event_espresso_verify_price_id($price_id, $event_id) == FALSE) {
         $orig_price = espresso_return_single_price($event_id);
     $result = $orig_price !== FALSE ? $orig_price : event_espresso_get_orig_price_and_surcharge($price_id, $event_id);
     if (isset($result->event_cost)) {
         $result->event_cost = (double) $result->event_cost;
     } else {
         $result = new stdClass();
         $result->event_cost = (double) $orig_price;
     // if price is anything other than zero
     if ($result->event_cost > 0.0) {
         // Addition for Early Registration discount
         if ($early_price_data = early_discount_amount($event_id, $result->event_cost)) {
             $result->event_cost = $early_price_data['event_price'];
     if (event_espresso_verify_price_id($price_id, $event_id) == FALSE) {
         $result->event_cost = espresso_return_single_price($event_id);
     $surcharge = event_espresso_calculate_surcharge($result->event_cost, $result->surcharge, $result->surcharge_type);
     $surcharge = !empty($surcharge) ? (double) $surcharge : 0;
     $event_cost = $result->event_cost + $surcharge;
     return (double) number_format($event_cost, 2, '.', '');
 function event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db($event_id = NULL, $session_vars = NULL, $skip_check = FALSE)
     do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, '');
     //Security check using nonce
     if (empty($_POST['reg_form_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['reg_form_nonce'], 'reg_nonce')) {
         print '<h3 class="error">' . __('Sorry, there was a security error and your registration was not saved.', 'event_espresso') . '</h3>';
     global $wpdb, $org_options, $espresso_premium;
     $data_source = $_POST;
     $att_data_source = $_POST;
     $multi_reg = FALSE;
     $notifications = array('coupons' => '', 'groupons' => '');
     if (!is_null($event_id) && !is_null($session_vars)) {
         //event details, ie qty, price, start..
         $data_source = $session_vars['data'];
         //event attendee info ie name, questions....
         $att_data_source = $session_vars['event_attendees'];
         $multi_reg = TRUE;
     } else {
         $event_id = absint($data_source['event_id']);
     //Check for existing registrations
     //check if user has already hit this page before ( ie: going back n forth thru reg process )
     $prev_session_id = isset($_SESSION['espresso_session']['id']) && !empty($_SESSION['espresso_session']['id']) ? $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'] : '';
     if (is_null($session_vars)) {
         $SQL = "SELECT id FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE attendee_session=%s";
         $prev_session_attendee_id = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id']));
         if (!empty($prev_session_attendee_id)) {
             $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'] = array();
     //Check to see if the registration id already exists
     $incomplete_filter = !$multi_reg ? " AND payment_status ='Incomplete'" : '';
     $SQL = "SELECT attendee_session, id, registration_id FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE attendee_session =%s AND event_id = %d";
     $SQL .= $incomplete_filter;
     $check_sql = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $prev_session_id, $event_id));
     $nmbr_of_regs = $wpdb->num_rows;
     static $loop_number = 1;
     // delete previous entries from this session in case user is jumping back n forth between pages during the reg process
     if ($nmbr_of_regs > 0 && $loop_number == 1) {
         if (!isset($data_source['admin'])) {
             $SQL = "SELECT id, registration_id FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . ' ';
             $SQL .= "WHERE attendee_session = %s ";
             $SQL .= $incomplete_filter;
             if ($mer_attendee_ids = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $prev_session_id))) {
                 foreach ($mer_attendee_ids as $v) {
                     //Added for seating chart addon
                     if (defined('ESPRESSO_SEATING_CHART')) {
                         $SQL = "DELETE FROM " . EVENTS_SEATING_CHART_EVENT_SEAT_TABLE . ' ';
                         $SQL .= "WHERE attendee_id = %d";
                         $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $v->id));
                     //Delete the old attendee meta
                     do_action('action_hook_espresso_save_attendee_meta', $v->id, 'original_attendee_details', '', TRUE);
             $SQL = "DELETE t1, t2 FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . "  t1 ";
             $SQL .= "JOIN  " . EVENTS_ANSWER_TABLE . " t2 on = t2.attendee_id ";
             $SQL .= "WHERE t1.attendee_session = %s ";
             $SQL .= $incomplete_filter;
             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $prev_session_id));
             //Added by Imon
             // First delete attempt might fail if there is no data in answer table. So, second attempt without joining answer table is taken bellow -
             $SQL = " DELETE FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . ' ';
