$filename = substr($file['name'], strrpos($file['name'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) + 1); $ext = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1)); $size = filesize($file['tmp_name']); if (in_array($ext, $exts)) { if ($size < 2 * 1024 * 1024) { $thumb = TRUE; } } } } } if (!$thumb) { $errors[] = 'Please upload at least one video thumb!'; } if (!$errors) { $sql = "INSERT INTO video\n\t\t SET UID = " . $uid . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t title = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($title) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tkeyword = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($tags) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tchannel = '" . $category . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttype = '" . $video['type'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tembed_code = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($embed_code) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tduration = " . duration_to_seconds($duration) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvkey = '" . mt_rand() . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\taddtime = " . time() . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tadddate = '" . date('Y-m-d') . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tactive = '0'"; $conn->execute($sql); $vid = mysql_insert_id(); require $config['BASE_DIR'] . '/classes/image.class.php'; $image = new VImageConv(); $tmb_dir = $config['BASE_DIR'] . '/media/videos/tmb/' . $vid; $tmp_dir = $config['BASE_DIR'] . '/tmp/thumbs/' . $vid; @mkdir($tmb_dir); @mkdir($tmp_dir); $width = (int) $config['img_max_width']; $height = (int) $config['img_max_height']; $i = 1; foreach ($_FILES as $file) { $tmb = $i . '.jpg'; if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $tmp_dir . '/' . $tmb)) { $src = $tmp_dir . '/' . $tmb;
} if ($embed) { if ($embed_code == '') { $errors[] = 'Please enter video embed code!'; } else { $video['embed_code'] = $embed_code; } if (!$thumbs) { $errors[] = 'Failed to get the video thumbs. Are you sure the url is correct!?'; } else { $video['thumbs'] = $thumbs; } if ($duration == '') { $errors[] = 'Please enter video duration'; } else { $duration_seconds = duration_to_seconds($duration); if (!$duration_seconds) { $errors[] = 'Invalid video duration! Please use minutes:seconds (eg: 12:03, 00:17, 08:51...)!'; } else { $video['duration'] = $duration; } } } else { if ($url == '') { $errors[] = 'Please enter a url for the flash video to be downloaded!'; } else { $video['url'] = $url; } $video['size'] = trim($_POST['size']); } $video['site'] = trim($_POST['site']);
<?php $duration = '1h m 49s'; echo duration_to_seconds($duration); function duration_to_seconds($duration) { $modifiers = array('d' => 86400, 'h' => 3600, 'm' => 60, 's' => 1); $seconds = 0; foreach (explode(' ', $duration) as $segment) { if (($len = strlen($segment)) > 1) { list($num, $mod) = str_split($segment, $len - 1); if (isset($modifiers[$mod]) && ctype_digit($num)) { $seconds += $num * $modifiers[$mod]; continue; } } trigger_error('Unknown time specifier "' . $segment . '"', E_USER_ERROR); } return $seconds; }