
global $epl_fields;
$epl_fields['epl_general_options'] = array('epl_currency_code' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_currency_code', 'label' => epl__('Currency Code'), 'description' => epl__('This will be used in payment gateways. '), 'options' => array('AUD' => 'AUD', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'NOK' => 'NOK', 'USD' => 'USD')), 'epl_currency_symbol' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_currency_symbol', 'label' => epl__('Currency Symbol'), 'description' => epl__('This will appear next to all the currency figures on the website.  Ex. $, USD, €... '), 'class' => 'epl_w50'), 'epl_currency_display_format' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_currency_display_format', 'options' => array(1 => '1,234.56', 2 => '1,234', 3 => '1234', 4 => '1234.56', 5 => '1 234,00'), 'default_value' => 1, 'label' => epl__('Currency display format'), 'description' => epl__('This determines how your currency is displayed.  Ex. 1,234.56 or 1,200 or 1200.')));
$epl_fields['epl_registration_options'] = array('epl_regis_id_length' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_regis_id_length', 'label' => epl__('Registration ID length?'), 'description' => epl__('This will be an alphanumeric string.'), 'options' => epl_make_array(10, 40), 'default_value' => 10));
 function setup_stripe_form($fields = array())
     global $event_details, $cart_totals;
     $event_id = $event_details['ID'];
     $regis_id = $this->erm->get_regis_id();
     $post_ID = $this->erm->get_regis_post_id();
     $_totals = $this->erm->calculate_cart_totals();
     $gateway_info = $this->erm->get_gateway_info();
     $test_mode = $gateway_info['_epl_sandbox'] == 10;
     $secret_key = $gateway_info['_epl_secret_key'];
     $publishable_key = $gateway_info['_epl_publishable_key'];
     $data = array();
     $data['stripe'] = array("secret_key" => $secret_key, "publishable_key" => $publishable_key);
     $data['exp_fields'] = array('exp_month' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'class' => 'epl_w70', 'options' => epl_month_dd(true), 'data_attr' => array('stripe' => 'exp-month')), 'exp_year' => array('weight' => 60, 'input_type' => 'select', 'options' => epl_make_array(date_i18n('Y'), date_i18n('Y') + 10), 'class' => 'epl_w70', 'data_attr' => array('stripe' => 'exp-year')));
     $data['exp_month'] = $this->epl_util->create_element($data['exp_fields']['exp_month']);
     $data['exp_year'] = $this->epl_util->create_element($data['exp_fields']['exp_year']);
     $amount = number_format(epl_get_balance_due(), 2, '.', '');
     return $this->epl->load_view('front/registration/regis-stripe-form', $data, true);

$default_button_css = "a.epl_button, input.epl_button,.epl_button_small  {\n    background-image:none !important;\n    backround-repeat:no-repeat;\n    border-radius: 0 !important;\n    display: inline-block;\n    margin: 0;\n    padding: 4px 14px !important;\n    border: 1px solid transparent;\n    color: #ffffff !important;\n    vertical-align: middle;\n    text-align: center;\n    font-weight: normal !important;\n    font-size: 13px !important;\n    line-height: 1.5384615384615385 !important;\n    cursor: pointer;\n    outline: none;\n    background-color: #3bafda !important;\n    border-color: #3bafda !important;\n    -webkit-transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;\n    -moz-transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;\n    -o-transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;\n    transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;\n    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n    box-sizing: border-box;\n    text-decoration:none;\n}\n\n.epl_button_small {\n    padding: 2px 15px !important;\n    font-size: 0.8em !important;\n    margin-top:10px !important;\n}\n.epl_button:hover, .epl_button_small:hover, input[type=submit].epl_button_small:hover {\n    background-color: #66c1e2 !important;\n    border-color: #66c1e2 !important;\n}\n.epl_button:active, .epl_button_small:active, input[type=submit].epl_button_small:active {\n    position:relative;\n    top:1px;\n}\n";
global $epl_fields;
$epl_fields['epl_general_options'] = array('epl_sort_event_list_by' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sort_event_list_by', 'label' => epl__('Sort Events By'), 'options' => array('date' => epl__('Date Published'), 'title' => epl__('Event Name'), 'start_date' => epl__('Event Start Date')), 'default_value' => 'date'), 'epl_sort_event_list_order' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sort_event_list_order', 'label' => epl__('Sort Order'), 'options' => array('ASC' => epl__('Ascending'), 'DESC' => epl__('Descending')), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_currency_code' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_currency_code', 'label' => epl__('Currency Code'), 'help_text' => epl__('This will be used in payment gateways. '), 'options' => array('AUD' => 'AUD', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'CHF' => 'CHF (Switzerland Franc)', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'HKD' => 'HKD', 'JPY' => 'JPY', 'NOK' => 'NOK', 'NZD' => 'NZD', 'PHP' => 'PHP', 'USD' => 'USD', 'SAR' => 'SAR', 'SGD' => 'SGD (Singapore Dollar)', 'SEK' => 'SEK')), 'epl_currency_symbol' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_currency_symbol', 'label' => epl__('Currency Symbol'), 'help_text' => epl__("This will appear next to all the currency figures on the website.  Ex. \$, USD... "), 'class' => 'epl_w50'), 'epl_currency_symbol_location' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_currency_symbol_location', 'label' => epl__('Currency Symbol Location'), 'options' => array('b' => epl__('Before'), 'a' => epl__('After')), 'default_value' => 'b'), 'epl_currency_display_format' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_currency_display_format', 'options' => array(1 => '1,234.56', 2 => '1,234', 3 => '1234', 4 => '1234.56', 5 => '1 234,00', 6 => '1 234.00'), 'default_value' => 1, 'label' => epl__('Currency display format'), 'help_text' => epl__('This determines how your currency is displayed.  