예제 #1
function displayOttoB2BTabContent($tab_key)
    if ($tab_key == OTTO_B2B_TAB_KEY_REQUEST) {
        $sop_header = 'Overview';
        $sop_content = array();
        $sop_content[] = '- Request can not be confirmed automatically';
        $sop_content[] = '- Use this module to have a better overview,' . ' especially of the requested products';
        $sop_content[] = '- Download request as XML in OTTO and' . ' upload them below';
        $sop_content[] = '- Processing multiple request is supported' . ' and is strongly suggested';
        $tab_content = drawSOPinfo($sop_header, $sop_content, 'margin-bottom:20px;');
        $tab_content .= '<h2 style="margin-bottom:0;">Request Overview</h2>' . '<div class="smallText red" style="margin-bottom:10px;">' . '* You can select multiple files (zip is not supported)</div>' . '<form name="ottob2b-request" target="_blank"' . ' action="?open=sp-orders-ottob2b"' . ' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<div><input type="file" name="request" multiple="multiple" />' . '</div>' . '<div><input type="submit" class="button"' . ' value="Generate Overview" title="Click here to upload files' . ' and generate overview" /></div>' . '</form>';
    } elseif ($tab_key == OTTO_B2B_TAB_KEY_ORDER) {
        $sop_header = 'Overview';
        $sop_content = array();
        $sop_content[] = '- Orders can not be confirmed automatically';
        $sop_content[] = '- Use this module import orders to Manobo';
        $sop_content[] = '- Download request as XML in OTTO and' . ' upload them below';
        $sop_content[] = '- Processing multiple request is supported' . ' and is strongly suggested';
        $tab_content = drawSOPinfo($sop_header, $sop_content, 'margin-bottom:20px;');
        $tab_content .= '<h2 style="margin-bottom:0;">Upload New Orders</h2>' . '<div class="smallText red" style="margin-bottom:10px;">' . '* You can select multiple files (zip is not supported)</div>' . '<form name="ottob2b-request" target="_blank"' . ' action="?open=sp-orders-ottob2b"' . ' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<div><input type="file" name="order" multiple="multiple" />' . '</div>' . '<div><input type="submit" class="button"' . ' value="Import Orders" title="Click here to upload files' . ' and import new orders" /></div>' . '</form>';
    } else {
        $tab_content = '<h3 class="red">Unknown Tab Content Request!</h3>';
    return utf8_encode($tab_content);
$input_end_date = '<input type="text" class="date_picker" id="end_date" value="" />';
//Set Available Numbering Format (to be used in table)
$number_format = array();
$number_format['EN'] = 'Flat (English)';
$number_format['DE'] = 'Flat (Deutsch)';
$number_format['MX'] = 'Manobo Default';
$select_number_format = '<select id="number_format" title="Select Number Format" />' . loadComboListFromArray($number_format) . '</select>';
$header = 'Important Information about Sales Data';
$paragraphs = array();
$paragraphs[] = 'All values are using the same data from <a href="?open=analysis-value-contribution">VC Analysis</a>, which means';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; Based on order date';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; All values are after return';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; <span class="red">B2B Sales Partner is based on <strong>REAL</strong> customer orders and not on PO (currently only AM.DE data is available)</a>';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; Data for B2B Sales Partner need to be uploaded on VC Analysis module before it can be used here';
$style = 'margin:0 0 20px 0;';
$content .= drawSOPinfo($header, $paragraphs, $style);
