예제 #1
function fullentry($record)
    global $conn;
    global $imageover;
    # 24 hours ago.  We compare timestamps to this in order to
    # detect recently changed entries.
    $yesterday = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("yesterday"));
    # extract info from the record
    $id = $record["id"];
    $title = htmlspecialchars(strtoupper($record["title"]));
    if ($record["eventstatus"] == "C") {
        $eventtime = "CANCELED";
        $eventduration = 0;
    } else {
        $eventtime = hmmpm($record["eventtime"]);
        $eventduration = $record["eventduration"];
    $dayofmonth = substr($record["eventdate"], -2);
    $timedetails = $record["timedetails"];
    if ($record["audience"] == "F" && $record["area"] == "P") {
        $badge = "ff.gif";
        $badgealt = "FF";
        $badgehint = "Family Friendly";
    if ($record["audience"] == "G" && $record["area"] == "P") {
        $badge = "";
        $badgealt = "";
        $badgehint = "";
    if ($record["audience"] == "A" && $record["area"] == "P") {
        $badge = "beer.gif";
        $badgealt = "21+";
        $badgehint = "Adult Only (21+)";
    if ($record["audience"] == "F" && $record["area"] == "V") {
        $badge = "ffwa.gif";
        $badgealt = "FF,WA";
        $badgehint = "Family Friendly, Meet in/around Vancouver";
    if ($record["audience"] == "G" && $record["area"] == "V") {
        $badge = "washington.gif";
        $badgealt = "WA";
        $badgehint = "Meet in/around Vancouver";
    if ($record["audience"] == "A" && $record["area"] == "V") {
        $badge = "beerwa.gif";
        $badgealt = "21+,WA";
        $badgehint = "Adult Only (21+), Meet in/around Vancouver";
    $address = htmlspecialchars($record["address"]);
    if ($record["locname"]) {
        $address = htmlspecialchars($record["locname"]) . ", {$address}";
    $locdetails = htmlspecialchars($record["locdetails"]);
    $descr = htmldescription($record["descr"]);
    $newsflash = htmlspecialchars($record["newsflash"]);
    $name = htmlspecialchars(ucwords($record["name"]));
    $email = $record["hideemail"] ? "" : htmlspecialchars($record["email"]);
    $email = mangleemail($email);
    $phone = $record["hidephone"] ? "" : htmlspecialchars($record["phone"]);
    $contact = $record["hidecontact"] ? "" : htmlspecialchars($record["contact"]);
    $weburl = $record["weburl"];
    $webname = $record["webname"];
    if ($webname == "" || array_key_exists('p', $_REQUEST)) {
        $webname = $weburl;
    $webname = htmlspecialchars($webname);
    $forum = mysql_query("SELECT modified FROM calforum WHERE id={$id} ORDER BY modified DESC", $conn) or die(mysql_error());
    $forumimg = "images/forum.gif";
    $forumqty = mysql_num_rows($forum);
    $forumtitle = "{$forumqty} message" . ($forumqty == 1 ? "" : "s");
    if ($forumqty > 0) {
        $msg = mysql_fetch_array($forum);
        $msgmod = $msg["modified"];
        # Format the timestamp -- varies with SQL ver.
        if (strlen($msgmod) == 14) {
            # older MySQL uses YYYYMMDDhhmmss format
            $msgmod = substr($msgmod, 0, 4) . "-" . substr($msgmod, 4, 2) . "-" . substr($msgmod, 6, 2) . " " . substr($msgmod, 8, 2) . ":" . substr($msgmod, 10, 2) . ":" . substr($msgmod, 12, 2);
        $forumtitle = "{$forumtitle}, newest " . substr($msgmod, 0, 10);
        if (strcmp($msgmod, $yesterday) > 0) {
            $forumimg = "images/forumflash.gif";
    # get the image info
    $image = "";
    if ($record["image"] && !isset($_REQUEST["i"])) {
        $t = pathinfo($record["image"]);
        $t = $t["extension"];
        $image = "eventimages/{$id}.{$t}";
        $imageheight = $record["imageheight"];
        $imagewidth = $record["imagewidth"];
