예제 #1
function eme_registration_seats_form_table($pending = 0)
    global $plugin_page;
    $scope_names = array();
    $scope_names['past'] = __('Past events', 'eme');
    $scope_names['all'] = __('All events', 'eme');
    $scope_names['future'] = __('Future events', 'eme');
    $event_id = isset($_POST['event_id']) ? intval($_POST['event_id']) : 0;
    $scope = isset($_POST['scope']) ? $_POST['scope'] : 'future';
    if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
        $scope = "all";
        $search = "[person_id=" . intval($_GET['search']) . "]";
    $all_events = eme_get_events(0, $scope);
<div class="wrap">
<div id="icon-events" class="icon32"><br />
    _e('Add a registration for an event', 'eme');
<div class="wrap">
<br />
   <form id='add-booking' name='add-booking' action="" method="post">
   <input type='hidden' name='eme_admin_action' value='newRegistration' />
   <table class="widefat">
            <tr><th scope='row'><?php 
    _e('Event', 'eme');
   <select name="event_id">
    foreach ($all_events as $event) {
        if ($event['event_rsvp']) {
            $option_text = $event['event_name'] . " (" . eme_localised_date($event['event_start_date']) . ")";
            echo "<option value='" . $event['event_id'] . "' >" . $option_text . "</option>  ";
   <input type="submit" class="button-primary action" value="<?php 
    _e('Register new booking', 'eme');
" />
<br />
<div class="clear"></div>
    if ($pending) {
        _e('Pending Approvals', 'eme');
    } else {
        _e('Change reserved spaces or cancel registrations', 'eme');
<div class="wrap">
<br />

   <div class="tablenav">
   <div class="alignleft">
   <form id="eme-admin-regsearchform" name="eme-admin-regsearchform" action="<?php 
    echo admin_url("admin.php?page={$plugin_page}");
" method="post">

   <select name="scope">
    foreach ($scope_names as $key => $value) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($key == $scope) {
            $selected = "selected='selected'";
        echo "<option value='{$key}' {$selected}>{$value}</option>  ";

   <select name="event_id">
   <option value='0'><?php 
    _e('All events');
    $events_with_bookings = array();
    foreach ($all_events as $event) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($event_id && $event['event_id'] == $event_id) {
            $selected = "selected='selected'";
        if ($pending && eme_get_pending_bookings($event['event_id']) > 0) {
            $events_with_bookings[] = $event['event_id'];
            echo "<option value='" . $event['event_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $event['event_name'] . "</option>  ";
        } elseif (eme_get_approved_seats($event['event_id']) > 0) {
            $events_with_bookings[] = $event['event_id'];
            echo "<option value='" . $event['event_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $event['event_name'] . "</option>  ";

   <input class="button-secondary" type="submit" value="<?php 
" />
   <br />
   <br />
   <form id="eme-admin-regform" name="eme-admin-regform" action="" method="post">
   <select name="eme_admin_action">
   <option value="-1" selected="selected"><?php 
    _e('Bulk Actions');
    if ($pending) {
   <option value="approveRegistration"><?php 
        _e('Approve registration', 'eme');
   <option value="updatePayedStatus"><?php 
    _e('Update payed status', 'eme');
   <option value="denyRegistration"><?php 
    _e('Deny registration', 'eme');
   <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" value="<?php 
" />

   <div class="clear"><p>
    _e('Send mails to attendees upon changes being made?', 'eme');
    echo eme_ui_select_binary(1, "send_mail");
    if ($pending) {
        $booking_status = 1;
        // different table id for pending bookings, so the save-state from datatables doesn't interfere with the one from non-pending
        $table_id = "eme_pending_admin_bookings";
    } else {
        $booking_status = 2;
        $table_id = "eme_admin_bookings";
    if ($event_id) {
        $bookings = eme_get_bookings_for($event_id, $booking_status);
    } else {