$content .= '<div id="form">' . '<table class="form" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr><td class="bold">Order Source</td><td class="bold">Start Date</td>' . '<td class="bold">End Date</td><td class="bold">Number Format</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>' . $select_sp . '</td><td>' . $input_start_date . '</td>' . '<td>' . $input_end_date . '</td><td>' . $select_number_format . '</td>' . '<td><input type="button" id="submit" value="Generate Report" /></td></tr>' . '</table>' . '</div>' . '<div id="table-data"></div>' . '<div id="legend" class="float-box ui-corner-all" style="margin-top:40px;">' . '<h3>LEGEND (Sales Report Terms Explanation)</h3>' . '<table class="form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr><td>Sold</td><td>=</td>' . '<td>Quantity sold after cancels and returns</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Net Sales</td><td>=</td>' . '<td>Net sales after cancels and returns</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Net Sales Ratio</td><td>=</td>' . '<td>Ratio of net sales compare to the total net sales</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Average Price</td><td>=</td><td>Average products price</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Average Margin</td><td>=</td><td>Average products margin</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Profit</td><td>=</td>' . '<td>Net sales deducted by COGS</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Profit Ratio</td><td>=</td>' . '<td>Ratio of profit compare to the total profit</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Return Rate</td><td>=</td><td>Return rate in percentage</td></tr>' . '</table></div>';
$javascript = '
        dateFormat: "dd.mm.yy",
        minDate: new Date("2010-04-00"),
        maxDate: new Date(),
        changeMonth: true,
        changeYear: true,
        onSelect: function(selected) {
          var dpid = $(this).attr("id");
          var today = new Date();
          if(dpid=="start_date") {
              $("#end_date").datepicker("option", "minDate", selected);
          } else {
              $("#start_date").datepicker("option", "maxDate", selected);
 $content .= '<tr><td>Refill Ordered &ge;</td><td><input type="text" name="ordered" /></td></tr>';
 //$content .= '<tr><td>Refill Requested &ge;</td><td><input type="text" name="requested" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Missing Quantity &ge;</td><td><input type="text" name="MISSING" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Stock DIOH &ge;</td><td><input type="text" name="DIOHGE" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Stock DIOH &le;</td><td><input type="text" name="DIOHLE" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Stock+Refill DIOH &ge;</td><td><input type="text" name="DIOH2GE" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Stock+Refill DIOH &le;</td><td><input type="text" name="DIOH2LE" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Refill Flag</td><td><select name="REFILL">' . loadComboListFromArray($option_refill, null, null, false) . '</select></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Max Usage &ge;</td><td><input type="text" name="maxusage_ge" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Max Usage &le;</td><td><input type="text" name="maxusage_le" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '</table>';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $header = 'Missing Quantity Formula';
 $paragraphs = array();
 $paragraphs[] = 'Missing Quantity = (Stock Target + Orders in Sourcing) - (Stock Available + Refill Ordered)';
 $content .= drawSOPinfo($header, $paragraphs, $list_margin . 'margin-bottom:20px;');
 $content .= '<div id="search_result" class="draw-table" style="' . $list_margin . 'width:900px;"></div>';
 $javascript = '
             function poResult(txtResult, txtStatus) {
                if(txtStatus="success") {
             function searchResult(htmlResult, txtStatus) {
                 if(txtStatus=="success") {
            $result .= '<td class="tac">' . $levelling_orders_real_out_open[$mp] . '</td>';
        $result .= '</tr>';
        $result .= '</tbody>';
        $result .= '</table>';
        $result .= '</div>';
        echo utf8_encode($result);
$header = 'Important Notes';
$paragraphs = array();
$paragraphs[] = '&bull; Products included in calculation is based on active result from Products Analysis';
$paragraphs[] = '&bull; Sales are excluding <em>Promotional Orders</em>';
$paragraphs[] = '&bull; All Forecast is calculated live so no past values are available';