        # Defend against obnoxiously wide banners or zero-height images.
        if ($imagewidth > 300) {
            $imageheight = $imageheight * 300 / $imagewidth;
            $imagewidth = 300;
        if ($imageheight < 1) {
            $imagehight = 1;
    if ($eventtime == "CANCELED") {
        $style = "text-decoration: line-through;";
    } else {
        $style = "";
    print "<dt style=\"{$style}\">";
    if ($image && $imageover <= 0 && $imageheight > RIGHTHEIGHT / 2) {
        if ($imageheight > RIGHTHEIGHT) {
            $imagewidth = $imagewidth * RIGHTHEIGHT / $imageheight;
            $imageheight = RIGHTHEIGHT;
        print "\n<img src=\"{$image}\" height={$imageheight} width={$imagewidth} align=\"right\" alt=\"\">\n";
    print "<a name=\"{$dayofmonth}-{$id}\" style=\"{$style}\">{$title}</a>\n";
    print "<a href=\"#{$dayofmonth}-{$id}\"><img border=0 src=\"images/chain.gif\" alt=\"Link\" title=\"Link to this event\"></a>\n";
    if (isset($_COOKIE['havemore']) && $_COOKIE['havemore'] == 'bikefun') {
        print "<a href=\"calform.php?edit=" . obscure($id) . "\"><img src=\"images/edit.gif\" alt=\"[edit]\" border=0></a>\n";
    if ($badge != "") {
        print "<img align=left src=\"" . IMAGES . "/{$badge}\" alt=\"{$badgealt}\" title=\"{$badgehint}\">\n";
    if ($image && ($imageover > 0 || $imageheight <= RIGHTHEIGHT / 2)) {
        if ($imageheight > LEFTHEIGHT) {
            $imagewidth = $imagewidth * LEFTHEIGHT / $imageheight;
            $imageheight = LEFTHEIGHT;
        print "</dt><dd><img src=\"{$image}\" height={$imageheight} width={$imagewidth} align=\"left\" alt=\"\">\n";
    } else {
        print "</dt><dd>";
    print "<div style=\"{$style}\">";
    if (TRUE || $record["addressverified"] == "Y") {
        #print '<a href="http://tripplanner.bycycle.org/?region=portlandor&q='.urlencode($record["address"]).'" target="_BLANK">'.$address.'</a>';
        print '<a href="http://maps.google.com/?bounds=45.389771,-122.829208|45.659647,-122.404175&q=' . urlencode($record["address"]) . '" target="_BLANK">' . $address . '</a>';
    } else {
        print $address;
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['p']) || $_REQUEST['p'] == '') {
        print " <a href=\"" . trimeturl($record["eventdate"], $record["eventtime"], $record["address"]) . "\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"TriMet trip planner\"><img alt=\"Take Trimet\" src=\"images/trimetrose.gif\" border=0></a>";
    if ($locdetails != "") {
        print " ({$locdetails})";
    print "</div>\n";
    print "{$eventtime}";
    if ($eventtime == "CANCELED" && $newsflash != "") {
        print " <font color=magenta>{$newsflash}</font>";
    if ($eventtime != "CANCELED") {
        if ($eventduration != 0) {
            print " - " . endtime($eventtime, $eventduration);
        if ($timedetails != "") {
            print ", {$timedetails}";
        if ($record["datestype"] == "C" || $record["datestype"] == "S") {
            print ", {$record[dates]}";
    print "<div style=\"{$style}\">\n";
    print "<em>{$descr}</em>\n";
    if ($newsflash != "" && $eventtime != "CANCELED") {
        print "<font color=magenta>{$newsflash}</font>";
    print '<br>';
    if (strstr($name, '@')) {
        print mangleemail($name);
    } else {
        print $name;
    if ($email != "") {
        print ", {$email}";
    if ($weburl != "") {
        print ", <a href=\"{$weburl}\">{$webname}</a>";
    if ($contact != "") {
        print ", " . mangleemail($contact);
    if ($phone != "") {
        print ", {$phone}";
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['p'])) {
        print "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"calforum.php?id={$id}\" title=\"{$forumtitle}\"><img border=0 src=\"{$forumimg}\" alt=\"[forum]\"></a>\n";
    print "</div></dd>\n";
