$results = mysqli_query($c, $sql); if (mysqli_num_rows($results) >= 1) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($results); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO credentials (userid, profile, password) VALUES ('" . $_REQUEST['userid'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['profile'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['password'] . "');"; mysqli_query($c, $sql); $sql = "SELECT id FROM credentials WHERE userid = '" . $_REQUEST['userid'] . "' AND profile = '" . $_REQUEST['profile'] . "' AND password = '******'password'] . "';"; $credentialsresults = mysqli_query($c, $sql); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($credentialsresults); } setcookie('credential_id', encryptCookie($row['id']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); setcookie('custom_custid', encryptCookie($_REQUEST['userid']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); setcookie('custom_password', encryptCookie($_REQUEST['password']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); setcookie('custom_profile', encryptCookie($_REQUEST['profile']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); $_SESSION['sessionToken']['profile'] = $_REQUEST['profile']; setcookie('login', encryptCookie($_REQUEST['profile']), 0, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); header("Location:vtest.php?userid=" . $_REQUEST['userid'] . "&password="******"&profile=" . $_REQUEST['profile']); } else { $errors = 0; $errorlog = ''; $errorlog .= '<p>TestMySQLConnection - '; if (!$c) { $errorlog .= 'Failed</p>'; $errors++; } else { $errorlog .= 'Passed</p>'; } include 'rest/EBSCOAPI.php'; $errorlog .= '<p>TestMySQLPrivileges - '; $sql = 'INSERT INTO readings (listid, authorid, an, db, url, title, priority, type) VALUES (1,1,"testing-an", "testing-db","none ","Circumstances Surrounding the Community Needle-Stick Injuries in Georgia.",1,1);'; $results = mysqli_query($c, $sql);
function generate_token($objUser, $token_type) { return encryptCookie($objUser->user_id . $token_type . time()); }
die("It looks like the application was unable to connect to your MySQL server, or had trouble looking for the reading list. Here is the MySQL error: 4"); } // add this instructor to the authors list for this reading list $sql = "INSERT INTO authorlists (authorid, listid) VALUES (?,?)"; $stmt = $c->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param('ii', $authorID, $row['id']); $stmt->execute(); $added = TRUE; } else { $authorIDfetch = mysqli_fetch_array($authorresults); $authorID = $authorIDfetch['id']; } } else { die("It looks like the application was unable to connect to your MySQL server, or had trouble looking for the reading list. Here is the MySQL error: 5"); } setcookie('currentAuthorId', encryptCookie($authorID), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); } $foundCopy = FALSE; if ($newlist && (isset($customparams['copylist']) && $customparams['copylist'] == 'y')) { if (substr_count($clean['roles'], "Instructor") > 0) { $sql = "SELECT id, linklabel, course, linkid FROM lists WHERE (id IN (SELECT listid FROM authorlists WHERE authorid = ?) AND linklabel = ? AND linkid != ? AND credentialconsumerid = ?) OR (private = 0 AND credentialconsumerid = ? AND linklabel = ?) ORDER BY private, last_access DESC;"; $stmt = $c->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param('issiis', $authorID, $clean['resource_link_title'], $clean['resource_link_id'], $clean['credential_consumer_id'], $clean['credential_consumer_id'], $clean['resource_link_title']); } else { $sql = "SELECT id, linklabel, course, linkid FROM lists WHERE private = 0 AND credentialconsumerid = ? AND linklabel = ? ORDER BY private, last_access DESC"; $stmt = $c->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param('is', $clean['credential_consumer_id'], $clean['resource_link_title']); } $stmt->execute(); $results = $stmt->get_result(); if (substr_count($clean['roles'], "Instructor") > 0 && mysqli_num_rows($results) > 0) {
<style type="text/css"> #currentList { display: none; } </style> <?php $time = 0; // store for session only if (!isset($_COOKIE['logged_in_cust_id'])) { setcookie('message', encryptCookie("You must be logged in to access that service, please login"), $time, '/'); setcookie('forward_to_admin', encryptCookie(" "), $time, '/'); header("admin.php2"); } $clean = strip_tags_deep($_REQUEST); /* if (isInstructor()) { */ ?> <div class="readingListLink"><h3 style="color:red;">Warning: you are about to delete the following lists permanently. This action cannot be undone. Any instructor that tries to access these lists from their course will find an empty list.</h3><?php if (isset($clean['listid'])) { ?> <form action="process_delete.php" method="get"> <?php $id_list = join(",", $clean['listid']); //create a comma delimited list of all the ids to be deleted $count = 0; foreach ($clean['listid'] as $id_list) { //form and execute the mysqli $sql = $c->prepare("SELECT id, course, linklabel, private, last_access FROM lists WHERE id = ?;"); $sql->bind_param('i', $id_list); $sql->execute(); $sql->bind_result($lists_id, $lists_course, $lists_linklabel, $lists_private, $lists_last_access); //$results = mysqli_query($c,$sql); //create a hidden input in our form for each of the items to be deleted while ($sql->fetch()) {
$c->next_result(); mysqli_close($c); header("Location:admin2.php"); } } else { setcookie('logged_in_cust_id', encryptCookie("none"), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); setcookie('forward_to_admin', encryptCookie("y"), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); $c->next_result(); mysqli_close($c); header("Location:admin2.php"); } } if (!isset($cust_id)) { setcookie('logged_in_cust_id', encryptCookie("none"), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); } setcookie('forward_to_admin', encryptCookie("y"), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); $c->next_result(); mysqli_close($c); header("Location:admin2.php"); } if (!isset($_COOKIE['logged_in_cust_id'])) { $message = "Login failed"; } } ?> <strong> <?php //display message, if one has been generated if (isset($message)) { echo $message;
