function pratiche_element_1() { if (check_perm_mod("pratiche", "r") == 1) { $thislist = load_fwobject("lists", "pratiche", 1); //print_r ($thislist); $output = draw_list($thislist, "pratiche"); return $output; } else { return ""; } }
function calendar_element_2() { if ($_GET[scad_type] == 1) { $list_type = 5; } elseif ($_GET[scad_type] == 2) { $list_type = 4; } else { $list_type = 2; } if (check_perm_mod("calendar", "r") == 1) { $thislist = load_fwobject("lists", "calendar", $list_type); //print_r ($thislist); $output = draw_list($thislist, "calendar"); return $output; } else { return ""; } }
if ($prevtag_pre) { $prevtag .= " | "; } else { $prevtag .= "<tr><td>"; } print "{$prevtag} <a onFocus=\"this.blur()\" href='?display=2&mode=file&skip={$nextskip}'>Next Page</a></td></tr>"; } elseif ($skip) { print "{$prevtag}"; } } ?> <h3><?php echo _("Download Fax TIFF Files:"); ?> </h3> <?php $file_array = build_list(); $numf = count($file_array); if ($_REQUEST['del']) { $rmcmd = "rm -f \"" . $path_to_dir . "/" . $_REQUEST['del'] . "\""; exec($rmcmd); $file_array = build_list(); } print "<table width=99% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>"; print "<h5> DATE  HOURS</h5>"; print "</td></tr>"; $file_array = build_list(); draw_list($file_array, $path_to_dir, $perpage, $skip, $skipped, $index); print "</table>";
function menage_search1($search, $target_res = 2, $format_res = 0) { global $DB, $CONF, $SEARCH_TEMPLATE; //Init della ricerca foreach ($search[fields] as $key => $field) { list($type, $options) = explode("||", $field[content]); unset($target); foreach (explode("||", $field[search_field]) as $trg) { $target[] = explode("-", $trg); } unset($cnt); $cntt = array(); foreach ($target as $st) { if (!isset($SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]])) { if (!isset($search[tablesql][$st[0]])) { $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] = "SELECT * FROM " . $st[0] . " WHERE %[PERM]% "; } else { $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] = $search[tablesql][$st[0]]; } } if ($cntt[$st[0]] == 0) { $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= " AND ( "; } else { $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= " OR ("; } $cntt[$st[0]]++; // Create SQL Query according to search type if (is_array($_GET[$key]) && isset($_GET[$key][realval]) && count($_GET[$key][realval]) > 1) { $tcnt = count($_GET[$key][realval]); $linarray = 1; } elseif (is_array($_GET[$key]) && count($_GET[$key]) > 1 && !isset($_GET[$key][realval])) { $tcnt = count($_GET[$key]); $linarray = 1; } else { $tcnt = 1; $linarray = 0; } $opened = 0; for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < $tcnt; $cnt++) { unset($this_round); if (is_array($_GET[$key]) && is_array($_GET[$key][realval])) { $curval = $_GET[$key][realval][$cnt]; } elseif (is_array($_GET[$key])) { $curval = $_GET[$key][$cnt]; } else { $curval = $_GET[$key]; } if (strlen($curval) > 0) { if ($cnt > 0) { $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= " OR "; } if ($opened != 1 && $linarray == 1) { $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= " ( "; $opened = 1; } switch ($type) { case "text": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . "='" . $curval . "' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "text_like": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " LIKE '%" . $curval . "%' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "text_start": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " LIKE '" . $curval . "%' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "text_end": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " LIKE '%" . $curval . "' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "text_word": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " LIKE '% " . $curval . " %' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "text_ext": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= ext_search($st[1], $curval); if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "user_perm": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " LIKE '%U" . $curval . "=33333%'"; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = " "; } break; case "calendar_owner": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " LIKE '" . $curval . ",,%' OR " . $st[1] . " LIKE '%,," . $curval . "' OR " . $st[1] . " LIKE '%,," . $curval . ",,%' OR " . $st[1] . " LIKE '" . $curval . "'"; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = " "; } break; case "num_less": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " <= '" . $curval . "' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "num_more": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " >= '" . $curval . "' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; case "num_equal": $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= $st[1] . " = '" . $curval . "' "; if (strlen($curval) > 0) { $SEARCH_FIELDS[$st[0]][$st[1]][] = $curval; } break; } $done_seart[$st[0]]++; } } if ($linarray == 1 && $opened == 1) { $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= " ) "; } $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] .= ')'; $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]] = str_replace("AND ( )", "", $SQL_SEARCH[$st[0]]); } /* //Close sql ) foreach($SQL_SEARCH as $table => $sql) { $SQL_SEARCH[$table].=')'; $SQL_SEARCH[$table]=str_replace("AND ( )","",$SQL_SEARCH[$table]); } */ } foreach ($search[tables] as $table => $options) { list($TABLES[$table][list_var], $TABLES[$table][title], $TABLES[$table][options], $TABLES[$table][permission]) = explode("||", $options); //orig //list($TABLES[$table][list_var],$TABLES[$table][title],,$TABLES[$table][permission])=explode("||",$options);//0k variante 1 //list($TABLES[$table][list_var],,$TABLES[$table][options],$TABLES[$table][permission])=explode("||",$options);//ok variante 2 //list($TABLES[$table][list_var],,$TABLES[$table][options],$TABLES[$table][permission])=explode("||",$options); } //CHECK FOR EMPTY SEARCH if ($search[allow_empty] != 1) { foreach ($SQL_SEARCH as $table => $sql) { if ($done_seart[$table] == 0) { unset($SQL_SEARCH[$table]); } } } //Check for result number foreach ($SQL_SEARCH as $table => $sql) { list($perm_type, $perm_parent) = explode(";;", $TABLES[$table][permission]); if ($perm_type == 0) { $sql = str_replace("%[PERM]%", "1=1", $sql); } //print perm_sql_read($sql,$table).'<br><br>'; $rs = @$DB->Execute(perm_sql_read($sql, $table)); $res = $rs->RecordCount(); $totr += $res; $RESULTNUM[$table] = $res; } $RESULTNUM[total] = $totr; if (isset($search[title])) { $output = str_replace("%[TITLE]%", $search[title], $SEARCH_TEMPLATE[search_title]); } if (isset($search[result_txt])) { $output .= str_replace("%[DESC]%", str_replace("%[FOUND]%", $RESULTNUM[total], $search[result_txt]), $SEARCH_TEMPLATE[search_desc]); } //Render tables results $output .= '<table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=5>'; foreach ($SQL_SEARCH as $table => $sql) { foreach (explode(";;", $TABLES[$table][options]) as $vopt) { list($opt, $optval) = explode("::", $vopt); switch ($opt) { case "exp": if ($optval == 1) { $start_vis = 1; } break; case "lock": if ($optval == 1) { $noexp = 1; $start_vis = 1; } break; } } if (isset($_GET[$table . "_ordfield"]) || isset($_GET[$table . "_ordtype"]) || isset($_GET[$table . "_st"]) || isset($_GET[$table . "_exp"]) || isset($_GET[$table . "_imp"])) { $start_vis = 1; } if ($start_vis == 1) { $startpic = $SEARCH_TEMPLATE[group_icon_close]; $cur_vis = ""; } else { $startpic = $SEARCH_TEMPLATE[group_icon_open]; $cur_vis = "style=\"display:none\""; } if ($noexp != 1) { $more_tit = '<a href="javascript:rigaDOWN(Array(\'' . $table . '\'),\'ico_' . $table . '\',\'' . $table . '\',\'' . $SEARCH_TEMPLATE[group_icon_close] . '\',\'' . $SEARCH_TEMPLATE[group_icon_open] . '\')"><img src="' . $startpic . '" name="ico_' . $table . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" id="ico_' . $table . '"></a>'; } else { $more_tit = ""; } if ($TABLES[$table][title] != "") { $output .= '<tr><td><h5>' . $TABLES[$table][title] . ' ' . $more_tit . '</h5></td></tr>'; } require_once $CONF[path_base] . $CONF[dir_modules] . $table . "/lists.php"; $curlist = $LISTS[$table][$TABLES[$table][list_var]]; if (isset($SEARCH_FIELDS[$table])) { foreach ($SEARCH_FIELDS[$table] as $fs => $sterm) { if (isset($curlist[search_options])) { $curlist[search_options] .= "||"; } $curlist[search_options] .