/** * Create content for a custom Meta Box * * @param array $meta_box Meta box input data */ function easmedia_create_meta_box($post, $meta_box) { if (EMG_WP_VER == "l35") { $uploaderclass = 'thickbox button add_media'; $emghref = "media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=1"; $isdatacnt = ' data-editor="content" '; $emgepver = EMG_WP_VER; } else { $uploaderclass = 'button'; $emghref = "#"; $isdatacnt = ''; $emgepver = EMG_WP_VER; } if (!is_array($meta_box)) { return false; } if (isset($meta_box['description']) && $meta_box['description'] != '') { echo '<p>' . $meta_box['description'] . '</p>'; } wp_nonce_field(basename(__FILE__), 'easmedia_meta_box_nonce'); echo '<table class="form-table easmedia-metabox-table">'; foreach ($meta_box['fields'] as $field) { // Get current post meta data $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field['id'], true); echo '<tr class="' . $field['id'] . '"><th><label for="' . $field['id'] . '"><strong>' . $field['name'] . ' ' . ($field['defflimit'] == '1' ? '<br>(Default limit : ' . easy_get_option('easymedia_img_size_limit') . 'px)' : '') . '</strong> <span>' . $field['desc'] . '</span></label></th>'; switch ($field['type']) { case 'text': echo '<td><input type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" size="30" /></td>'; break; case 'video': echo ' <div id="videofrmt" style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:Pointer; color:#1A91F2 !important; margin-bottom:8px;">Sample video format</div> <div class="messivideo" data-yvid="https://www.youtube.com/embed/htxwZw_aPF0?rel=0" style="margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial</div><td> <input type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" size="30" /> <div style="color:red; display:none;" id="emgvideopreview"></div> <div class="videobox" id="" style="display:none;"> <span class="roll" ></span> <img id="videothumbnailprv" style="display:none;" src="http://placehold.it/300x190" height="190" width="300"/></div> </td>'; break; case 'images': $dsplynone = 'display:none;'; if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_img', true)) { $attid = wp_get_attachment_image_src(emg_get_attachment_id_from_src(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_img', true)), 'full'); $curimgpth = easymedia_imgresize($attid[0], '210', 'on', $attid[1], $attid[2]); $curimgpth = explode(",", $curimgpth); $curimgpth[0] > '10' ? $curimgpth[0] = $curimgpth[0] : ($curimgpth[0] = ''); $curimgpth[0] > '10' ? $dsplynone = '' : ($dsplynone = 'display:none;'); } else { $dsplynone = 'display:none;'; $curimgpth[0] = ''; $curimgpth[1] = ''; $curimgpth[2] = ''; } echo '<div class="messivideo" data-yvid="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dXFBNY5t6E8?rel=0" style="margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial</div><td id="imgupld"><input id="upload_image" type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" style="margin-bottom:5px;"/><div style="color:red;" id="notifynovalidimg"></div> <div class="addmed"><a rel="image-' . $emgepver . '" class="' . $uploaderclass . '" title="Add Media" ' . $isdatacnt . ' href="' . $emghref . '"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon"></span>Add Media</a> <a onClick="return false;" style="' . $dsplynone . ';" class="deleteimage button" title="Delete Image" href="#"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon-del"></span>Delete Image</a></div><div style="' . $dsplynone . ' width:' . $curimgpth[1] . 'px; height:' . $curimgpth[2] . 'px" id="imgpreviewbox" class="imgpreviewboxc"> <img id="imgthumbnailprv" src="' . $curimgpth[0] . '"/></div> </td>'; break; case 'audio': $adsplynone = 'display:none;'; $curaudiopth = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_audio', true); $curaudiopth != '' ? $adsplynone = '' : ($adsplynone = 'display:none;'); if ($curaudiopth != '') { echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { var thisaudiourl = "' . $curaudiopth . '"; IsValidAuUrl1(thisaudiourl); }); </script> '; } echo '<div class="messivideo" data-yvid="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Bsn-CB5Hpbw?rel=0" style="margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial</div><td id="audioupld"><input id="upload_audio" type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" style="margin-bottom:5px;"/><div style="color:red;" id="notifynovalidaudio"></div><div class="addmed"><a rel="audio-' . $emgepver . '" class="' . $uploaderclass . '" title="Add Media" ' . $isdatacnt . ' href="' . $emghref . '"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon"></span>Add Media</a> <a onClick="return false;" style="' . $adsplynone . ';" class="deleteaudio button" title="Delete Audio" href="#"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon-del"></span>Delete Audio</a></div> <div style="' . $adsplynone . ';" id="audioprev" class="vidpreviewboxc"> <div id="jquery_jplayer_1" class="jp-jplayer"></div> <div id="jp_container_1" class="jp-audio"> <div class="jp-type-single"> <div