$content .= drawSOPinfo($header, $paragraphs);
$content .= '<div id="block-overview" style="margin-top:20px;"></div>';
$content .= '<h3 id="block-loading" class="notice" style="margin-top:20px;">' . 'Please wait while manobo is calculating the overview values.<br />' . 'Load time will vary depending on the total products quantity</h3>';
$javascript .= '
            var pids = top.window.$("#hid-products-id").val();
            $.post(url, { me_action: "LOADOVERVIEW", pids: pids }, overviewLoaded, "html");
            function overviewLoaded(htmlResult, txtStatus)
                if (txtStatus == "success") {
 if (is_null($order['logistic_process'])) {
     if ($all_products_sent) {
         $content .= '<h3 class="red" style="font-weight:normal;">&raquo; This order is sent before we start logging HH Logistic process or it is closed manually (internal order)</h3>';
     } else {
         $content .= '<h3 style="font-weight:normal;">&raquo; This order is not yet processed in HH Logistic</h3>';
 } else {
     $reset_link = '<span id="clear-logistic_process" class="blue pointer">Click here to clear this flag</span>';
     $content .= '<h3 class="green" style="font-weight:normal;">&raquo; This order has been processed in HH Logistic on: <strong>' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', strtotime($order['logistic_process'])) . '</strong>, ' . $reset_link . '</h3>';
 $header = 'Prevent Double Sendings';
 $paragraphs = array();
 $paragraphs[] = 'To prevent double sendings, each order can only be processed in HH Logistic once. After the order is flagged, Manobo Client (MC) will refuse to process the order for the second time.';
 $paragraphs[] = 'In special cases that we really have to process it again, please use above <em>clear flag link</em>. After clearing the flag, MC will be able to process the order again.';
 $content .= drawSOPinfo($header, $paragraphs, 'width:650px;');
 $content .= '<div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>';
 if ($source == 'SP' && $order['jng_sp_id'] == '6') {
     $content .= $class_jo->downloadRetailInvoiceForm();
 } else {
     $shipping_cost = displayCurrency($order_currency, $order['shipping_costs']);
     $discount = '(' . displayCurrency($order_currency, $order['amount_discount']) . ')';
     //var to save discount amount to be canceled because of returns
     $discount_cancelation = 0;
     if ($all_products_canceled) {
         if ($order['shipping_costs'] > 0) {
             $shipping_cost = '<span class="notice deleted" title="All Products are canceled">' . $shipping_cost . '</span>';
         if ($order['amount_discount'] > 0) {
예제 #6
$content .= '<tr><td>';
$content .= '<select id="list-pi" name="list-pi" style="display:none;"></select>';
$content .= '<input type="hidden" id="products_id" name="products_id" value="' . $products_id . '" />';
$content .= '</td></tr>';
$content .= '<tr><td>';
$content .= '<input type="button" id="actAttach" style="display:none;" name="submit" value="Attach" />';
$content .= '<input type="button" id="actManageMpi" title="Click here to create new or update existing MPI" name="submit" value="Manage MPI" />';
$content .= '</td></tr>';
$content .= '<tr><td style="padding-top:20px">';
$content .= '<input type="button" class="green button" id="actDone" name="submit" value="Done" />';
$content .= '</td></tr>';
$content .= '</table>';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '</td><td style="vertical-align:top;border-left:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding-left:20px">';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= drawSOPinfo($header, $paragraphs_rem, $style_rem);
$content .= '<h4>Production Instruction attached to Product</h4>';
$content .= '<div id="attachedPI"></div>';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '</td></tr>';
$content .= '</table>';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '</div>';
//close manpi-act
$content .= '<div id="prolinks-act" class="notice" style="display:none;">';
$content .= 'Please update Products Linking in Product Detail window which was automatically open.';
