예제 #1
 * Returns entities based upon plugin settings.
 * Takes all the options for {@see elgg_get_entities_from_private_settings()}
 * in addition to the ones below.
 * @param array $options Array in the format:
 * 	plugin_id => NULL|STR The plugin id. Defaults to calling plugin
 * 	plugin_user_setting_names => NULL|ARR private setting names
 * 	plugin_user_setting_values => NULL|ARR metadata values
 * 	plugin_user_setting_name_value_pairs => NULL|ARR (
 *                                         name => 'name',
 *                                         value => 'value',
 *                                         'operand' => '=',
 *                                        )
 * 	                             Currently if multiple values are sent via
 *                               an array (value => array('value1', 'value2')
 *                               the pair's operand will be forced to "IN".
 * 	plugin_user_setting_name_value_pairs_operator => NULL|STR The operator to use for combining
 *                                        (name = value) OPERATOR (name = value); default AND
 * @return mixed int If count, int. If not count, array. false on errors.
function elgg_get_entities_from_plugin_user_settings(array $options = array())
    // if they're passing it don't bother
    if (!isset($options['plugin_id'])) {
        $options['plugin_id'] = elgg_get_calling_plugin_id();
    $singulars = array('plugin_user_setting_name', 'plugin_user_setting_value', 'plugin_user_setting_name_value_pair');
    $options = elgg_normalise_plural_options_array($options, $singulars);
    // rewrite plugin_user_setting_name_* to the right PS ones.
    $map = array('plugin_user_setting_names' => 'private_setting_names', 'plugin_user_setting_values' => 'private_setting_values', 'plugin_user_setting_name_value_pairs' => 'private_setting_name_value_pairs', 'plugin_user_setting_name_value_pairs_operator' => 'private_setting_name_value_pairs_operator');
    foreach ($map as $plugin => $private) {
        if (!isset($options[$plugin])) {
        if (isset($options[$private])) {
            if (!is_array($options[$private])) {
                $options[$private] = array($options[$private]);
            $options[$private] = array_merge($options[$private], $options[$plugin]);
        } else {
            $options[$private] = $options[$plugin];
    $plugin_id = $options['plugin_id'];
    $prefix = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting('user_setting', '', $plugin_id);
    $options['private_setting_name_prefix'] = $prefix;
    return elgg_get_entities_from_private_settings($options);
예제 #2
function subsite_manager_get_plugin_order()
    if (is_memcache_available()) {
        $memcache = new ElggMemcache('subsite_manager');
    if (isset($memcache)) {
        if ($plugin_order = $memcache->load('plugin_order')) {
            return $plugin_order;
    $db_prefix = get_config('dbprefix');
    $priority = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting('internal', 'priority');
    $options = array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'plugin', 'limit' => ELGG_ENTITIES_NO_VALUE, 'selects' => array('plugin_oe.*'), 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}private_settings ps on ps.entity_guid = e.guid", "JOIN {$db_prefix}objects_entity plugin_oe on plugin_oe.guid = e.guid"), 'wheres' => array("ps.name = '{$priority}'"), 'order_by' => "CAST(ps.value as unsigned), e.guid", 'site_guids' => array(1));
    $plugins = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options);
    $plugin_order = array();
    foreach ($plugins as $i => $plugin) {
        $plugin_order[$plugin->title] = $i;
    if (isset($memcache)) {
        $memcache->save('plugin_order', $plugin_order);
    return $plugin_order;
예제 #3
파일: ElggPlugin.php 프로젝트: rasul/Elgg
  * Get a value from private settings.
  * @param string $name Name
  * @return mixed
 public function get($name)
     // rewrite for old and inaccurate plugin:setting
     if (strstr($name, 'plugin:setting:')) {
         $msg = 'Direct access of user settings is deprecated. Use ElggPlugin->getUserSetting()';
         elgg_deprecated_notice($msg, 1.8);
         $name = str_replace('plugin:setting:', '', $name);
         $name = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting('user_setting', $name);
     // See if its in our base attribute
     if (array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes)) {
         return $this->attributes[$name];
     // No, so see if its in the private data store.
     // get_private_setting() returns false if it doesn't exist
     $meta = $this->getPrivateSetting($name);
     if ($meta === false) {
         // Can't find it, so return null
         return NULL;
     return $meta;
예제 #4
     } else {
         // add new plugins
         // priority is force to last in save() if not set.
         $plugin = new ElggPlugin($plugin_id);
 // everything remaining in $known_plugins needs to be disabled
 // because they are entities, but their dirs were removed.
 // don't delete the entities because they hold settings.
 foreach ($known_plugins as $plugin) {
     if ($plugin->isActive()) {
     // remove the priority.
     $name = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting('internal', 'priority');
     remove_private_setting($plugin->guid, $name);
 // get old enabled plugins
 $enabled_plugin_options["guids"] = array($subsite->getGUID());
 $old_enabled_plugins = elgg_get_metadata($enabled_plugin_options);
 if (!empty($old_enabled_plugins)) {
     $old_enabled_plugins = metadata_array_to_values($old_enabled_plugins);
     $old_enabled_plugins = array_unique($old_enabled_plugins);
     foreach ($old_enabled_plugins as $plugin_id) {
         if ($plugin = elgg_get_plugin_from_id($plugin_id)) {
             if (!check_entity_relationship($plugin->getGUID(), 'active_plugin', $subsite->getGUID())) {
                 add_entity_relationship($plugin->getGUID(), 'active_plugin', $subsite->getGUID());
  * Removes all settings for this plugin.