    # if this event has no image, then the next event's
    # image can be left-aligned.
    if ($image == "" || $imageover > 0 || $imageheight <= RIGHTHEIGHT / 2) {
        $imageover = 0;
    } else {
        $imageover = $imageheight - RIGHTHEIGHT / 2;
예제 #2
     $badgealt = "[FF]";
     $badgetitle = "Family Friendly";
     $badgewidth = 22;
     $badgeheight = 21;
 } else {
     if ($record["audience"] == "A") {
         $badge = "beer.gif";
         $badgealt = "[21+]";
         $badgetitle = "Adults (21+) only";
         $badgewidth = 14;
         $badgeheight = 24;
 print "      <td>{$starttime}";
 if ($record["eventduration"] > 0) {
     print "-" . endtime($starttime, $record["eventduration"]);
 print "      </td>\n";
 print "      <td>\n";
 if ($badge != "") {
     print "        <img border=0 src=\"" . IMAGES . "/{$badge}\" alt=\"{$badgealt}\" title=\"{$badgetitle}\" width={$badgewidth} height={$badgeheight}>\n";
 #print "        <a href=\"viewpp2008.php#$htmlid\" target=\"pp\"$titlecolor title=\"".htmlspecialchars($record["title"])."\">\n";
 print "        <a href=\"viewpp2008.php#{$htmlid}\" target=\"pp\"{$titlecolor} title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($record["title"]) . "\">\n";
 print "          " . htmlspecialchars($record["tinytitle"]) . "\n";
 print "        </a>\n";
 print "      </td>\n";
 print "      <td>" . htmlspecialchars($record["address"]) . "</td>\n";
 print "      <td>\n";
 print "        " . htmlspecialchars($record["name"]) . "\n";
 #print "        <a href=\"calforum.php?id=".$record["id"]."\"><img border=0 src=\"images/forum.gif\" alt=\"[forum]\"></a>\n";
예제 #3
weekday	dayofmonth	datestype	firstinstance	time	endtime	timedetails	venue	address	locdetails	area	audience	title	tinytitle	printdescr	contact
# For each event...
$thisday = "ugly";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM calevent, caldaily WHERE eventdate >= '{$sqlstart}' AND eventdate <= '{$sqlend}' AND eventstatus <> 'C' AND eventstatus <> 'E' AND eventstatus <> 'S' AND review <> 'E' AND calevent.id = caldaily.id ORDER BY eventdate, eventtime", $conn) or die(mysql_error());
while ($record = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    if ($record["eventdate"] != $thisday) {
        $thisday = $record["eventdate"];
        $prettydate = date("l, F j", strtotime($thisday));
    $again = repeatfirstinstance($record, $prettydate);
    $starttime = hmmpm($record["eventtime"]);
    if ($record["eventduration"] > 0) {
        $endtime = endtime($starttime, $record["eventduration"]);
    } else {
        $endtime = "";
    $contact = $record["name"];
    if ($record["printemail"] && $record["email"] != "") {
        $contact .= ", {$record[email]}";
    if ($record["printphone"] && strlen($record["phone"]) >= 7) {
        #$contact .= ", ".substr($record["phone"], 0, 3)."-".substr($record["phone"], 3, 3)."-".substr($record["phone"],6,4);
        $contact .= ", {$record[phone]}";
    if ($record["printweburl"] && $record["weburl"] != "") {
        $contact .= ", {$record[weburl]}";
    if ($record["printcontact"] && $record["contact"] != "") {
예제 #4
     $pdf->_lasty = $starty + ($_REQUEST["micro"] == "" ? 0.005 : 0.003);
 # Output the location
 $where = $record["address"];
 if ($record["locname"] != "") {
     $where = $record["locname"] . ", " . $where;
 if ($record["locdetails"] != "") {
     $where = $where . " (" . $record["locdetails"] . ")";
 # Output the time
 $when = hmmpm($record["eventtime"]);
 if ($record["duration"] != 0) {
     $when .= " - " . endtime($when, $record["duration"]);
 if ($record["timedetails"] != "") {
     $when .= ", " . $record["timedetails"];
 # If description is desired, then output that too
 if ($_REQUEST["printdescr"] != "") {
 # If contact info is desired, then output that too
 if ($_REQUEST["contact"] != "") {
     $who = $record["name"];
     if ($record["printemail"] && $record["email"] != "") {
         $who .= ", {$record[email]}";
예제 #5
$enddate = "2008-06-28";
include "include/common.php";
include "include/view.php";
header("Content-type: text/plain");
header("Cache-control: private");
$conn = mysql_connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(DBDATABASE, $conn);