= "{$fs}::" . implode(";;", $sterm); } } $curlist[sql_select] = $sql; if (isset($curlist[search_options])) { list($perm_type, $perm_parent) = explode(";;", $TABLES[$table][permission]); if ($perm_type == 0) { $sql = str_replace("%[PERM]%", "1=1", $sql); } $curlist[sql_select] = $sql; $curlist[options] .= "||search::1"; } //print $sql; //PRINT if ($target_res == 0) { $curlist[box_title] = ""; unset($curlist[search_options]); $output .= '<tr id="' . $table . '" ' . $cur_vis . '><td>' . draw_list($curlist, $table) . '</td></tr>'; } elseif ($target_res == 1) { return draw_list_file($curlist, $table); } elseif ($target_res == 2) { if ($format_res == 1) { $output .= '<tr id="' . $table . '" ' . $cur_vis . '><td>'; $rs = @$DB->Execute(perm_sql_read($sql, $table)); while (!$rs->EOF) { $res = $rs->FetchRow(); $thisobj = load_fwobject("show", $table, 0); $output .= draw_object($thisobj, $res[id], $table) . "<br>\n"; } $output .= '</tr></td>'; } else { $curlist[box_title] = ""; $output .= '<tr id="' . $table . '" ' . $cur_vis . '><td>' . draw_list($curlist, $table) . '</td></tr>'; } } } $output .= '</table>'; return $output; }
function drawBottom() { global $_josh, $modules, $helpdeskOptions, $helpdeskStatus, $modulettes, $page; $return = ' </div> <div id="right"> <div id="tools"> <a class="right button" href="/index.php?action=logout">' . getString('log_out') . '</a> ' . getString('hello') . ' <a href="/staff/view.php?id=' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . '"><b>' . $_SESSION['full_name'] . '</b></a>'; //search $return .= '<form name="search" accept-charset="utf-8" method="get" action="/staff/search.php" onsubmit="javascript:return doSearch(this);"> <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="' . getString('staff_search') . '"/> </form>'; //channel or language selectors if (getOption('channels')) { //$return .= draw_form_select('channel_id', 'SELECT id, title' . langExt() . ' title FROM channels WHERE is_active = 1 AND is_private = 0 ORDER BY precedence', $_SESSION['channel_id'], false, 'channels', 'url_query_set(\'channel_id\', this.value)', getString('networks_view_all')); $return .= draw_form_select('channel_id', 'SELECT, c.title' . langExt() . ' title FROM channels c WHERE c.is_active = 1 AND (c.is_private = 0 OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_to_channels u2c WHERE u2c.channel_id = AND u2c.user_id = ' . user() . ') > 0) ORDER BY precedence', $_SESSION['channel_id'], false, 'channels', 'url_query_set(\'channel_id\', this.value)', getString('networks_view_all')); } if (getOption('languages')) { $return .= draw_form_select('language_id', 'SELECT id, title FROM languages ORDER BY title', $_SESSION['language_id'], true, 'languages', 'url_query_set(\'language_id\', this.value)'); } //links $links = db_table('SELECT title' . langExt() . ' title, url FROM links WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence'); foreach ($links as &$l) { $l = draw_link($l['url'], $l['title'], true); } $return .= draw_div('#links', draw_container('h3', getString('links')) . (admin() ? draw_link('/a/admin/links.php', getString('edit'), false, array('class' => 'right button')) : false) . draw_list($links)); $return .= '</div>'; foreach ($modules as $m) { $return .= ' <table class="right ' . $m['folder'] . '" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="head" style="background-color:#' . $m['color'] . ';"> <a href="/' . $m['folder'] . '/" class="left">' . $m['title'] . '</a> ' . draw_img('/images/arrows-new/' . format_boolean($m['is_closed'], 'up|down') . '.png', url_query_add(array('module' => $m['id']), false)) . ' </td> </tr>'; if (!$m['is_closed']) { include DIRECTORY_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $m['folder'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pallet.php'; } $return .= '</table>'; } $return .= '</div> <div id="footer">'; //if (admin()) $return .= 'page rendered in ' . format_time_exec() . '<br/>'; $return .= getString('copyright') . '<br/>'; if (getOption('legal')) { $return .= draw_link('/login/legal.php', getString('legal_title')); } $return .= '</div></div> <div id="subfooter"></div> </body> </html>'; //record pageview if ($page['id'] && user()) { db_query('INSERT INTO pages_views ( page_id, user_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ' . $page['id'] . ', ' . user('NULL') . ', GETDATE() )'); } return $return; }