class="jp-gui jp-interface"> <ul class="jp-controls"> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-play" tabindex="1">play</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-pause" tabindex="1">pause</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-stop" tabindex="1">stop</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-mute" tabindex="1" title="mute">mute</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-unmute" tabindex="1" title="unmute">unmute</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-volume-max" tabindex="1" title="max volume">max volume</a></li> </ul> <div class="jp-progress"> <div class="jp-seek-bar"> <div class="jp-play-bar"></div> </div> </div> <div class="jp-volume-bar"> <div class="jp-volume-bar-value"></div> </div> <div class="jp-current-time"></div> <div class="jp-duration"></div> </div> <div class="jp-no-solution"> <span>Update Required</span> To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash plugin</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div> </td>'; break; case 'select': echo '<div class="emginfobox"><span class="emg_blink">Upgrade to PRO</span> and you can select <a href="http://goo.gl/PLlJwS" target="_blank">Photo Albums</a>, <a href="http://goo.gl/bZ53YR" target="_blank">Grid Gallery</a>, <a href="http://goo.gl/JAvlsq" target="_blank">Filterable Media</a>, HTML5 Video/Audio, Google Maps/Street View, embed from Soundcloud or Reverbnation and also Link to specific URL. You can learn more and see version comparison <a href="edit.php?post_type=easymediagallery&page=comparison">here</a> or go to Pro Version DEMO <a href="http://goo.gl/qG29Me" target="_blank">here</a></div>'; echo '<td><select style="width:200px;" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '">'; foreach ($field['options'] as $key => $option) { echo '<option value="' . $option . '"'; if ($meta) { if ($meta == $option) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } } echo '>' . $option . '</option>'; } echo '</select></td>'; break; case 'radio': echo '<td>'; foreach ($field['options'] as $key => $option) { echo '<label class="radio-label"><input type="radio" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="' . $key . '" class="radio"'; if ($meta) { if ($meta == $key) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } } else { if ($field['std'] == $key) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } } echo ' /> ' . $option . '</label> '; } echo '</td>'; break; case 'color': if (array_key_exists('val', $field)) { $val = ' value="' . $field['val'] . '"'; } if ($meta) { $val = ' value="' . $meta . '"'; } echo '<td>'; echo '<div class="colorpicker-wrapper">'; echo '<input type="text" id="' . $field['id'] . '_cp" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']"' . $val . ' />'; echo '<div id="' . $field['id'] . '" class="colorpicker"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</td>'; break; case 'checkbox': echo '<td>'; $val = ''; if ($meta) { if ($meta == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; } } else { if ($field['std'] == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; } } echo '<input type="hidden" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="off" /> <input class="switch" type="checkbox" id="' . $field['id'] . '" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="on"' . $val . ' /> '; echo '</td>'; break; case 'checkboxoptdef': echo '<td>'; $val = ''; if ($meta) { if ($meta == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; } } else { if ($field['std'] == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; } } echo '<div style="margin-bottom:15px !important;"><input type="hidden" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="off" /> <input class="switch" type="checkbox" id="' . $field['id'] . '" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="on" ' . $val . ' /></div> '; echo '</td>'; break; case 'checkboxopt': echo '<td>'; $val = ''; if ($meta) { if ($meta == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery("#vidcustomsize").hide("slow"); }); </script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery("#vidcustomsize").show("slow"); }); </script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery("#vidcustomsize").show("slow"); }); </script>'; if ($field['std'] == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery("#vidcustomsize").hide("slow"); }); </script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery("#vidcustomsize").show("slow"); }); </script>'; } } echo '<div style="margin-bottom:15px !important;"><input type="hidden" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="off" /> <input class="switch" type="checkbox" id="' . $field['id'] . '" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="on" ' . $val . ' /></div> <div id="vidcustomsize" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top: 10px;"> Video custom size : <div style="margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;"><strong>Width</strong> <input style="margin-right:5px !important; margin-left:3px; width:43px !important; float:none !important;" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . '_' . $field['width'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '[width]" type="text" value="' . get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_size_' . $field['width'] . '', true) . '" /> ' . $field['pixopr'] . ' <span style="border-right:solid 1px #CCC;margin-left:9px; margin-right:10px !important; "></span> <strong>Height</strong> <input style="margin-left:3px; margin-right:5px !important; width:43px !important; float:none !important;" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . '_' . $field['height'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '[height]" type="text" value="' . get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_size_' . $field['height'] . '', true) . '" /> ' . $field['pixopr'] . ' </div></div> '; echo '</td>'; break; case 'gallery': echo '<td> <span class="emg_add_images">Add Images</span> <div id="emg_images_container"> <ul class="images_list ui-sortable">'; if (is_array($meta)) { foreach ($meta as $img_id) { $img_data = get_post($img_id); $img_url = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($img_id); echo ' <li class="emgthumbhandler" data-attachment_id="' . $img_id . '"> <input type="hidden" name="easmedia_meta[easmedia_metabox_media_gallery][]" value="' . $img_id . '" /> <img src="' . $img_url . '" /> <span class="emg-del-images"></span> </li>'; } } else { echo '<p class="noimgs">No images... </p>'; } echo '</ul></div></td>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery(".images_list").sortable({ opacity: 0.6, cursor: "move", placeholder: "emg-sortable-placeholder", revert: 300, update: function( event, ui ) {ui.item.effect( "highlight", {color:"#FC3"}, 700 );} }); }); </script> '; break; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; }
/** * Create content for a custom Meta Box * * @param array $meta_box Meta box input data */ function easmedia_create_meta_box($post, $meta_box) { if (!is_array($meta_box)) { return false; } if (isset($meta_box['description']) && $meta_box['description'] != '') { echo '<p>' . $meta_box['description'] . '</p>'; } wp_nonce_field(basename(__FILE__), 'easmedia_meta_box_nonce'); echo '<table class="form-table easmedia-metabox-table">'; foreach ($meta_box['fields'] as $field) { // Get current post meta data $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field['id'], true); echo '<tr class="' . $field['id'] . '"><th><label for="' . $field['id'] . '"><strong>' . $field['name'] . ' ' . ($field['defflimit'] == '1' ? '<br>(Default limit : ' . easy_get_option('easymedia_img_size_limit') . 'px)' : '') . '</strong> <span>' . $field['desc'] . '</span></label></th>'; switch ($field['type']) { case 'text': echo '<td><input type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" size="30" /></td>'; break; case 'video': echo '<td> <input type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" size="30" /> <div style="color:red; display:none;" id="emgvideopreview"></div> <div class="videobox" id="" style="display:none;"> <span class="roll" ></span> <img id="videothumbnailprv" style="display:none;" src="http://placehold.it/300x190" height="190" width="300"/></div> </td>'; break; case 'gmap': echo '<div id="medgmaptut" style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:Pointer; color:#1A91F2 !important; margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial</div><td> <p>You can learn more how to embed Google Maps through <a target="_blank" href="http://youtu.be/PEgfleRf6hg">this tutorials</a>.</p> <input type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" size="30" /> </td>'; break; case 'link': echo '<td> <input type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" size="30" /> </td>'; break; case 'textarea': echo '<td><textarea name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" rows="10" cols="5">' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '</textarea></td>'; break; case 'gallery': $images = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery', true); echo '<td></tr> <div id="g-img-wrap"> <div class="emgtooltip_description" style="display:none">You can drag-drop this image to re-order or click to edit image title, subtitle and description. Do not forget to switch ON <strong>Use information of each image</strong> option first.</div> <ul>'; if (is_array($images)) { foreach ($images as $img_id) { $img_data = get_post($img_id); $img_url = $img_data->guid; $galleryurl = emg_thumb_src($img_url, '90', '90', '0', '0'); echo ' <li class="gallitem" id="currentimg-' . $img_id . '"> <input type="hidden" name="easmedia_meta[easmedia_metabox_media_gallery][]" value="' . $img_id . '" /> <img src="' . $galleryurl . '" /> <span id="currentspn-' . $img_id . '" title="remove image"></span> </li>'; } } else { echo '<p>No images selected... </p>'; } echo '</ul> <br class="metagal_clear"> </div> <div style="clear: both; height: 20px; border-top: 1px solid #DDD; margin-top:5px;"></div> <div id="medgalltut" style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:Pointer; color:#1A91F2 !important; margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial</div> <h4>Choose your current images bellow or you can <a href="#" class="easymedia_TBOX easy_upload"> upload another image.