             $SQL .= "WHERE attendee_session = %s ";
             $SQL .= $incomplete_filter;
             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $prev_session_id));
             // Clean up any attendee information from attendee_cost table where attendee is not available in attendee table
     //Check if added admin
     $skip_check = $skip_check || isset($data_source['admin']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     //If added by admin, skip the recaptcha check
     if (espresso_verify_recaptcha($skip_check)) {
         array_walk_recursive($data_source, 'wp_strip_all_tags');
         array_walk_recursive($att_data_source, 'wp_strip_all_tags');
         array_walk_recursive($data_source, 'espresso_apply_htmlentities');
         array_walk_recursive($att_data_source, 'espresso_apply_htmlentities');
         // Will be used for multi events to keep track of event id change in the loop, for recording event total cost for each group
         static $temp_event_id = '';
         //using this var to keep track of the first attendee
         static $attendee_number = 1;
         static $total_cost = 0;
         static $primary_att_id = NULL;
         if ($temp_event_id == '' || $temp_event_id != $event_id) {
             $temp_event_id = $event_id;
             $event_change = 1;
         } else {
             $event_change = 0;
         $event_cost = isset($data_source['cost']) && $data_source['cost'] != '' ? $data_source['cost'] : 0.0;
         $final_price = $event_cost;
         $fname = isset($att_data_source['fname']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['fname']) : '';
         $lname = isset($att_data_source['lname']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['lname']) : '';
         $address = isset($att_data_source['address']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['address']) : '';
         $address2 = isset($att_data_source['address2']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['address2']) : '';
         $city = isset($att_data_source['city']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['city']) : '';
         $state = isset($att_data_source['state']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['state']) : '';
         $country_id = isset($att_data_source['country']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['country']) : '';
         $zip = isset($att_data_source['zip']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['zip']) : '';
         $phone = isset($att_data_source['phone']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['phone']) : '';
         $email = isset($att_data_source['email']) ? ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['email']) : '';
         $SQL = "SELECT question_groups, event_meta FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " WHERE id = %d";
         $questions = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($SQL, $event_id));
         //echo '<h4>LQ : ' . $wpdb->last_query . '  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span></h4>';
         $event_meta = maybe_unserialize($questions->event_meta);
         $questions = maybe_unserialize($questions->question_groups);
         // Adding attenddee specific cost to events_attendee table
         if (isset($data_source['admin'])) {
             $attendee_quantity = 1;
             $final_price = (double) $data_source['event_cost'];
             $orig_price = (double) $data_source['event_cost'];
             $price_type = __('Admin', 'event_espresso');
         } elseif (isset($data_source['seat_id'])) {
             // Added for seating chart add-on
             // If a seat was selected then price of that seating will be used instead of event price
             $final_price = (double) seating_chart::get_purchase_price($data_source['seat_id']);
             $orig_price = (double) $final_price;
             $price_type = $data_source['seat_id'];
         } elseif (isset($att_data_source['price_id']) && !empty($att_data_source['price_id'])) {
             $orig_price = event_espresso_get_orig_price_and_surcharge($att_data_source['price_id'], $event_id);
             $final_price = isset($att_data_source['price_id']) && !empty($data_source['price_id']) ? event_espresso_get_final_price(absint($att_data_source['price_id']), $event_id, $orig_price) : espresso_return_single_price($event_id);
             $price_type = isset($att_data_source['price_id']) && !empty($data_source['price_id']) ? espresso_ticket_information(array('type' => 'ticket', 'price_option' => absint($att_data_source['price_id']))) : '';
             $surcharge = event_espresso_calculate_surcharge((double) $orig_price->event_cost, (double) $orig_price->surcharge, $orig_price->surcharge_type);
             $orig_price = (double) number_format($orig_price->event_cost + $surcharge, 2, '.', '');
         } elseif (isset($data_source['price_select']) && $data_source['price_select'] == TRUE) {
             //Figure out if the person has registered using a price selection
             $price_options = explode('|', ee_sanitize_value($data_source['price_option']), 2);
             $price_id = absint($price_options[0]);
