예제 #1
		<td width="14.28%"<?php 
    if ($_GET["id"] == $key) {
    if ($_GET["id"] != $key) {
<a href="organizations.php?id=<?php 
        echo $key;
    } else {
    echo $value;

$where = $_GET["id"] == 0 ? " IS NULL " : " = " . $_GET["id"];
echo drawStaffList("u.isactive = 1 AND u.corporationID " . $where);
예제 #2

include 'include.php';
if (!url_id()) {
    url_query_add(array('id' => 1));
$locations = db_query("SELECT \n\t\to.id, \n\t\to.name\n\tFROM intranet_offices o \n\tORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM intranet_users u WHERE u.officeID = o.id) DESC");
if (db_found($locations)) {
    $pages = array();
    while ($l = db_fetch($locations)) {
        $pages["/staff/locations.php?id=" . $l["id"]] = $l["name"];
    echo drawNavigationRow($pages, $location, true);
if ($_GET["id"] == "other") {
    echo drawStaffList("u.isactive = 1 AND u.officeID <> 1 AND u.officeID <> 6 AND u.officeID <> 11 AND u.officeID <> 9");
} else {
    $l = db_grab('SELECT name, address FROM intranet_offices WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id']);
    if (!empty($l['address'])) {
        echo drawServerMessage('<center><strong>' . $l['name'] . ' Office</strong><br>' . nl2br($l['address']) . '</center>');
    echo drawStaffList("u.isactive = 1 and u.officeID = " . $_GET["id"]);
예제 #3

include "include.php";
$fields = array("lastname", "firstname", "nickname", "title", "departmentName");
$terms = explode(" ", str_replace("'", "''", $_GET["q"]));
$where = array();
foreach ($terms as $t) {
    if (!empty($t)) {
        foreach ($fields as $f) {
            $where[] = $f . " LIKE '%" . $t . "%'";
echo drawStaffList("u.isactive = 1 and (" . implode(" OR ", $where) . ")", $terms);
예제 #4
파일: index.php 프로젝트: Rhenan/intranet-1

include '../../include.php';
echo drawTop();
echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_to_modules a WHERE a.user_id = u.id) > 0', 'There are no administrators in this site, which is a problem.');
echo drawBottom();
예제 #5
파일: index.php 프로젝트: Rhenan/intranet-1

include 'include.php';
echo drawTop();
if (db_grab('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE is_active = 1') > 70) {
    if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $_josh['request']['path_query'] .= '?id=1';
        $_GET['id'] = 1;
    echo drawNavigation(array('/staff/?id=1' => 'A - E', '/staff/?id=2' => 'F - J', '/staff/?id=3' => 'K - O', '/staff/?id=4' => 'P - T', '/staff/?id=5' => 'U - Z'));
    if ($_GET['id'] == 1) {
        $letters = ' AND (u.lastname LIKE "a%" OR u.lastname LIKE "b%" OR u.lastname LIKE "c%" OR u.lastname LIKE "d%" OR u.lastname LIKE "e%")';
    } elseif ($_GET['id'] == 2) {
        $letters = ' AND (u.lastname LIKE "f%" OR u.lastname LIKE "g%" OR u.lastname LIKE "h%" OR u.lastname LIKE "i%" OR u.lastname LIKE "j%")';
    } elseif ($_GET['id'] == 3) {
        $letters = ' AND (u.lastname LIKE "k%" OR u.lastname LIKE "l%" OR u.lastname LIKE "m%" OR u.lastname LIKE "n%" OR u.lastname LIKE "o%")';
    } elseif ($_GET['id'] == 4) {
        $letters = ' AND (u.lastname LIKE "p%" OR u.lastname LIKE "q%" OR u.lastname LIKE "r%" OR u.lastname LIKE "s%" OR u.lastname LIKE "t%")';
    } elseif ($_GET['id'] == 5) {
        $letters = ' AND (u.lastname LIKE "u%" OR u.lastname LIKE "v%" OR u.lastname LIKE "w%" OR u.lastname LIKE "x%" OR u.lastname LIKE "y%" OR u.lastname LIKE "z%")';
echo drawJumpToStaff();
echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1' . @$letters, getString('staff_empty'), $page['is_admin'] ? array('add_edit.php' => getString('add_new')) : false);
echo drawBottom();
예제 #6
include 'include.php';
echo drawTop();
if (!isset($_GET['office_id'])) {
    $_GET['office_id'] = 1;
    $_josh['request']['path_query'] = '/staff/locations.php?office_id=1';
$locations = db_query('SELECT o.id, o.name' . langExt() . ' FROM offices o WHERE o.is_active = 1 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users u WHERE u.is_active = 1 AND u.officeID = o.id) > 0 ORDER BY o.precedence');
if (db_found($locations)) {
    $pages = array();
    $counter = 1;
    while ($l = db_fetch($locations)) {
        if ($counter < 6) {
            $pages['/staff/locations.php?office_id=' . $l['id']] = $l['name'];
        } else {
            if ($counter == 6) {
                $pages['/staff/locations.php?office_id=other'] = 'Other';
                $others = array();
            $others[] = $l['id'];
    echo drawNavigation($pages, 'path_query');
if ($_GET['office_id'] == 'other') {
    echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1 AND u.officeID IN (' . implode(',', $others) . ')');
} else {
    echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1 and u.officeID = ' . $_GET['office_id']);
echo drawBottom();
예제 #7
P - T</a></td>
		<td width="20%"<?php 
if ($_GET["id"] == 5) {
if ($_GET["id"] != 5) {
<a href="index.php?id=5"><?php 
U - Z</a></td>