Ex. 1,234.56 or 1,200 or 1200.  This is only used for display purposes.')), 'epl_shortcode_page_id' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_shortcode_page_id', 'label' => epl__('Shortcode Page'), 'help_text' => epl__('Required.  Please select the page that contains the [events_planner] shortcode. '), 'options' => epl_sortcode_pages()), 'epl_admin_date_format' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_admin_date_format', 'options' => array('m/d/Y' => 'm/d/Y', 'd/m/Y' => 'd/m/Y', 'Y-m-d' => 'Y-m-d'), 'default_value' => 'm/d/Y', 'label' => epl__('Admin Date Format'), 'help_text' => epl__('This date format is used for displaying dates on the Admin screens of Events Planner.  On the front end, the WordPress General settings date is used.')), 'epl_disable_defult_css' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_disable_defult_css', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'label' => epl__('Disable Default CSS?'), 'help_text' => epl__("ADVANCED: If disabled, the default css file (events-planner > css > events-planner-style1.css) will not be loaded.  <br />This way, you can copy the contents of that file into your theme's style.css and modify any way you would like.")), 'epl_button_css' => array('input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_name' => 'epl_button_css', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'style' => 'width:600px;height:250px;', 'default_value' => $default_button_css, 'label' => epl__('Custom CSS'), 'help_text' => epl__("You can add custom CSS in this box to override front end CSS rules.  This data is stored in the database and is safe from plugin updates.")));
$epl_fields['epl_general_options'] = apply_filters('epl_general_options_fields', $epl_fields['epl_general_options']);
$epl_fields['epl_registration_options'] = array('epl_regis_id_length' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_regis_id_length', 'label' => epl__('Registration ID length?'), 'help_text' => epl__('This will be an alphanumeric string.'), 'options' => epl_make_array(10, 26), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_regis_enable_ssl' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_regis_enable_ssl', 'label' => epl__('Enable SSL for registrations?'), 'help_text' => sprintf(epl__('%sIf you plan on accepting Credit Cards on your website, this must be set to Yes for PCI Compliance.  You need to have a SSL Certificate installed for this domain.%s'), '<span class=""><strong>', '</strong></span>'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0), 'epl_regis_add_url_token' => array('weight' => 11, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_regis_add_url_token', 'label' => epl__('Add security token to registration confirmation url?'), 'description' => epl__("This will add a token to the registration url so that others can't accidentally stumble upon the registration details.  The registration confirmation url will change from ...registration/ASDFREWTR to ...registration/ASDFREWTR?epl_token=adlkfalsdfjl0ufj0923r."), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_surcharge_section' => array('weight' => 19, 'input_type' => 'section', 'label' => '', 'class' => 'epl_font_555 epl_font_bold', 'content' => epl__('Default Surcharge Settings'), 'help_text' => epl__('You can override these settings for each event.')), 'epl_surcharge_global' => array('weight' => 21, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_surcharge_global', 'label' => epl__('Apply Surcharge To'), 'options' => array(5 => epl__('All current and future events'), 10 => epl__('Let me choose for each event')), 'default_value' => 5), 'epl_surcharge_label' => array('weight' => 23, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_surcharge_label', 'label' => epl__('Surcharge Label (default)'), 'help_text' => epl__('Label that will be displayed to the user.'), 'default_value' => epl__('Surcharge')), 'epl_surcharge_amount' => array('weight' => 25, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_surcharge_amount', 'label' => epl__('Surcharge Amount (default)'), 'help_text' => epl__('This surcharge amount will apply by default to each event.  You will have the option to adjust this number for each event.'), 'data_type' => 'float', 'default_value' => '0.00'), 'epl_surcharge_type' => array('weight' => 30, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_surcharge_type', 'label' => epl__('Surcharge Type (default)'), 'options' => array(5 => epl__('Fixed'), 10 => epl__('Percent')), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_surcharge_before_discount' => array('weight' => 35, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_surcharge_before_discount', 'label' => epl__('Apply surcharge (default)'), 'options' => array(10 => epl__('Before discount'), 0 => epl__('After discount')), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_conv_section' => array('weight' => 39, 'input_type' => 'section', 'label' => '', 'class' => 'epl_font_555 epl_font_bold', 'content' => ''), 'epl_tracking_code' => array('weight' => 45, 'input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_name' => 'epl_tracking_code', 'label' => epl__('Conversion Tracking Code'), 'help_text' => epl__('You can paste javascript code in this box if you would like to track registration conversions (e.g. from Google Adwords).  This code will be included in the final page when the registration is succressfully completed, and only once.  The code must be wrapped in "script" tags.'), 'style' => 'width:90%;height:120px;', '_save_func' => 'wp_kses_post'), 'epl_enable_admin_override' => array('weight' => 55, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_enable_admin_override', 'label' => epl__('Enable Admin Override?'