        $bookings = eme_get_bookings_for($events_with_bookings, $booking_status);
    if (!empty($bookings)) {
   <table class="widefat hover stripe" id="<?php 
        print "{$table_id}";
         <th class='manage-column column-cb check-column' scope='col'><input
            class='select-all' type="checkbox" value='1' /></th>
         <th>hidden for person id search</th>
        _e('ID', 'eme');
        _e('Name', 'eme');
        _e('Date and time', 'eme');
        _e('Booker', 'eme');
        _e('Booking date', 'eme');
        _e('Seats', 'eme');
        _e('Event price', 'eme');
        _e('Total price', 'eme');
        _e('Unique nbr', 'eme');
        _e('Paid', 'eme');
        $search_dest = admin_url("admin.php?page=eme-people");
        foreach ($bookings as $event_booking) {
            $person = eme_get_person($event_booking['person_id']);
            $search_url = add_query_arg(array('search' => $person['person_id']), $search_dest);
            $event = eme_get_event($event_booking['event_id']);
            $payment_id = eme_get_booking_payment_id($event_booking['booking_id']);
            $localised_start_date = eme_localised_date($event['event_start_date']);
            $localised_start_time = eme_localised_time($event['event_start_time']);
            $localised_end_date = eme_localised_date($event['event_end_date']);
            $localised_end_time = eme_localised_time($event['event_end_time']);
            $localised_booking_date = eme_localised_date($event_booking['creation_date']);
            $localised_booking_time = eme_localised_time($event_booking['creation_date']);
            $startstring = strtotime($event['event_start_date'] . " " . $event['event_start_time']);
            $bookingtimestamp = strtotime($event_booking['creation_date']);
            $style = "";
            $today = date("Y-m-d");
            if ($event['event_start_date'] < $today) {
                $style = "style ='background-color: #FADDB7;'";
      <tr <?php 
            echo "{$style}";
         <td><input type='checkbox' class='row-selector' value='<?php 
            echo $event_booking['booking_id'];
' name='selected_bookings[]' />
             <input type='hidden' class='row-selector' value='<?php 
            echo $event_booking['booking_id'];
' name='bookings[]' /></td>
            echo $person['person_id'];
         <td><a class="row-title" href="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page={$plugin_page}&amp;eme_admin_action=editRegistration&amp;booking_id=" . $event_booking['booking_id']);
" title="<?php 
            _e('Click the booking ID in order to see and/or edit the details of the booking.', 'eme');
            echo $event_booking['booking_id'];
         <a class="row-title" href="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=events-manager&amp;eme_admin_action=edit_event&amp;event_id=" . $event_booking['event_id']);
" title="<?php 
            _e('Click the event name in order to see and/or edit the details of the event.', 'eme');
            echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($event['event_name']);
            $approved_seats = eme_get_approved_seats($event['event_id']);
            $pending_seats = eme_get_pending_seats($event['event_id']);
            $total_seats = $event['event_seats'];
            echo "<br />" . __('Approved: ', 'eme') . $approved_seats . ", " . __('Pending: ', 'eme') . $pending_seats . ", " . __('Max: ', 'eme') . $total_seats;
            if ($approved_seats > 0) {
                $printable_address = admin_url("admin.php?page=eme-people&amp;eme_admin_action=booking_printable&amp;event_id=" . $event['event_id']);
                $csv_address = admin_url("admin.php?page=eme-people&amp;eme_admin_action=booking_csv&amp;event_id=" . $event['event_id']);
                echo " (<a id='booking_printable_" . $event['event_id'] . "'  target='' href='{$printable_address}'>" . __('Printable view', 'eme') . "</a>)";
                echo " (<a id='booking_csv_" . $event['event_id'] . "'  target='' href='{$csv_address}'>" . __('CSV export', 'eme') . "</a>)";
         <td data-sort="<?php 
            echo $startstring;
