function bbDrawTable($limit = false, $where = false, $title = false) { //only show add new on main page $options = !$limit ? false : array('#bottom' => getString('add_new')); $t = new table('bb_topics', drawHeader($options, $title)); $t->set_column('topic', 'l', getString('topic')); $t->set_column('starter', 'l', getString('starter'), 120); $t->set_column('replies', 'c', getString('replies'), 30); $t->set_column('last_post', 'r', getString('last_post'), 100); $result = bbGetTopics($where, $limit); foreach ($result as &$r) { array_argument($r, 'thread'); if ($r['is_admin']) { array_argument($r, 'admin'); } $r['link'] = 'topic.php?id=' . $r['id']; if (empty($r['topic'])) { $r['topic'] = '<i>no topic entered</i>'; } $r['topic'] = draw_link($r['link'], $r['topic']); $r['starter'] = $r['firstname'] . ' ' . $r['lastname']; $r['last_post'] = format_date($r['last_post']); } return $t->draw($result, getString('topics_empty')); }
function drawEventForm() { global $page; $f = new form('cal_events', @$_GET['id'], $page['title']); if (url_id()) { $f->set_title_prefix(drawHeader(false, ' ')); } if ($page['is_admin']) { $f->set_field(array('name' => 'created_user', 'class' => 'admin', 'type' => 'select', 'sql' => 'SELECT id, CONCAT_WS(", ", lastname, firstname) FROM users WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY lastname, firstname', 'default' => $_SESSION['user_id'], 'required' => true, 'label' => getString('posted_by'))); } $f->set_field(array('name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'), 'type' => 'text')); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'start_date', 'label' => getString('start_date'), 'type' => 'datetime', 'required' => true)); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'end_date', 'label' => getString('end_date'), 'type' => 'datetime', 'required' => true)); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'type_id', 'type' => 'select', 'sql' => 'SELECT id, description' . langExt() . ' FROM cal_events_types ORDER BY description', 'label' => getString('category'), 'required' => 'true')); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'description' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('description'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'tinymce')); langUnsetFields($f, 'title,description'); formAddChannels($f, 'cal_events', 'event_id'); $f->set_order('created_user,title, start_date, end_date, type_id, description, channels'); langTranslateCheckbox($f, url_id()); return $f->draw(false, false); }
<?php include '../../include.php'; echo drawtop(); $t = new table('ldcodes', drawHeader(false, 'Long Distance Codes')); $t->set_column('code', 'c', 'Code'); $t->set_column('user', 'l', 'User'); $result = db_table('SELECT l.code, (SELECT CONCAT_WS(",", u.lastname, u.firstname, FROM users u WHERE u.longDistanceCode = l.code AND u.is_active = 1) user FROM ldcodes l ORDER BY user'); foreach ($result as &$r) { if ($r['user']) { $r['group'] = 'Assigned'; list($lastname, $firstname, $id) = explode(',', $r['user']); $r['user'] = draw_link('/staff/view.php?id=' . $id, $lastname . ', ' . $firstname); } else { $r['group'] = 'Unassigned Codes'; } } echo $t->draw($result, 'There are no long distance codes'); echo drawBottom();
?> '><?php } else { ?> <b><?php } echo format_string($o['title'], 26); ?> </b></a></td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> <?php } else { echo drawPanel(draw_form_select('foo', $orgs, url_id(), false, false, 'location.href=\'' . $request['path'] . '?id=\' + this.value')); } if (url_id()) { $where = $_GET['id'] == 0 ? ' IS NULL ' : ' = ' . $_GET['id']; $links = $page['is_admin'] ? array('add_edit.php' => getString('add_new')) : false; echo drawStaffList('u.is_active = 1 AND u.organization_id ' . $where, 'This organization has no staff associated with it.', $links, draw_link($request['path_query'], $page['title']) . ' > ' . db_grab('SELECT title FROM organizations WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'])); } else { $t = new table('foo', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('title', false, getString('title')); foreach ($orgs as &$o) { $o['title'] = draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $o['id'], $o['title']); } echo $t->draw($orgs); } echo drawBottom();
