function _admin_user_role_op($role_machine_name, $op) { // c.f. require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'user') . "/"; $form_id = "user_admin_new_role"; $form_values = array(); $form_values["name"] = $role_machine_name; $form_values["op"] = $op; $form_state = array(); $form_state["values"] = $form_values; drupal_execute($form_id, $form_state); }
function covidien_contenttype_update($arg) { module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.crud'); $module_name = $arg['module_name']; $import_new = $arg['import_new']; $import_updatearr = $arg['import_updatearr']; $import_deletearr = $arg['import_deletearr']; $import_ctdeletearr = $arg['import_ctdeletearr']; $import_update = array_keys($import_updatearr); $files = file_scan_directory(drupal_get_path('module', $module_name) . '/content_type', ''); if (is_array($import_ctdeletearr) && count($import_ctdeletearr) > 0) { foreach ($import_ctdeletearr as $key => $fields) { if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field_name) { $field = array(); $field['field_name'] = $field_name; $field['type_name'] = $key; content_field_instance_delete($field['field_name'], $field['type_name'], FALSE); drupal_set_message('Deleted ' . $field['field_name'] . ' in ' . $field['type_name']); } } } // Clear caches and rebuild menu. content_clear_type_cache(TRUE); menu_rebuild(); } foreach ($files as $absolute => $file) { // Creating new content type. if (in_array($file->name, $import_new)) { $form_state = array(); $form_state['values']['type_name'] = '<create>'; $fh = fopen($file->filename, 'r'); $theData = fread($fh, filesize($file->filename)); fclose($fh); $form_state['values']['macro'] = "$theData"; drupal_execute('content_copy_import_form', $form_state); } // Updating existing content type. if (in_array($file->name, $import_update)) { // Add the new fileds to the content type $form_state = array(); $form_state['values']['type_name'] = $import_updatearr[$file->name]; $fh = fopen($file->filename, 'r'); $theData = fread($fh, filesize($file->filename)); eval($theData); fclose($fh); $form_state['values']['macro'] = "$theData"; drupal_execute('content_copy_import_form', $form_state); // Update Title filed label $title_label = $content['type']['title_label']; $type = $content['type']['type']; db_query("UPDATE {node_type} SET title_label = '%s' WHERE type = '%s'", $title_label, $type); // Update several fields at a time. if (count($content['fields']) > 0) { foreach ($content['fields'] as $key => $field) { if (is_array($field)) { $field['type_name'] = $content['type']['type']; if ($field['type_name'] != '' && $field['field_name'] != '') { content_field_instance_update($field, FALSE); drupal_set_message('updated ' . $field['field_name'] . ' in ' . $field['type_name']); } } } } /** * Code to remove the cck filed from content type. */ if (is_array($import_deletearr)) { $fields = $import_deletearr[$file->name]; } if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field_name) { $field = array(); $field['field_name'] = $field_name; $field['type_name'] = $import_updatearr[$file->name]; content_field_instance_delete($field['field_name'], $field['type_name'], FALSE); drupal_set_message('Deleted ' . $field['field_name'] . ' in ' . $field['type_name']); } } // Clear caches and rebuild menu. content_clear_type_cache(TRUE); menu_rebuild(); } } }
/** * Disables a drupal module in the test database. * * @param string $name Name of the module. * @return boolean Success. * @see drupalModuleEnable() */ function drupalModuleDisable($name) { if (!module_exists($name)) { $this->pass(" [module] {$name} already disabled"); return TRUE; } unset($this->_modules[$key]); $form_state['values'] = array('status' => $this->_modules, 'op' => t('Save configuration')); drupal_execute('system_modules', $form_state); //rebuilding all caches drupal_rebuild_theme_registry(); node_types_rebuild(); menu_rebuild(); cache_clear_all('schema', 'cache'); module_rebuild_cache(); }
/** * Slightly change the default signature, in order to pragmatically add the * content type name in order to use it as update function. * * Because content types won't have a changing name among sites (on the * opposite as other entities which has incremented identifiers instead * of user set canonical name) we can afford to do an intelligent function * that will guess itself whatever it has to do. * * @see Entity::_save() */ protected function _save($export, $type_name = NULL) { // Basic behavior options. $overwrite = FALSE; switch ($this->getSettings()->getOption('contentBehavior', Yamm_Entity_ContentSettings::MODULE_OVERRIDE)) { case Yamm_Entity_ContentSettings::MODULE_IGNORE: return; case Yamm_Entity_ContentSettings::MODULE_OVERRIDE: // Let the algorigthm do its default job, which is saving the current // content type whatever it exists or not. $overwrite = TRUE; break; case Yamm_Entity_ContentSettings::MODULE_OVERRIDEFALLBACK: // FIXME: Todo. break; case Yamm_Entity_ContentSettings::MODULE_TRYENABLE: default: // FIXME: Todo. break; } // Get back content type name. if (!