             $price_type = $price_options[1];
             $orig_price = event_espresso_get_orig_price_and_surcharge($price_id, $event_id);
             $final_price = event_espresso_get_final_price($price_id, $event_id, $orig_price);
             $surcharge = event_espresso_calculate_surcharge($orig_price->event_cost, $orig_price->surcharge, $orig_price->surcharge_type);
             $orig_price = (double) number_format($orig_price->event_cost + $surcharge, 2, '.', '');
         } else {
             $orig_price = isset($data_source['price_id']) && !empty($data_source['price_id']) ? event_espresso_get_orig_price_and_surcharge(absint($data_source['price_id']), $event_id) : espresso_return_single_price($event_id);
             $final_price = isset($data_source['price_id']) && !empty($data_source['price_id']) ? event_espresso_get_final_price(absint($data_source['price_id']), $event_id, $orig_price) : espresso_return_single_price($event_id);
             $price_type = isset($data_source['price_id']) && !empty($data_source['price_id']) ? espresso_ticket_information(array('type' => 'ticket', 'price_option' => absint($data_source['price_id']))) : '';
             $surcharge = isset($orig_price->surcharge) && isset($orig_price->event_cost) ? event_espresso_calculate_surcharge($orig_price->event_cost, $orig_price->surcharge, $orig_price->surcharge_type) : 0.0;
             $orig_price = isset($orig_price->event_cost) ? (double) number_format($orig_price->event_cost + $surcharge, 2, '.', '') : espresso_return_single_price($event_id);
         $final_price = apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_attendee_cost', $final_price);
         $attendee_quantity = isset($data_source['num_people']) ? $data_source['num_people'] : 1;
         $coupon_code = '';
         if ($multi_reg) {
             $event_cost = $_SESSION['espresso_session']['grand_total'];
         do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 'line ' . __LINE__ . ' : attendee_cost=' . $final_price);
         $event_cost = apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_cart_grand_total', $event_cost);
         $amount_pd = 0.0;
         //Check if the registration id has been created previously.
         $registration_id = empty($wpdb->last_result[0]->registration_id) ? apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_registration_id', $event_id) : $wpdb->last_result[0]->registration_id;
         $txn_type = "";
         if (isset($data_source['admin'])) {
             $payment_status = "Completed";
             $payment = "Admin";
             $txn_type = __('Added by Admin', 'event_espresso');
             $payment_date = date(get_option('date_format'));
             $amount_pd = !empty($data_source['event_cost']) ? $data_source['event_cost'] : 0.0;
             $registration_id = uniqid('', true);
             $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'] = uniqid('', true);
         } else {
             //print_r( $event_meta);
             $default_payment_status = $event_meta['default_payment_status'] != '' ? $event_meta['default_payment_status'] : $org_options['default_payment_status'];
             $payment_status = $multi_reg && $data_source['cost'] == 0.0 ? "Completed" : $default_payment_status;
             $payment = '';
         $times_sql = "SELECT ese.start_time, ese.end_time, e.start_date, e.end_date ";
         $times_sql .= "FROM " . EVENTS_START_END_TABLE . " ese ";
         $times_sql .= "LEFT JOIN " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " e ON ese.event_id = WHERE ";
         $times_sql .= "";
         if (!empty($data_source['start_time_id'])) {
             $times_sql .= " AND" . absint($data_source['start_time_id']);
         $times = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($times_sql, $event_id));
         foreach ($times as $time) {
             $start_time = $time->start_time;
             $end_time = $time->end_time;
             $start_date = $time->start_date;
             $end_date = $time->end_date;
         //If we are using the number of attendees dropdown, add that number to the DB
         //echo $data_source['espresso_addtl_limit_dd'];
         if (isset($data_source['espresso_addtl_limit_dd'])) {
             $num_people = absint($data_source['num_people']);
         } elseif (isset($event_meta['additional_attendee_reg_info']) && $event_meta['additional_attendee_reg_info'] == 1) {
             $num_people = absint($data_source['num_people']);
         } else {
             $num_people = 1;
         // check for coupon
         if (function_exists('event_espresso_process_coupon')) {
             if ($coupon_results = event_espresso_process_coupon($event_id, $final_price, $multi_reg)) {
                 //printr( $coupon_results, '$coupon_results  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span>', 'auto' );
                 if ($coupon_results['valid']) {
                     $final_price = number_format($coupon_results['event_cost'], 2, '.', '');
                     $coupon_code = $coupon_results['code'];
                 if (!$multi_reg && !empty($coupon_results['msg'])) {