            echo $localised_start_date;
            if ($localised_end_date != '' && $localised_end_date != $localised_start_date) {
                echo " - " . $localised_end_date;
<br />
            echo "{$localised_start_time} - {$localised_end_time}";
         <td><a href="<?php 
            echo $search_url;
" title="<?php 
            _e('Click the name of the booker in order to see and/or edit the details of the booker.', 'eme');
            echo eme_sanitize_html($person['lastname']) . "(" . eme_sanitize_html($person['phone']) . ", " . eme_sanitize_html($person['email']) . ")";
         <td data-sort="<?php 
            echo $bookingtimestamp;
            echo $localised_booking_date . " " . $localised_booking_time;
            if (eme_is_multi(eme_get_booking_price($event, $event_booking))) {
                echo $event_booking['booking_seats_mp'] . '<br />' . __('(Multiprice)', 'eme');
            } else {
                echo $event_booking['booking_seats'];
            echo eme_get_booking_price($event, $event_booking);
            echo eme_get_total_booking_price($event, $event_booking);
            <span title="<?php 
            print sprintf(__('This is based on the payment ID of the booking: %d', 'eme'), $payment_id);
            echo eme_sanitize_html($event_booking['transfer_nbr_be97']);
            echo eme_ui_select_binary($event_booking['booking_payed'], "bookings_payed[]");

<script type="text/javascript">
   jQuery(document).ready( function() {
        print "{$table_id}";
').dataTable( {
            "dom": 'CT<"clear">Rlfrtip',
        // jquery datatables locale loading
        $locale_code = get_locale();
        $locale_file = EME_PLUGIN_DIR . "js/jquery-datatables/i18n/{$locale_code}.json";
        $locale_file_url = EME_PLUGIN_URL . "js/jquery-datatables/i18n/{$locale_code}.json";
        if ($locale_code != "en_US" && file_exists($locale_file)) {
            "language": {
               "url": "<?php 
            echo $locale_file_url;
            "stateSave": true,
        if (!empty($search)) {
            // If datatables state is saved, the initial search
            // is ignored and we need to use stateloadparams
            // So we give the 2 options
            "stateLoadParams": function (settings, data) {
               data.search.search = "<?php 
            echo $search;
            "search": {
               "search":  "<?php 
            echo $search;
            "pagingType": "full",
            "columnDefs": [
               { "sortable": false, "targets": 0 },
               { "visible": false, "targets": 1 }
            "colVis": {
               "exclude": [0,1]
            "tableTools": {
               "aButtons": [ { "sExtends": "csv", "mColumns": "visible"},
               "sSwfPath": "<?php 
        echo EME_PLUGIN_URL;
         } );
   } );


   <div class='tablenav'>
   <div class="alignleft actions"><br class='clear' />
   <br class='clear' />

예제 #2
function eme_replace_formfields_placeholders($event, $booking = "", $format = "", $eme_multibooking = 0)
    global $current_user;
    $event_id = $event['event_id'];
    $registration_wp_users_only = $event['registration_wp_users_only'];
    $is_admin = is_admin();
    if ($is_admin && $booking) {
        $editing_booking_from_backend = 1;
    } else {
        $editing_booking_from_backend = 0;
    // if not in the backend and wp membership is required
    // or when editing an existing booking via backend (not a new)
    if ($registration_wp_users_only && !$is_admin || $editing_booking_from_backend) {
        $readonly = "disabled='disabled'";
    } else {
        $readonly = "";
    if (empty($format)) {
        if (!empty($event['event_registration_form_format'])) {
            $format = $event['event_registration_form_format'];
        } elseif ($event['event_properties']['event_registration_form_format_tpl'] > 0) {
            $format = eme_get_template_format($event['event_properties']['event_registration_form_format_tpl']);
        } else {
            $format = get_option('eme_registration_form_format');
    $min_allowed = $event['event_properties']['min_allowed'];