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'help_text' => epl__('When an admin user goes through the registration on the front end of the website, the user can override the total amount.')), 'epl_enable_admin_override_cal' => array('weight' => 57, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_enable_admin_override_cal', 'label' => epl__('Enable Admin Override Calendar?'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'help_text' => epl__('When an admin user goes through the registration on the front end of the website, a date selector calendar will be visible instead of the list of dates.')), 'epl_enable_donation' => array('weight' => 60, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_enable_donation', 'label' => epl__('Enable Donations?'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'help_text' => epl__('This will allow the registrants to make donations during the registration.')), 'epl_show_event_details_on_conf' => array('weight' => 62, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_show_event_details_on_conf', 'label' => epl__('Display event details on confirmation page?'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0), 'epl_send_customer_confirm_message_to' => array('weight' => 64, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_send_customer_confirm_message_to', 'options' => array(1 => epl__('Only the primary registrant'), 2 => epl__('All email addresses in all forms')), 'label' => epl__('Send confirmtion message to'), 'default_value' => 1));
$epl_fields['epl_registration_options'] = apply_filters('epl_registration_options_fields', $epl_fields['epl_registration_options']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_registration_options'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_event_options'] = array('epl_register_button_text' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_register_button_text', 'label' => epl__('Registration Button Text '), 'help_text' => epl__('Register, Sign Up, Buy Tickets...')), 'epl_date_location' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_date_location', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('Enable Date Specific Location'), 'help_text' => epl__('This setting will let you indicate a specific location for each date.')), 'epl_date_note_enable' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_date_note_enable', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('Enable Date Specific Notes'), 'help_text' => epl__('This setting will let you indicate a specific note for each date.')), 'epl_default_notification_email' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_default_notification_email', 'label' => epl__('Default Notification Email'), 'help_text' => epl__('Registration Notifications will be sent to this email, unless Alternate Notification Emails are indicated for the an event.'), 'default_value' => get_bloginfo('admin_email')), 'epl_admin_event_list_version' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_admin_event_list_version', 'options' => array(1 => epl__('Version') . " 1", 2 => epl__('Version') . " 2"), 'label' => epl__('Manage Event page version'), 'default_value' => 2));
$epl_fields['epl_event_options'] = apply_filters('epl_event_options_fields', $epl_fields['epl_event_options']);
$home_url = trailingslashit(home_url());
$epl_fields['epl_fullcalendar_options'] = array('epl_fullcalendar_theme' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_fullcalendar_theme', 'options' => array('' => epl__('Default'), 'base' => 'Base', 'black-tie' => 'Black Tie', 'blitzer' => 'Blitzer', 'cupertino' => 'Cupertino', 'dark-hive' => 'Dark Hive', 'dot-luv' => 'Dot Luv', 'eggplant' => 'Eggplant', 'excite-bike' => 'Excite Bike', 'hot-sneaks' => 'Hot Sneaks', 'humanity' => 'Humanity', 'le-frog' => 'Le Frog', 'mint-choc' => 'Mint Choc', 'overcast' => 'Overcast', 'pepper-grinder' => 'Pepper Grinder', 'redmond' => 'Redmond', 'smoothness' => 'Smoothness', 'south-street' => 'South Street', 'start' => 'Start', 'sunny' => 'Sunny', 'swanky-purse' => 'Swantky Purse', 'trontastic' => 'Trontastic', 'ui-darkness' => 'UI Darkness', 'ui-lightness' => 'UI Lightness', 'vader' => 'Vader'), 'default_value' => '', 'label' => epl__('FullCalendar Theme'), 'description' => epl__("These styles are loaded from the Google CDN.") . ' ' . epl_anchor('http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/', 'jQuery UI Styles')), 'epl_fullcalendar_enable_tooltip' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_fullcalendar_enable_tooltip', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('Enable Tooltip'), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_fullcalendar_show_legend' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_fullcalendar_show_legend', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('No'), 1 => epl__('Above Calendar'), 10 => epl__('Below Calendar')), 'label' => epl__('Display Category Legends'), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_fullcalendar_show_att_count' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_fullcalendar_show_att_count', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('No'), 1 => epl__('Admin Only'), 2 => epl__('Logged-in Users'), 3 => epl__('All Users')), 'label' => epl__('Display Attendee Counts on Calendar?'), 'default_value' => 0), 'epl_fullcalendar_enable_cache' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_fullcalendar_enable_cache', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('Enable Caching?'), 'help_text' => epl__('When this is enabled, the calendar generation query is refreshed every 4 hours or when an event is updated.  Caching will make the calendar load much faster.'), 'default_value' => 10), 'epl_fullcalendar_iCal' => array('input_type' => 'section', 'label' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => 'font-size:12px;', 'content' => epl__("iCal Feeds") . "<div style='font-size:12px'>" . epl__('Regular iCal Feed') . ': ' . epl_anchor(add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'ical'), $home_url), add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'ical'), $home_url), '_blank') . "</div> " . "<div style='font-size:12px'>" . epl__('iCal Feed With Attendee Counts') . ': ' . epl_anchor(add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'ical', 'ical_token' => md5(NONCE_KEY)), $home_url), add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'ical', 'ical_token' => md5(NONCE_KEY)), $home_url), '_blank') . "</div> "), 'epl_fullcalendar_tax_bcg_color' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_fullcalendar_tax_bcg_color[]', 'label' => epl__('Event Taxonomy color')), 'epl_fullcalendar_tax_font_color' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => 'epl_fullcalendar_tax_font_color[]', 'label' => epl__('Event Taxonomy font color')));
