function getstr($string, $length, $in_slashes = 0, $out_slashes = 0, $bbcode = 0, $html = 0) { global $_G; $string = trim($string); $sppos = strpos($string, chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0)); if ($sppos !== false) { $string = substr($string, 0, $sppos); } if ($in_slashes) { $string = dstripslashes($string); } $string = preg_replace("/\\[hide=?\\d*\\](.*?)\\[\\/hide\\]/is", '', $string); if ($html < 0) { $string = preg_replace("/(\\<[^\\<]*\\>|\r|\n|\\s|\\[.+?\\])/is", ' ', $string); } elseif ($html == 0) { $string = dhtmlspecialchars($string); } if ($length) { $string = cutstr($string, $length); } if ($bbcode) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/class/class_bbcode.php'; $bb =& bbcode::instance(); $string = $bb->bbcode2html($string, $bbcode); } if ($out_slashes) { $string = daddslashes($string); } return trim($string); }
function feed_add($icon, $title_template = '', $title_data = array(), $body_template = '', $body_data = array(), $body_general = '', $images = array(), $image_links = array(), $target_ids = '', $friend = '', $appid = '', $returnid = 0, $id = 0, $idtype = '', $uid = 0, $username = '') { global $_G; $title_template = $title_template ? lang('feed', $title_template) : ''; $body_template = $body_template ? lang('feed', $body_template) : ''; $body_general = $body_general ? lang('feed', $body_general) : ''; if (empty($uid) || empty($username)) { $uid = $username = ''; } $feedarr = array('appid' => $appid, 'icon' => $icon, 'uid' => $uid ? intval($uid) : $_G['uid'], 'username' => $username ? $username : $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'title_template' => $title_template, 'body_template' => $body_template, 'body_general' => $body_general, 'image_1' => empty($images[0]) ? '' : $images[0], 'image_1_link' => empty($image_links[0]) ? '' : $image_links[0], 'image_2' => empty($images[1]) ? '' : $images[1], 'image_2_link' => empty($image_links[1]) ? '' : $image_links[1], 'image_3' => empty($images[2]) ? '' : $images[2], 'image_3_link' => empty($image_links[2]) ? '' : $image_links[2], 'image_4' => empty($images[3]) ? '' : $images[3], 'image_4_link' => empty($image_links[3]) ? '' : $image_links[3], 'target_ids' => $target_ids, 'friend' => $friend, 'id' => $id, 'idtype' => $idtype); $feedarr = dstripslashes($feedarr); $feedarr['title_data'] = serialize(dstripslashes($title_data)); $feedarr['body_data'] = serialize(dstripslashes($body_data)); $feedarr['hash_data'] = empty($title_data['hash_data']) ? '' : $title_data['hash_data']; $feedarr = daddslashes($feedarr); if (is_numeric($icon)) { $feed_table = 'home_feed_app'; unset($feedarr['id'], $feedarr['idtype']); } else { if ($feedarr['hash_data']) { $query = DB::query("SELECT feedid FROM " . DB::table('home_feed') . " WHERE uid='{$feedarr['uid']}' AND hash_data='{$feedarr['hash_data']}' LIMIT 0,1"); if ($oldfeed = DB::fetch($query)) { return 0; } } $feed_table = 'home_feed'; } if ($returnid) { return DB::insert($feed_table, $feedarr, $returnid); } else { DB::insert($feed_table, $feedarr); return 1; } }
function init_input() { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $_GET = dstripslashes($_GET); $_POST = dstripslashes($_POST); $_COOKIE = dstripslashes($_COOKIE); } }
function url_implode($gets) { $arr = array(); foreach ($gets as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $arr[] = $key . '=' . urlencode(dstripslashes($value)); } } return implode('&', $arr); }
function dstripslashes($string) { if (!is_array($string)) { return stripslashes($string); } foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = dstripslashes($val); } return $string; }
function set() { global $_CONFIG; $func_num_args=func_num_args(); $func_args=func_get_args(); $value=array_pop($func_args); $value = dstripslashes($value); $type=array_shift($func_args); $remark = '/'.'********************************************* *[tttuangou] (C)2005 - 2010 Cenwor Inc. * * tttuangou '.$type.'配置 * * @author * * @time '.date('Y-m-d H:i').' *********************************************'.'/ '; $file=ConfigHandler::file($type); if($type===null) { $data="<?php \r\n {$remark} \r\n \$config=".var_export($value,true)."; \r\n ?>"; } else { if(($config=$_CONFIG[$type])===null) { $config=array(); @include($file); $config=$config[$type]; } foreach($func_args as $arg) { $path_str.="['$arg']"; } eval($value===null?'unset($config'.$path_str.');':'$config'.$path_str.'=$value;'); $data="<?php \r\n {$remark} \r\n\$config['$type']=".var_export($config,true).";\r\n?>"; } @$fp=fopen($file,'wb'); if(!$fp) { zlog('error')->found('', $file); die($file."文件无法写入,请检查是否有可写权限。"); } $len=fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); if($len)$_CONFIG[$type]=$config; return $len; }
function dstripslashes($string) { if (empty($string)) { return $string; } if (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = dstripslashes($val); } } else { $string = stripslashes($string); } return $string; }