    $max_allowed = $event['event_properties']['max_allowed'];
    if ($event['event_properties']['take_attendance']) {
        $min_allowed = 0;
        $max_allowed = 1;
    if ($editing_booking_from_backend) {
        // in the admin itf, and editing a booking
        // then the avail seats are the total seats
        if (eme_is_multi($event['event_seats'])) {
            $avail_seats = eme_get_multitotal($event['event_seats']);
        } else {
            $avail_seats = $event['event_seats'];
    } else {
        // the next gives the number of available seats, even for multiprice
        $avail_seats = eme_get_available_seats($event_id);
    $booked_places_options = array();
    if (eme_is_multi($max_allowed)) {
        $multi_max_allowed = eme_convert_multi2array($max_allowed);
        $max_allowed_is_multi = 1;
    } else {
        $max_allowed_is_multi = 0;
    if (eme_is_multi($min_allowed)) {
        $multi_min_allowed = eme_convert_multi2array($min_allowed);
        $min_allowed_is_multi = 1;
    } else {
        $min_allowed_is_multi = 0;
    if (eme_is_multi($event['event_seats'])) {
        // in the admin itf, and editing a booking
        // then the avail seats are the total seats
        if ($editing_booking_from_backend) {
            $multi_avail = eme_convert_multi2array($event['event_seats']);
        } else {
            $multi_avail = eme_get_available_multiseats($event_id);
        foreach ($multi_avail as $key => $avail_seats) {
            $booked_places_options[$key] = array();
            if ($max_allowed_is_multi) {
                $real_max_allowed = $multi_max_allowed[$key];
            } else {
                $real_max_allowed = $max_allowed;
            // don't let people choose more seats than available
            if ($real_max_allowed > $avail_seats || $real_max_allowed == 0) {
                $real_max_allowed = $avail_seats;
            if ($min_allowed_is_multi) {
                $real_min_allowed = $multi_min_allowed[$key];
            } else {
                // it's no use to have a non-multi minimum for multiseats
                $real_min_allowed = 0;
            for ($i = $real_min_allowed; $i <= $real_max_allowed; $i++) {
                $booked_places_options[$key][$i] = $i;
    } elseif (eme_is_multi($event['price'])) {
        // we just need to loop through the same amount of seats as there are prices
        foreach (eme_convert_multi2array($event['price']) as $key => $value) {
            $booked_places_options[$key] = array();
            if ($max_allowed_is_multi) {
                $real_max_allowed = $multi_max_allowed[$key];
            } else {
                $real_max_allowed = $max_allowed;
            // don't let people choose more seats than available
            if ($real_max_allowed > $avail_seats || $real_max_allowed == 0) {
                $real_max_allowed = $avail_seats;
            if ($min_allowed_is_multi) {
                $real_min_allowed = $multi_min_allowed[$key];
            } else {
                // it's no use to have a non-multi minimum for multiseats/multiprice
                $real_min_allowed = 0;
            for ($i = $real_min_allowed; $i <= $real_max_allowed; $i++) {
                $booked_places_options[$key][$i] = $i;
    } else {
        if ($max_allowed_is_multi) {
            $real_max_allowed = $multi_max_allowed[0];
        } else {
            $real_max_allowed = $max_allowed;
        // don't let people choose more seats than available
        if ($real_max_allowed > $avail_seats || $real_max_allowed == 0) {
            $real_max_allowed = $avail_seats;
        if ($min_allowed_is_multi) {
            $real_min_allowed = $multi_min_allowed[0];
        } else {
            $real_min_allowed = $min_allowed;
        for ($i = $real_min_allowed; $i <= $real_max_allowed; $i++) {
            $booked_places_options[$i] = $i;
    $required_fields_count = 0;
    $eme_captcha_for_booking = get_option('eme_captcha_for_booking');
    # we need 4 required fields: #_NAME, #_EMAIL, #_SEATS and #_SUBMIT
    # for multiprice: 3 + number of possible prices (we add those later on)
