예제 #1
 * Returns entities based upon metadata.  Also accepts all
 * options available to elgg_get_entities().  Supports
 * the singular option shortcut.
 * NB: Using metadata_names and metadata_values results in a
 * "names IN (...) AND values IN (...)" clause.  This is subtly
 * differently than default multiple metadata_name_value_pairs, which use
 * "(name = value) AND (name = value)" clauses.
 * When in doubt, use name_value_pairs.
 * @see elgg_get_entities
 * @param array $options Array in format:
 * 	metadata_names => NULL|ARR metadata names
 * 	metadata_values => NULL|ARR metadata values
 * 	metadata_name_value_pairs => NULL|ARR (
 *                                         name => 'name',
 *                                         value => 'value',
 *                                         'operand' => '=',
 *                                         'case_sensitive' => TRUE
 *                                        )
 * 	                             Currently if multiple values are sent via
 *                               an array (value => array('value1', 'value2')
 *                               the pair's operand will be forced to "IN".
 * 	metadata_name_value_pairs_operator => NULL|STR The operator to use for combining
 *                                        (name = value) OPERATOR (name = value); default AND
 * 	metadata_case_sensitive => BOOL Overall Case sensitive
 *  order_by_metadata => NULL|ARR array(
 *                                      'name' => 'metadata_text1',
 *                                      'direction' => ASC|DESC,
 *                                      'as' => text|integer
 *                                     )
 *                                Also supports array('name' => 'metadata_text1')
 *  metadata_owner_guids => NULL|ARR guids for metadata owners
 * @return mixed If count, int. If not count, array. false on errors.
 * @since 1.7.0
function elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array $options = array())
    $defaults = array('metadata_names' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'metadata_values' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'metadata_name_value_pairs_operator' => 'AND', 'metadata_case_sensitive' => TRUE, 'order_by_metadata' => array(), 'metadata_owner_guids' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE);
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    $singulars = array('metadata_name', 'metadata_value', 'metadata_name_value_pair', 'metadata_owner_guid');
    $options = elgg_normalise_plural_options_array($options, $singulars);
    if (!($options = elgg_entities_get_metastrings_options('metadata', $options))) {
        return FALSE;
    return elgg_get_entities($options);
예제 #2
 * Get users that match the search parameters.
 * Searches on username, display name, and profile fields
 * @param string $hook   Hook name
 * @param string $type   Hook type
 * @param array  $value  Empty array
 * @param array  $params Search parameters
 * @return array
function search_users_hook($hook, $type, $value, $params)
    $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
    $query = sanitise_string($params['query']);
    $params['joins'] = array("JOIN {$db_prefix}users_entity ue ON e.guid = ue.guid", "JOIN {$db_prefix}metadata md on e.guid = md.entity_guid", "JOIN {$db_prefix}metastrings msv ON n_table.value_id = msv.id");
    // username and display name
    $fields = array('username', 'name');
    $where = search_get_where_sql('ue', $fields, $params, FALSE);
    // profile fields
    $profile_fields = array_keys(elgg_get_config('profile_fields'));
    // get the where clauses for the md names
    // can't use egef_metadata() because the n_table join comes too late.
    $clauses = elgg_entities_get_metastrings_options('metadata', array('metadata_names' => $profile_fields));
    $params['joins'] = array_merge($clauses['joins'], $params['joins']);
    // no fulltext index, can't disable fulltext search in this function.
    // $md_where .= " AND " . search_get_where_sql('msv', array('string'), $params, FALSE);
    $md_where = "(({$clauses['wheres'][0]}) AND msv.string LIKE '%{$query}%')";
    $params['wheres'] = array("(({$where}) OR ({$md_where}))");
    // override subtype -- All users should be returned regardless of subtype.