$titlecount = count($titles); $ANcount = count($ANs); $DBcount = count($DBs); if ($titlecount != $ANcount || $titlecount != $DBcount || $ANcount != $DBcount || $titlecount == 0) { ?> <div class="readingListLink"> <h3><?php echo "Oops! An error occurred. The data for one or more records is incomplete. Please try again, being sure to include the entire record for each reading."; ?> </h3></div><?php } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $titlecount; $i++) { $sql = $c->prepare("INSERT INTO readings (listid, authorid, an, db, title, priority, url, type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,1,'none',1);"); $sql->bind_param('iisss', decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId']), decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentAuthorId']), $ANs[$i], $DBs[$i], $titles[$i]); $sql->execute(); } if ($titlecount == 1) { setcookie('import_folder_message', encryptCookie("1 reading added"), $time, '/'); } else { setcookie('import_folder_message', encryptCookie("{$titlecount} readings added"), $time, '/'); } header("Location:reading_list.php"); } //Add statement saying how many items added to reading list. } ?> <div class="readingListLink"><h2> Enter bibliographic info from the list into this box:</h2> <form action="import_folder.php" id="EBSCOFolderForm" method="post"> <textarea name="BiblioInfo" form="EBSCOFolderForm" rows="6" cols="50"></textarea></br> <input type="submit" value="Generate list"> </form></div>
function createCookie($id, $user, $pass) { //call encryption function $cookie_value = encryptCookie($id, $user, $pass); //set the cookie setcookie(ADMIN_COOKIE, $cookie_value, time() + 2592000, APP_WEB_PATH, SITE_DOMAIN); }
$count = 0; while ($sql->fetch()) { $count++; $consumeridsArray['logged_in_consumerid'][$count] = $result; } if (!isset($consumeridsArray)) { $consumeridsArray = array(); } setcookie('consumeridsArray', encryptCookie($consumeridsArray), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); if ($c->more_results()) { $c->next_result(); } $customparams = loadCustomParams($c, $key); $variables['consumeridsArray'] = $consumeridsArray; $variables['customparams'] = $customparams; ebsco_render('admin.html', 'layout.html', $variables); } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['forward_to_admin']) && decryptCookie($_COOKIE['forward_to_admin']) == "n") { if (isset($_POST['admin_key'])) { $clean = strip_tags_deep($_POST); setcookie('admin_key', encryptCookie($clean['admin_key']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); setcookie('admin_secret', encryptCookie($clean['admin_secret']), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); $variables['admin_key'] = $clean['admin_key']; $variables['admin_secret'] = $clean['admin_secret']; } ebsco_render('sign_on.html', 'layout.html', $variables); } else { ebsco_render('sign_on.html', 'layout.html', $variables); } } }
/** * Get session token for a profile * If session token is not available * a new session token will be generated * * @param Authentication token, Profile * @access public */ public function getSessionToken($authenToken, $invalid = 'n') { $token = ''; // Check user's login status if (isset($_COOKIE['login'])) { if ($invalid == 'y') { $profile = self::$cust_profile; $_SESSION['debug'] .= "--GetSession with INVALID is YES--"; $sessionToken = $this->apiSessionToken($authenToken, $profile, 'n'); $_SESSION['debug'] .= "---apiSessionToken got " . var_export($sessionToken, TRUE) . "---"; $time = 0; // store for session only //store cookie for one hour setcookie('sessionToken', encryptCookie($sessionToken), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); $_SESSION['sessionToken'] = $sessionToken; } else { if (isset($_SESSION['sessionToken'])) { $sessionToken = $_SESSION['sessionToken']; $_SESSION['debug'] .= "---Using EXISTING session token from SESSION var: " . var_export($sessionToken, TRUE) . "---"; } else { $sessionToken = decryptCookie($_COOKIE['sessionToken']); $_SESSION['debug'] .= "---Using EXISTING session token from Cookie var: " . var_export($sessionToken, TRUE) . "---"; } } $token = $sessionToken['sessionToken']; } else { die("The reading list tool requires the use of cookies. Please insure you allow cookies from this site."); } return $token; }
$customparams = loadCustomParams($c, $cookieDCd); $profile = $customparams['profile']; try { $api = new EBSCOAPI($c, $customparams); } catch (Exception $e) { die("It looks like your user id and password for your EDS API profile are incorrect. Please check your settings in the <a href='http://curriculumbuilder.ebscohost.com/admin.php' target='_top'>admin panel</a>.<p style='display:none;'>" . var_export($customparams, TRUE) . "</p>"); } try { $_SESSION['debug'] .= "<p>Using AuthToken " . $api->getAuthToken() . "</p>"; $newSessionToken = $api->apiSessionToken($api->getAuthToken(), $profile, 'n'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<div style='display:none;'>" . $_SESSION['debug'] . "</div>"; die("It looks like your profile id for your EDS API profile is incorrect. Please check your settings in the <a href='http://curriculumbuilder.ebscohost.com/admin.php' target='_top'>admin panel</a>.<p style='display:none;'>" . var_export($customparams, TRUE) . "</p><p style='display:none;'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</p>"); } setcookie('sessionToken', encryptCookie($newSessionToken), $time, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); setcookie('login', encryptCookie($profile), 0, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); if (isset($_COOKIE['Guest'])) { setcookie('Guest', '', time() - 3600); } if (isset($clean['path'])) { $path = $clean['path']; } else { $path = "default"; } if (isset($clean['copyid'])) { if ($clean['copyid'] == '0') { } else { copyList($c, $clean['copyid'], decryptCookie($_COOKIE['currentListId'])); $path = "reading_list"; } }