$content .= '<br /><br />';
$content .= '<input id="prolinksok" type="button" class="green" value="OK, Products Linking is updated" />';
$content .= '<input id="prolinksko" type="button" class="red" value="Reopen Products Linking" />';
$content .= '</div>';
foreach ($spdata as $sp_id => $sp) {
    $sp_options[$sp_id] = $sp['package_prefix'];
$level_options = array();
$level_options['p'] = 'Product';
$level_options['l'] = 'Length';
$level_options['e'] = 'EAN';
$header = 'Important Information about Sales Data';
$paragraphs = array();
$paragraphs[] = 'All values are using the same data from' . ' <a href="?open=analysis-value-contribution">VC Analysis</a>, which means';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; Based on order date';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; All values are after return';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; <span class="red">B2B Sales Partner is based on' . ' <strong>REAL</strong> customer orders and not on PO' . ' (currently only AM.DE data is available)</a>';
$paragraphs[] = '&sdot; Data for B2B Sales Partner need to be uploaded on' . ' VC Analysis module before it can be used here';
$style = 'margin-bottom:20px;';
$content .= drawSOPinfo($header, $paragraphs, $style) . '<h3>Query total sold of each products in selected Sales Partner in selected Period</h3>' . '<div class="draw-table">' . '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>' . '<td class="' . $class_col_product . '" style="vertical-align:top;text-align:left;">' . '<div style="padding:4px 4px 4px 20px;">' . '<div style="float:right;margin-right:30px;">&raquo;</div>' . '<div>Sales Partner</div>' . '</div>' . '<div style="padding:4px 4px 4px 20px;">' . '<div style="float:right;margin-right:30px;">&raquo;</div>' . '<div>Sold Level</div>' . '</div>' . '<div style="padding:4px 4px 4px 20px;">' . '<div style="float:right;margin-right:30px;">&raquo;</div>' . '<div>Start Period</div>' . '</div>' . '<div style="padding:4px 4px 4px 20px;">' . '<div style="float:right;margin-right:30px;">&raquo;</div>' . '<div>End Period</div>' . '</div>' . '</td>';
for ($p = 1; $p <= $total_periods; $p++) {
    $content .= '<td class="' . $class_col_periods . '" style="vertical-align:top;">' . '<input type="hidden" name="period" value="' . $p . '" />' . '<select id="p-' . $p . '-spid" name="spid" class="w080">' . loadComboListFromArray($sp_options) . '</select><br />' . '<select id="p-' . $p . '-level" name="level" class="w080">' . loadComboListFromArray($level_options, null, 'p') . '</select><br />' . '<input id="p-' . $p . '-start" type="text" name="period-start" class="date_picker" /><br />' . '<input id="p-' . $p . '-end" type="text" name="period-end" class="date_picker" /><br />' . '<input type="button" name="period-go" class="w100" value="GO" style="display:none;" />' . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr></table></div>' . '<div class="draw-table">' . '<table id="analysis-table" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<thead><tr>' . '<th class="' . $class_col_product . '">Product</th>';
for ($p = 1; $p <= $total_periods; $p++) {
    $content .= '<th id="p-' . $p . '-text" class="' . $class_col_periods . '">Period ' . $p . '</th>';
$content .= '</tr></thead><tbody></tbody>' . '</table></div>';
//hide download table icon as csv/pdf
//$content .= '<div id="download-table" style="margin-top:20px;"><a class="dl-icon" href="javascript:void(0);"></a><a class="dl-text" href="javascript:void(0);">Download Table as Excel Sheet</a></div>';
//$content .= '<div id="download-table-pdf" style="margin-top:20px;"><a class="dl-icon" href="javascript:void(0);"></a><a class="dl-text" href="javascript:void(0);">Download Table as PDF</a></div>';
$javascript = '
            $("td input").css({
                border: "1px solid #999",
                margin: "1px",
예제 #8
 function retrieveCancelRequestList()
     $status = 10;
     $q = "SELECT o.orders_id, o.orders_no, o.date_purchased, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.customers_order_count";
     $q .= ", o.payment_method, o.paid_status, ope.last_sent_date";