<?php include "../../../framework/framework.php"; // Define page specific text for template $PAGE[TXT_TITLE] = ADMIN_MENU_0_5; $PAGE[PAGE_INTITLE] = ADMIN_MENU_0_5 . " (tariffario forense)"; $PAGE[PAGE_PICTITLE] = "ico_admin_med.gif"; $module = "admin"; template_init(); template_define_elements(); ob_start(); if (check_perm_mod($module, "r") == 1) { $thislist = load_fwobject("lists", "admin", 16); print draw_list($thislist, $module); } else { $response[title] = FW_ERROR_NO_PERM; $response[text] = FW_ERROR_NO_PERM_TXT; $iserror = 1; print draw_response($response); } $PAGE[PAGE_CONTENT] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); final_render();
// normal moh dir if (isset($_REQUEST['del'])) { $del = $_REQUEST['del']; if (strpos($del, "\"") || strpos($del, "\\'") || strpos($del, "\\;")) { print "You're trying to use an invalid character. Please don't.\n"; exit; } if ($numf == 1 && $category == "default") { echo "<h5>" . _("You must have at least one file for On Hold Music. Please upload one before deleting this one.") . "</h5>"; } else { if (@unlink($path_to_dir . "/" . $del)) { echo "<h5>" . _("Deleted") . " " . $del . "!</h5>"; } else { echo "<h5>" . sprintf(_("Error Deleting %s"), $del) . "!</h5>"; } //kill_mpg123(); needreload(); } } if ($application === false) { $file_array = build_list(); draw_list($file_array, $path_to_dir, $category); } ?> <br><br><br><br><br><br> <?php } } ?>
} ?> <tr> <td class="left"><?php echo getString('permissions'); ?> </td> <td colspan="2"> <?php if ($r['is_admin']) { echo "Site Administrator"; } else { $permissions = array_merge(db_array('SELECT m.title' . langExt() . ' title FROM modules m JOIN users_to_modules a ON = a.module_id WHERE a.user_id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' AND a.is_admin = 1 ORDER BY m.title'), db_array('SELECT m.title' . langExt() . ' title FROM modulettes m JOIN users_to_modulettes a ON = a.modulette_id WHERE a.user_id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' ORDER BY m.title')); if (count($permissions)) { sort($permissions); echo draw_list($permissions); } else { echo getString('none'); } } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } if (getOption("staff_showhome")) { ?> <tr class="group"> <td colspan="3">Home Contact Information [private]</td> </tr> <tr>
<?php draw_list("android");
$thisobj["Fields"]["button_w"] = FW_MODIFY; $thisobj["Fields"]["button_newscad"] = PRATICHE_ADD_EVENT; $thisobj["Fields"]["button_newpres"] = PRATICHE_ADD_PREST; $thisobj["Fields"]["button_newdoc"] = PRATICHE_ADD_DOC; } $thisobj["Fields"]["button_pres"] = make_button($CONF[url_base] . $CONF[dir_modules] . "prestazioni/pages/prestazioni_view.php?form_id=listprestaz&form_page=1&ref_id[text]=&ref_id[realval][]=" . $_GET[id], PRESTAZIONI_TITLE); $thisobj["Fields"]["button_scad"] = make_button($CONF[url_base] . $CONF[dir_modules] . "calendar/pages/app_view.php?form_id=listcont&form_page=1&ref_prat[text]=&ref_prat[realval][]=" . $_GET[id], PRATICHE_IMPEGN); $thisobj["Fields"]["button_doc"] = make_button($CONF[url_base] . $CONF[dir_modules] . "document/pages/documents_view.php?form_id=listdoc&form_page=1&ref_prat[text]=&ref_prat[realval][]=" . $_GET[id], DOCUMENT_TITLE); $thisobj["Fields"]["button_dbox"] = make_button($CONF[url_base] . $CONF[dir_modules] . "document/pages/dropbox_view.php?form_id=listdoc&form_page=1&ref_prat[text]=&ref_prat[realval][]=" . $_GET[id], DOCUMENT_TITLE_DROPBOX); $thisobj["Fields"]["button_sitcont"] = make_button_clean(PRATICHE_SITCONT, 'onClick="loadLayerWindow(\'' . $CONF[url_base] . $CONF[dir_modules] . 