function daddslashes($string, $force = 0) { if (!$GLOBALS['magic_quotes_gpc'] || $force) { if (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = daddslashes($val, $force); } } else { //如果魔术引用开启或$force为0 //下面是一个三元操作符,如果$strip为true则执行stripslashes去掉反斜线字符,再执行addslashes //$strip为true的,也就是先去掉反斜线字符再进行转义的为$_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE和$_REQUEST $_REQUEST数组包含了前三个数组的值 //这里为什么要将$string先去掉反斜线再进行转义呢,因为有的时候$string有可能有两个反斜线,stripslashes是将多余的反斜线过滤掉 $string = addslashes($strip ? dstripslashes($string) : $string); } } return $string; }
function dsu_amucallme_output($a) { global $_G; if ($_G['uid'] && in_array($_G['fid'], $this->fids)) { $turl = "forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid={$a['values']['tid']}&pid={$a['values']['pid']}"; $url = $_G["siteurl"] . $turl; $msg = $this->message; $reply = $_G["siteurl"] . "forum.php?mod=post&action=reply&tid={$a['values']['tid']}&repquote={$a['values']['pid']}"; if (!$msg) { if (!function_exists('discuzcode')) { include libfile('function/discuzcode'); } $msg = ' ' . cutstr(strip_tags(discuzcode($_G['gp_message'], 1, 0)), 40, '...'); } $sendmsg = lang('plugin/dsu_amucallme', 'sendmsg', array('username' => $_G['username'], 'url' => $url, 'reply' => $reply, 'message' => $msg)); $cmcost = array(); if (file_exists('./data/plugindata/')) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './data/plugindata/'; $data_f2a = dstripslashes($data_f2a); $cmcost = $data_f2a[$_G['groupid']]; $cmcost['cost'] = $cmcost['cost'] * '-1'; } $max = 0; if ($cmcost['extcredits'] && $cmcost['cost']) { $max = intval($_G['member']["extcredits{$cmcost['extcredits']}"] / $cmcost['cost']); } else { $max = 100; } if ($a['values']['tid'] && $a['values']['pid'] && $max) { foreach ($this->usernames as $key => $val) { if ($val && $_G['uid'] != $val && $max) { updatemembercount($_G['uid'], array("extcredits{$cmcost['extcredits']}" => $cmcost['cost']), true, '', 0); notification_add($val, $_G['uid'], $sendmsg, '', 0); $max--; } } foreach ($this->gusernames as $key => $val) { if ($val && $_G['uid'] != $val && $max) { updatemembercount($_G['uid'], array("extcredits{$cmcost['extcredits']}" => $cmcost['cost']), true, '', 0); notification_add($val, $_G['uid'], $sendmsg, '', 0); $max--; } } } } }
function run_timing($a) { global $_G; $timestamp = TIMESTAMP; $processname = 'TIMING_CRON_CHECK'; $check = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('strayer_timing') . " WHERE public_dateline<='{$timestamp}' "), 0); if ($check) { discuz_process::unlock($processname); } if (discuz_process::islocked($processname, 600)) { return false; } if (!$check) { return FALSE; } @set_time_limit(1000); @ignore_user_abort(TRUE); //防止发生异常,先预订一个1小时的总时间,假如发布文章需要2小时才完成。还未到2小时,又被触发了,这样会造成文章的重复发布 save_syscache('pick_timing', TIMESTAMP + 60 * 60 * 1); $optype_arr = array(1 => 'move_portal', 2 => 'move_forums', 3 => 'move_blog'); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('strayer_timing') . " WHERE public_dateline<='{$timestamp}' ORDER by public_dateline"); $timing_aid_arr = $tid_arr = $args = array(); while ($rs = DB::fetch($query)) { $timing_aid_arr[] = dstripslashes($rs); $tid_arr[] = $rs['id']; } if (!$timing_aid_arr) { return; } pload('F:article,F:pick'); article_timing_delete($tid_arr); //不管有没有发布成功,先清理掉定时发布表里面的数据,防止文章又被重复检测到 foreach ($timing_aid_arr as $k => $rs) { $args = unserialize($rs['public_info']); $args['aid'] = array($rs['data_id']); $args['pid'] = $rs['pid']; $args['timing'] = 1; $args['cron_run'] = 1; $args['public_time'][$rs['data_id']] = $rs['public_dateline']; article_import($optype_arr[$rs['public_type']], $args); } save_syscache('pick_timing', TIMESTAMP + 600); //成功运行,时间按正常设置 discuz_process::unlock($processname); return true; }
function on_login() { global $_G; empty($mrefreshtime) && ($mrefreshtime = 2000); if ($_G['uid']) { $ucsynlogin = uc_user_synlogin($_G['uid']); $param = array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'ucsynlogin' => $ucsynlogin, 'uid' => $_G['member']['uid']); showmessage('login_succeed', dreferer(), $param, array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => 1)); } if (!($_G['member_loginperm'] = logincheck())) { showmessage('login_strike'); } if (!submitcheck('loginsubmit', 1)) { $_G['referer'] = dreferer(); $cookietimecheck = !empty($_G['cookie']['cookietime']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $username = !empty($_G['cookie']['loginuser']) ? htmlspecialchars($_G['cookie']['loginuser']) : ''; include template('member/login'); } else { $_G['uid'] = $_G['member']['uid'] = 0; $_G['username'] = $_G['member']['username'] = $_G['member']['password'] = ''; $result = userlogin($_G['gp_username'], $_G['gp_password'], null, null, 'auto'); if ($result['status'] > 0) { setloginstatus($result['member'], $_G['gp_cookietime'] ? 2592000 : 0); $ucsynlogin = uc_user_synlogin($_G['uid']); $message = 1; $param = array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'ucsynlogin' => $ucsynlogin, 'uid' => $_G['uid']); showmessage('login_succeed', dreferer(), $param, array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => 1)); } else { $password = preg_replace("/^(.