    if (eme_is_multi($event['price'])) {
        $required_fields_min = 3;
    } else {
        $required_fields_min = 4;
    // if we require the captcha: add 1
    if (!$is_admin && $eme_captcha_for_booking) {
    // for multi booking forms, the required field count per booking form is 1 (SEATS)
    if (!$is_admin && $eme_multibooking) {
        $required_fields_min = 1;
    $bookerLastName = "";
    $bookerFirstName = "";
    $bookerAddress1 = "";
    $bookerAddress2 = "";
    $bookerCity = "";
    $bookerState = "";
    $bookerZip = "";
    $bookerCountry = "";
    $bookerEmail = "";
    $bookerComment = "";
    $bookerPhone = "";
    $bookedSeats = 0;
    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
        $bookerLastName = $current_user->user_lastname;
        if (empty($bookerLastName)) {
            $bookerLastName = $current_user->display_name;
        $bookerFirstName = $current_user->user_firstname;
        $bookerEmail = $current_user->user_email;
    if ($editing_booking_from_backend) {
        $person = eme_get_person($booking['person_id']);
        // when editing a booking
        $bookerLastName = eme_sanitize_html($person['lastname']);
        $bookerFirstName = eme_sanitize_html($person['firstname']);
        $bookerAddress1 = eme_sanitize_html($person['address1']);
        $bookerAddress2 = eme_sanitize_html($person['address2']);
        $bookerCity = eme_sanitize_html($person['city']);
        $bookerState = eme_sanitize_html($person['state']);
        $bookerZip = eme_sanitize_html($person['zip']);
        $bookerCountry = eme_sanitize_html($person['country']);
        $bookerEmail = eme_sanitize_html($person['email']);
        $bookerPhone = eme_sanitize_html($person['phone']);
        $bookerComment = eme_sanitize_html($booking['booking_comment']);
        $bookedSeats = eme_sanitize_html($booking['booking_seats']);
        if ($booking['booking_seats_mp']) {
            $booking_seats_mp = eme_convert_multi2array($booking['booking_seats_mp']);
            foreach ($booking_seats_mp as $key => $val) {
                $field_index = $key + 1;
                ${"bookedSeats" . $field_index} = eme_sanitize_html($val);
    } else {
        // check for previously filled in data
        // this in case people entered a wrong captcha
        if (isset($_POST['lastname'])) {
            $bookerLastName = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['lastname']));
        if (isset($_POST['firstname'])) {
            $bookerFirstName = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['firstname']));
        if (isset($_POST['address1'])) {
            $bookerAddress1 = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['address1']));
        if (isset($_POST['address2'])) {
            $bookerAddress2 = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['address2']));
        if (isset($_POST['city'])) {
            $bookerCity = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['city']));
        if (isset($_POST['state'])) {
            $bookerState = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['state']));
        if (isset($_POST['zip'])) {
            $bookerZip = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['zip']));
        if (isset($_POST['country'])) {
            $bookerCountry = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['country']));
        if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
            $bookerEmail = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['email']));
        if (isset($_POST['phone'])) {
            $bookerPhone = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['phone']));
        if (isset($_POST['comment'])) {
            $bookerComment = eme_sanitize_html(stripslashes_deep($_POST['comment']));
    // first we do the custom attributes, since these can contain other placeholders
    preg_match_all("/#(ESC|URL)?_ATT\\{.+?\\}(\\{.+?\\})?/", $format, $results);
    foreach ($results[0] as $resultKey => $result) {
        $need_escape = 0;
        $need_urlencode = 0;
        $orig_result = $result;
        if (strstr($result, '#ESC')) {