# For each event...
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM calevent, caldaily WHERE eventdate >= '{$startdate}' AND eventdate <= '{$enddate}' AND eventstatus <> 'C' AND eventstatus <> 'E' AND eventstatus <> 'S' AND calevent.id = caldaily.id ORDER BY eventdate, eventtime", $conn) or die(mysql_error());
while ($record = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $starttime = hmmpm($record["eventtime"]);
    if ($record["eventduration"] > 0) {
        $endtime = "\"" . endtime($starttime, $record["eventduration"]) . "\"";
    } else {
        $endtime = "";
    $contact = $record["name"];
    if ($record["printemail"] && $record["email"] != "") {
        $contact .= ", {$record[email]}";
    if ($record["printphone"] && strlen($record["phone"]) >= 7) {
        #$contact .= ", ".substr($record["phone"], 0, 3)."-".substr($record["phone"], 3, 3)."-".substr($record["phone"],6,4);
        $contact .= ", {$record[phone]}";
    if ($record["printweburl"] && $record["weburl"] != "") {
        $contact .= ", {$record[weburl]}";
    if ($record["printcontact"] && $record["contact"] != "") {
예제 #6
function listevents($events)
    if (mysql_num_rows($events) == 0) {
        print '<em>No events</em>';
    } else {
        while ($record = mysql_fetch_array($events)) {
            $eventid = substr($record["eventdate"], -2) . '-' . $record['id'];
            print '<div class="event">';
            print "<a class=\"timetitle\" href=\"#\" onClick='return clickevent(\"{$eventid}\")'>" . hmmpm($record['eventtime']) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($record['title']) . '</a>';
            print "<div class=\"detail\" id=\"{$eventid}\">";
            if ($record['eventduration'] || $record['timedetails']) {
                if ($record['eventduration']) {
                    print hmmpm($record['eventtime']) . '-' . endtime($record['eventtime'], $record['eventduration']);
                    if ($record['timedetails']) {
                        print ', ';
                if ($record['timedetails']) {
                    print htmlspecialchars($record['timedetails']);
                print '<br />';
            if ($record['locname']) {
                print htmlspecialchars($record['locname']) . ', ';
            print htmlspecialchars($record['address']);
            if ($record['locdetails']) {
                print ', ' . htmlspecialchars($record['locdetails']);
            print '<br />';
            print htmlspecialchars($record['printdescr']);
            print '<br />';
            $name = htmlspecialchars(ucwords($record["name"]));
            $email = $record["hideemail"] ? "" : htmlspecialchars($record["email"]);
            $email = mangleemail($email);
            $phone = $record["hidephone"] ? "" : htmlspecialchars($record["phone"]);
            $contact = $record["hidecontact"] ? "" : htmlspecialchars($record["contact"]);
            $weburl = $record["weburl"];
            $webname = $record["webname"];
            if ($webname == "" || $_REQUEST["p"] != "") {
                $webname = $weburl;
            $webname = htmlspecialchars($webname);
            print "{$name}";
            if ($email) {
                print ", {$email}";
            if ($phone) {
                print ", <a href=\"tel:{$phone}\">{$phone}</a>";
            if ($contact) {
                print ", {$contact}";
            if ($weburl) {
                print ", <a href=\"{$weburl}\">{$webname}</a>";
            print '</div>';
            # class="detail"
            print '</div>';
            # class="event"
예제 #7
         $time = $time . ":0" . $record[minute];
     } else {
         if ($record[minute] >= 10) {
             $time = $time . ":" . $record[minute];
     if ($record[hour] >= 12) {
         $time = $time . "pm";
     } else {
         $time = $time . "am";
 $time = hmmpm($record[eventtime]);
 print $time;
 if ($record[eventduration] != 0) {
     print " - " . endtime($time, $record[eventduration]);
 if ($record[timedetails]) {
     print ", " . htmlspecialchars($record[timedetails]);
 print "</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
 print htmlspecialchars($record[printdescr]);
 if ($record[audience] == "F") {
     print "\nFamily Friendly.";
 } else {
     if ($record[audience] == "A") {
         print "\n21+ Only.";
 print " " . htmlspecialchars($record[name]);
 if ($record[printphone] && $record[phone] != "") {