    $params['subtype'] = ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE;
    $params['count'] = true;
    $count = elgg_get_entities($params);
    // no need to continue if nothing here.
    if (!$count) {
        return array('entities' => array(), 'count' => $count);
    $params['count'] = FALSE;
    $params['order_by'] = search_get_order_by_sql('e', 'ue', $params['sort'], $params['order']);
    $entities = elgg_get_entities($params);
    // add the volatile data for why these entities have been returned.
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
        $title = search_get_highlighted_relevant_substrings($entity->name, $query);
        // include the username if it matches but the display name doesn't.
        if (false !== strpos($entity->username, $query)) {
            $username = search_get_highlighted_relevant_substrings($entity->username, $query);
            $title .= " ({$username})";
        $entity->setVolatileData('search_matched_title', $title);
        $matched = '';
        foreach ($profile_fields as $md_name) {
            $metadata = $entity->{$md_name};
            if (is_array($metadata)) {
                foreach ($metadata as $text) {
                    if (stristr($text, $query)) {
                        $matched .= elgg_echo("profile:{$md_name}") . ': ' . search_get_highlighted_relevant_substrings($text, $query);
            } else {
                if (stristr($metadata, $query)) {
                    $matched .= elgg_echo("profile:{$md_name}") . ': ' . search_get_highlighted_relevant_substrings($metadata, $query);
        $entity->setVolatileData('search_matched_description', $matched);
    return array('entities' => $entities, 'count' => $count);
예제 #3
 * Returns entities based upon annotations.  Also accepts all options available
 * to elgg_get_entities() and elgg_get_entities_from_metadata().
 * Entity creation time is selected as maxtime. To sort based upon
 * this, pass 'order_by' => 'maxtime asc' || 'maxtime desc'
 * @see elgg_get_entities
 * @see elgg_get_entities_from_metadata
 * @param array $options Array in format:
 * 	annotation_names => NULL|ARR annotations names
 * 	annotation_values => NULL|ARR annotations values
 * 	annotation_name_value_pairs => NULL|ARR (name = 'name', value => 'value',
 * 	'operator' => '=', 'case_sensitive' => TRUE) entries.
 * 	Currently if multiple values are sent via an array (value => array('value1', 'value2')
 * 	the pair's operator will be forced to "IN".
 * 	annotation_name_value_pairs_operator => NULL|STR The operator to use for combining
 *  (name = value) OPERATOR (name = value); default AND
 * 	annotation_case_sensitive => BOOL Overall Case sensitive
 *  order_by_annotation => NULL|ARR (array('name' => 'annotation_text1', 'direction' => ASC|DESC,
 *  'as' => text|integer),
 *  Also supports array('name' => 'annotation_text1')
 *  annotation_owner_guids => NULL|ARR guids for annotaiton owners
 *  annotation_ids => NULL|ARR Annotation IDs
 * @return mixed If count, int. If not count, array. false on errors.
 * @since 1.7.0
function elgg_get_entities_from_annotations(array $options = array())
    $defaults = array('annotation_names' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_values' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_name_value_pairs' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_name_value_pairs_operator' => 'AND', 'annotation_case_sensitive' => TRUE, 'order_by_annotation' => array(), 'annotation_created_time_lower' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_created_time_upper' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_owner_guids' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_ids' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'order_by' => 'maxtime desc', 'group_by' => 'a.entity_guid');
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    $singulars = array('annotation_name', 'annotation_value', 'annotation_name_value_pair', 'annotation_owner_guid', 'annotation_id');
    $options = elgg_normalise_plural_options_array($options, $singulars);
    if (!($options = elgg_entities_get_metastrings_options('annotation', $options))) {
        return FALSE;
    // special sorting for annotations
    //@todo overrides other sorting
    $options['selects'][] = "max(n_table.time_created) as maxtime";
    $options['group_by'] = 'n_table.entity_guid';
    $time_wheres = elgg_get_entity_time_where_sql('a', $options['annotation_created_time_upper'], $options['annotation_created_time_lower']);
    if ($time_wheres) {
        $options['wheres'] = array_merge($options['wheres'], $time_wheres);
    return elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);