            $result = str_replace("#ESC", "#", $result);
            $need_escape = 1;
        } elseif (strstr($result, '#URL')) {
            $result = str_replace("#URL", "#", $result);
            $need_urlencode = 1;
        $replacement = "";
        //Strip string of placeholder and just leave the reference
        $attRef = substr(substr($result, 0, strpos($result, '}')), 6);
        if (isset($event['event_attributes'][$attRef])) {
            $replacement = $event['event_attributes'][$attRef];
        if (trim($replacement) == '' && isset($results[2][$resultKey]) && $results[2][$resultKey] != '') {
            //Check to see if we have a second set of braces;
            $replacement = substr($results[2][$resultKey], 1, strlen(trim($results[2][$resultKey])) - 2);
        if ($need_escape) {
            $replacement = eme_sanitize_request(eme_sanitize_html(preg_replace('/\\n|\\r/', '', $replacement)));
        if ($need_urlencode) {
            $replacement = rawurlencode($replacement);
        $format = str_replace($orig_result, $replacement, $format);
    // the 2 placeholders that can contain extra text are treated seperately first
    // the question mark is used for non greedy (minimal) matching
    if (preg_match('/#_CAPTCHAHTML\\{.+\\}/', $format)) {
        // only show the captcha when booking via the frontend, not the admin backend
        if (!$is_admin && $eme_captcha_for_booking) {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_CAPTCHAHTML\\{(.+?)\\}/', '$1', $format);
        } else {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_CAPTCHAHTML\\{(.+?)\\}/', '', $format);
    if (preg_match('/#_SUBMIT\\{.+\\}/', $format)) {
        if ($editing_booking_from_backend) {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_SUBMIT\\{(.+?)\\}/', "<input name='eme_submit_button' class='eme_submit_button' type='submit' value='" . __('Update booking', 'eme') . "' />", $format);
        } else {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_SUBMIT\\{(.+?)\\}/', "<input name='eme_submit_button' class='eme_submit_button' type='submit' value='" . eme_trans_sanitize_html('$1') . "' />", $format);
        if (!$eme_multibooking) {
    $deprecated = get_option('eme_deprecated');
    if ($deprecated && preg_match('/#_CAPTCHAHTML\\[.+\\]/', $format)) {
        // only show the captcha when booking via the frontend, not the admin backend
        if (!$is_admin && $eme_captcha_for_booking) {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_CAPTCHAHTML\\[(.+?)\\]/', '$1', $format);
        } else {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_CAPTCHAHTML\\[(.+?)\\]/', '', $format);
    if ($deprecated && preg_match('/#_SUBMIT\\[.+\\]/', $format)) {
        if ($editing_booking_from_backend) {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_SUBMIT\\[(.+?)\\]/', "<input name='eme_submit_button' class='eme_submit_button' type='submit' value='" . __('Update booking', 'eme') . "' />", $format);
        } else {
            $format = preg_replace('/#_SUBMIT\\[(.+?)\\]/', "<input name='eme_submit_button' class='eme_submit_button' type='submit' value='" . eme_trans_sanitize_html('$1') . "' />", $format);
        if (!$eme_multibooking) {
    // now the normal placeholders
    preg_match_all("/#(REQ)?_?[A-Z0-9_]+(\\{[A-Z0-9_]+\\})?/", $format, $placeholders);
    // make sure we set the largest matched placeholders first, otherwise if you found e.g.
    // #_LOCATION, part of #_LOCATIONPAGEURL would get replaced as well ...
    usort($placeholders[0], 'sort_stringlenth');
    # we need 3 required fields: #_NAME, #_EMAIL and #_SEATS
    # if these are not present: we don't replace anything and the form is worthless
    foreach ($placeholders[0] as $result) {
        $orig_result = $result;
        $found = 1;
        $required = 0;
        $required_att = "";
        $html5_wanted = 0;
        $replacement = "";
        if (strstr($result, '#REQ')) {
            $result = str_replace("#REQ", "#", $result);
            $required = 1;
            $required_att = "required='required'";
        // also support RESPNAME, RESPEMAIL, ...