$type_name) { preg_match('/\'type\'[ ]+=>[ ]+\'([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\'/', $export, $matches); $type_name = $matches[1]; } // Check that type already exists on client side, if yes, overwrite it. $type_exists = db_result(db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {node_type} WHERE name = '%s'", $type_name)); $values = array('macro' => $export, 'op' => 'Submit'); $values['type_name'] = $type_exists ? $type_name : '<create>'; // Save the content type using the content_copy module. $form_state['values'] = $values; drupal_execute('content_copy_import_form', $form_state); // Check for errors during creation or update. if ($errors = form_get_errors()) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $msg .= "{$error} "; } watchdog('entity_content', "Error during content import @msg", array("@msg" => $msg), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } // Attempt to clear form cache. cache_clear_all(NULL, 'cache_form'); form_set_error(NULL, '', TRUE); // This will store content type latest definition. cache_set('content_entity_' . $type_name, md5($export), 'yamm_data_store', CACHE_PERMANENT); return $type_name; }
/** * Function to create a user in Drupal. * * @param array $params associated array * @param string $mail email id for cms user * * @return uid if user exists, false otherwise * * @access public * @static */ static function createDrupalUser(&$params, $mail) { $values['values'] = array('name' => $params['cms_name'], 'mail' => $params[$mail], 'op' => 'Create new account'); if (!variable_get('user_email_verification', TRUE)) { $values['values']['pass']['pass1'] = $params['cms_pass']; $values['values']['pass']['pass2'] = $params['cms_pass']; } $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); // we also need to redirect b $config->inCiviCRM = true; $res = drupal_execute('user_register', $values); $config->inCiviCRM = false; if (form_get_errors()) { return false; } // looks like we created a drupal user, lets make another db call to get the user id! $db_cms = DB::connect($config->userFrameworkDSN); if (DB::isError($db_cms)) { die("Cannot connect to UF db via {$dsn}, " . $db_cms->getMessage()); } //Fetch id of newly added user $id_sql = "SELECT uid FROM {$config->userFrameworkUsersTableName} where name = '{$params['cms_name']}'"; $id_query = $db_cms->query($id_sql); $id_row = $id_query->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); return $id_row['uid']; }
system_modules_submit(NULL, $form_state); unset($form_state); // Run cron after installing drupal_cron_run(); // Create new content types. module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'content_types'); $form_state = array('values' => array()); $form_state['values']['name'] = 'test-group'; $form_state['values']['type'] = 'test_group'; $form_state['values']['og_content_type_usage'] = 'group'; drupal_execute('node_type_form', $form_state); $form_state = array('values' => array()); $form_state['values']['name'] = 'test-post-group'; $form_state['values']['type'] = 'test_post_group'; $form_state['values']['og_content_type_usage'] = 'group_post_standard'; drupal_execute('node_type_form', $form_state); // Create users with ID 3 to 7. $user_ids = array(); foreach (range(3, 7) as $i) { $user_values = array(); $user_values['name'] = 'og_test_user' . $i; $user_values['mail'] = 'og_test_user' . $i . ''; $user_values['pass'] = user_password(5); $user_values['status'] = 1; $user = user_save(NULL, $user_values); $user_ids[$i] = $user->uid; } /** * Organic groups content generation interface. */ interface ogContent
/** * @param $overrides includes values for any fields that should not * come from the user or user's member profile */ public function createFromUser($account, $overrides = array()) { global $user; $values = $overrides; $values['type'] = $this->name; $values['name'] = isset($user->name) ? $user->name : ''; $values['language'] = ''; if (is_object($account)) { $values['cuid'] = $account->uid; } else { $values['cuid'] = $account; } $form_state = array('values' => $values); $form_state['values']['op'] = t('Save'); module_load_include("inc", "node", "node.pages"); // call drupal_execute with the form values filled in by the // proxy modules for this node type drupal_execute('contributor_node_form', $form_state, (object) $values); if (isset($form_state['nid'])) { return $form_state['nid']; } else { return FALSE; } }
<?php global $user; tzbase_include_proto_classes(); $account = user_load(array('name' => 'Johan Heander')); if ($account) { TZIntellitimeBot::destroy_session_data($account->intellitime_session_data); user_save($account, array('intellitime_session_data' => NULL)); } // Login and logout to refresh cookie $form_state = array('values' => array('name' => 'Johan Heander', 'pass' => '0733623516', 'op' => t('Log in'))); drupal_execute('user_login', $form_state); // Destroy the current session: session_destroy(); // Only variables can be passed by reference workaround. $null = NULL; user_module_invoke('logout', $null, $user); // Load the anonymous user $user = drupal_anonymous_user(); tzintellitime_sync_synchronize_users(); TZIntellitimeBot::destroy_session_data($account->intellitime_session_data);