'pratiche/pages/pratiche_sitcont.php?id=' . $_GET[id] . '\');"'); $thisobj["Fields"]["button_contr_unif"] = make_button_clean(PRATICHE_CONTR_UNIF, 'onClick="javascript:MsgBox(\'' . $tx_contrib_un . '\')"'); $thislist = load_fwobject("lists", "calendar", 3); $thislist1 = load_fwobject("lists", "pratiche", 3); $thisobj["Fields"]["scad_list"] = draw_list($thislist, "calendar"); ///ECCO $thisobj["Fields"]["riun_list"] = draw_list($thislist1, "pratiche"); $thisobj["Fields"]["contr_unif"] = "Contributo unificato" . "::func=>pr_contr_unif"; print draw_object($thisobj, intval($_GET[id]), $module); } elseif ($_GET[action] == "hist") { $response[title] = PRATICHE_MOVETIT; $rsdupe = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM calendar WHERE ref_prat=" . $_GET[id]); if ($rsdupe->RecordCount() > 10) { $response[text] = PRATICHE_MOVE_ERRCAL . "<br><br>" . make_button("pratiche_show.php?id=" . $_GET[id], PRATICHE_BACK_SHOW); } else { $response[text] = PRATICHE_MOVE_TXT . "<br><br>" . make_button("pratiche_show.php?action=histok&id=" . $_GET[id], PRATICHE_MOVETIT) . "  " . make_button("pratiche_show.php?id=" . $_GET[id], PRATICHE_BACK_SHOW); } print draw_response($response); } elseif ($_GET[action] == "histok") { $response[title] = PRATICHE_MOVETIT; $rsdupe = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM calendar WHERE ref_prat=" . $_GET[id]); if ($rsdupe->RecordCount() > 10) {
<?php include '../include.php'; $emails = array('*****@*****.**', 'foo [at] bar', ';'); $emails = db_array('SELECT email FROM users WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY email'); $good = $bad = array(); foreach ($emails as $e) { if (!($good[] = format_email($e))) { array_pop($good); $bad[] = $e; } } echo 'good emails:' . draw_list($good); echo '<hr>bad emails:' . draw_list($bad); //email($emails, 'this is some test content', 'this is a test');
$thisobj["Fields"]["button_w"] = FW_MODIFY; $thisobj["Fields"]["button_d"] = FW_DELETE; if ($rs_lock->RecordCount() == 0) { $thisobj["Fields"]["button_v"] = '<input type="button" value="' . DOCUMENT_OPEN_WEB . '" class="bot-submit" onClick="newwin =\'' . $CONF[url_base] . $CONF[dir_upload] . 'document/' . $result[filename] . '-' . $result[id] . '-' . $result[version] . '.' . $result[ext] . '\',\'newwin\',\'left=0,top=0,screenX=0,screenY=0,width=800,height=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes\'); newwin.resizeTo(screen.width,screen.height);">'; if ($_SESSION[history] == 0) { $thisobj["Fields"]["button_w"] = make_button("mod_document.php?id=" . $_GET[id], FW_MODIFY); } else { $thisobj["Fields"]["button_w"] = FW_MODIFY; } if ($_SESSION["user"][admin] == 1) { $thisobj["Fields"]["button_d"] = make_button_del($CONF[url_base] . $CONF[dir_modules] . "document/pages/documents_view.php?form_id=listdoc&form_page=1&ref_prat[text]=&ref_prat[realval][]=" . $result[ref_prat] . "&id=" . $_GET[id] . "&action=del", FW_DELETE); } else { $thisobj["Fields"]["button_d"] = FW_DELETE; } if ($rs_tmp->RecordCount() > 0) { $thisobj["Fields"]["history"] = draw_list($thislist, $module); } else { $thisobj["Fields"]["history"] = '<b><center>' . DOCUMENT_NOHIST . '</center></b>'; } } else { $rs_user = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM " . $CONF[auth_db_table] . " WHERE id=" . $result[user_lock]); $thisuser = $rs_user->FetchRow(); $thisobj["Fields"]["history"] = '<b><center>' . DOCUMENT_LOCKED . ' ' . $thisuser[nome] . '</center></b>'; } print draw_object($thisobj, $myid, $module); } else { $response[title] = FW_ERROR_NO_PERM; $response[text] = FW_ERROR_NO_PERM_TXT; $iserror = 1; print draw_response($response); }
</tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2" onMouseOver="this.className=\'pratica-over-sub\'" onMouseOut="this.className=\'null\'">' . draw_list($thislist, "pratiche") . '</td> </tr>'; } else { $thisobj["Fields"]["prat_col"] = ""; $thisobj["Fields"]["button_sitcont"] = ""; } $rs2 = $DB->Execute(perm_sql_read("SELECT * FROM calendar p WHERE %[PERM]% AND (ref_cont=" . $_GET[id] . ")", "calendar")); if ($rs2->RecordCount() > 0) { $restlist = load_fwobject("lists", "calendar", 6); $restlist["sql_select"] = "SELECT * FROM calendar p WHERE %[PERM]% AND (ref_cont=" . $_GET[id] . ")"; $thisobj["Fields"]["pro_restr"] = ' <tr> <th colspan="2" width="100%" align="center"> <b>' . CONTACT_PROVV_RESTR . '</b></th> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2" onMouseOver="this.className=\'pratica-over-sub\'" onMouseOut="this.className=\'null\'">' . draw_list($restlist, "calendar") . '</td> </tr>'; } else { $thisobj["Fields"]["pro_restr"] = ""; } print draw_object($thisobj, intval($_GET[id]), $module); } else { $response[title] = FW_ERROR_NO_PERM; $response[text] = FW_ERROR_NO_PERM_TXT; $iserror = 1; print draw_response($response); } $PAGE[PAGE_CONTENT] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); final_render();