</a></h4> <div id="g-img_list"></div><input type="hidden" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['gallid'] . ']" value="gallery-' . $post->ID . '" /> </div></td>'; break; case 'textareackeditor': if (is_super_admin()) { echo '<td><textarea name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" rows="10" cols="5">' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '</textarea> </td>'; } else { echo '<td><p>Sorry, you are not allowed to use this item.</p> </td>'; } break; case 'file': echo '<td><input type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" size="30" class="file" /> <input type="button" class="button" name="' . $field['id'] . '_button" id="' . $field['id'] . '_button" value="Browse" /></td>'; break; case 'images': global $wp_version; if (version_compare($wp_version, "3.5", "<")) { $uploaderclass = 'thickbox button add_media'; } else { $uploaderclass = 'button insert-media add_media'; } $dsplynone = 'display:none;'; if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_img', true)) { $attid = wp_get_attachment_image_src(emg_get_attachment_id_from_src(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_img', true)), 'full'); $curimgpth = easymedia_imgresize($attid[0], '210', 'on', $attid[1], $attid[2]); $curimgpth = explode(",", $curimgpth); $curimgpth[0] > '10' ? $curimgpth[0] = $curimgpth[0] : ($curimgpth[0] = ''); $curimgpth[0] > '10' ? $dsplynone = '' : ($dsplynone = 'display:none;'); } else { $dsplynone = 'display:none;'; $curimgpth[0] = ''; $curimgpth[1] = ''; $curimgpth[2] = ''; } echo '<div id="medsingimgtut" style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:Pointer; color:#1A91F2 !important; margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial</div><td id="imgupld"><input id="upload_image" type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" style="margin-bottom:5px;"/><div style="color:red;" id="notifynovalidimg"></div><div class="addmed"><a rel="image" class="' . $uploaderclass . '" title="Add Media" data-editor="content" href="media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=1"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon"></span>Add Media</a></div> <a onClick="return false;" style="' . $dsplynone . ';" class="deleteimage button" title="Delete Image" href="#"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon-del"></span>Delete Image</a> <div style="' . $dsplynone . ' width:' . $curimgpth[1] . 'px; height:' . $curimgpth[2] . 'px" id="imgpreviewbox" class="imgpreviewboxc"> <img id="imgthumbnailprv" src="' . $curimgpth[0] . '"/></div> </td>'; break; case 'audio': global $wp_version; if (version_compare($wp_version, "3.5", "<")) { $uploaderclass = 'thickbox button add_media'; } else { $uploaderclass = 'button insert-media add_media'; } $adsplynone = 'display:none;'; $curaudiopth = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_audio', true); $curaudiosrc = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_audio_source', true); $curaudiopth != '' && strlen($curaudiosrc) <= 3 ? $adsplynone = '' : ($adsplynone = 'display:none;'); if ($curaudiopth != '' && strlen($curaudiosrc) <= 3) { echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { var thisaudiourl = "' . $curaudiopth . '"; IsValidAuUrl1(thisaudiourl); }); </script> '; } echo '<div id="medaump3" style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:Pointer; color:#1A91F2 !important; margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial (Embed mp3)</div> <div id="medausndcld" style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:Pointer; color:#1A91F2 !important; margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial (Embed Soundcloud)</div> <div id="medaurevrb" style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;cursor:Pointer; color:#1A91F2 !important; margin-bottom:8px;">Video Tutorial (Embed Reverbnation)</div> <td id="audioupld"><input id="upload_audio" type="text" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : $field['std']) . '" style="margin-bottom:5px;"/><div style="color:red;" id="notifynovalidaudio"></div><div class="addmed"><a rel="audio" class="' . $uploaderclass . '" title="Add Media" data-editor="content" href="media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=1"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon"></span>Add Media</a></div> <a onClick="return false;" style="' . $adsplynone . ';" class="deleteaudio button" title="Delete Audio" href="#"><span class="emg-media-buttons-icon-del"></span>Delete Audio</a> <div style="' . $adsplynone . ';" id="audioprev" class="vidpreviewboxc"> <div id="jquery_jplayer_1" class="jp-jplayer"></div> <div id="jp_container_1" class="jp-audio"> <div