/** * Add issue files. */ function merci_import_1() { // This determines how many content types will be created per page load. // A resonable default has been chosen, but feel free to tweak to suit your needs. $limit = 10; // No file uploaded, so skip the import. if (!$_SESSION['content_types_file']) { return array(); } // Multi-part import. if (!isset($_SESSION['merci_import_1'])) { $csv_file_array = file($_SESSION['content_types_file']); $_SESSION['merci_import_file_position'] = 0; $_SESSION['merci_import_1'] = 0; $_SESSION['merci_import_1_max'] = count($csv_file_array) - 1; } // Open import file. $handle = fopen($_SESSION['content_types_file'], 'r'); fseek($handle, $_SESSION['merci_import_file_position']); // Have to manually load the content types inc file. module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'content_types'); $ret = array(); $count = 0; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) { $count++; $_SESSION['merci_import_1']++; // Only save if the row count for the data is right. if (count($data) == 13) { // Node type settings. $form_state['values']['orig_type'] = ''; $form_state['values']['type'] = $data[0]; $form_state['values']['name'] = $data[1]; $form_state['values']['description'] = $data[2]; $form_state['values']['help'] = $data[3]; $form_state['values']['min_word_count'] = 0; $form_state['values']['title_label'] = t('Title'); $form_state['values']['body_label'] = t('Body'); $form_state['values']['custom'] = TRUE; $form_state['values']['locked'] = FALSE; $form_state['values']['node_options'] = array('promote' => 0, 'revision' => 1, 'status' => 1, 'sticky' => 0); // MERCI settings. $form_state['values']['merci_type_setting'] = $data[4]; $form_state['values']['merci_max_hours_per_reservation'] = $data[5]; $form_state['values']['merci_allow_overnight'] = $data[6]; $form_state['values']['merci_allow_weekends'] = $data[7]; $form_state['values']['merci_late_fee_per_hour'] = $data[8]; $form_state['values']['merci_rate_per_hour'] = $data[9]; $form_state['values']['merci_fee_free_hours'] = $data[10]; $form_state['values']['merci_status'] = $data[11]; $form_state['values']['merci_spare_items'] = $data[0] == 'bucket' ? $data[12] : 0; $form_state['clicked_button']['#value'] = t('Save content type'); drupal_execute('node_type_form', $form_state); } // Jump out of the loop here and do another cycle. Save // where we're at in the CSV file. if ($count >= $limit) { $_SESSION['merci_import_file_position'] = ftell($handle); break; } } // No more lines in the file, import is done. Clean up. if (!fgets($handle)) { fclose($handle); unset($_SESSION['merci_import_file_position']); unset($_SESSION['merci_import_1']); unset($_SESSION['merci_import_1_max']); file_delete($_SESSION['content_types_file']); unset($_SESSION['content_types_file']); return $ret; } fclose($handle); $ret['#finished'] = $_SESSION['merci_import_1'] / $_SESSION['merci_import_1_max']; return $ret; }
/** * tearDown implementation, setting back switched modules etc */ function tearDown() { if ($this->_modules != $this->_originalModules) { $form_state['values'] = array('status' => $this->_originalModules, 'op' => t('Save configuration')); drupal_execute('system_modules', $form_state); //rebuilding all caches drupal_rebuild_theme_registry(); node_types_rebuild(); menu_rebuild(); cache_clear_all('schema', 'cache'); module_rebuild_cache(); $this->_modules = $this->_originalModules; } foreach ($this->_cleanupVariables as $name => $value) { if (is_null($value)) { variable_del($name); } else { variable_set($name, $value); } } $this->_cleanupVariables = array(); //delete nodes foreach ($this->_cleanupNodes as $nid) { node_delete($nid); } $this->_cleanupNodes = array(); //delete roles while (sizeof($this->_cleanupRoles) > 0) { $rid = array_pop($this->_cleanupRoles); db_query("DELETE FROM {role} WHERE rid = %d", $rid); db_query("DELETE FROM {permission} WHERE rid = %d", $rid); } //delete users and their content while (sizeof($this->_cleanupUsers) > 0) { $uid = array_pop($this->_cleanupUsers); // cleanup nodes this user created $result = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE uid = %d", $uid); while ($node = db_fetch_array($result)) { node_delete($node['nid']); } user_delete(array(), $uid); } //delete content types foreach ($this->_cleanupContentTypes as $type) { node_type_delete($type); } $this->_cleanupContentTypes = array(); //Output drupal warnings and messages into assert messages $drupal_msgs = drupal_get_messages(); foreach ($drupal_msgs as $type => $msgs) { foreach ($msgs as $msg) { $this->assertTrue(TRUE, "{$type}: {$msg}"); } } parent::tearDown(); }
/** * Creates the given importer configuration * * @param $name * Name for the importer * @param $type * Name of the content-type */ private function createImporter($name, $type) { $status = module_load_include('inc', 'feeds_ui', 'feeds_ui.admin'); if ($status === FALSE) { throw new Exception("Feeds UI is not installed. Please enable it before trying to migrate."); } $form_state = array(); $form_state['values']['id'] = $form_state['values']['name'] = $name; $form_state['values']['description'] = 'From ' . $type . ' FeedAPI content-type by the FeedAPI2Feeds migration script.'; $form_state['values']['op'] = t('Create'); drupal_execute('feeds_ui_create_form', $form_state); }