  * @todo Should be a better way to do this without dropping to raw SQL.
  * @todo If we could namespace the plugin settings this would be cleaner.
  * @todo this shouldn't work because ps_prefix will be empty string
  * @return bool
 public function unsetAllSettings()
     $db_prefix = get_config('dbprefix');
     $us_prefix = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting('user_setting', '', $this->getID());
     $is_prefix = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting('internal', '', $this->getID());
     $q = "DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}private_settings\n\t\t\tWHERE entity_guid = {$this->guid}\n\t\t\tAND name NOT LIKE '{$us_prefix}%'\n\t\t\tAND name NOT LIKE '{$is_prefix}%'";
     return $this->getDatabase()->deleteData($q);
예제 #6
  * Sets the priority of the plugin
  * @param mixed $priority  The priority to set. One of +1, -1, first, last, or a number.
  *                         If given a number, this will displace all plugins at that number
  *                         and set their priorities +1
  * @param mixed $site_guid Optional site GUID.
  * @return bool
 public function setPriority($priority, $site_guid = null)
     if (!$this->guid) {
         return false;
     $db_prefix = get_config('dbprefix');
     $name = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting('internal', 'priority');
     $plugin_subtype_id = get_subtype_id("object", "plugin");
     // if no priority assume a priority of 1
     $old_priority = (int) $this->getPriority();
     $old_priority = !$old_priority ? 1 : $old_priority;
     $max_priority = elgg_get_max_plugin_priority();
     // can't use switch here because it's not strict and
     // php evaluates +1 == 1
     if ($priority === '+1') {
         $priority = $old_priority + 1;
     } elseif ($priority === '-1') {
         $priority = $old_priority - 1;
     } elseif ($priority === 'first') {
         $priority = 1;
     } elseif ($priority === 'last') {
         $priority = $max_priority;
     // should be a number by now
     if ($priority > 0) {
         if (!is_numeric($priority)) {
             return false;
         // there's nothing above the max.
         if ($priority > $max_priority) {
             $priority = $max_priority;
         // there's nothing below 1.
         if ($priority < 1) {
             $priority = 1;
         if ($priority > $old_priority) {
             $op = '-';
             $where = "CAST(value as unsigned) BETWEEN {$old_priority} AND {$priority}";
         } else {
             $op = '+';
             $where = "CAST(value as unsigned) BETWEEN {$priority} AND {$old_priority}";
         // displace the ones affected by this change
         $q = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}private_settings";
         $q .= " SET value = CAST(value as unsigned) {$op} 1";
         $q .= " WHERE entity_guid != {$this->guid}";
         $q .= " AND name = '{$name}'";
         $q .= " AND entity_guid IN (";
         $q .= " SELECT guid";
         $q .= " FROM {$db_prefix}entities";
         $q .= " WHERE (type = 'object' AND subtype = {$plugin_subtype_id})";
         $q .= " AND site_guid = {$this->site_guid}";
         $q .= ")";
         $q .= " AND {$where}";
         if (!update_data($q)) {
             return false;
         // set this priority
         if ($this->set($name, $priority)) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     return false;
예제 #7
function subsite_manager_user_support_admins_hook($hook, $type, $return_value, $params)
    $result = $return_value;
    if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) {
        $ticket = elgg_extract("entity", $params);
        $subsite_admin_guids = array();
        $site = elgg_get_site_entity($ticket->site_guid);
        if (elgg_instanceof($site, "site", Subsite::SUBTYPE, "Subsite")) {
            if ($admin_guids = $site->getAdminGuids()) {
                $subsite_admin_guids = $admin_guids;
        $plugin_setting_name = elgg_namespace_plugin_private_setting("user_setting", "admin_notify", "user_support");
        if (!subsite_manager_check_global_plugin_setting("user_support", "use_global_usersettings")) {
            $plugin_setting_name = str_replace(ELGG_PLUGIN_USER_SETTING_PREFIX . "user_support:", ELGG_PLUGIN_USER_SETTING_PREFIX . "user_support:" . $site->getGUID() . ":", $plugin_setting_name);
        $subsite_admin_query = "";
        if (!empty($subsite_admin_guids)) {
            $subsite_admin_query = " OR e.guid IN (" . implode(",", $subsite_admin_guids) . ")";
        $options = array("type" => "user", "limit" => false, "site_guids" => false, "relationship" => "member_of_site", "relationship_guid" => $site->getGUID(), "inverse_relationship" => true, "joins" => array("JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "private_settings ps ON e.guid = ps.entity_guid", "JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "users_entity ue ON e.guid = ue.guid"), "wheres" => array("(ps.name = '" . $plugin_setting_name . "' AND ps.value = 'yes')", "(ue.admin = 'yes' " . $subsite_admin_query . ")", "(e.guid <> " . $ticket->getOwnerGUID() . ")"));
        if ($new_admins = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options)) {
            if (!empty($result)) {
                if (!is_array($result)) {
                    $result = array($result);
                $admin_guids = array();
                foreach ($result as $old_admin) {
                    $admin_guids[] = $old_admin->getGUID();
                foreach ($new_admins as $admin) {
                    if (!in_array($admin->getGUID(), $admin_guids)) {
                        $result[] = $admin;
            } else {
                // haven't found anything yet, so overrule with new value
                $result = $new_admins;
    return $result;