<?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php } else { //main table $result = db_table('SELECT, e.title' . langExt() . ' title, t.title' . langExt() . ' "group", e2t.type_id FROM external_orgs e JOIN external_orgs_to_types e2t ON = e2t.org_id JOIN external_orgs_types t ON e2t.type_id = WHERE e.is_active = 1 ORDER BY t.title, e.title '); $t = new table('external_orgs_types', drawHeader(array('#bottom' => getString('add_new')))); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['group'] = draw_link('./type.php?id=' . $r['type_id'], $r['group']); $r['title'] = draw_link('./?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); } echo $t->draw($result, 'There are no external orgs added yet.'); //add new include 'edit.php'; } echo drawBottom();
<?php include "../../include.php"; echo drawTop(); $blurbs = db_table("SELECT \n\t\,\n\t\tr.title,\n\t\tt.icon,\n\t\tISNULL(r.updated_date, r.created_date) updated\n\t\tFROM employer_strategy_resources r\n\t\tJOIN docs_types t ON r.type_id =\n\t\tWHERE r.is_active = 1\n\t\tORDER BY updated DESC", 20); $t = new table("web_news_blurbs"); $t->set_column("icon"); $t->set_column("title"); $t->set_column("updated", "r"); $t->set_title(drawHeader(array("add new" => "edit/"))); foreach ($blurbs as &$b) { $b["icon"] = draw_img($b["icon"]); $b["title"] = draw_link("edit/?id=" . $b["id"], $b["title"]); $b["updated"] = format_date($b["updated"]); } echo $t->draw($blurbs); echo drawBottom();
<?php require '../Core/SCV2_Core.php'; init_SCV2(); if (xsrf_guard()) { if ($_POST['btnCancel']) { header("location: " . HOME_PAGE); exit; } } $mysqli = connect_DB(); $mysqli->real_query("SELECT Table_ID, Table_Name, Remarks FROM `table` WHERE `Project_ID`='{$_SESSION['Project_ID']}' ORDER BY `Table_Name`"); drawHeader(); drawPageTitle('List View: Tables', $errMsg); ?> <fieldset class="container"> <?php drawButton('CANCEL'); ?> <a class='blue' href='CreateTables.php'>Create New Table</a> :: <a class=blue href=Import_Tables.php>Import Tables</a> <table border=1 width=100% class="listView"> <tr class="listRowHead"> <td width="140">Operations</td> <td>Table Name</td> <td>Remarks</td> </tr> <?php if ($result = $mysqli->use_result()) { $a = 0; $class = ''; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if ($posting) { langTranslatePost('title'); $id = db_save('modules'); url_drop('id'); } echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { //form $f = new form('modules', @$_GET['id']); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); langTranslateCheckbox($f); echo $f->draw(); } else { //modules list $t = new table('modules', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('is_selected', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('pages', 'r'); $result = db_table('SELECT, m.title' . langExt() . ' title, m.is_active, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pages p WHERE p.module_id = AND p.modulette_id IS NULL) pages FROM modules m ORDER BY m.precedence'); $t->set_draggable('draggy'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['is_selected'] = draw_form_checkbox('foo', $r['is_active'], false, 'ajax_set(\'modules\', \'is_active\', ' . $r['id'] . ', ' . abs($r['is_active'] - 1) . ');'); $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('./?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); $r['pages'] = draw_link('pages.php?module_id=' . $r['id'], format_quantitize($r['pages'], 'page')); } echo $t->draw($result, 'No modules'); } echo drawBottom();
function drawStaffList($where, $errmsg = false, $options = false, $listtitle = false, $searchterms = false) { global $page, $_josh; if (!$errmsg) { $errmsg = getString('results_empty'); } //only show delete for admins on pages that aren't the chagnes page $showDelete = $page['is_admin'] && $page['id'] != 35; $t = new table('staff', drawHeader($options, $listtitle)); $t->set_column('pic', 'c', ' ', 50); $t->set_column('name', 'l', getString('name') . (getOption('staff_showoffice') ? ' / ' . getString('location') : '')); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('staff_title') . ' / ' . (getOption('staff_showdept') ? getString('department') : getString('organization')), 222); $t->set_column('phone', 'l', getString('telephone')); if ($showDelete) { $t->set_column('del', 'c', ' ', 16); } $result = db_table('SELECT DISTINCT, u.lastname, ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) firstname,,, c.title' . langExt() . ' organization, u.organization_id, office, o.isMain, u.title, d.departmentName