$epl_fields['epl_fullcalendar_options'] = apply_filters('epl_fullcalendar_options_fields', $epl_fields['epl_fullcalendar_options']);

 * Configuration fields for the event.
 * Visit wpeventsplanner.com for instructions
global $epl_fields;
$epl_fields['epl_event_type_fields'] = array('_epl_event_type' => array('input_type' => 'radio', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_type', 'options' => array(5 => 'One or more days.  The user can only choose <span class="epl_font_red">one</span> of the days (if more than one day is available).'), 'default_value' => 5, 'default_checked' => 1));
$epl_fields['epl_event_type_fields']['_epl_event_type'] = apply_filters('epl_event_type_fields', $epl_fields['epl_event_type_fields']['_epl_event_type']);
$epl_fields['epl_price_fields'] = array('_epl_price_name' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_price_name[]', 'class' => 'epl_w200', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_price' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_price[]', 'class' => 'epl_w70'), '_epl_price_parent_time_id' => array('input_type' => 'hidden', 'input_name' => '_epl_price_parent_time_id[]', 'default_value' => 0));
$epl_fields['epl_price_option_fields'] = array('_epl_free_event' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_free_event', 'label' => epl__('Is this a free event? '), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0), '_epl_multi_price_select' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_multi_price_select', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('If the event happens on different days, can the user select a different price for each one of the days?'), 'default_value' => 0), '_epl_free_event' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_free_event', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('Is this a free event?'), 'default_value' => 0));
$epl_fields['epl_time_fields'] = array('_epl_start_time' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_start_time[]', 'class' => 'epl_w100 timepicker', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_end_time' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_end_time[]', 'class' => 'epl_w100 timepicker'));
$epl_fields['epl_time_option_fields'] = array('_epl_multi_time_select' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_multi_time_select', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('If the event happens on different days, can the user select a different time for each one of the days?'), 'default_value' => 0));
$epl_fields['epl_date_fields'] = array('_epl_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_start_date[]', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_end_date[]', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_regis_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_regis_start_date[]', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_regis_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_regis_end_date[]', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_date_capacity' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_date_capacity[]', 'label' => 'Capacity', 'description' => '', 'class' => 'epl_w40'));
$epl_fields['epl_recurrence_fields'] = array('_epl_rec_first_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_first_start_date', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_rec_first_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_first_end_date', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_rec_regis_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_start_date', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_rec_regis_start_days_before_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_start_days_before_start_date', 'class' => 'epl_w40', 'description' => '', 'default_value' => ''), '_epl_rec_regis_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_end_date', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_rec_regis_end_days_before_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_end_days_before_start_date', 'class' => 'epl_w40', 'description' => '', 'default_value' => ''), '_epl_recurrence_frequency' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_frequency', 'options' => array(0 => 'Never', 'day' => 'Daily', 'week' => 'Weekly', 'month' => 'Monthly')), '_epl_recurrence_interval' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_interval', 'options' => epl_make_array(1, 30)), '_epl_recurrence_end' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_end', 'label' => '', 'description' => '', 'class' => 'datepicker epl_w100', 'data_type' => 'date'), '_epl_recurrence_weekdays' => array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_weekdays[]', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Sun'), 1 => epl__('Mon'), 2 => epl__('Tue'), 3 => epl__('Wed'), 4 => epl__('Thu'), 5 => epl__('Fri'), 6 => epl__('Sat')), 'default_checked' => 1, 'display_inline' => true), '_epl_recurrence_repeat_by' => array('input_type' => 'radio', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_repeat_by', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Day of Month')), 'default_value' => 0));
$epl_fields['epl_special_fields'] = array('_epl_pricing_type' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_pricing_type', 'options' => array(0 => 'All the offered times have the same prices', 10 => 'Each time has special pricing'), 'label' => 'Event Type', 'description' => 'Different Event types'));
