/** * @param $formData */ public function editUserDetails($formData) { if ($this->checkUserProfile()) { $type = $this->encrypt->decode($formData['type']); $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('authorId')); switch ($type) { case 'about': $this->db->update('user_profiles', ['about' => $formData['about']]); break; case 'summary': $this->db->update('user_profiles', ['summary' => $formData['summary']]); break; case 'email': $this->db->update('user_profiles', ['email' => $formData['email']]); break; case 'mobile': $this->db->update('user_profiles', ['mobile' => $formData['mobile']]); break; case 'featured_image': $folderPath = FCPATH . 'img/users/' . $this->session->userdata('authorUsername'); # get the file name from the database and delete the file from the location $fileName = $this->_getData('user_profiles', ['user_id' => $this->session->userdata('authorId')], 'featured_image'); # Check if file exists on server if (file_exists(FCPATH . $fileName[0]['featured_image'])) { unlink(FCPATH . $fileName[0]['featured_image']); } $fileName = ""; # Check if the folder path exists otherwise create it if (!is_dir($folderPath)) { mkdir($folderPath, 0777, true); } # Set the file configuration $config['upload_path'] = FCPATH . 'img/users/' . $this->session->userdata('authorUsername'); $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('featured_image')) { $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); var_dump($error); die; } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $fileUrl = 'img/users/' . $this->session->userdata('authorUsername') . '/' . $data['upload_data']['file_name']; $this->db->update('user_profiles', ['featured_image' => $fileUrl]); } break; default: return false; break; } $affectedRowsCount = $this->db->affected_rows(); if ($affectedRowsCount == 1) { return true; } } $this->db->insert('user_profiles', ['user_id' => $this->session->authorId]); editUserDetails($formData); }
$adminId = 'e-002'; // need to be send in request..for time being using hardcoded values. $fullName = $userFname . ' ' . $userLname; //$Mobile = $_REQUEST['Phone']; $rm = new Response_Methods(); if ($userFname == "" || $userLname == "" || $age == "" || $sex == "" || $emailId == "" || $address == "" || $userType == "" || $userID == "") { $result = $rm->fields_validation(); return $result; } else { date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Calcutta'); $createdDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $getRegisterFieldValue['user_fname'] = $userFname; $getRegisterFieldValue['user_lname'] = $userLname; $getRegisterFieldValue['user_age'] = $age; $getRegisterFieldValue['user_sex'] = $sex; $getRegisterFieldValue['user_email_id'] = $emailId; $getRegisterFieldValue['user_address'] = $address; $getRegisterFieldValue['last_modified_date'] = $createdDate; //$lastInserted_user_id=$rm->insert_record($getRegisterFieldValue,'user_details_t'); $affectedRows = $rm->update_record($getRegisterFieldValue, 'user_details_t', 'user_id', $userID); if ($affectedRows >= 0) { $result = $rm->userModifiedSuccess(); return $result; } else { $result = $rm->userModifiedFail(); return $result; } } } echo editUserDetails();