class="jp-type-single"> <div class="jp-gui jp-interface"> <ul class="jp-controls"> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-play" tabindex="1">play</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-pause" tabindex="1">pause</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-stop" tabindex="1">stop</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-mute" tabindex="1" title="mute">mute</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-unmute" tabindex="1" title="unmute">unmute</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-volume-max" tabindex="1" title="max volume">max volume</a></li> </ul> <div class="jp-progress"> <div class="jp-seek-bar"> <div class="jp-play-bar"></div> </div> </div> <div class="jp-volume-bar"> <div class="jp-volume-bar-value"></div> </div> <div class="jp-current-time"></div> <div class="jp-duration"></div> </div> <div class="jp-no-solution"> <span>Update Required</span> To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash plugin</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div> </td>'; break; case 'select': echo '<td><select style="width:200px;" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '">'; foreach ($field['options'] as $key => $option) { echo '<option value="' . $option . '"'; if ($meta) { if ($meta == $option) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } } echo '>' . $option . '</option>'; } echo '</select></td>'; break; case 'radio': echo '<td>'; foreach ($field['options'] as $key => $option) { echo '<label class="radio-label"><input type="radio" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="' . $key . '" class="radio"'; if ($meta) { if ($meta == $key) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } } else { if ($field['std'] == $key) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } } echo ' /> ' . $option . '</label> '; } echo '</td>'; break; case 'color': if (array_key_exists('val', $field)) { $val = ' value="' . $field['val'] . '"'; } if ($meta) { $val = ' value="' . $meta . '"'; } echo '<td>'; echo '<div class="colorpicker-wrapper">'; echo '<input type="text" id="' . $field['id'] . '_cp" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']"' . $val . ' />'; echo '<div id="' . $field['id'] . '" class="colorpicker"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</td>'; break; case 'checkboxoptdeffetch': if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_fetchurl', true)) { $vimyuimg = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_fetchurl', true); } else { $vimyuimg = 'http://placehold.it/250x150'; } echo '<td>'; $val = ''; if ($meta) { if ($meta == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery(".easmedia_metabox_img").hide("slow"); jQuery("#imgpreviewboxvid").show("slow"); jQuery("#fetchthumb").show("slow"); }); </script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery(".easmedia_metabox_img").show("slow"); jQuery("#imgpreviewboxvid").hide("slow"); jQuery("#fetchthumb").hide("slow"); }); </script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery(".easmedia_metabox_img").show("slow"); jQuery("#imgpreviewboxvid").hide("slow"); jQuery("#fetchthumb").hide("slow"); }); </script>'; if ($field['std'] == 'on') { $val = ' checked="checked"'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery(".easmedia_metabox_img").hide("slow"); jQuery("#imgpreviewboxvid").show("slow"); jQuery("#fetchthumb").show("slow"); }); </script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery(".easmedia_metabox_img").show("slow"); jQuery("#imgpreviewboxvid").hide("slow"); jQuery("#fetchthumb").hide("slow"); }); </script>'; } } echo '<div style="margin-bottom:15px !important;"><input type="hidden" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . 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'" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . ']" value="on" ' . $val . ' /></div> <div id="vidcustomsize" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top: 10px;"> Video custom size : <div style="margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;"><strong>Width</strong> <input style="margin-right:5px !important; margin-left:3px; width:43px !important; float:none !important;" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . '_' . $field['width'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '[width]" type="text" value="' . get_post_meta($post->ID, 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_size_' . $field['width'] . '', true) . '" /> ' . $field['pixopr'] . ' <span style="border-right:solid 1px #CCC;margin-left:9px; margin-right:10px !important; "></span> <strong>Height</strong> <input style="margin-left:3px; margin-right:5px !important; width:43px !important; float:none !important;" name="easmedia_meta[' . $field['id'] . '_' . $field['height'] . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . 