function set_jury($nazov) { if ($link = db_connect()) { $sql = "UPDATE organisators as o SET validated = '1' WHERE o.user_id='" . $nazov . "'"; // echo "sql = $sql <br>"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $sql); // vykonaj dopyt if ($result) { // dopyt sa podarilo vykonať echoMessage('m-acc-validated'); } else { // dopyt sa NEpodarilo vykonať! echoError('err-acc-validation'); } mysqli_close($link); } else { // NEpodarilo sa spojiť s databázovým serverom! echoError('err-db-connection-fail'); } }
function set_date($contextid, $start_dat, $end_dat) { if ($link = db_connect()) { $sql = "UPDATE assignments as a SET begin = '" . $start_dat . "' , end='" . $end_dat . "' WHERE a.context_id='" . $contextid . "'"; // echo "sql = $sql <br>"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $sql); // vykonaj dopyt if ($result) { // dopyt sa podarilo vykonať echoMessage('m-date-changed'); } else { // dopyt sa NEpodarilo vykonať! echoError('err-date-changing'); } mysqli_close($link); } else { // NEpodarilo sa spojiť s databázovým serverom! echoError('err-db-connection-fail'); } }
function fieldPlays($method, $target, $payload) { switch ($method) { case "GET": checkNULL($target, 'device'); checkDevice($target, 'has_device'); $result = dbSelect('devices', 'devicetime', "tag='" . $target . "'"); $response = $result->fetch_assoc(); httpResponse($response, 200); break; case "POST": checkNULL($target, 'room'); checkRoom($target, 'has_room'); checkNULL($payload['user'], 'user'); checkOnline($payload['user']); dbUpdate('devices', "command='" . $payload['cmd'] . "', timestamp='" . $payload['ts'] . "'", "location='" . $target . "'"); echoSuccess("set_play"); break; case "PUT": checkNULL($target, 'device'); checkDevice($target, 'has_device'); dbUpdate('devices', "devicetime='" . $payload['dt'] . "'", "tag='" . $target . "'"); $result = dbSelect('devices', 'command, timestamp', "tag='" . $target . "'"); $response = $result->fetch_assoc(); httpResponse($response, 200); dbUpdate('devices', "command=''", "tag='" . $target . "'"); break; case "DELETE": checkNULL($target, 'room'); checkRoom($target, 'has_room'); dbUpdate('devices', "command='', timestamp=''", "location='" . $target . "'"); echoSuccess("reset_play"); break; default: echoError('Invalid Method'); break; } }
} if (isset($args['updatefeeds'])) { updateFeeds(); } if (isset($args['addfeed'])) { if (isset($args[$indexCounter])) { addFeed($args[$indexCounter++]); } else { echoError($argv); } } if (isset($args['addtorrent'])) { if (isset($args[$indexCounter]) && isset($args[$indexCounter + 1])) { addTorrent($args[$indexCounter++], $args[$indexCounter++]); } else { echoError($argv); } } exit(0); /* * From: */ function parseArgs($argv) { array_shift($argv); $o = array(); foreach ($argv as $a) { if (substr($a, 0, 2) == '--') { $eq = strpos($a, '='); if ($eq !== false) { $o[substr($a, 2, $eq - 2)] = substr($a, $eq + 1);
public function deleteAttachments1($conn, $prilohy, $kde) { foreach ($prilohy as $value) { $pole = explode(";", $value); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $pole[0] . "s WHERE " . $pole[0] . "_id='" . $pole[1] . "'"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { if ($pole[0] != "video") { $attachment = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $ext = pathinfo($attachment['original_name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $pole[0] . "s WHERE " . $pole[0] . "_id='" . $pole[1] . "'"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { if ($pole[0] != "video") { if ($pole[0] == "image") { if (unlink($kde . $pole[0] . "s/big/" . $pole[1] . "." . $ext) && unlink($kde . $pole[0] . "s/small/" . $pole[1] . "." . $ext)) { echoMessage("m-attachment-deleted"); } else { echoError("err-attachment-deletion"); } } else { if (unlink($kde . $pole[0] . "s/" . $pole[1] . "." . $ext)) { echoMessage("m-attachment-deleted"); } else { echoError("err-attachment-deletion"); } } } } else { echoMessage("m-attachment-deleted"); } } else { echoError("err-attachment-db-deletion", mysqli_error($conn)); } } /*else { echoError("err-attachment-not-in-db"); } }*/ }
echo $udaje["description"]; } ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="radio" checked name="liga" value=1<?php if (isset($udaje['sk_league']) && $udaje["sk_league"] == 1) { echo ' checked'; } ?> ><span data-trans-key="edit-team-form"></span></td> <td><input type="radio" name="liga" value=0<?php if (isset($udaje['sk_league']) && $udaje["sk_league"] == 0) { echo ' checked'; } ?> ><span data-trans-key="edit-team-form"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="submit" name="save" data-trans-key="edit-team-form"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php echoMessage($edit->GetMessage()); $err = $val->GetErrorMessage(); echoError(!empty($err) ? $err : $edit->GetErrorMessage()); page_footer();