                     $notifications['coupons'] = $coupon_results['msg'];
         // check for groupon
         if (function_exists('event_espresso_process_groupon')) {
             if ($groupon_results = event_espresso_process_groupon($event_id, $final_price, $multi_reg)) {
                 //printr( $groupon_results, '$groupon_results  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span>', 'auto' );
                 if ($groupon_results['valid']) {
                     $final_price = number_format($groupon_results['event_cost'], 2, '.', '');
                     $coupon_code = $groupon_results['code'];
                 if (!$multi_reg && !empty($groupon_results['msg'])) {
                     $notifications['groupons'] = $groupon_results['msg'];
         $start_time = empty($start_time) ? '' : $start_time;
         $end_time = empty($end_time) ? '' : $end_time;
         $start_date = empty($start_date) ? '' : $start_date;
         $end_date = empty($end_date) ? '' : $end_date;
         $organization_name = empty($organization_name) ? '' : $organization_name;
         $country_id = empty($country_id) ? '' : $country_id;
         $payment_date = empty($payment_date) ? '' : $payment_date;
         $coupon_code = empty($coupon_code) ? '' : $coupon_code;
         $amount_pd = number_format((double) $amount_pd, 2, '.', '');
         $orig_price = number_format((double) $orig_price, 2, '.', '');
         $final_price = number_format((double) $final_price, 2, '.', '');
         $total_cost = $total_cost + $final_price;
         $columns_and_values = array('registration_id' => $registration_id, 'is_primary' => $attendee_number == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'attendee_session' => $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'], 'lname' => $lname, 'fname' => $fname, 'address' => $address, 'address2' => $address2, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'country_id' => $country_id, 'zip' => $zip, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'payment' => $payment, 'txn_type' => $txn_type, 'coupon_code' => $coupon_code, 'event_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date, 'price_option' => $price_type, 'organization_name' => $organization_name, 'payment_status' => $payment_status, 'payment_date' => $payment_date, 'event_id' => $event_id, 'quantity' => (int) $num_people, 'amount_pd' => $amount_pd, 'orig_price' => $orig_price, 'final_price' => $final_price);
         $data_formats = array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%f', '%f', '%f');
         // save the attendee details - FINALLY !!!
         if (!$wpdb->insert(EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE, $columns_and_values, $data_formats)) {
             $error = true;
         //echo '<h4>LQ : ' . $wpdb->last_query . '  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span></h4>';
         $attendee_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
         $attendee_data = $columns_and_values;
         $attendee_data['attendee_id'] = $attendee_id;
         $attendee_data['event_meta'] = $event_meta;
         //Save attendee hook
         do_action('action_hook_espresso_save_attendee_data', $attendee_data);
         //Save the attendee data as a meta value
         do_action('action_hook_espresso_save_attendee_meta', $attendee_id, 'original_attendee_details', serialize($attendee_data));
         // save attendee id for the primary attendee
         $primary_att_id = $attendee_number == 1 ? $attendee_id : FALSE;
         // Added for seating chart addon
         $booking_id = 0;
         if (defined('ESPRESSO_SEATING_CHART')) {
             if (seating_chart::check_event_has_seating_chart($event_id) !== false) {
                 if (isset($_POST['seat_id'])) {
                     $booking_id = seating_chart::parse_booking_info(ee_sanitize_value($_POST['seat_id']));
                     if ($booking_id > 0) {
                         seating_chart::confirm_a_seat($booking_id, $attendee_id);
         //Add a record for the primary attendee
         if ($attendee_number == 1) {
             $columns_and_values = array('attendee_id' => $primary_att_id, 'meta_key' => 'primary_attendee', 'meta_value' => 1);
             $data_formats = array('%s', '%s', '%s');
             if (!$wpdb->insert(EVENTS_ATTENDEE_META_TABLE, $columns_and_values, $data_formats)) {
                 $error = true;
         if (defined('EVENTS_MAILCHIMP_ATTENDEE_REL_TABLE') && $espresso_premium == true) {
             MailChimpController::list_subscribe($event_id, $attendee_id, $fname, $lname, $email);
         //Defining the $base_questions variable in case there are no additional attendee questions
         $base_questions = $questions;
         //Since main attendee and additional attendees may have different questions,
         //$attendee_number check for 2 because is it statically set at 1 first and is incremented for the primary attendee above, hence 2
         $questions = $attendee_number > 1 && isset($event_meta['add_attendee_question_groups']) ? $event_meta['add_attendee_question_groups'] : $questions;
         add_attendee_questions($questions, $registration_id, $attendee_id, array('session_vars' => $att_data_source));