        if (strstr($result, '#_RESP')) {
            $result = str_replace("#_RESP", "#_", $result);
        if ($eme_multibooking) {
            $var_prefix = "bookings[{$event_id}][";
            $var_postfix = "]";
        } else {
            $var_prefix = '';
            $var_postfix = '';
        if (preg_match('/#_NAME|#_LASTNAME/', $result)) {
            if (!$eme_multibooking) {
                $replacement = "<input required='required' type='text' name='{$var_prefix}lastname{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerLastName}' {$readonly} />";
                // #_NAME is always required
                $required = 1;
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_FIRSTNAME/', $result)) {
            if (!empty($bookerFirstName)) {
                $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}firstname{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerFirstName}' {$readonly} />";
            } else {
                $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}firstname{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerFirstName}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_ADDRESS1/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}address1{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerAddress1}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_ADDRESS2/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}address2{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerAddress2}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_CITY/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}city{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerCity}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_STATE/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}state{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerState}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_ZIP/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}zip{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerZip}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_COUNTRY/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}country{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerCountry}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_HTML5_EMAIL/', $result)) {
            if (!$eme_multibooking) {
                $replacement = "<input required='required' type='email' name='{$var_prefix}email{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerEmail}' {$readonly} />";
                // #_EMAIL is always required
                $required = 1;
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_EMAIL/', $result)) {
            if (!$eme_multibooking) {
                $replacement = "<input required='required' type='text' name='{$var_prefix}email{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerEmail}' {$readonly} />";
                // #_EMAIL is always required
                $required = 1;
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_HTML5_PHONE/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='tel' name='{$var_prefix}phone{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerPhone}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_PHONE/', $result)) {
            $replacement = "<input {$required_att} type='text' name='{$var_prefix}phone{$var_postfix}' value='{$bookerPhone}' />";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_SEATS$|#_SPACES$/', $result)) {
            $postfield_name = "{$var_prefix}bookedSeats{$var_postfix}";
            if ($editing_booking_from_backend && isset($bookedSeats)) {
                $entered_val = $bookedSeats;
            } elseif ($eme_multibooking && isset($_POST['bookings'][$event_id]) && isset($_POST['bookings'][$event_id]['bookedSeats'])) {
                $entered_val = intval($_POST['bookings'][$event_id]['bookedSeats']);
            } elseif (isset($_POST['bookedSeats'])) {
                $entered_val = intval($_POST['bookedSeats']);
            } else {
                $entered_val = 0;
            if ($event['event_properties']['take_attendance']) {
                $replacement = eme_ui_select_binary($entered_val, $postfield_name);
            } else {
                $replacement = eme_ui_select($entered_val, $postfield_name, $booked_places_options);
        } elseif ($deprecated && preg_match('/#_(SEATS|SPACES)(\\d+)/', $result, $matches) || preg_match('/#_(SEATS|SPACES)\\{(\\d+)\\}/', $result, $matches)) {
            $field_id = intval($matches[2]);
            $postfield_name = "{$var_prefix}bookedSeats" . $field_id . $var_postfix;
            if ($editing_booking_from_backend && isset(${"bookedSeats" . $field_id})) {
                $entered_val = ${"bookedSeats" . $field_id};
            } elseif ($eme_multibooking && isset($_POST['bookings'][$event_id]) && isset($_POST['bookings'][$event_id]['bookedSeats' . $field_id])) {
                $entered_val = intval($_POST['bookings'][$event_id]['bookedSeats' . $field_id]);
            } elseif (isset($_POST['bookedSeats' . $field_id])) {
                $entered_val = intval($_POST['bookedSeats' . $field_id]);
            } else {
                $entered_val = 0;