{" . round(strlen($_G['gp_password']) / 4) . "})(.+?)(.{" . round(strlen($_G['gp_password']) / 6) . "})\$/s", "\\1***\\3", $_G['gp_password']); $errorlog = dhtmlspecialchars(TIMESTAMP . "\t" . ($result['ucresult']['username'] ? $result['ucresult']['username'] : dstripslashes($_G['gp_username'])) . "\t" . $password . "\t" . "Ques #" . intval($_G['gp_questionid']) . "\t" . $_G['clientip']); writelog('illegallog', $errorlog); loginfailed($_G['member_loginperm']); $fmsg = $result['ucresult']['uid'] == '-3' ? empty($_G['gp_questionid']) || $answer == '' ? 'login_question_empty' : 'login_question_invalid' : 'login_invalid'; showmessage($fmsg, '', array('loginperm' => $_G['member_loginperm'])); } } }
$totalmembers = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_member')); $userstats = array('totalmembers' => $totalmembers, 'newsetuser' => $username); save_syscache('userstats', $userstats); if ($_G['setting']['regctrl'] || $_G['setting']['regfloodctrl']) { DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('common_regip') . " WHERE dateline<='{$_G['timestamp']}'-" . ($_G['setting']['regctrl'] > 72 ? $_G['setting']['regctrl'] : 72) . "*3600", 'UNBUFFERED'); if ($_G['setting']['regctrl']) { DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('common_regip') . " (ip, count, dateline)\r\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$_G['clientip']}', '-1', '{$_G['timestamp']}')"); } } $regmessage = dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_regmessage']); if ($_G['setting']['regverify'] == 2) { DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_validate') . " (uid, submitdate, moddate, admin, submittimes, status, message, remark)\r\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}', '{$_G['timestamp']}', '0', '', '1', '0', '{$regmessage}', '')"); } $_G['uid'] = $uid; $_G['username'] = $username; $_G['member']['username'] = dstripslashes($_G['username']); $_G['member']['password'] = $password; $_G['groupid'] = $groupinfo['groupid']; include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('register'); $_CORE =& discuz_core::instance(); $_CORE->session->set('uid', $uid); $_CORE->session->set('username', $username); dsetcookie('auth', authcode("{$_G['member']['password']}\t{$_G['uid']}", 'ENCODE'), 2592000, 1, true); if ($invite['id']) { DB::update("common_invite", array('fuid' => $uid, 'fusername' => $username, 'regdateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'status' => 2), array('id' => $invite['id'])); updatestat('invite'); } if ($invite['uid']) { if ($_G['setting']['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit']) { updatemembercount($uid, array($_G['setting']['inviteconfig']['inviterewardcredit'] => $_G['setting']['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit']));
$tradelog['lastupdate'] = dgmdate($tradelog['lastupdate'], 'u'); $tradelog['statusview'] = trade_getstatus($tradelog['status']); $messagelist = array(); if ($tradelog['offline']) { $offlinenext = trade_offline($tradelog, 1, $trade_message); $message = explode("\t\t\t", dstripslashes($tradelog['message'])); foreach ($message as $row) { $row = explode("\t", $row); $row[2] = dgmdate($row[2], 'u'); $row[0] && ($messagelist[] = $row); } } else { $loginurl = trade_getorderurl($tradelog['tradeno']); } $tradelog['buyer'] = dstripslashes($tradelog['buyer']); $tradelog['seller'] = dstripslashes($tradelog['seller']); $trade = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_trade') . " WHERE tid='{$tradelog['tid']}' AND pid='{$tradelog['pid']}'"); include template('forum/trade_view'); } else { if (empty($_G['gp_pid'])) { $posttable = getposttablebytid($_G['tid']); $pid = DB::result_first("SELECT pid FROM " . DB::table($posttable) . " WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}' AND first='1' LIMIT 1"); } else { $pid = $_G['gp_pid']; } if (DB::result_first("SELECT closed FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'")) { showmessage('trade_closed', 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=' . $_G['tid'] . '&page=' . $page); } $trade = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_trade') . " WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}' AND pid='{$pid}'"); if (empty($trade)) { showmessage('undefined_action', NULL);