if ($_GET["id"] == 1) {
    $letters = "u.lastname like 'a%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'b%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'c%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'd%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'e%'";
} elseif ($_GET["id"] == 2) {
    $letters = "u.lastname like 'f%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'g%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'h%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'i%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'j%'";
} elseif ($_GET["id"] == 3) {
    $letters = "u.lastname like 'k%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'l%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'm%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'n%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'o%'";
} elseif ($_GET["id"] == 4) {
    $letters = "u.lastname like 'p%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'q%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'r%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 's%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 't%'";
} else {
    $letters = "u.lastname like 'u%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'v%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'w%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'x%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'y%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like 'z%'";
echo drawStaffList("u.isactive = 1 and (" . $letters . ")");
예제 #8
        } else {
        echo format_string($o['title'], 26);
} else {
    echo drawPanel(draw_form_select('foo', $orgs, url_id(), false, false, 'location.href=\'' . $request['path'] . '?id=\' + this.value'));
if (url_id()) {
    $where = $_GET['id'] == 0 ? ' IS NULL ' : ' = ' . $_GET['id'];
    $links = $page['is_admin'] ? array('add_edit.php' => getString('add_new')) : false;
    echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1 AND u.organization_id ' . $where, 'This organization has no staff associated with it.', $links, draw_link($request['path_query'], $page['title']) . ' &gt; ' . db_grab('SELECT title FROM organizations WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id']));
} else {
    $t = new table('foo', drawHeader());
    $t->set_column('title', false, getString('title'));
    foreach ($orgs as &$o) {
        $o['title'] = draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $o['id'], $o['title']);
    echo $t->draw($orgs);
echo drawBottom();
예제 #9

include "include.php";
echo drawTop();
$links = $page['is_admin'] ? array('add_edit.php' => getString('add_new')) : false;
echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1 AND ' . db_datediff('u.startdate') . ' < 60', getString('staff_new_empty'), $links, getString('staff_new'));
echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 0 AND ' . db_datediff("u.endDate", "GETDATE()") . ' < 32', getString('staff_goings_empty'));
echo drawBottom();
예제 #10

include 'include.php';
echo drawTop();
if (empty($_GET['q'])) {
$fields = array('u.lastname', 'u.firstname', 'u.nickname', 'u.title', 'u.email', 'departmentName');
$terms = explode(' ', format_quotes($_GET['q']));
$where = array();
foreach ($terms as $t) {
    if (!empty($t)) {
        foreach ($fields as $f) {
            $where[] = $f . ' LIKE "%' . $t . '%"';
$links = $page['is_admin'] ? array('add_edit.php' => getString('add_new')) : false;
echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1 and (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')', getString('staff_search_empty'), $links, false, $terms);
echo drawBottom();