$epl_fields['epl_regis_form_fields'] = array('_epl_primary_regis_forms' => array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_primary_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Ticket buyer form'), 'options' => array(), 'description' => epl__('AT LEAST ONE FORM IS REQUIRED.  This is the form that you will use for collecting information from the person that is doing the registration.')), '_epl_addit_regis_forms' => array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_addit_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Forms for all attendees'), 'options' => array(), 'description' => epl__('This information will be collected from all the attendees.  If you do not need to collect individual information and only need the quantity, do not select any of these forms.')));
$epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields'] = array('_epl_event_location' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_location', 'options' => get_list_of_available_locations(), 'empty_row' => true, 'label' => epl__('Event Location')), '_epl_event_sublocation' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_sublocation', 'label' => 'Room, suite...', 'description' => 'Enter more specific information about the location.', 'class' => 'epl_w300'), '_epl_payment_choices' => array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_payment_choices[]', 'options' => get_list_of_payment_profiles(), 'label' => epl__('Payment Choices')), '_epl_event_organization' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_organization', 'options' => get_list_of_orgs(), 'empty_row' => true, 'label' => epl__('Organization hosting the event')), '_epl_display_org_info' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_display_org_info', 'label' => epl__('Display Organization Info'), 'description' => 'Display the Organization info on the event list?', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'class' => ''));
$epl_fields['epl_option_fields'] = array('_epl_event_status' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_status', 'label' => epl__('Event Status'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Inactive'), 1 => epl__('Active'), 10 => epl__('Cancelled')), 'description' => '', 'class' => ''));
$epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields'] = array('_epl_display_regis_button' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_display_regis_button', 'label' => epl__('Show Registration Button'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'description' => '', 'default_value' => 10, 'class' => ''));
$epl_fields['epl_capacity_fields'] = array('_epl_event_capacity_per' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_capacity_per', 'label' => epl__('Per'), 'description' => 'Per Event, Time, and Price available in PRO  version.', 'options' => array('date' => epl__('Each Dates'))), '_epl_event_available_space_display' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_available_space_display', 'label' => epl__('Display Available spaces'), 'description' => '', 'options' => epl_yes_no()), '_epl_min_attendee_per_regis' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_min_attendee_per_regis', 'label' => '', 'description' => 'Minimum number of registrants that the user can register.', 'class' => 'epl_w50', 'default_value' => 1), '_epl_max_attendee_per_regis' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_max_attendee_per_regis', 'label' => '', 'description' => 'Maximum number of registrants that the user can register.', 'class' => 'epl_w50', 'default_value' => 1), '_epl_attendee_regis_limit_per' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_attendee_regis_limit_per', 'label' => 'Max attendees', 'description' => 'Per Event and Each Event Date in PRO.', 'options' => array('price' => epl__('Each Event Price'))), '_epl_multi_time_select' => array('input_type' => 'radio', 'input_name' => '_epl_multi_time_select', 'label' => 'Max attendees', 'description' => '', 'options' => array(10 => epl__('Event'), 20 => epl__('Each Event Date'), 30 => epl__('Each Event Time Slot'), 40 => epl__('Each Event Price'))), '_epl_multi_price_select' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_multi_price_select', 'label' => 'Max attendees', 'description' => '', 'options' => array(10 => epl__('Event'), 20 => epl__('Each Event Date'), 30 => epl__('Each Event Time Slot'), 40 => epl__('Each Event Price'))));
function epl_cc_billing_fields()
    global $epl_fields;
    $epl_fields['epl_cc_billing_fields'] = array('_epl_cc_first_name' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_first_name', 'label' => epl__('First Name'), 'default_value' => epl_get_attendee_form_value('ticket_buyer', 'first_name'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_last_name' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_last_name', 'label' => epl__('Last Name'), 'default_value' => epl_get_attendee_form_value('ticket_buyer', 'last_name'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_address' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_address', 'label' => epl__('Address'), 'default_value' => epl_get_attendee_form_value('ticket_buyer', 'address'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_city' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_city', 'label' => epl__('City'), 'default_value' => epl_get_attendee_form_value('ticket_buyer', 'city'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_state' => array('weight' => 25, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_state', 'label' => epl__('State'), 'default_value' => epl_get_attendee_form_value('ticket_buyer', 'state'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_zip' => array('weight' => 30, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_zip', 'label' => epl__('Zip'), 'default_value' => epl_get_attendee_form_value('ticket_buyer', 