     $q .= ", op.*, p.products_image, dr.dti_referrers_code, csl.list_type";
     $q .= " FROM orders_products op";
     $q .= " LEFT JOIN orders o ON o.orders_id=op.orders_id";
     $q .= " LEFT JOIN customers_special_list csl ON csl.customers_id=o.customers_id";
     $q .= " LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id=op.products_id";
     $q .= " LEFT JOIN dti_referrers dr ON dr.dti_referrers_id=o.dti_referrers_id";
     $q .= " LEFT JOIN orders_products_email ope ON ope.orders_products_id=op.orders_products_id AND ope.status=op.status";
     $q .= " WHERE op.status={$status}";
     $q .= " ORDER BY o.date_purchased ASC, o.orders_id ASC, op.order_item_count";
     $r = tep_db_query($q);
     $result = '';
     $result .= '<h2>';
     $result .= 'Cancel Request List ';
     //$result .= ' <a href="?open=orders-cancel&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage" title="Add Products to Cancel Request list"></a>';
     //$result .= ' <input type="button" id="btn_canceladd" name="canceladd" value="Add" />';
     //$result .= ' <input type="button" class="grpbtn" name="cancelconfirm" value="Confirm" />';
     $result .= ' <input type="hidden" name="grp_status" value="' . $status . '" />';
     $result .= '</h2>';
     if (tep_db_num_rows($r) > 0) {
         $sop_autoconfirm = array();
         $sop_autoconfirm[] = 'All canceled orders will be automatically confirmed in the afternoon (HH Time).';
         $result .= drawSOPinfo('Auto Confirmation', $sop_autoconfirm, 'margin-bottom:10px;');
         $class_pm = new products_minierp();
         $orders = array();
         $orders_items = array();
         $header = array();
         $header['d'] = 'Date';
         $header['r'] = 'Source';
         $header['c'] = 'Customer / Order No';
         $header['o'] = 'Order ID';
         $header['a'] = 'Product Code';
         $header['q'] = 'Qty';
         $header['e'] = 'Cancel By';
         $header['t'] = 'Action';
         while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
             //$obj_product = new product($row['products_id']);
             $obj_product = new Product($row['products_id']);
             $orders_items[$row['orders_products_id']] = $row;
             $order_date = strtotime($row['date_purchased']);
             $item_count = "{$row['order_item_count']}/{$row['order_item_total']}";
             $itco_style = $row['order_item_count'] == $row['order_item_total'] ? 'style="font-weight:bold;"' : '';
             $o = array();
             $o['d'] = date('d-M-y', $order_date);
             $o['r'] = $row['dti_referrers_code'] == '' ? '<span class="notice">julie-grace.de</span>' : $row['dti_referrers_code'];
             $cust = '<a href="?open=customer&amp;id=' . $row['customers_id'] . '&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage" >' . $row['customers_name'] . '</a> <sup>' . $row['customers_order_count'] . '</sup>';
             if ($row['list_type'] != '') {
                 $crown_img_col = array('V' => 'vip', 'B' => 'black');
                 $crown_img_title = array('V' => 'VIP Customer', 'B' => 'Blacklist Customer');
                 $crown_img = '<a href="?open=customers-special-detail&amp;id=' . $row['customers_id'] . '&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage">';
                 $crown_img .= '<img src="images/list-' . $crown_img_col[$row['list_type']] . '.gif" title="' . $crown_img_title[$row['list_type']] . '" />';
                 $crown_img .= '</a> ';
                 $cust = $crown_img . $cust;
             $orders_products_id = 'JG-' . $row['orders_products_id'];
             $orders_products_id = '<a href="?open=order-history&amp;opid=' . $row['orders_products_id'] . '&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage">' . $orders_products_id . '</a>';
             $order_no = '<a href="?open=customer-care-order-detail&amp;source=JG&amp;id=' . $row['orders_id'] . '&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage">' . $row['orders_no'] . '</a>';
             if ($row['order_item_total'] > 1) {
                 $orders_products_id .= " <sup>{$row['order_item_count']}/{$row['order_item_total']}</sup>";