department FROM users u LEFT JOIN users_to_channels u2c ON = u2c.user_id LEFT JOIN departments d ON d.departmentID = u.departmentID LEFT JOIN organizations c ON u.organization_id = LEFT JOIN offices o ON = u.officeID ' . getChannelsWhere('users', 'u', 'user_id') . ' AND ' . $where . ' ORDER BY u.lastname, ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname)'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $link = '/staff/view.php?id=' . $r['id']; $r['pic'] = draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_small', $r['id'], 'jpg'), $link); $r['name'] = draw_link($link, $r['lastname'] . ', ' . $r['firstname']); if (getOption('staff_showoffice')) { $r['name'] .= '<br/>' . $r['office']; } if (getOption('staff_showdept')) { $r['title'] .= '<br/>' . $r['department']; } else { $r['title'] .= '<br/>' . draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $r['organization_id'], format_string($r['organization'])); } if ($showDelete) { $r['del'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } } return $t->draw($result, $errmsg); }
$f->set_field(array('name' => 'content', 'label' => getString('file'), 'type' => 'file', 'additional' => getString('upload_max') . file_get_max())); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'categories', 'label' => getString('categories'), 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'options_table' => 'dl_categories', 'option_title' => 'title', 'linking_table' => 'dl_docs_to_categories', 'object_id' => 'doc_id', 'option_id' => 'category_id')); echo $f->draw(); } else { $result = db_table('SELECT, d.title, ' . db_updated('d') . ', d.extension, c.title "group" FROM dl_docs d JOIN dl_docs_to_categories d2c ON = d2c.doc_id JOIN dl_categories c ON d2c.category_id = ORDER BY c.precedence, d.title;'); $links = $page['is_admin'] ? array(url_query_add(array('doc_id' => 'new'), false) => getString('add_new')) : false; $t = new table('dl_docs', drawHeader($links)); $t->set_column('icon', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('updated', 'r', getString('updated')); foreach ($result as &$r) { $link = 'info.php?id=' . $r['id']; $r['icon'] = file_icon($r['extension'], $link); $r['title'] = draw_link($link, $r['title']); if (getOption('languages')) { $r['title'] .= ' (' . $r['language'] . ')'; } $r['updated'] = format_date($r['updated']); } echo $t->draw($result, getString('documents_empty')); } echo drawBottom();
<?php include '../include.php'; echo drawTop(); $t = new table('staff', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('picture', 'l', ' ', '50'); $t->set_column('name'); $t->set_column('organization'); $t->set_column('last_login', 'r'); $result = db_table('SELECT, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.title, o.title organization, u.organization_id, u.lastLogin last_login FROM users u LEFT JOIN organizations o ON u.organization_id = JOIN users_to_modules u2m ON = u2m.user_id WHERE u.is_active = 1 AND u2m.module_id = ' . $page['module_id'] . ' ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $link = '/staff/view.php?id=' . $r['id']; $r['picture'] = draw_img(file_dynamic('users', 'image_small', $r['id'], 'jpg'), $link); $r['name'] = draw_link($link, $r['firstname'] . ' ' . $r['lastname']); if ($r['organization']) { $r['organization'] = draw_link('/staff/organizations.php?id=' . $r['organization_id'], $r['organization']) . '<br>'; } $r['organization'] .= $r['title']; $r['last_login'] = format_date($r['last_login']); } echo $t->draw($result, 'No administrators for this module yet!'); echo drawBottom();
$title = getString('add_new'); $_josh['referrer'] = false; $_josh['request']['path_query'] = 'edit.php'; //shoddy way of setting the form target $r['url'] = 'http://'; } else { url_query_require(); echo drawTop(); $title = $page['title']; $r = db_grab('SELECT id, title, url, description from external_orgs WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id']); } if ($included) { $_GET['id'] = false; } //type id was auto-setting checkbox echo '<a name="bottom"></a>'; $f = new form('external_orgs', @$_GET['id'], $title); if (!