            if (eme_is_multi($event['event_seats']) || eme_is_multi($event['price'])) {
                if ($event['event_properties']['take_attendance']) {
                    $replacement = eme_ui_select_binary($entered_val, $postfield_name);
                } else {
                    $replacement = eme_ui_select($entered_val, $postfield_name, $booked_places_options[$field_id - 1]);
            } else {
                if ($event['event_properties']['take_attendance']) {
                    $replacement = eme_ui_select_binary($entered_val, $postfield_name);
                } else {
                    $replacement = eme_ui_select($entered_val, $postfield_name, $booked_places_options);
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_COMMENT/', $result)) {
            if (!$eme_multibooking) {
                $replacement = "<textarea {$required_att} name='{$var_prefix}comment{$var_postfix}'>{$bookerComment}</textarea>";
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_CAPTCHA/', $result) && $eme_captcha_for_booking) {
            if (!$eme_multibooking) {
                $replacement = "<img src='" . EME_PLUGIN_URL . "captcha.php?sessionvar=eme_add_booking'><br /><input required='required' type='text' name='captcha_check' autocomplete='off' />";
        } elseif ($deprecated && preg_match('/#_FIELDNAME(\\d+)/', $result, $matches) || preg_match('/#_FIELDNAME\\{(\\d+)\\}/', $result, $matches)) {
            $field_id = intval($matches[1]);
            $formfield = eme_get_formfield_byid($field_id);
            $replacement = eme_trans_sanitize_html($formfield['field_name']);
        } elseif ($deprecated && preg_match('/#_FIELD(\\d+)/', $result, $matches) || preg_match('/#_FIELD\\{(\\d+)\\}/', $result, $matches)) {
            $field_id = intval($matches[1]);
            $postfield_name = "{$var_prefix}FIELD" . $field_id . $var_postfix;
            $entered_val = "";
            if ($booking) {
                $answers = eme_get_answers($booking['booking_id']);
                $formfield = eme_get_formfield_byid($field_id);
                foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                    if ($answer['field_name'] == $formfield['field_name']) {
                        // the entered value for the function eme_get_formfield_html needs to be an array for multiple values
                        // since we store them with "||", we can use the good old eme_is_multi function and split in an array then
                        $entered_val = $answer['answer'];
                        if (eme_is_multi($entered_val)) {
                            $entered_val = eme_convert_multi2array($entered_val);
            } elseif (isset($_POST[$postfield_name])) {
                $entered_val = stripslashes_deep($_POST[$postfield_name]);
            $replacement = eme_get_formfield_html($field_id, $entered_val, $required);
        } elseif (preg_match('/#_SUBMIT/', $result, $matches)) {
            if (!$eme_multibooking) {
                if ($editing_booking_from_backend) {
                    $replacement = "<input name='eme_submit_button' type='submit' value='" . __('Update booking', 'eme') . "' />";
                } else {
                    $replacement = "<input name='eme_submit_button' type='submit' value='" . eme_trans_sanitize_html(get_option('eme_rsvp_addbooking_submit_string')) . "' />";
        } else {
            $found = 0;
        if ($required) {
            $replacement .= "<div class='eme-required-field'>&nbsp;" . __('(Required field)', 'eme') . "</div>";
        if ($found) {
            $format = str_replace($orig_result, $replacement, $format);
    // now any leftover event placeholders
    $format = eme_replace_placeholders($format, $event);
    // now, replace any language tags found in the format itself
    $format = eme_translate($format);
    # we need 4 required fields: #_NAME, #_EMAIL, #_SEATS and #_SUBMIT
    # for multiprice: 3 + number of possible prices
    # if these are not present: we don't replace anything and the form is worthless
    if (eme_is_multi($event['price'])) {
        $matches = preg_split('/\\|\\|/', $event['price']);
        $count = count($matches);
        // the count can be >3+$count if conditional tags are used to combine a form for single and multiple prices
        if ($required_fields_count >= $required_fields_min + $count) {
            return $format;
        } else {
            $res = __('Not all required fields are present in the booking form.', 'eme');
            $res .= '<br />' . __("Since this is a multiprice event, make sure you changed the setting 'Registration Form Format' for the event to include #_SEATxx placeholders for each price.", 'eme');
            $res .= '<br />' . __("See the documentation about multiprice events.", 'eme');
            return "<div id='message' class='eme-rsvp-message'>{$res}</div>";
    } elseif ($required_fields_count >= $required_fields_min) {
        // the count can be > 4 if conditional tags are used to combine a form for single and multiple prices
        return $format;
    } else {
        return __('Not all required fields are present in the booking form.', 'eme');