         //Add additional attendees to the database
         if ($event_meta['additional_attendee_reg_info'] > 1) {
             $questions = $event_meta['add_attendee_question_groups'];
             if (empty($questions)) {
                 $questions = $base_questions;
             if (isset($att_data_source['x_attendee_fname'])) {
                 foreach ($att_data_source['x_attendee_fname'] as $k => $v) {
                     if (trim($v) != '' && trim($att_data_source['x_attendee_lname'][$k]) != '') {
                         // Added for seating chart addon
                         $seat_check = true;
                         $x_booking_id = 0;
                         if (defined('ESPRESSO_SEATING_CHART')) {
                             if (seating_chart::check_event_has_seating_chart($event_id) !== false) {
                                 if (!isset($att_data_source['x_seat_id'][$k]) || trim($att_data_source['x_seat_id'][$k]) == '') {
                                     $seat_check = false;
                                 } else {
                                     $x_booking_id = seating_chart::parse_booking_info($att_data_source['x_seat_id'][$k]);
                                     if ($x_booking_id > 0) {
                                         $seat_check = true;
                                         $price_type = $att_data_source['x_seat_id'][$k];
                                         $final_price = seating_chart::get_purchase_price($att_data_source['x_seat_id'][$k]);
                                         $orig_price = $final_price;
                                     } else {
                                         $seat_check = false;
                                         //Keeps the system from adding an additional attndee if no seat is selected
                         if ($seat_check) {
                             $ext_att_data_source = array('registration_id' => $registration_id, 'attendee_session' => $_SESSION['espresso_session']['id'], 'lname' => ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_lname'][$k]), 'fname' => ee_sanitize_value($v), 'email' => ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_email'][$k]), 'address' => empty($att_data_source['x_attendee_address'][$k]) ? '' : ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_address'][$k]), 'address2' => empty($att_data_source['x_attendee_address2'][$k]) ? '' : ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_address2'][$k]), 'city' => empty($att_data_source['x_attendee_city'][$k]) ? '' : ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_city'][$k]), 'state' => empty($att_data_source['x_attendee_state'][$k]) ? '' : ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_state'][$k]), 'zip' => empty($att_data_source['x_attendee_zip'][$k]) ? '' : ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_zip'][$k]), 'phone' => empty($att_data_source['x_attendee_phone'][$k]) ? '' : ee_sanitize_value($att_data_source['x_attendee_phone'][$k]), 'payment' => $payment, 'event_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date, 'price_option' => $price_type, 'organization_name' => $organization_name, 'country_id' => $country_id, 'payment_status' => $payment_status, 'payment_date' => $payment_date, 'event_id' => $event_id, 'quantity' => (int) $num_people, 'amount_pd' => 0.0, 'orig_price' => $orig_price, 'final_price' => $final_price);
                             $format = array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%f', '%f', '%f');
                             $wpdb->insert(EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE, $ext_att_data_source, $format);
                             //Added by Imon
                             $ext_attendee_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
                             $ext_att_data_source['attendee_id'] = $attendee_id;
                             $ext_att_data_source['event_meta'] = $event_meta;
                             //Save attendee hook
                             do_action('action_hook_espresso_save_attendee_data', $ext_att_data_source);
                             //Save the attendee data as a meta value
                             do_action('action_hook_espresso_save_attendee_meta', $ext_attendee_id, 'original_attendee_details', serialize($ext_att_data_source));
                             $mailchimp_attendee_id = $ext_attendee_id;
                             if (defined('EVENTS_MAILCHIMP_ATTENDEE_REL_TABLE') && $espresso_premium == true) {
                                 MailChimpController::list_subscribe($event_id, $mailchimp_attendee_id, $v, $att_data_source['x_attendee_lname'][$k], $att_data_source['x_attendee_email'][$k]);
                             if (!is_array($questions) && !empty($questions)) {
                                 $questions = unserialize($questions);
                             $questions_in = '';
                             foreach ($questions as $g_id) {
                                 $questions_in .= $g_id . ',';
                             $questions_in = substr($questions_in, 0, -1);