$included) { $f->set_title_prefix(drawHeader(false, ' ')); } $f->set_field(array('name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'type' => 'text', 'label' => getString('title'))); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'description' . langExt(), 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => getString('description'), 'class' => 'tinymce')); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'url' . langExt(), 'type' => 'text', 'label' => getString('url'))); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'types', 'label' => getString('type'), 'option_title' => 'title' . langExt(), 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'options_table' => 'external_orgs_types', 'linking_table' => 'external_orgs_to_types', 'object_id' => 'org_id', 'option_id' => 'type_id')); formAddChannels($f, 'external_orgs', 'org_id'); langUnsetFields($f, 'title,description'); langTranslateCheckbox($f, url_id()); echo $f->draw($r, !$included); if (!$included) { echo drawBottom(); }
url_drop('id'); } elseif (url_action('delete') && url_id('delete_id')) { db_delete('links', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('delete_id,action'); } echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { //form $f = new form('links', @$_GET['id']); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); langTranslateCheckbox($f); echo $f->draw(); } else { //modules list $t = new table('links', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); $result = db_table('SELECT, l.title' . langExt() . ' title FROM links l WHERE l.is_active = 1 ORDER BY l.precedence'); $t->set_draggable('draggy'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('links.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } echo $t->draw($result, 'No modules'); //add new $f = new form('links'); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title');
} elseif (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('dl_categories'); url_drop('action,id'); } echo drawTop(); if (!empty($_GET['category_id'])) { //category form if ($_GET['category_id'] == 'new') { $_GET['category_id'] = false; } $f = new form('dl_categories', $_GET['category_id'], ($_GET['category_id'] ? 'Edit' : 'Add') . ' Category'); $f->set_title_prefix($page['breadcrumbs']); echo $f->draw(); } else { //list of categories $result = db_table('SELECT id, title, ' . db_updated() . ' FROM dl_categories WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence'); $links = $page['is_admin'] ? array(url_query_add(array('category_id' => 'new'), false) => getString('add_new')) : false; $t = new table('dl_categories', drawHeader($links)); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('updated', 'r', getString('updated')); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link(url_query_add(array('category_id' => $r['id']), false), $r['title']); $r['updated'] = format_date($r['updated']); $r['delete'] = draw_link(url_query_add(array('action' => 'delete', 'id' => $r['id']), false), 'x', false, 'confirm'); } echo $t->draw($result, getString('categories_empty')); } echo drawBottom();
<?php include "../include.php"; echo drawTop(); $result = db_table('SELECT, d.title' . langExt() . ' title, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM docs_views v WHERE v.documentID = downloads, i.extension, i.description alt FROM docs d JOIN docs_types i ON d.type_id = ' . getChannelsWhere('docs', 'd', 'doc_id') . ' ORDER BY downloads DESC', 20); $t = new table('docs', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('icon', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('downloads', 'r', getString('downloads')); foreach ($result as &$r) { $link = 'info.php?id=' . $r['id']; $r['icon'] = file_icon($r['extension'], $link); $r['title'] = draw_link($link, $r['title']); } echo $t->draw($result, getString('documents_empty')); echo drawBottom();
<?php include '../../include.php'; if (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('soc_whatsnew', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('action,delete_id'); } echo drawTop(); $t = new table('soc_whatsnew', drawHeader(array('edit/' => getString('add_new')))); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('updated', 'r', getString('updated')); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); $result = db_table('SELECT, w.title' . langExt() . ' title, ' . db_updated('w') . ' FROM soc_whatsnew w WHERE w.is_active = 1 ORDER BY w.precedence'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('edit.php?id=' . $r['id'], format_string($r['title'], 70)); $r['updated'] = format_date($r['updated']); $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } echo $t->draw($result); echo drawBottom();