function delete_assignment($id) { if ($link = db_connect()) { $sql = "SELECT context_id, text_id_name, text_id_description FROM assignments WHERE context_id = " . $id; $result = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if ($result && mysqli_num_rows($result) != 0) { $assignment = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $sql = "DELETE FROM texts WHERE text_id = " . $assignment['text_id_name'] . " OR text_id = " . $assignment['text_id_description']; if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { echoError('err-assignment-deleting'); return; } $sql = "DELETE FROM videos WHERE context_id = " . $assignment['context_id']; if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { echoError('err-assignment-deleting'); return; } $sql = "DELETE FROM images WHERE context_id = " . $assignment['context_id']; if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { echoError('err-assignment-deleting'); return; } $sql = "DELETE FROM programs WHERE context_id = " . $assignment['context_id']; if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { echoError('err-assignment-deleting'); return; } $sql = "DELETE FROM assignments WHERE context_id = " . $assignment['context_id']; if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { echoError('err-assignment-deleting'); return; } if (!deleteDir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../attachments/assignments/" . $assignment['context_id'])) { echoError('err-assignment-deleting'); return; } echoMessage('m-assignment-deleted'); } else { echoError('err-assignment-deleting'); } } else { echoError('err-db-connection-fail'); } }
function echoSession($sessionid) { global $db; $session = pg_fetch_object(pg_query($db, "SELECT * FROM \"usersession\" WHERE id = " . $sessionid)); if (is_object($session)) { $qrcodefile = QRCODE_PATH . $session->tabletid . ".png"; if (!is_file($qrcodefile)) { shell_exec("qrencode -o \"" . $qrcodefile . "\" -s 25 \"" . $session->tabletid . "\""); } echo ' <session> <id>' . $session->id . '</id> <tabletid>' . $session->tabletid . '</tabletid> <qrcodepath><![CDATA[' . substr($qrcodefile, strlen(ROOT_PATH)) . ']]></qrcodepath> <qrcodeurl><![CDATA[http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . substr($qrcodefile, strlen(ROOT_PATH)) . ']]></qrcodeurl>'; if ($session->userid > 0) { echo ' <userid>' . $session->userid . '</userid>'; } echo ' <startedat>' . $session->startedat . '</startedat>'; if ($session->committedat != '') { echo ' <committedat>' . $session->committedat . '</committedat>'; } if ($session->sentat != '') { echo ' <sentat>' . $session->sentat . '</sentat>'; } if ($session->finishedat != '') { echo ' <finishedat>' . $session->finishedat . '</finishedat>'; } echo ' <languageid>' . $session->languageid . '</languageid>'; $gestures = pg_query($db, "SELECT sg.gestureid, sg.sequence, sg.collectedat, sg.committed,\n g.themeid, g.iconsmallpath, g.co2impact, gt.txt AS name FROM sessiongestures sg\n LEFT JOIN usersession s ON = sg.sessionid\n LEFT JOIN gesture g ON = sg.gestureid\n LEFT JOIN gesturetext gt ON = sg.gestureid AND\n gt.languageid = s.languageid AND\n gt.contenttype = 'name'\n WHERE sg.sessionid = " . $session->id . "\n ORDER BY sequence"); if (pg_num_rows($gestures) > 0) { echo ' <gestures>'; while (is_object($gesture = pg_fetch_object($gestures))) { echo ' <gesture> <gestureid>' . $gesture->gestureid . '</gestureid> <sequence>' . $gesture->sequence . '</sequence> <collectedat>' . $gesture->collectedat . '</collectedat> <committed>' . ($gesture->committed == "t" ? "1" : "0") . '</committed> <themeid>' . $gesture->themeid . '</themeid> <iconsmallpath><![CDATA[' . $gesture->iconsmallpath . ']]></iconsmallpath> <iconsmallurl><![CDATA[http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $gesture->iconsmallpath . ']]></iconsmallurl> <co2impact>' . $gesture->co2impact . '</co2impact> <name><![CDATA[' . $gesture->name . ']]></name> </gesture>'; } echo ' </gestures>'; } $messages = pg_query($db, "SELECT sm.gestureid, sm.sequence, sm.collectedat, sm.sent,\n g.themeid, g.iconsmallpath, g.co2impact, gt.txt AS name FROM sessionmessages sm\n LEFT JOIN usersession s ON = sm.sessionid\n LEFT JOIN gesture g ON = sm.gestureid\n LEFT JOIN gesturetext gt ON = sm.gestureid AND\n gt.languageid = s.languageid AND\n gt.contenttype = 'name'\n WHERE sm.sessionid = " . $session->id . "\n ORDER BY sequence"); if (pg_num_rows($messages) > 0) { echo ' <messages>'; while (is_object($gesture = pg_fetch_object($messages))) { echo ' <gesture> <gestureid>' . $gesture->gestureid . '</gestureid> <sequence>' . $gesture->sequence . '</sequence> <collectedat>' . $gesture->collectedat . '</collectedat> <sent>' . ($gesture->sent == "t" ? "1" : "0") . '</sent> <themeid>' . $gesture->themeid . '</themeid> <iconsmallpath><![CDATA[' . $gesture->iconsmallpath . ']]></iconsmallpath> <iconsmallurl><![CDATA[http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $gesture->iconsmallpath . ']]></iconsmallurl> <co2impact>' . $gesture->co2impact . '</co2impact> <name><![CDATA[' . $gesture->name . ']]></name> </gesture>'; } echo ' </messages>'; } echo ' </session>'; } else { echoError(11, $sessionid); } }