} else { $type = DB::result_first("SELECT type FROM " . DB::table('advertisement') . " WHERE advid='{$advid}'"); } if ($advnew['style'] == 'image' || $advnew['style'] == 'flash') { if ($_FILES['advnew' . $advnew['style']]) { require_once libfile('class/upload'); $upload = new discuz_upload(); if ($upload->init($_FILES['advnew' . $advnew['style']], 'common') && $upload->save()) { $advnew[$advnew['style']]['url'] = $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . 'common/' . $upload->attach['attachment']; } } else { $advnew[$advnew['style']]['url'] = $_G['gp_advnew' . $advnew['style']]; } } foreach ($advnew[$advnew['style']] as $key => $val) { $advnew[$advnew['style']][$key] = dstripslashes($val); } $advnew['displayorder'] = isset($advnew['displayorder']) ? implode("\t", $advnew['displayorder']) : ''; $advnew['code'] = encodeadvcode($advnew); $extra = $type != 'custom' ? '' : '&customid=' . $parameters['extra']['customid']; $advnew['parameters'] = addslashes(serialize(array_merge(is_array($parameters) ? $parameters : array(), array('style' => $advnew['style']), $advnew['style'] == 'code' ? array() : $advnew[$advnew['style']], array('html' => $advnew['code']), array('displayorder' => $advnew['displayorder'])))); $advnew['code'] = addslashes($advnew['code']); $query = DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('advertisement') . " SET title='{$advnew['title']}', targets='{$advnew['targets']}', parameters='{$advnew['parameters']}', code='{$advnew['code']}', starttime='{$advnew['starttime']}', endtime='{$advnew['endtime']}' WHERE advid='{$advid}'"); updatecache('advs'); updatecache('setting'); if ($operation == 'edit') { cpmsg('adv_succeed', $_G['gp_referer'], 'succeed'); } else { cpmsg('adv_succeed', 'action=adv&operation=edit&advid=' . $advid . $extra, 'succeed'); } }
<?php /* * @copyright Leyun internet Technology(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd * @license * @package DzzOffice * @link * @author zyx( */ if (!defined('IN_DZZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } define('MP3_DIR', 'dzz/player/mp3/'); $do = $_GET['do']; if ($do == 'saveplaylist') { $paylist = trim($_POST['data']); DB::insert('user_playlist', array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'playlist' => $paylist, 'updatetime' => $_G['timestamp']), 1, 1); exit; } elseif ($do == 'getplaylist') { if (!($playarr = dstripslashes(unserialize(stripslashes(DB::result_first("select playlist from " . DB::table('user_playlist') . " where uid='{$_G[uid]}'")))))) { $playarr = array(); } $return = array('playlist' => $playarr, 'isadmin' => 1); echo json_encode($return); exit; } else { //exit('dddd==='.template('player:mp3/index')); $icoid = trim($_GET['icoid']); include template('jplayer'); //exit('dfdfd'); }
function rules_get_article($content, $rules_info) { $url = $_GET['url']; $rules_info = pstripslashes($rules_info); $rules_info['title_filter_rules'] = dstripslashes(unserialize($rules_info['title_filter_rules'])); $rules_info['content_filter_rules'] = dstripslashes(unserialize($rules_info['content_filter_rules'])); require_once libfile('function/home'); //先取标题 if ($rules_info['theme_get_type'] == 3) { //智能识别 $data = get_single_article($content); } else { if ($rules_info['theme_get_type'] == 1) { //dom获取 $data = dom_single_article($content, array('title' => $rules_info['theme_rules'])); } else { if ($rules_info['theme_get_type'] == 2) { //字符串 $re = pregmessage($content, '<title>[title]</title>', 'title', -1); $data['other']['old_title'] = $re[0]; $re = pregmessage($content, $rules_info['theme_rules'], 'title', -1); $data['title'] = $re[0]; } } } if (!trim($data['title'])) { return $data; } //如果标题都取不到,不必浪费时间获取内容 $data['content'] = rules_get_contents($content, $rules_info); if ($rules_info['content_page_rules'] && $data['content']) { //分页文章 $content_page_arr = get_content_page($url, $content, $rules_info); if ($content_page_arr) { $args = array('oldurl' => array(), 'content_arr' => array(), 'content_page_arr' => $content_page_arr, 'page_hash' => array(), 'rules' => $rules_info, 'url' => $url); $data['content_arr'] = page_get_content($content, $args); foreach ((array) $data['content_arr'] as $k => $v) { $content_arr[] = $v['content']; } $data['content'] = implode('', $content_arr); } } $data['title'] = unhtmlentities(strip_tags($data['title'], ' ')); $data['content'] = unhtmlentities($data['content']); $data['title'] = getstr(trim($data['title']), 80, 1, 1, 0, 1); $data['content'] = getstr($data['content'], 0, 1, 1, 0, 1); //print_r($data); //处理文章标题和内容,包括替换和过滤 $format_args_title = array('is_fiter' => $rules_info['is_fiter_title'], 'show_type' => 'title', 'test' => 2, 'result_data' => $data['title'], 'replace_rules' => $rules_info['title_replace_rules'], 'filter_data' => $rules_info['title_filter_rules']); $data['title'] = filter_article($format_args_title); $data['content'] = dstripslashes($data['content']); $format_args_content = array('is_fiter' => $rules_info['is_fiter_content'], 'show_type' => 'title', 'test' => 2, 'filter_html' => dunserialize($rules_info['content_filter_html']), 'result_data' => $data['content'], 'replace_rules' => $rules_info['content_replace_rules'], 'filter_data' => $rules_info['content_filter_rules']); $data['content'] = filter_article($format_args_content); //$data['content'] = dz_attach_format($url, $data['content']); $format_arr = format_article_imgurl($url, $data['content']); $data['content'] = $format_arr['message']; //$data['content'] = media_htmlbbcode($data['content'], $url); unset($data['other']); return $data; }