url_drop('id'); } elseif (url_action('delete') && url_id('delete_id')) { db_delete('channels', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('delete_id,action'); } echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { //form $f = new form('channels', @$_GET['id']); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); langTranslateCheckbox($f); echo $f->draw(); } else { //modules list $t = new table('channels', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); $result = db_table('SELECT id, title' . langExt() . ' title FROM channels WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence'); $t->set_draggable('draggy'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('channels.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } echo $t->draw($result, 'No modules'); //add new $f = new form('channels'); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title');
<?php include '../../include.php'; if (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('soc_members', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('action,delete_id'); } echo drawTop(); $t = new table('soc_members', drawHeader(array('edit.php' => 'Add New'))); $t->set_column('is_selected', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('name'); $t->set_column('updated', 'r'); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); $result = db_table('SELECT,, m.is_selected, c.en "group", ' . db_updated('m') . ' FROM soc_members m JOIN jr_countries c ON m.country_id = WHERE m.is_active = 1 ORDER BY c.en,'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['is_selected'] = draw_form_checkbox('foo', $r['is_selected'], false, 'ajax_set(\'soc_members\', \'is_selected\', ' . $r['id'] . ', ' . abs($r['is_selected'] - 1) . ');'); $r['name'] = draw_link('edit.php?id=' . $r['id'], format_string($r['name'], 70)); $r['updated'] = format_date($r['updated']); $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } echo $t->draw($result); echo drawBottom();
<?php include "include.php"; if (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('bb_topics_types'); url_drop('action,id'); } echo drawTop(); $t = new table('bb_topics_types', drawHeader($page['is_admin'] ? array('category_edit.php' => getString('category_new')) : false)); $t->set_column('category', 'l', getString('category')); $t->set_column('topics', 'r', getString('topics')); if ($page['is_admin']) { $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); } $result = db_table('SELECT, y.title' . langExt() . ' category, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bb_topics t WHERE t.type_id = AND t.is_active = 1) topics FROM bb_topics_types y WHERE y.is_active = 1 ORDER BY y.title'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['category'] = draw_link('category.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['category']); if ($page['is_admin']) { $r['delete'] = draw_img('/images/icons/delete.png', url_query_add(array('action' => 'delete', 'id' => $r['id']), false)); } } echo $t->draw($result, 'No categories added yet'); echo drawBottom();
<?php include "../../include.php"; if ($posting) { $id = db_save("web_news_blurbs"); url_change_post("../"); } elseif (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('web_news_blurbs', $_GET['delete_id']); url_change('../'); } echo drawTop(); $f = new form("web_news_blurbs", @$_GET["id"]); $f->set_title(drawHeader()); echo $f->draw(); echo drawBottom();
<?php require '../Core/SCV2_Core.php'; init_SCV2(); if (isset($_GET['Username'])) { $Username = rawurldecode($_GET['Username']); $mysqli = connect_DB(); $mysqli->real_query("SELECT `Username`,`Password` \n FROM `user` \n WHERE `Username`='{$Username}'"); if ($result = $mysqli->use_result()) { $data = $result->fetch_assoc(); extract($data); } else { die($mysqli->error); } } elseif (xsrf_guard()) { init_var($_POST['btnCancel']); if ($_POST['btnCancel']) { header('location: ListView_Users.php'); exit; } } drawHeader($errMsg); drawPageTitle('Detail View: Users'); drawFieldSetStart(); drawTextField('Username', 'Username', TRUE); drawTextField('Password', 'Password', TRUE); drawBackButton(); drawFieldSetEnd(); drawFooter();