             $o['c'] = $cust . '<br /><small>order no:</small> ' . $order_no;
             $o['o'] = $orders_products_id;
             $product = '<div><a href="?open=product-detail&amp;products_id=' . $row['products_id'] . '" target="_blank" title="View product detail">' . $row['products_model'] . '</a></div>';
             $pimg = webImageSource($row['products_image'], '500');
             if ($pimg != '') {
                 $thumb = '<div class="thumb"><a href="' . $pimg . '" class="view_image" title="Image of ' . $row['products_model'] . '">' . webImage($row['products_image'], '80', '80', $row['products_id'], 'img-border img-padding') . '</a></div>';
                 $product = $thumb . $product;
             //$diamond_icon = ($obj_product->brand_id == 14) ? drawDiamondIcon('Diamond Product', ' ') : '';
             $diamond_icon = $obj_product->isUsingDiamond() ? drawDiamondIcon('Diamond Product', ' ') : '';
             $gold_icon = drawGoldIcon($obj_product->metal_stamp_code, $obj_product->metal_stamp_info, '', ' ');
             $icons = $gold_icon . $diamond_icon;
             $o['a'] = drawTableArticleInfoWithIcons($product, $icons);
             $o['q'] = $row['products_quantity'];
             //if($row['products_problem']=='J') $cancelby = 'J&amp;G';
             //elseif($row['products_problem']=='C') $cancelby = 'Customer';
             //else $cancelby = '&nbsp;';
             $sel_jng = $row['products_problem'] == 'J' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
             $sel_cus = $row['products_problem'] == 'C' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
             $cancelby = '<select id="cancelby-' . $row['orders_products_id'] . '" name="cancelby">';
             $cancelby .= '<option value="J" ' . $sel_jng . '>J&G</option>';
             $cancelby .= '<option value="C" ' . $sel_cus . '>Customer</option>';
             $cancelby .= '</select>';
             $o['e'] = $cancelby;
             $action = '<input type="button" class="actbtn" name="1" value="Revive" title="Revive this product as New" />';
             //                  $action .= '<input type="button" class="actbtn" name="5" value="Finish" title="Remove from Cancel Request List and set status to Finish" />';
             //Default Row Action Value (id, status)
             $action .= '<input type="hidden" id="opid-' . $row['orders_products_id'] . '" name="op_id" value="' . $row['orders_products_id'] . '" >';
             $action .= '<input type="hidden" name="op_status" value="' . $row['status'] . '" >';
             $o['t'] = $action;
             $orders[$row['orders_products_id']] = $o;
         $result .= '<div id="orders-' . $status . '">';
         //$result .= tep_draw_table('spo', $orders);
         $result .= $this->drawTableListProduct($header, $orders, $orders_items);
         $result .= '</div>';
     } else {
         $result .= '<h3>No Orders in this status</h3>';
     return $result;
예제 #9
  * Draw html form to download Invoice for Jewelry Retail Order,
  * it requires another function "downloadRetailInvoiceJSAction()"
  * as its javascript behavior 
  * @return String Form to generate and download Invoice of a Jewelry Retail Order
 function downloadRetailInvoiceForm()
     $default_text_invoice_no = 'Invoice Number';
     $header = 'Download Retail Invoice';
     $paragraphs = array();
     $paragraphs[] = 'Here you can download invoice for Jewelry Retail Orders. The invoice will include all products which are sent and not returned, so before downloading please make sure that all returns of this order are already processed.';
     $paragraphs[] = 'To download, please fill in the invoice number in below field then click the Download button, please notice that the invoice number will not be saved by Manobo';
     $style = 'width:500px;margin:0 0 20px 0;';
     $form = drawSOPinfo($header, $paragraphs, $style);
     $form .= '<div><input type="text" id="retail-invoice-no" class="iwbutton notice" value="' . $default_text_invoice_no . '" /><input type="button" id="retail-invoice-dl" value="Download Retail Invoice" /></div>';
     return $form;