예제 #1
function edit_user_sub()
    global $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
    $go = 0;
    $user = abs(@intval($_POST['userid']));
    if (!isset($_POST['level'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['money'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['bankmoney'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['crystals'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['strength'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['agility'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['guard'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['labour'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['IQ'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['username'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['login_name'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if ($go) {
        $_POST['user'] = $_POST['userid'];
        print "You did not fully fill out the form.";
    } else {
        $_POST['level'] = (int) $_POST['level'];
        $_POST['strength'] = abs((int) $_POST['strength']);
        $_POST['agility'] = abs((int) $_POST['agility']);
        $_POST['guard'] = abs((int) $_POST['guard']);
        $_POST['labour'] = abs((int) $_POST['labour']);
        $_POST['IQ'] = abs((int) $_POST['IQ']);
        $_POST['money'] = (int) $_POST['money'];
        $_POST['bankmoney'] = (int) $_POST['bankmoney'];
        $_POST['cybermoney'] = (int) $_POST['cybermoney'];
        $_POST['crystals'] = (int) $_POST['crystals'];
        $_POST['mailban'] = (int) $_POST['mailban'];
        $_POST['hospital'] = abs((int) $_POST['hospital']);
        $username = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['username'])), $c);
        $loginname = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['login_name'])), $c);
        $duties = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['duties'])), $c);
        $staffnotes = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['staffnotes'])), $c);
        $mb_reason = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['mb_reason'])), $c);
        $hospreason = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['hospreason'])), $c);
        //check for username usage
        $u = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='******' and userid != {$userid}", $c);
        if (mysql_num_rows($u) != 0) {
            print "That username is in use, choose another.";
            print "<br /><a href='new_staff.php?action=edituser'>&gt; Back</a>";
        $oq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
        if (mysql_num_rows($oq) == 0) {
            print 'That user doesn\'t exist.';
            print "<br /><a href='new_staff.php?action=edituser'>&gt; Back</a>";
        $rm = mysql_fetch_array($oq);
        $energy = 10 + $_POST['level'] * 2;
        $nerve = 3 + $_POST['level'] * 2;
        $hp = 50 + $_POST['level'] * 50;
        mysql_query("UPDATE users SET username='******', level={$_POST['level']},\n                money={$_POST['money']}, crystals={$_POST['crystals']}, energy={$energy}, brave={$nerve},\n                maxbrave={$nerve}, maxenergy={$energy}, hp={$hp}, maxhp={$hp}, hospital={$_POST['hospital']},\n                duties='{$duties}', staffnotes='{$staffnotes}', mailban={$_POST['mailban']},\n                mb_reason='{$mb_reason}', hospreason='{$hospreason}',\n                login_name='{$loginname}' WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
        mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET strength={$_POST['strength']}, agility={$_POST['agility']},\n                guard={$_POST['guard']}, labour={$_POST['labour']}, IQ={$_POST['IQ']} WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
        print "User edited....";
예제 #2
function edit_user_sub()
    global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
    if ($ir['user_level'] != 2) {
    $go = 0;
    if (!isset($_POST['level'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['money'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['bankmoney'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['crystals'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['strength'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['agility'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['guard'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['labour'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['IQ'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['robskill'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['username'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if (!isset($_POST['login_name'])) {
        $go = 1;
    if ($go) {
        print "You did not fully fill out the form.";
        $_POST['user'] = $_POST['userid'];
    } else {
        $_POST['level'] = (int) $_POST['level'];
        $_POST['strength'] = abs((int) $_POST['strength']);
        $_POST['agility'] = abs((int) $_POST['agility']);
        $_POST['guard'] = abs((int) $_POST['guard']);
        $_POST['labour'] = abs((int) $_POST['labour']);
        $_POST['IQ'] = abs((int) $_POST['IQ']);
        $_POST['robskill'] = abs((int) $_POST['robskill']);
        $_POST['money'] = (int) $_POST['money'];
        $_POST['bankmoney'] = (int) $_POST['bankmoney'];
        $_POST['cybermoney'] = (int) $_POST['cybermoney'];
        $_POST['crystals'] = (int) $_POST['crystals'];
        $_POST['mailban'] = (int) $_POST['mailban'];
        $_POST['forumban'] = (int) $_POST['forumban'];
        $maxwill = abs((int) $_POST['maxwill']);
        //check for username usage
        $u = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='******'username']}' and userid != {$_POST['userid']}");
        if ($db->num_rows($u) != 0) {
            print "That username is in use, choose another.";
            print "<br /><a href='admin.php?action=edituser'>&gt; Back</a>";
        $oq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['userid']}");
        $rm = $db->fetch_row($oq);
        $will = $rm['will'] > $maxwill ? $maxwill : $rm['will'];
        $energy = 10 + $_POST['level'] * 2;
        $nerve = 3 + $_POST['level'] * 2;
        $hp = 50 + $_POST['level'] * 50;
        $db->query("UPDATE users SET username='******'username']}', level={$_POST['level']}, money={$_POST['money']}, crystals={$_POST['crystals']}, energy={$energy}, brave={$nerve}, maxbrave={$nerve}, maxenergy={$energy}, hp={$hp}, maxhp={$hp}, hospital={$_POST['hospital']}, jail={$_POST['jail']}, duties='{$_POST['duties']}', staffnotes='{$_POST['staffnotes']}', mailban={$_POST['mailban']}, mb_reason='{$_POST['mb_reason']}', forumban={$_POST['forumban']}, fb_reason='{$_POST['fb_reason']}', hospreason='{$_POST['hospreason']}', jail_reason='{$_POST['jail_reason']}', login_name='{$_POST['login_name']}', will={$will}, maxwill={$maxwill} WHERE userid={$_POST['userid']}");
        $db->query("UPDATE userstats SET strength={$_POST['strength']}, agility={$_POST['agility']}, guard={$_POST['guard']}, labour={$_POST['labour']}, IQ={$_POST['IQ']}, robskill={$_POST['robskill']} WHERE userid={$_POST['userid']}");
        stafflog_add("Edited user {$_POST['username']} [{$_POST['userid']}]");
        print "User edited....";