<?php include "../include.php"; echo drawTop(); $result = db_table('SELECT, c.title' . langExt() . ' title, c.pub_date, t.title' . langExt() . ' "group", c.publication' . langExt() . ' publication, ' . db_updated('c') . ' FROM press_clips c JOIN press_clips_types t ON c.type_id = ' . getChannelsWhere('press_clips', 'c', 'clip_id') . ' ORDER BY t.title, pub_date DESC', 20); $t = new table('press-clips', drawHeader(array('edit.php' => getString('add_new')))); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['title'] = draw_link("clip.php?id=" . $r["id"], format_string($r["title"], 80)) . '<br>' . $r["publication"] . ' <span class="light">' . format_date($r["pub_date"]) . '</span>'; } echo $t->draw($result, getString('pressclips_recent_empty')); include "edit.php"; echo drawBottom();
<?php include "../../include.php"; if (url_id('module_id')) { $result = db_table('SELECT, p.title, p.url, p.is_hidden FROM pages p WHERE module_id = ' . $_GET['module_id'] . ' ORDER BY p.precedence'); } elseif (url_id('modulette_id')) { $result = db_table('SELECT, p.title, p.url, p.is_hidden FROM pages p WHERE modulette_id = ' . $_GET['modulette_id'] . ' ORDER BY p.precedence'); } else { url_change('./'); } echo drawTop(); //pages list $t = new table('pages', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('is_hidden', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('url'); $t->set_draggable('draggy'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['is_hidden'] = draw_form_checkbox('foo', !$r['is_hidden'], false, 'ajax_set(\'pages\', \'is_hidden\', ' . $r['id'] . ', ' . abs($r['is_hidden'] - 1) . ');'); $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('page.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); if (empty($r['url'])) { $r['url'] = 'index.php'; } } echo $t->draw($result, 'No pages'); echo drawBottom();
<?php require 'Core/SCV2_Core.php'; init_SCV2(); if (!isset($_SESSION['Project_ID'])) { $_SESSION['Project_ID'] = 'TEMP'; } if (!isset($_SESSION['Project_Name'])) { $_SESSION['Project_Name'] = '(NO PROJECT)'; } drawHeader(FALSE); drawPageTitle("Cobalt", "Created by <a href=About_JV_Roig.php class=blue>JV Roig</a>", 'message'); if ($_SESSION['Project_ID'] == 'TEMP') { unset($_SESSION['Project_ID']); } if ($_SESSION['Project_Name'] == '(NO PROJECT)') { unset($_SESSION['Project_Name']); } ?> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2> <tr> <td valign=top> <fieldset class="container"> <span class="graytext"> Cobalt is a web-based code generator and framework using PHP and Oracle Database, created by JV Roig. <br><br> It is a code generator, so it is capable of producing a complete working system based on the information you feed it (data dictionary and a few miscellaneous data for certain special cases).<br><br> It is also a framework. This means it contains functions that allow you to create
<?php //including feedbacklayout php file require_once "../Includes/FeedbackLayout.php"; //to draw header drawHeader() is calling drawHeader("Semester Registration System"); //initialize the session if it is not initialized if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } //to redirect to logout.php page if user is not logged in if (!isset($_SESSION['SESS_USERNAME'])) { header("Location:../Logout.php"); } ?> <div> <h1><u><b><center>Semester Registration System</center></b></u></h1> </div> <div> <?php //to include conn_time_table.php to make connection with database require_once 'Connections/conn_time_table.php'; ?> <script> <?php //function for Ajax ?>
} mysqli_free_result($result); // Some basic data $hIndex = $thisFacultyArray['hindex']; $hflIndex = $thisFacultyArray['hflindex']; $totalCitations = $thisFacultyArray['totalCitations']; $flCitations = $thisFacultyArray['totalflCitations']; ?> <div id='profile'> <?php $metricsData = array("hIndex" => $hIndex, "hflIndex" => $hflIndex, "h_distribution" => json_encode($distributions["h"], true), "hfl_distribution" => json_encode($distributions["hfl"], true), "hMatrix" => array("type" => "faculty", "id" => $internetId), "firstName" => $thisFacultyArray['firstName'], "deptName" => $thisFacultyArray['deptName'], "citation_data" => json_encode($citation_data, true), "tenure_status" => $thisFacultyArray['tenure_status']); $headerArray = array("header" => $thisFacultyArray['firstName'] . " " . $thisFacultyArray['lastName'], "scopusId" => $thisFacultyArray['scopusId'], "subHeader" => array("tenure_status" => $thisFacultyArray['tenure_status'], "class_description" => $thisFacultyArray['class_description'], "title" => $thisFacultyArray['title'], "dept" => $thisFacultyArray['deptName'])); $summary_faculty = array("totalCitations" => $totalCitations, "totalflCitations" => $flCitations, "hIndex" => $hIndex, "hflIndex" => $hflIndex, "pubCount" => $thisFacultyArray['pubCount'], "flPubCount" => $thisFacultyArray['flPubCount']); // Create page header drawHeader($headerArray); ?> <div id='top_publications'></div> <?php // Create overview module drawSummary($summary_faculty); ?> <div id='publications'></div> <?php // List top-cited publications drawPublicationList($type, $internetId, $thisFacultyArray['deptId'], null, null, "top_publications");