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function easy_media_gnl_shortcode($attsn) { if (easy_get_option('easymedia_disen_plug') == '1') { extract(shortcode_atts(array('med' => -1, 'size' => ''), $attsn)); ob_start(); $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; // for pagination $deff_img_limit = easy_get_option('easymedia_img_size_limit'); // get the default image size limit $theopt = easy_get_option('easymedia_frm_size'); $imwidth = stripslashes($theopt['width']); $imheight = stripslashes($theopt['height']); if ($med > '0') { $finid = explode(",", $med); $medinarr = $finid; $emargs = emg_gallery_gen($finid, $paged); } $emg_query = new WP_Query($emargs); if ($emg_query->have_posts()) { $mediauniqueid = emgRandomString(6); //Random class for fitText echo '<div class="pagwrap"><div class="easycontainer emgclearfix">'; echo '<div class="rig">'; while ($emg_query->have_posts()) { $emg_query->the_post(); $images = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery', true); $isresize = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery_opt1', true); if (is_array($images)) { $ig = 0; foreach ($images as $img_id) { $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, 'full'); $img_url = easymedia_imgresize($img[0], $deff_img_limit, $isresize, $img[1], $img[2]); $img_url = explode(",", $img_url); $img_info = get_post($img_id); $ext = pathinfo($img[0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $filenm = basename($img[0], "." . $ext); $emgthumbimg = easymedia_resizer($img[0], $img[1], $img[2], $imwidth, $imheight, true); if (get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery_opt2', true) == 'on') { $thumbttl = $img_info->post_title; $thumbttl = esc_html(esc_js($thumbttl)); } else { $thumbttl = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_title', true); } emg_gallery_markup($imwidth, $imheight, get_the_id() . '-' . $img_id, $img_url[0], $emgthumbimg, $filenm, stripslashes($thumbttl)); } } else { echo '<div style="display:none"></div>'; } ?> <?php } } else { echo '<div class="easymedia_center">'; echo '<div class="view"><img src="' . plugins_url('images/ajax-loader.gif', __FILE__) . '" width="32" height="32"/></div>'; $contnt = ob_get_clean(); return $contnt; } wp_reset_postdata(); echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; echo '</div></div>'; // @since 1.3.75 if (emg_get_aff_option('emg_affiliate_info', 'emg_aff_id', '')) { echo '<span class="emg-aff-link">Powered by <a href="https://secure.ghozylab.com/demo/?ref=' . emg_get_aff_option('emg_affiliate_info', 'emg_aff_id', '') . '&goto=emg" target="_blank">Easy Media Gallery Plugin</a></span>'; } echo '</div>'; // JS emg_put_script(); // Dinamic CSS echo '<style>/*Dynamic CSS - By GhozyLab*/'; echo emg_dynamic_css_generator(); echo '</style>'; $content = ob_get_clean(); return $content; } else { ob_start(); echo '<div style="display: none;"></div>'; $contnt = ob_get_clean(); return $contnt; } }
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'"; </script>'; $clssltdall = 'class="selected"'; } // Custom Style if ($style != '') { if (easy_get_option('easymedia_disen_style_man') == '1') { $cus_style = ucfirst($style); } else { $cus_style = easy_get_option('easymedia_box_style'); } } else { $cus_style = easy_get_option('easymedia_box_style'); } // Custom size filter if ($size != '') { $sizeval = explode(",", $size); if ($sizeval[0] > 0 && $sizeval[1] > 0 && is_numeric($sizeval[0]) && is_numeric($sizeval[1])) { $imwidth = $sizeval[0]; $imheight = $sizeval[1]; } else { $imwidth = stripslashes($theopt['width']); $imheight = stripslashes($theopt['height']); } } else { $imwidth = stripslashes($theopt['width']); $imheight = stripslashes($theopt['height']); } if ($cat > '0') { $finid = explode(",", $cat); $medinarr = $finid; $emgargs = array('post_type' => 'easymediagallery', 'showposts' => -1, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'emediagallery', 'terms' => $finid, 'field' => 'term_id'))); } $emg_query = new WP_Query($emgargs); if ($emg_query->have_posts()) { $mediauniqueid = RandomString(6); //Random class for fitText if ($filter != '' && $pag == '') { echo '<section id="emgoptions" class="emgclearfix"><ul id="filters" class="portfolio-tabs emgoption-set emgclearfix" data-option-key="filter">'; echo '<li><a href="#filter" data-option-value="*" ' . $clssltdall . ' id="emgshowall">' . __('Show All', 'easmedia') . '</a></li>'; foreach ($medinarr as $eachcat) { $terms = get_term($eachcat, 'emediagallery'); $filtid = $terms->name; if ($def == $eachcat) { $clssdeffil = 'class="selected"'; } else { $clssdeffil = 'class=""'; } if ($filtid) { echo '<li><a href="#filter" ' . $clssdeffil . ' data-option-value=".fltr' . $eachcat . '">' . $filtid . '</a></li>'; } else { echo '<li><a href="#filter" data-option-value=".fltruncategorized">Uncategorized</a></li>'; } } echo '</ul></section>'; } if ($pag != '') { echo '<div class="pagwrap" id="' . $pag . '"><div id="pag-legend2" style="display:none;"></div><div class="emgpagntn easymedia_center emgclearfix">'; } else { echo '<div class="emgajxloader"></div><div style="display: none;" class="pagwrap" id="nopagination"><div class="easycontainer