$specialextra = ''; } } $thread['freecharge'] = $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] && TIMESTAMP - $thread['dateline'] >= $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] * 3600 ? 1 : 0; $freechargehours = !$thread['freecharge'] ? $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] - intval((TIMESTAMP - $thread['dateline']) / 3600) : 0; if ($thread['special'] == 1 && ($_G['group']['alloweditpoll'] || $thread['authorid'] == $_G['uid'])) { $query = DB::query("SELECT polloptionid, displayorder, polloption, multiple, visible, maxchoices, expiration, overt FROM " . DB::table('forum_polloption') . " AS polloptions LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_poll') . " AS polls ON polloptions.tid=polls.tid WHERE polls.tid ='{$_G['tid']}' ORDER BY displayorder"); while ($temppoll = DB::fetch($query)) { $poll['multiple'] = $temppoll['multiple']; $poll['visible'] = $temppoll['visible']; $poll['maxchoices'] = $temppoll['maxchoices']; $poll['expiration'] = $temppoll['expiration']; $poll['overt'] = $temppoll['overt']; $poll['polloptionid'][] = $temppoll['polloptionid']; $poll['displayorder'][] = $temppoll['displayorder']; $poll['polloption'][] = dstripslashes($temppoll['polloption']); } } elseif ($thread['special'] == 3) { $rewardprice = $thread['price']; } elseif ($thread['special'] == 4) { $activitytypelist = $_G['setting']['activitytype'] ? explode("\n", trim($_G['setting']['activitytype'])) : ''; $activity = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_activity') . " WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'"); $activity['starttimefrom'] = dgmdate($activity['starttimefrom'], 'Y-m-d H:i'); $activity['starttimeto'] = $activity['starttimeto'] ? dgmdate($activity['starttimeto'], 'Y-m-d H:i') : ''; $activity['expiration'] = $activity['expiration'] ? dgmdate($activity['expiration'], 'Y-m-d H:i') : ''; $activity['ufield'] = $activity['ufield'] ? unserialize($activity['ufield']) : array(); if ($activity['ufield']['extfield']) { $activity['ufield']['extfield'] = implode("\n", $activity['ufield']['extfield']); } } elseif ($thread['special'] == 5) { $debate['endtime'] = $debate['endtime'] ? dgmdate($debate['endtime'], 'Y-m-d H:i') : '';
if ($this_time != 0) { if (dsucheckformulacredits($thisvars['ptgs'])) { $amu_formula = str_replace("leiji", $addup, $thisvars['ptgs']); $amu_formula = str_replace("lianxu", $cons, $amu_formula); @eval("\$pt = {$amu_formula};"); $pt = empty($thisvars['ptmax']) ? intval($pt) : intval(min($pt, $thisvars['ptmax'])); $amu_formula_n = str_replace("leiji", $addup + 1, $thisvars['ptgs']); $amu_formula_n = str_replace("lianxu", $cons + 1, $amu_formula_n); @eval("\$pt_n = {$amu_formula_n};"); $pt_n = empty($thisvars['ptmax']) ? intval($pt_n) : intval(min($pt_n, $thisvars['ptmax'])); } else { $pt = $pt_n = 1; } // 获取特殊奖励配置情况 $tsarr = C::t('#dsu_amupper#plugin_dsuamupperc')->fetch_all_by_g_id(); $data_f2a = dstripslashes($tsarr); $next_old = ''; if ($tsarr && $thisvars['ms'] == 3) { // 有特殊奖励(不循环) foreach ($data_f2a as $id => $result) { if (($_G['groupid'] == $result['usergid'] || $result['usergid'] <= '0') && $cons == $result['days']) { $teshu[$id] = $result; $tsmsg[] = array('title' => $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$result['extcredits']]['title'], 'reward' => $result['reward']); } } } // 有特殊奖励(循环) if ($tsarr && $thisvars['ms'] == 4) { foreach ($data_f2a as $id => $result) { $yushu = $cons % $result['days']; if (($_G['groupid'] == $result['usergid'] || $result['usergid'] <= '0') && $yushu == 0 && $cons > 0) {
function _init_input() { if (isset($_GET['GLOBALS']) || isset($_POST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_COOKIE['GLOBALS']) || isset($_FILES['GLOBALS'])) { system_error('request_tainting'); } // source bug!!! // if(!MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { // $_GET = daddslashes($_GET); // $_POST = daddslashes($_POST); // $_COOKIE = daddslashes($_COOKIE); // $_FILES = daddslashes($_FILES); // } if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $_GET = dstripslashes($_GET); $_POST = dstripslashes($_POST); $_COOKIE = dstripslashes($_COOKIE); } $prelength = strlen($this->config['cookie']['cookiepre']); foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, $prelength) == $this->config['cookie']['cookiepre']) { $this->var['cookie'][substr($key, $prelength)] = $val; } } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_POST)) { $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); } if (isset($_GET['diy'])) { $_GET['diy'] = empty($_GET['diy']) ? '' : $_GET['diy']; } foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { $this->var['gp_' . $k] = $v; } if (isset($this->var['gp_page'])) { $this->var['gp_page'] = rawurlencode($this->var['gp_page']); } $this->var['mod'] = empty($this->var['gp_mod']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($this->var['gp_mod']); $this->var['inajax'] = empty($this->var['gp_inajax']) ? 0 : (empty($this->var['config']['output']['ajaxvalidate']) ? 1 : ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ? 1 : 0)); $this->var['page'] = empty($this->var['gp_page']) ? 1 : max(1, intval($this->var['gp_page'])); $this->var['sid'] = $this->var['cookie']['sid'] = isset($this->var['cookie']['sid']) ? htmlspecialchars($this->var['cookie']['sid']) : ''; $this->var['gp_handlekey'] = !empty($this->var['gp_handlekey']) && preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $this->var['gp_handlekey']) ? $this->var['gp_handlekey'] : ''; if (empty($this->var['cookie']['saltkey'])) { $this->var['cookie']['saltkey'] = random(8); dsetcookie('saltkey', $this->var['cookie']['saltkey'], 86400 * 30, 1, 1); } $this->var['authkey'] = md5($this->var['config']['security']['authkey'] . $this->var['cookie']['saltkey']); }