<?php //including feedbacklayout php file require_once "../Includes/FeedbackLayout.php"; //to draw header drawHeader() is calling drawHeader("TimeTable Info System"); //initialize the session if it is not initialized if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } //to redirect to logout.php page if user is not logged in if (!isset($_SESSION['SESS_USERNAME'])) { header("Location:../Logout.php"); } ?> <div id="heading"> <h1><u><b><center>Time Table Information System</center></b></u></h1> </div> <div class="class_room"> <center><h3><a href="#" onclick="history.go(-1)">GO BACK</a></h3></center> <head> <script> function showRoom(str){ var xmlhttp; if (str==""){ document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
<?php include "../include.php"; echo drawTop(); $t = new table('bb_topics', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('contact', 'l', 'Contact Record'); $t->set_column('action'); //$t->set_column('contact', 'l', 'Done By'); $t->set_column('when', 'r'); $result = db_table('SELECT, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.updated_date, ' . db_updated('c') . ' FROM contacts c ORDER BY updated DESC', 40); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['contact'] = draw_link('contact.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['lastname'] . ', ' . $r['firstname']); $r['action'] = $r['updated_date'] ? 'Update' : 'New Contact'; $r['when'] = format_date($r['updated']); } echo $t->draw($result); echo drawBottom();
url_drop('id'); } elseif (url_action('delete') && url_id('delete_id')) { db_delete('organizations', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('delete_id,action'); } echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { //form $f = new form('organizations', @$_GET['id']); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); langTranslateCheckbox($f); echo $f->draw(); } else { //modules list $t = new table('organizations', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); $result = db_table('SELECT id, title' . langExt() . ' title FROM organizations WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); } echo $t->draw($result, 'No organizations'); //add new $f = new form('organizations'); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); echo $f->draw(false, false);
<?php include "../include.php"; echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { $title = db_grab('SELECT title' . langExt() . ' title FROM press_clips_types WHERE id = ' . $_GET["id"]); $result = db_table('SELECT, c.title' . langExt() . ' title, c.pub_date, c.publication' . langExt() . ' publication, ISNULL(c.created_date, c.updated_date) updated FROM press_clips c ' . getChannelsWhere('press_clips', 'c', 'clip_id') . ' AND c.type_id = ' . $_GET["id"] . ' ORDER BY updated DESC'); $t = new table('press_clips', drawHeader(false, $title)); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('publication', 'l', getString('publication')); $t->set_column('pub_date', 'r', getString('published')); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['title'] = draw_link('clip.php?id=' . $r['id'], format_string($r['title'], 50)); $r['pub_date'] = format_date($r['pub_date']); } echo $t->draw($result, 'There are no clips tagged <i>' . $title . '</i>.'); } else { $t = new table('press_clips', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('category', 'l', getString('category')); $t->set_column('clips', 'r', getString('clips')); $result = db_table('SELECT, t.title' . langExt() . ' category, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM press_clips c WHERE c.type_id = clips FROM press_clips_types t ORDER BY t.precedence'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['category'] = draw_link(url_query_add(array('id' => $r['id']), false), $r['category']); } echo $t->draw($result); } echo drawBottom();