easymedia_center emgclearfix">'; } while ($emg_query->have_posts()) { $emg_query->the_post(); //$image = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_id() ) ); //$image = get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_id(), 'work-admin-thumb' ) ; $image = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_img', true); $mediattl = esc_html(esc_js(get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_title', true))); $mediattl = stripslashes($mediattl); $mediatype = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_type', true); $isvidsize = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_size', true); $ismapsize = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gmap_size', true); $galleryid = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery_id', true); $isresize = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery_opt1', true); $isresize1 = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_image_opt1', true); $usegalleryinfo = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery_opt2', true); $link_type = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_link_opt1', true); $thepostid = get_the_id(); $medcat = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_id(), 'emediagallery'); /* Version - if ($medcat) { foreach ( $medcat as $cat ) { $mediaid= $cat->term_id; unset($medcat); } } else {$mediaid = 'uncategorized'; unset($medcat);} */ /*@since */ $terms = get_the_terms(get_the_id(), 'emediagallery'); if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) { $mcatid = array(); foreach ($terms as $term) { $mcatid[] = $term->term_id; } $mediaid = "fltr" . join(" fltr", $mcatid); } if ($image == '') { $image = plugins_url('images/no-image-available.jpg', __FILE__); } else { $image = $image; } switch ($mediatype) { case 'Single Image': if (basename($image) == 'no-image-available.jpg') { $medialink = $image; } else { $attid = wp_get_attachment_image_src(emg_get_attachment_id_from_src($image), 'full'); $medialink = easymedia_imgresize($attid[0], $deff_img_limit, $isresize1, $attid[1], $attid[2]); $medialink = explode(",", $medialink); $medialink = $medialink[0]; } if ($mark) { $therell = "easymedia[" . $mark . "]"; } else { $therell = "easymedia"; } break; case 'Multiple Images (Slider)': if ($pag != '') { $therell = "easymedia[" . $mediauniqueid . "]"; } else { $therell = "easymedia[" . $galleryid . "]"; } $images = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery', true); ob_start(); if (is_array($images)) { $ig = 0; echo '<div id="easymedia_gallerycontainer-' . $mediauniqueid . '" style="display:none">'; foreach ($images as $img_id) { //Changelog version => Set 1st Image Gallery if ($ig++ == 0) { $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, 'full'); $frstimg = $img_id; $medialink = easymedia_imgresize($img[0], $deff_img_limit, $isresize, $img[1], $img[2]); $medialink = explode(",", $medialink); $medialink = $medialink[0]; } $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, 'full'); $img_url = easymedia_imgresize($img[0], $deff_img_limit, $isresize, $img[1], $img[2]); $img_url = explode(",", $img_url); ?> <a class="<?php echo $thepostid; ?> -<?php echo $img_id; ?> " href="<?php echo $img_url[0]; ?> " rel="<?php echo $therell; ?> "></a> <?php $imgcount = $ig; } echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div style="display:none"></div>'; } $galle = ob_get_clean(); if ($imgcount <= 1) { $sorn = 'image'; } else { $sorn = 'images'; } break; case 'Video': $vidcover = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_img', true); $vidlink1 = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video', true); $vidlink2 = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_webm', true); $vidlink3 = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_ogg', true); if ($vidlink1 != '') { $vidlink1 = $vidlink1; } else { $vidlink1 = '-'; } if ($vidlink2 != '') { $vidlink2 = $vidlink2; } else { $vidlink2 = '-'; } if ($vidlink3 != '') { $vidlink3 = $vidlink3; } else { $vidlink3 = '-'; } if ($vidcover != '') { $vidcover = $vidcover; } else { $vidcover = '-'; } if (pathinfo($vidlink1, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'mp4' || pathinfo($vidlink2, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'webm' || pathinfo($vidlink3, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'ogv' || pathinfo($vidlink1, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'wmv') { $medialink = $vidlink1 . '#emg#' . $vidlink2 . '#emg#' . $vidlink3 . '#emg#' . emg_replace_extension($vidcover); } else { $medialink = $vidlink1; } if ($mediatype == 'Video' && $isvidsize == 'off') { $cusvidw = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_size_vidw', true); $cusvidh = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_size_vidh', true); $therell = "easymedia[" . $cusvidw . " " . $cusvidh . "]"; } elseif ($mediatype == 'Video' && $isvidsize == 'on') { $getarry = easy_get_option('easymedia_vid_size'); $defvidw = stripslashes($getarry['width']); $defvidh = stripslashes($getarry['height']); $therell = "easymedia[" . $defvidw . " " . $defvidh . "]"; } else { $therell = "easymedia"; } break; case 'Google Maps': $medialink = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gmap', true) . "&output=embed"; if ($mediatype == 'Google Maps' && $ismapsize == 'off') { $cusgmw = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gmap_size_gmidw', true); $cusgmh = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gmap_size_gmidh', true); $therell = "easymedia[" . $cusgmw . " " . $cusgmh . "]"; } elseif ($mediatype == 'Google Maps' && $ismapsize == 'on') { $getarry = easy_get_option('easymedia_gmap_size'); $defgmw = stripslashes($getarry['width']); $defgmh = stripslashes($getarry['height']); $therell = "easymedia[" . $defgmw . " " . $defgmh . "]"; } else { $therell = "easymedia"; } break; case 'Audio': $curaudiosource = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_audio_source', true); $medialinktmp = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_audio', true); $medialink = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_audio', true); if ($mark) { $therell = "easymedia[" . $mark . "]"; } else { $therell = "easymedia"; } if ($curaudiosource == 'soundcloud.com') { $therell = "easymedia[600 170]"; } else { $therell = "easymedia"; } break; case 'Link': $media_link = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_link', true); if ($media_link != '') { if (substr($media_link, 0, 4) === 'http' || substr($media_link, 0, 5) === 'https') { $media_link_fin = $media_link; } else { $media_link_fin = 'http://' . $media_link; } } else { $media_link_fin = $post->guid; } $medialink = $media_link_fin; $therell = ""; break; } $emgthumbimg = emg_thumb_src($image, $imwidth, $imheight, '0', '0'); $curimgnmane = basename($image); if ($curimgnmane == 'no-image-available.jpg') { $emgthumbimg = $image; } else { $emgthumbimg = $emgthumbimg; } if ($pag != '') { $theclass = 'peasyitem'; } else { $theclass = 'easyitem'; } if ($mediatype == 'Video' && get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_fetchurl', true) != '') { $emgthumbimg = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_video_fetchurl', true); } if ($showbadge == '1' && $mediatype == 'Multiple Images (Slider)') { $addbadge = '<span class="emg-badges"><span class="icount">' . $imgcount . '</span><span class="imgtg">' . $sorn . '</span></span>'; } else { $addbadge = ''; } if (easy_get_option('easymedia_disen_hovstyle') == '1') { ?> <div style="width:<?php echo $imwidth; ?> px; height:<?php echo $imheight; ?> px;" class="<?php echo $theclass; ?> view da-thumbs preloaderview <?php echo $mediaid; ?> "><?php echo $addbadge; ?> <div class="iehand"><img data-original="<?php echo $emgthumbimg; ?> " /><a onclick="easyActiveStyleSheet('<?php echo $cus_style; ?> ');return true;" class="<?php if ($mediatype == 'Multiple Images (Slider)' && $usegalleryinfo == 'on') { echo $thepostid . '-' . $frstimg; } else { echo $thepostid; } ?> " rel="<?php echo $therell; ?> " href="<?php echo $medialink; ?> " <?php if ($link_type == 'on' && $mediatype == 'Link') { echo 'target="_blank"'; } ?> ><article class="da-animate da-slideFromRight"><p <?php if ($mediattl == '') { echo 'style="display:none !important;"'; } ?> class="emgfittext"><?php echo $mediattl; ?> </p><div class="forspan"><span class="zoom"></span></div></article></a></div></div> <?php } elseif (easy_get_option('easymedia_disen_hovstyle') == '') { ?> <div class="<?php echo $theclass; ?> view da-thumbs preloaderview <?php echo $mediaid; ?> " style="width:<?php echo $imwidth; ?> px; height:<?php echo $imheight; ?> px;"><?php echo $addbadge; ?> <div class="iehand"><a onclick="easyActiveStyleSheet('<?php echo $cus_style; ?> ');return true;" class="<?php if ($mediatype == 'Multiple Images (Slider)' && $usegalleryinfo == 'on') { echo $thepostid . '-' . $frstimg; } else { echo $thepostid; } ?> " rel="<?php echo $therell; ?> " href="<?php echo $medialink; ?> " <?php if ($link_type == 'on' && $mediatype == 'Link') { echo 'target="_blank"'; } ?> ><img data-original="<?php echo $emgthumbimg; ?> "/><p <?php if ($mediattl == '') { echo 'style="display:none !important;"'; } ?> class="da-animatenh emgfittext" style="display:none;"><?php echo $mediattl; ?> </p><div class="forspana"><span class="zooma"></span></div></a></div></div> <?php } //Changelog version => Generate Image Gallery if ($mediatype == 'Multiple Images (Slider)') { echo $galle; } } } else { echo '<div class="easymedia_center">'; echo '<div class="view"><img src="' . plugins_url('images/ajax-loader.gif', __FILE__) . '" width="32" height="32"/></div>'; $contnt = ob_get_clean(); return $contnt; } wp_reset_postdata(); echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; if ($pag != '') { echo '</div><div class="emg-pag-holder"></div></div>'; } else { echo '</div></div>'; } $content = ob_get_clean(); return $content; } else { ob_start(); echo '<div style="display: none;"></div>'; $contnt = ob_get_clean(); return $contnt; } }