'zip'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_country' => array('weight' => 35, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_country', 'label' => epl__('Country'), 'options' => epl_country_codes(), 'default_value' => 'US', 'class' => 'epl_70', 'value' => epl_get_element('_epl_cc_country', $_POST), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_card_type' => array('weight' => 40, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_card_type', 'label' => epl__('Card Type'), 'options' => array('Visa' => 'Visa', 'MasterCard' => 'Master Card', 'Discover' => 'Discover', 'Amex' => 'Amex'), 'class' => 'epl_70', 'value' => epl_get_element('_epl_cc_exp_month', $_POST), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_num' => array('weight' => 45, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_num', 'label' => epl__('Card Number'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_cvv' => array('weight' => 50, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_cvv', 'label' => epl__('CVV Code'), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_exp_month' => array('weight' => 55, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_exp_month', 'label' => epl__('Expiration Month'), 'options' => epl_month_dd(), 'class' => 'epl_w70', 'value' => epl_get_element('_epl_cc_exp_month', $_POST), 'required' => true), '_epl_cc_exp_year' => array('weight' => 60, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_cc_exp_year', 'label' => epl__('Expiration Year'), 'options' => epl_make_array(date_i18n('Y'), date_i18n('Y') + 10), 'class' => 'epl_w70', 'value' => epl_get_element('_epl_cc_exp_year', $_POST), 'required' => true));
    $epl_fields['epl_cc_billing_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_cc_billing_fields', $epl_fields['epl_cc_billing_fields']);
    uasort($epl_fields['epl_cc_billing_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
    return $epl_fields;
$epl_fields['epl_surcharge_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_surcharge_fields', $epl_fields['epl_surcharge_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_surcharge_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_time_option_fields'] = array();
$epl_fields['epl_time_option_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_time_option_fields', $epl_fields['epl_time_option_fields']);
$epl_fields['epl_time_fields'] = array('_epl_start_time' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_start_time[]', 'label' => epl__('Start Time'), 'class' => 'epl_w80 timepicker req', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_end_time' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_end_time[]', 'label' => epl__('End Time'), 'class' => 'epl_w80 timepicker req'), '_epl_time_hide' => array('weight' => 100, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_time_hide[]', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'label' => epl__('Hide')), '_epl_time_note' => array('weight' => 60, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_time_note[]', 'help_text' => '', 'placeholder' => epl__('Note (optional)'), 'class' => 'epl_w100pct'));
$epl_fields['epl_time_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_time_fields', $epl_fields['epl_time_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_time_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_date_fields'] = array('_epl_start_date' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_start_date[]', 'label' => epl__('Start Date'), 'class' => 'epl_w100 datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', 'parent_keys' => true, '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_end_date' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_end_date[]', 'label' => epl__('End Date'), 'class' => 'epl_w100 datepicker req ', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_regis_start_date' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_regis_start_date[]', 'label' => epl__('Regis. Starts On'), 'class' => 'epl_w100 datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_regis_end_date' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_regis_end_date[]', 'label' => epl__('Regis. Ends On'), 'class' => 'epl_w100 datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_date_capacity' => array('weight' => 25, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_date_capacity[]', 'label' => epl__('Capacity'), 'class' => 'epl_w40'), '_epl_date_note' => array('weight' => 30, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_date_note[]', 'help_text' => '', 'placeholder' => epl__('Note'), 'class' => 'epl_w400'), '_epl_date_location' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_date_location[]', 'empty_row' => true, 'options' => get_list_of_available_locations()));
$epl_fields['epl_date_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_date_fields', $epl_fields['epl_date_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_date_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_date_option_fields'] = array();
$epl_fields['epl_date_option_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_date_option_fields', $epl_fields['epl_date_option_fields']);
$epl_fields['epl_class_session_fields'] = array('_epl_class_session_date' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_class_session_date[]', 'label' => epl__('Session Date'), 'help_text' => '', 'class' => 'epl_w100 datepicker req', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display', 'data_type' => 'unix_time', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_class_session_name' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_class_session_name[]', 'label' => epl__('Session Name'), 'help_text' => '', 'class' => 'epl_w100'), '_epl_class_session_note' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_class_session_note[]', 'label' => epl__('Session Note'), 'help_text' => '', 'class' => 'epl_w200 '));