cloudaddons_validator($dir . '.plugin'); $importtxt = @implode('', file($importfile)); $pluginarray = getimportdata('Discuz! Plugin'); if (!ispluginkey($pluginarray['plugin']['identifier']) || $pluginarray['plugin']['identifier'] != $plugin['identifier']) { cpmsg('plugins_edit_identifier_invalid', '', 'error'); } if (is_array($pluginarray['vars'])) { foreach ($pluginarray['vars'] as $config) { if (!ispluginkey($config['variable'])) { cpmsg('plugins_upgrade_var_invalid', '', 'error'); } } } if (!empty($pluginarray['checkfile']) && preg_match('/^[\\w\\.]+$/', $pluginarray['checkfile'])) { if (!empty($pluginarray['language'])) { $installlang[$pluginarray['plugin']['identifier']] = dstripslashes($pluginarray['language']['installlang']); } $filename = DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/' . $plugin['directory'] . $pluginarray['checkfile']; if (file_exists($filename)) { loadcache('pluginlanguage_install'); $installlang = $_G['cache']['pluginlanguage_install'][$plugin['identifier']]; @(include $filename); } } pluginupgrade($pluginarray, $installtype); if (!empty($plugin['directory']) && !empty($pluginarray['upgradefile']) && preg_match('/^[\\w\\.]+$/', $pluginarray['upgradefile'])) { dheader('location: ' . ADMINSCRIPT . '?action=plugins&operation=pluginupgrade&dir=' . $dir . '&installtype=' . $modules['extra']['installtype'] . '&fromversion=' . $plugin['version']); } $toversion = $pluginarray['plugin']['version']; cpmsg('plugins_upgrade_succeed', "action=plugins", 'succeed', array('toversion' => $toversion)); }
function block_import($data) { global $_G; if (!is_array($data['block'])) { return; } $data = daddslashes($data); $stylemapping = array(); if ($data['style']) { $hashes = $styles = array(); foreach ($data['style'] as $value) { $hashes[] = $value['hash']; $styles[$value['hash']] = $value['styleid']; } if (!empty($hashes)) { $query = DB::query('SELECT styleid, hash FROM ' . DB::table('common_block_style') . " WHERE hash IN (" . dimplode($hashes) . ')'); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $id = $styles[$value['hash']]; $stylemapping[$id] = intval($value['styleid']); unset($styles[$value['hash']]); } } foreach ($styles as $id) { $style = $data['style'][$id]; $style['styleid'] = ''; if (is_array($style['template'])) { $style['template'] = dstripslashes($style['template']); $style['template'] = addslashes(serialize($style['template'])); } if (is_array($style['fields'])) { $style['fields'] = dstripslashes($style['fields']); $style['fields'] = addslashes(serialize($style['fields'])); } $newid = DB::insert('common_block_style', $style, true); $stylemapping[$id] = $newid; } } $blockmapping = array(); foreach ($data['block'] as $block) { $oid = $block['bid']; if (!empty($block['styleid'])) { $block['styleid'] = intval($stylemapping[$block['styleid']]); } $block['bid'] = ''; $block['uid'] = $_G['uid']; $block['username'] = $_G['username']; $block['dateline'] = 0; $block['notinherited'] = 0; if (is_array($block['param'])) { $block['param'] = dstripslashes($block['param']); $block['param'] = addslashes(serialize($block['param'])); } if (is_array($block['blockstyle'])) { $block['blockstyle'] = dstripslashes($block['blockstyle']); $block['blockstyle'] = addslashes(serialize($block['blockstyle'])); } $newid = DB::insert('common_block', $block, true); $blockmapping[$oid] = $newid; } include_once libfile('function/cache'); updatecache('blockclass'); return $blockmapping; }
function tdtag($attributes) { $value = array('colspan' => 1, 'rowspan' => 1, 'width' => ''); preg_match_all("/(colspan|rowspan|width)=([\"|\\']?)(\\d{1,4}%?)(\\2)/is", dstripslashes($attributes), $matches); if (is_array($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $attribute) { $value[strtolower($attribute)] = $matches[3][$key]; } } @extract($value); return $width == '' ? $colspan == 1 && $rowspan == 1 ? '[td]' : "[td={$colspan},{$rowspan}]" : "[td={$colspan},{$rowspan},{$width}]"; }