                             $SQL = "SELECT q.*, qg.group_name FROM " . EVENTS_QUESTION_TABLE . " q ";
                             $SQL .= "JOIN " . EVENTS_QST_GROUP_REL_TABLE . " qgr on = qgr.question_id ";
                             $SQL .= "JOIN " . EVENTS_QST_GROUP_TABLE . " qg on = qgr.group_id ";
                             $SQL .= "WHERE qgr.group_id in ( {$questions_in} ) ";
                             $SQL .= "ORDER BY ASC";
                             $questions_list = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($SQL, NULL));
                             foreach ($questions_list as $question_list) {
                                 if ($question_list->system_name != '') {
                                     $ext_att_data_source[$question_list->system_name] = $att_data_source['x_attendee_' . $question_list->system_name][$k];
                                 } else {
                                     $ext_att_data_source[$question_list->question_type . '_' . $question_list->id] = isset($att_data_source['x_attendee_' . $question_list->question_type . '_' . $question_list->id][$k]) && !empty($att_data_source['x_attendee_' . $question_list->question_type . '_' . $question_list->id][$k]) ? $att_data_source['x_attendee_' . $question_list->question_type . '_' . $question_list->id][$k] : '';
                             echo add_attendee_questions($questions, $registration_id, $ext_attendee_id, array('session_vars' => $ext_att_data_source));
                         // Added for seating chart addon
                         if (defined('ESPRESSO_SEATING_CHART')) {
                             if (seating_chart::check_event_has_seating_chart($event_id) !== false && $x_booking_id > 0) {
                                 seating_chart::confirm_a_seat($x_booking_id, $ext_attendee_id);
         //Add member data if needed
         if (defined('EVENTS_MEMBER_REL_TABLE')) {
             require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_MEMBERS_DIR . "member_functions.php";
             //Load Members functions
             require EVENT_ESPRESSO_MEMBERS_DIR . "user_vars.php";
             //Load Members functions
             if ($userid != 0) {
                 event_espresso_add_user_to_event($event_id, $userid, $attendee_id);
         if (isset($data_source['admin'])) {
             return $attendee_id;
         //This shows the payment page
         if (!$multi_reg) {
             return events_payment_page($attendee_id, $notifications);
         return array('registration_id' => $registration_id, 'notifications' => $notifications);
예제 #3
 function get_espresso_price_sc($atts)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('event_id' => '0', 'number' => '0'), $atts));
     $event_id = "{$event_id}";
     $number = "{$number}";
     echo espresso_return_single_price($event_id, $number);
     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
     return $buffer;
 function event_espresso_get_final_price($price_id = FALSE, $event_id = FALSE)
     do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, '');
     if (!$price_id || !$event_id) {
         return 1000000;
     global $wpdb;
     $sql = "SELECT id, event_cost, surcharge, surcharge_type FROM " . EVENTS_PRICES_TABLE . " WHERE id='" . $price_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1";
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $sql = "SELECT id, member_price event_cost, surcharge, surcharge_type FROM " . EVENTS_PRICES_TABLE . " WHERE id='" . $price_id . "' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1";
     do_action('action_hook_espresso_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 'sql=' . $sql);
     $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         if ($wpdb->num_rows >= 1) {
             if ($result->event_cost > 0.0) {
                 $event_cost = $result->event_cost;
                 // Addition for Early Registration discount
                 if ($early_price_data = early_discount_amount($event_id, $event_cost)) {
                     $event_cost = $early_price_data['event_price'];
                 $surcharge = $result->surcharge;
                 //by default it's 0. if flat rate, will just be formatted and atted to the total
                 if ($result->surcharge > 0 && $result->surcharge_type == 'pct') {
                     //if >0 and is percent, calculate surcharg amount to be added to total
                     $surcharge = $event_cost * $result->surcharge / 100;
                 $event_cost += $surcharge;
             } else {
                 $event_cost = __('0.00', 'event_espresso');
         } else {
             if ($wpdb->num_rows == 0) {
                 $event_cost = __('0.00', 'event_espresso');
     if (event_espresso_verify_price_id($price_id, $event_id) == FALSE) {
         $event_cost = espresso_return_single_price($event_id);
     return empty($event_cost) ? 0 : $event_cost;
예제 #5
 function get_espresso_price_sc($atts)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('event_id' => '0', 'number' => '0'), $atts));
     $event_id = "{$event_id}";
     $number = "{$number}";
     return espresso_return_single_price($event_id, $number);