$epl_fields['epl_class_session_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_class_session_fields', $epl_fields['epl_class_session_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_class_session_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_recurrence_fields'] = array('_epl_rec_first_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_first_start_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_first_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_first_end_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_regis_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_start_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_regis_start_days_before_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_start_days_before_start_date', 'class' => 'epl_w40 req'), '_epl_rec_regis_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_end_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_regis_end_days_before_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_end_days_before_start_date', 'class' => 'epl_w40 req', 'help_text' => '', 'default_value' => ''), '_epl_recurrence_frequency' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_frequency', 'options' => array(0 => 'Never', 'day' => 'Daily', 'week' => 'Weekly', 'month' => 'Monthly'), 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_recurrence_interval' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_interval', 'options' => epl_make_array(1, 30), 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_recurrence_end' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_end', 'label' => '', 'help_text' => '', 'class' => 'datepicker req epl_w100', 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_recurrence_weekdays' => array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_weekdays[]', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Sun'), 1 => epl__('Mon'), 2 => epl__('Tue'), 3 => epl__('Wed'), 4 => epl__('Thu'), 5 => epl__('Fri'), 6 => epl__('Sat')), 'default_checked' => 1, 'display_inline' => true, 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_recurrence_repeat_by' => array('input_type' => 'radio', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_repeat_by', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Day of Month')), 'default_value' => 0, 'help_text' => epl__('Coming soon, ability to select per week of the month (i.e. first, second, last week).')), '_epl_recurrence_capacity' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_capacity', 'help_text' => '', 'class' => 'epl_w50'));
$epl_fields['epl_recurrence_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_recurrence_fields', $epl_fields['epl_recurrence_fields']);
$epl_fields['epl_special_fields'] = array('_epl_pricing_type' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_pricing_type', 'options' => array(0 => 'All the offered times have the same prices', 10 => 'Each time has special pricing'), 'label' => 'Event Type', 'help_text' => 'Different Event types'));
$epl_fields['epl_regis_form_fields'] = array('_epl_primary_regis_forms' => array('input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_primary_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Primary registrant forms'), 'options' => array(), 'auto_key' => true, 'description' => epl__('Optional.  This is the form that you will use for collecting information from the person that is doing the registration.')), '_epl_addit_regis_forms' => array('input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_addit_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Forms for all attendees'), 'options' => array(), 'auto_key' => true, 'help_text' => '<img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/error.png" /> ' . epl__('This information will be collected from all the attendees.  If you do not need to collect individual information and only need the quantity, do not select any of these forms.')), '_epl_addit_regis_form_counter_label' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_addit_regis_form_counter_label', 'label' => epl__('Form Section Counter Label'), 'default_value' => epl__('Attendee'), 'help_text' => epl__('When additional forms are presented besides the Ticket Buyer form, this value will be presented before the counter.  For example, Attendee #1, Attendee #2...')), '_epl_enable_form_to_form_copy' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_enable_form_to_form_copy', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'label' => epl__('Enable form to form copy?'), 'default_value' => epl__('Attendee'), 'help_text' => epl__('This will give your users the ability to copy data from form to form during the registration.')));
$epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields'] = array('_epl_event_location' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_location', 'options' => get_list_of_available_locations(), 'empty_row' => true, 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Locations found. Please go to Events Planner > Event Locations.'), 'label' => epl__('Event Location')), '_epl_event_sublocation' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_sublocation', 'label' => epl__('Room, suite...'), 'help_text' => epl__('Enter more specific information about the location.'), 'class' => 'epl_w300'), '_epl_payment_choices' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_payment_choices[]', 'options' => get_list_of_payment_profiles(), 'label' => epl__('Payment Choices'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Payment Profiles. Please go to Events Planner > Payment Profiles.'), 'class' => 'req', 'default_value' => get_list_of_default_payment_profiles(), 'auto_key' => true, 'style' => ''), '_epl_default_selected_payment' => array('weight' => 17, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_default_selected_payment', 'options' => get_list_of_payment_profiles(), 'label' => epl__('Default Selected Payment'), 'help_text' => epl__('This determines which payment method is automatically selected when the user visits the regsitration cart for the first time.'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Payment Profiles. Please go to Events Planner > Payment Profiles.'), 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_event_organization' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_organization', 'options' => get_list_of_orgs(), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Organizations found. Please go to Events Planner > Organizations.'), 'empty_row' => true, 'label' => epl__('Organization hosting the event')));
$epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_other_settings_fields', $epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_option_fields'] = array('_epl_event_status' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_status', 'label' => epl__('Status'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Inactive'), 1 => epl__('Active'), 2 => epl__('Active (hidden)'), 3 => epl__('Ongoing'), 10 => epl__('Cancelled')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_regis_privilege' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_regis_privilege', 'label' => epl__('Registration Availability'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Open to public'), 1 => epl__('Members Only')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_registration_max' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_registration_max', 'label' => epl__('Max. per registration'), 'class' => ''));
$epl_fields['epl_option_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_option_fields', $epl_fields['epl_option_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_option_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields'] = array('_epl_display_regis_button' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_display_regis_button', 'label' => epl__('Show Registration Button'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 10, 'class' => ''), '_epl_date_display_type' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_date_display_type', 'label' => epl__('Date Display Type'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('None'), 5 => epl__('Table'), 10 => epl__('Calendar')), 'help_text' => epl__('Determines if the dates displayed on the event list are in table format or in small calendar format.'), 'default_value' => 5, 'class' => ''), '_epl_display_content' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_display_content', 'label' => epl__('Content Display Type'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('None'), 1 => epl__('Excerpt'), 2 => epl__('Content')), 'help_text' => epl__('Determines which content to display in the event list.'), 'default_value' => 2, 'class' => ''), '_epl_event_available_space_display' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_available_space_display', 'label' => epl__('Display available spaces?'), 'help_text' => '', 'options' => epl_yes_no()), '_epl_event_detail_cart_display' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_detail_cart_display', 'label' => epl__('Display Event Details in cart?'), 'help_text' => '', 'options' => epl_yes_no()), '_epl_alt_admin_email' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_alt_admin_email', 'label' => epl__('Alternate Notification Emails'), 'help_text' => epl__('Enter a comma separated list of email addresses that you would like to send the registration confirmation emails to.'), 'class' => 'epl_w400'), '_epl_alt_regis_url' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_alt_regis_url', 'label' => epl__('Alternate Registration URL'), 'help_text' => epl__('If you would like to have the register button point to an alternate registration page or form.'), 'class' => 'epl_w400'), '_epl_cal_link_destination' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_cal_link_destination', 'label' => epl__('Calendar/Widget link destination'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Registration Page'), 1 => epl__('Event Details')), 'default_value' => 0), '_epl_title_link_destination' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_title_link_destination', 'label' => epl__('Event Title link destination'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Event Details'), 1 => epl__('Registration Page')), 'default_value' => 0));
$epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_display_option_fields', $epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields']);
//uasort( $epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight' );
$epl_fields['epl_message_fields'] = array('_epl_message_location' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_message_location[]', 'label' => epl__('Message Location'), 'empty_row' => 1, 'options' => array('epl_regis_all_message_top' => epl__('All registration pages - top'), 'epl_regis_all_message_bottom' => epl__('All registration pages - bottom'), 'epl_cart_top_message' => epl__('Cart - top'), 'epl_cart_bottom_message' => epl__('Cart - bottom'), 'epl_regis_form_top_message' => epl__('Registration form - top'), 'epl_regis_form_bottom_message' => epl__('Registration form - bottom'), 'epl_regis_complete_top_message' => epl__('Registration complete - top'), 'epl_regis_complete_bottom_message' => epl__('Registration complete - bottom')), 'class' => 'req', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_message_type' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_message_type[]', 'empty_row' => 1, 'options' => array('epl_info_message' => epl__('Info'), 'epl_success_message' => epl__('Success'), 'epl_warning_message' => epl__('Warning'), 'epl_error_message' => epl__('Error')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_message' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_name' => '_epl_message[]', 'label' => epl__('Min.'), 'class' => 'epl_w100pct mceeditor req', '_save_func' => 'wp_kses_post'));
$epl_fields['epl_message_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_message_fields', $epl_fields['epl_message_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_message_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');