echo ' checked'; } ?> ><span data-trans-key="reg-form"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="submit" name="registrovat" data-trans-key="reg-form"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <script> $("[name=type]").change(function (){ var disabled = $("[name=type]:checked").val() == 1; $("#uname").attr("disabled", disabled); $("#os").attr("disabled", disabled); $("[name=liga]").attr("disabled", disabled); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $("[name=type]").change(); }); </script> <?php echoMessage($reg->GetMessage()); $err = $val->GetErrorMessage(); echoError(!empty($err) ? $err : $reg->GetErrorMessage()); page_footer(); ?>
function checkSVNUrl($svn_url = "") { if (empty($svn_url) || $svn_url == '' || $svn_url == '') { echoError("此项目暂未做过配置, 请登陆 修改项目配置\n"); } }
/** * check table entry * * This function is being used to check whether a record exists in a table or not against provided primary KEY of the table. * It will return total number of rows found against provided tblField and value. * * @param $queryTbl name of the table to be queried * @param $fieldValue value of the field to look for * @param $tblField table field, by default its ID * @param $qry_options QRY OPTIONS, by default empty * * */ public function checkTableEntry($queryTbl, $fieldValue, $tblField = "ID", $qry_options = "") { //---- check if database table exists or not if (!($check = $this->checkTable($queryTbl))) { echoError("Invalid table name ''" . $queryTbl . "'' requested|" . __FUNCTION__ . "|" . __LINE__ . "|" . get_parent_class($this) . "|"); exit; } //---- run qry and return number of rows $sql = "SELECT " . $tblField . " FROM " . $queryTbl . " WHERE " . $tblField . " = '" . $fieldValue . "' " . $qry_options; $result = $this->CR->db->runSQL($sql); return $result->num_rows; }
} else { if ($link = db_connect()) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM assignments a, contexts c, organisators o WHERE c.user_id = o.user_id AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc.context_id = a.context_id AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc.context_id = " . $_POST["id"] . " AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc.user_id = " . $_SESSION["loggedUser"]->getId() . " "; $result = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if ($result && mysqli_num_rows($result) != 0 || isUserTypeLogged("Administrator")) { ?> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=addAssignment.php?id=<?php echo $_POST["id"]; ?> "><?php } else { echoError('err-edit-assignment-rights'); } mysqli_close($link); } else { echoError('err-db-connection-fail'); } } } } } } if (isUserTypeLogged("Administrator") || isUserTypeLogged("Jury")) { prehlad_zadani(false); ?> <br> <form action="addAssignment.php"> <input type="submit" data-trans-key="new-assignment"> </form> <br> <?php
function setVisualizationState() { global $db; $on = isset($_REQUEST["on"]) ? (bool) $_REQUEST["on"] : false; $userid = isset($_REQUEST["userid"]) ? (int) $_REQUEST["userid"] : 0; // <!-- setVisualizationState(on='.$on.', userid='.$userid.')-->'; if ($on) { if ($userid == 0) { echoError(2); return; } if (setVisualizationActiveDB($userid) == 0) { echoError(20); return; } } else { pg_query($db, "UPDATE exhibitionstate SET visualizationuserid = NULL"); } $exhibitionstate = getExhibitionState(); if (is_object($exhibitionstate)) { echo ' <visualizationstate>'; if ($exhibitionstate->visualizationuserid > 0) { echo ' <on>1</on> <userid>' . $exhibitionstate->visualizationuserid . '</userid> </visualizationstate>'; } else { echo ' <on>0</on> </visualizationstate>'; } } }
/** * Delete theme action */ public function actionDelete() { // Check Access checkAccessThrowException('op_theme_delete'); if (isset($_GET['id']) && ($model = Theme::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']))) { alog(at("Deleted Theme '{name}'.", array('{name}' => $model->name))); // Make sure its not default if ($model->dirname == getParam('default_theme')) { if (isAjax()) { echoError(at('You can not delete the default theme.')); } else { echoError(at('You can not delete the default theme.')); } } // Make sure its not public if ($model->is_active) { if (isAjax()) { echoError(at('You can not delete an active theme.')); } else { echoError(at('You can not delete an active theme.')); } } $model->delete(); fok(at('Theme Deleted.')); $this->redirect(array('themes/index')); } else { $this->redirect(array('themes/index')); } }