<?php include 'include.php'; emailITTicket(20195, 'new', false, true);
<?php include "include.php"; if ($posting) { $user_id = $page['is_admin'] ? $_POST["user_id"] : $_SESSION["user_id"]; format_post_nulls("type_id"); $id = db_query("INSERT INTO helpdesk_tickets (\r\n \tcreated_user,\r\n \ttype_id,\r\n\t\tpriorityID,\r\n\t\tdepartmentID,\r\n\t\tdescription,\r\n\t\tstatusID,\r\n\t\tipAddress,\r\n\t\tcreated_date,\r\n\t\tupdated_date,\r\n\t\ttitle\r\n\t) VALUES (\r\n\t\t" . $user_id . ",\r\n\t\t" . $_POST["type_id"] . ",\r\n\t\t'" . $_POST["priorityID"] . "',\r\n\t\t'" . $_POST["departmentID"] . "',\r\n\t\t'" . $_POST["description"] . "',\r\n\t\t1,\r\n\t\t'{$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]}',\r\n\t\tGETDATE(),\r\n\t\tGETDATE(),\r\n\t\t'" . $_POST["title"] . "'\r\n );"); //$r = db_grab("SELECT MAX(id) id FROM helpdesk_tickets"); //todo - email mohammed for critical emailITTicket($id, 'new'); //special for carla url_change('ticket.php?id=' . $id); } echo drawTop(); echo drawMessage($helpdeskStatus, "center"); ?> <script language="javascript"> <!-- function updateTypes(departmentID) { var types = new Array(3, 8); <?php $types = db_query("SELECT id, departmentID, description FROM helpdesk_tickets_types ORDER BY departmentID, description"); $options = array(); while ($t = db_fetch($types)) { $options[$t["departmentID"]][] = '"' . $t["id"] . '|' . $t["description"] . '"'; } while (list($key, $value) = each($options)) { ?> types[<?php echo $key;
<?php //$_josh["debug"] = true; $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = "D:\\Sites\\seedco.org\\intranet\\"; $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] = "intranet.seedco.org"; $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "/helpdesk/alerts.php"; $_COOKIE["last_login"] = "******"; chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); include "include.php"; $tickets = db_query("SELECT id FROM helpdesk_tickets WHERE priorityID = 1 AND statusID <> 9 AND DATEDIFF(mi, created_date, GETDATE()) > 60"); while ($t = db_fetch($tickets)) { emailITTicket($t["id"], "critical", true); } $tickets = db_query("SELECT id FROM helpdesk_tickets WHERE statusID <> 9 AND DATEDIFF(dd, created_date, GETDATE()) > 5"); //while ($t = db_fetch($tickets)) emailITTicket($t["id"], "languishing", true); echo "finished!";