$modules = unserialize($plugin['modules']); if ($modules['system'] > 0) { if ($pluginarray['plugin']['version'] != $plugin['version']) { pluginupgrade($pluginarray, ''); if ($pluginarray['upgradefile']) { $plugindir = DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/' . $pluginarray['plugin']['directory']; if (file_exists($plugindir . '/' . $pluginarray['upgradefile'])) { @(include_once $plugindir . '/' . $pluginarray['upgradefile']); } } } if ($modules['system'] != 2) { $modules['system'] = 2; $modules = serialize($modules); C::t('common_plugin')->update($plugin['pluginid'], array('modules' => $modules)); } continue; } C::t('common_plugin')->delete_by_identifier($pluginid); } $pluginarray['plugin']['modules'] = unserialize(dstripslashes($pluginarray['plugin']['modules'])); $pluginarray['plugin']['modules']['system'] = 2; $pluginarray['plugin']['modules'] = serialize($pluginarray['plugin']['modules']); plugininstall($pluginarray, '', in_array($pluginid, $opens)); if ($pluginarray['installfile']) { $plugindir = DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/' . $pluginarray['plugin']['directory']; if (file_exists($plugindir . '/' . $pluginarray['installfile'])) { @(include_once $plugindir . '/' . $pluginarray['installfile']); } } }
cpmsg('members_email_domain_illegal', '', 'error'); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { cpmsg('members_email_duplicate', '', 'error'); } } if ($_G['gp_clearavatar']) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member') . " SET avatarstatus='0' WHERE uid='{$_G['gp_uid']}'"); uc_user_deleteavatar($member['muid']); } $creditsnew = intval($creditsnew); $regdatenew = strtotime($_G['gp_regdatenew']); $lastvisitnew = strtotime($_G['gp_lastvisitnew']); $secquesadd = $_G['gp_clearquestion'] ? ", secques=''" : ''; $signaturenew = censor($_G['gp_signaturenew']); $sigstatusnew = $signaturenew ? 1 : 0; $sightmlnew = addslashes(discuzcode(dstripslashes($signaturenew), 1, 0, 0, 0, $member['allowsigbbcode'] ? $member['allowcusbbcode'] ? 2 : 1 : 0, $member['allowsigimgcode'], 0)); $oltimenew = round($_G['gp_totalnew'] / 60); $fieldadd = ''; $fieldarr = array(); include_once libfile('function/profile'); foreach ($_POST as $field_key => $field_val) { if (isset($fields[$field_key]) && (profile_check($field_key, $field_val) || $_G['adminid'] == 1)) { $fieldarr[$field_key] = "{$field_key}='" . $field_val . "'"; } } if ($_G['gp_deletefile'] && is_array($_G['gp_deletefile'])) { foreach ($_G['gp_deletefile'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($fields[$key])) { @unlink(getglobal('setting/attachdir') . './profile/' . $member[$key]); $fieldarr[$key] = "{$key}=''"; }
} if (empty($blockdata['parameters']['music']['config'])) { $blockdata['parameters']['music']['config'] = array('showmod' => 'default', 'autorun' => 'true', 'shuffle' => 'true', 'crontabcolor' => '#D2FF8C', 'buttoncolor' => '#1F43FF', 'fontcolor' => '#1F43FF'); } $setarr['blockposition'] = daddslashes(serialize($blockdata)); DB::update('common_member_field_home', $setarr, "uid = {$space['uid']}"); showmessage('do_success', 'home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=index&op=getblock&blockname=' . $blockname, array('blockname' => $blockname)); } if (submitcheck('diysubmit')) { $blockdata = array(); checksecurity($_POST['spacecss']); $spacecss = dstripslashes($_POST['spacecss']); $spacecss = preg_replace("/(\\<|\\>)/is", '', $spacecss); $currentlayout = getstr($_POST['currentlayout'], 5, 1, 1); $style = empty($_POST['style']) ? '' : preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z]/i", '', $_POST['style']); $layoutdata = dstripslashes(getgpc('layoutdata', 'P')); require_once libfile('class/xml'); $layoutdata = xml2array($layoutdata); if (empty($layoutdata)) { showmessage('space_data_format_invalid'); } $layoutdata = $layoutdata['diypage']; if ($style && $style != 'uchomedefault') { $cssfile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './static/space/' . $style . '/style.css'; if (!file_exists($cssfile)) { showmessage('theme_does_not_exist'); } } space_merge($space, 'field_home'); $blockdata = unserialize($space['blockposition']); $blockdata['block'] = $layoutdata;
function checksmilies($message, $smileyoff) { global $_G; if ($smileyoff) { return 1; } else { if (!empty($_G['cache']['smileycodes']) && is_array($_G['cache']['smileycodes'])) { $message = dstripslashes($message); foreach ($_G['cache']['smileycodes'] as $id => $code) { if (strpos($message, $code) !== FALSE) { return 0; } } } return -1; } }
if (empty($message)) { showmessage('unable_to_send_air_news'); } $message = censor($message); loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes')); foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $key => $smiley) { $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$key] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$key]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]'; } $message = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], $message); $subject = ''; $return = 0; if ($touid) { $return = uc_pm_send($_G['uid'], $touid, $subject, $message, 1, $pmid, 0); } elseif ($username) { $newusers = array(); $users = daddslashes(explode(',', dstripslashes($username))); if ($users) { $query = DB::query('SELECT uid, username FROM ' . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE username IN (" . dimplode($users) . ')'); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $newusers[$value['uid']] = $value['username']; } } if (empty($newusers)) { showmessage('message_bad_touser', dreferer()); } if (isset($newusers[$_G['uid']])) { showmessage('message_can_not_send_to_self', dreferer()); } foreach ($newusers as $key => $value) { if (isblacklist($key)) { showmessage('is_blacklist', dreferer());
DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('dsu_paulsign') . " (uid,time) VALUES ('{$_G['uid']}',{$_G['timestamp']})"); } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('dsu_paulsign') . " SET days=days+1,mdays=mdays+1,time='{$_G['timestamp']}',qdxq='{$_G['gp_qdxq']}',todaysay='{$todaysay}',reward=reward+{$credit},lastreward='{$credit}' WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); updatemembercount($_G['uid'], array($var['nrcredit'] => $credit)); $another_vip = ''; if (@(include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/dsu_kkvip/extend/sign.api.php')) { $rewarddays = intval($rewarddays); $growupnum = intval($growupnum); if ($rewarddays || $growupnum) { $another_vip = lang('plugin/dsu_paulsign', 'another_vip', array('rewarddays' => $rewarddays, 'growupnum' => $growupnum)); } } if ($var['sync_say'] && $_G['gp_qdmode'] == '1') { $setarr = array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'message' => $todaysay . $lang['fromsign'], 'ip' => $_G['clientip'], 'status' => 0); $doid = DB::insert('home_doing', $setarr, 1); $setarr2 = array('appid' => '', 'icon' => 'doing', 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'title_template' => lang('feed', 'feed_doing_title'), 'title_data' => daddslashes(serialize(dstripslashes(array('message' => $todaysay . $lang['fromsign'])))), 'body_template' => '', 'body_data' => '', 'id' => $doid, 'idtype' => 'doid'); DB::insert('home_feed', $setarr2, 1); } if ($var['sync_sign'] && $_G['group']['maxsigsize']) { $signhtml = cutstr(strip_tags($todaysay . $lang['fromsign']), $_G['group']['maxsigsize']); DB::update('common_member_field_forum', array('sightml' => $signhtml), "uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); } if ($num >= 0 && $num <= 9) { switch ($num) { case 0: list($exacr, $exacz) = explode("|", $var['jlmain1']); break; case 1: list($exacr, $exacz) = explode("|", $var['jlmain2']); break; case 2:
$pages = pages($items, $page, $pagesize); $lists = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}member_check WHERE {$condition} ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['addtime'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 6); $lists[] = $r; } include tpl('validate_member', $module); break; case 'show': check_name($username) or msg(); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}member_check WHERE username='******'"); $t or msg('记录不存在'); $U = userinfo($username); $U or msg('会员不存在'); $E = dstripslashes(unserialize($t['content'])); $userid = $U['userid']; $content_table = content_table(4, $userid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/4.part'), $DT_PRE . 'company_data'); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$content_table} WHERE userid={$userid}"); $U['content'] = $t['content']; if (isset($E['regunit']) && !isset($E['capital'])) { $E['capital'] = $U['capital']; } if ($submit) { $sql1 = $sql2 = $sql3 = ''; if (in_array('thumb', $pass) && isset($E['thumb'])) { if ($U['thumb']) { delete_upload($U['thumb'], $userid); } $sql2 .= ",thumb='" . addslashes($E['thumb']) . "'"; }
if (!submitcheck('confsubmit')) { shownav('extended', 'misc_focus'); showsubmenu('misc_focus', array(array('config', 'misc&operation=focus&do=config', 1), array('admin', 'misc&operation=focus', 0), array('add', 'misc&operation=focus&do=add', 0))); showformheader('misc&operation=focus&do=config'); showtableheader('config', 'fixpadding'); showsetting('misc_focus_area_title', 'focus_title', empty($focus['title']) ? cplang('misc_focus') : $focus['title'], 'text'); showsetting('misc_focus_area_cookie', 'focus_cookie', empty($focus['cookie']) ? 0 : $focus['cookie'], 'text'); showsubmit('confsubmit', 'submit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { $focus['title'] = trim($_G['gp_focus_title']); $focus['title'] = empty($focus['title']) ? cplang('misc_focus') : $focus['title']; $focus['cookie'] = trim(intval($_G['gp_focus_cookie'])); $focus['cookie'] = empty($focus['cookie']) ? 0 : $focus['cookie']; DB::insert('common_setting', array('skey' => 'focus', 'svalue' => addslashes(serialize(dstripslashes($focus)))), false, true); updatecache(array('setting', 'focus')); cpmsg('focus_conf_succeed', 'action=misc&operation=focus&do=config', 'succeed'); } } } elseif ($operation == 'checkstat') { if ($statid && $statkey) { $q = "statid={$statid}&statkey={$statkey}"; $q = rawurlencode(base64_encode($q)); $url = '' . $q; $key = dfsockopen($url); $newstatdisable = $key == $statkey ? 0 : 1; if ($newstatdisable != $statdisable) { DB::query("REPLACE " . DB::table('common_setting') . " SET skey='statdisable', svalue='{$newstatdisable}'"); require_once libfile('function/cache'); updatecache('setting');