예제 #1
function emailITticket($id, $scenario, $admin = false, $debug = false)
    global $_josh, $page;
    $ticket = db_grab('SELECT
			(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_to_modules a WHERE a.user_id = u.id AND a.module_id = 3) isUserAdmin,
			ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) first,
			u.lastname last,
			' . db_updated('u') . ',
			d.shortName department,
			y.description type,
			u2.email as ownerEmail,
			ISNULL(u2.nickname, u2.firstname) as ownerName
		FROM helpdesk_tickets t
		LEFT JOIN helpdesk_tickets_types y	ON t.type_id = y.id
		JOIN users u ON t.created_user = u.id
		JOIN departments d ON t.departmentID = d.departmentID
		LEFT JOIN users u2 ON t.ownerID = u2.id
		WHERE t.id = ' . $id);
    //yellow box
    if ($scenario == "followup") {
        $subject = "Followup On Your Helpdesk Ticket";
        $message = drawMessage('There\'s been followup on your Helpdesk ticket - please see below.  <b>Don\'t reply to this email!</b>  Instead, please ' . draw_link('/helpdesk/ticket.php?id=' . $id, 'view your ticket') . ' in the intranet ticketing system.<br><br><b>Note:</b> if you add this sender to your "safe senders list," pictures will always download.');
    } elseif ($scenario == "followupadmin") {
        $subject = "Admin Followup on Helpdesk Ticket";
        $message = drawMessage(draw_link('/staff/view.php?id=' . user(), $_SESSION['full_name']) . ' just made an administrative followup on this Helpdesk ticket.  Regular staff were not copied on this message.');
    } elseif ($scenario == "closed") {
        $subject = "Your Ticket Has Been Closed";
        $message = drawMessage('This is to let you know that your ticket has been closed.  <b>Don\'t reply to this email!</b>  You can still followup on this thread by ' . draw_link('/helpdesk/ticket.php?id=' . $id, 'viewing your ticket') . ' in the intranet ticketing system.<br><br><b>Note:</b> if you add this sender to your "safe senders list," pictures will always download.');
    } elseif ($scenario == "assign") {
        $subject = "Your Ticket Has Been Assigned";
        $message = drawMessage(draw_link('/staff/view.php?id=' . user(), $_SESSION["full_name"]) . ' has assigned this ticket to ' . draw_link('/staff/view.php?id=' . $ticket['ownerID'], $ticket["ownerName"]) . '<b>Don\'t reply to this email!</b>  Instead, please ' . draw_link('/helpdesk/ticket.php?id=' . $id, 'view your ticket') . ' in the intranet ticketing system.<br><br><b>Note:</b> if you add this sender to your "safe senders list," pictures will always download.');
    } elseif ($scenario == "new") {
        $subject = "New " . $ticket["department"] . " Ticket Posted";
        $message = drawMessage('This is to let you know that a new ticket has just been posted to the Helpdesk.  You can ' . draw_link('/helpdesk/ticket.php?id=' . $id, 'view the ticket') . ' in the intranet ticketing system.');
    } elseif ($scenario == "critical") {
        $subject = "Critical " . $ticket["department"] . " Ticket Still Open";
        $message = drawMessage('A ticket flagged "Critical" is open on the Helpdesk.  You can ' . draw_link('/helpdesk/ticket.php?id=' . $id, 'view the ticket') . ' in the intranet ticketing system.');
    //$message .= drawtableStart() . drawHeaderRow(false, 2);
    //recipients arrays
    $users = array();
    $admins = array();
    if ($ticket["isUserAdmin"]) {
        $admins[] = $ticket["email"];
    } else {
        $users[] = $ticket["email"];
    if ($page['is_admin']) {
        $admins[] = $_SESSION["email"];
    } else {
        $users[] = $_SESSION["email"];
    //add owner if ticket is assigned
    if ($ticket["ownerEmail"]) {
        $admins[] = $ticket["ownerEmail"];
    //owner logically has to be admin
    $d_user = new display($page['breadcrumbs'] . $ticket['title'], false, false, 'thread');
    $d_admin = new display($page['breadcrumbs'] . $ticket['title'], false, false, 'thread');
    $d_user->row(drawName($ticket['created_user'], $ticket['first'] . ' ' . $ticket['last'], $ticket['created_date'], true, BR, $ticket['updated']), draw_h1($ticket['title']) . $ticket['description']);
    $d_admin->row(drawName($ticket['created_user'], $ticket['first'] . ' ' . $ticket['last'], $ticket['created_date'], true, BR, $ticket['updated']), draw_h1($ticket['title']) . $ticket['description']);
    //get followups
    $followups = db_query('SELECT
			(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_to_modules u2m WHERE u2m.user_id = u.id AND u2m.module_id = 3 AND u2m.is_admin = 1) isUserAdmin,
			ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) firstname,
			' . db_updated('u') . '
		FROM helpdesk_tickets_followups f
		INNER JOIN users  u  ON f.created_user	= u.id
		WHERE f.ticketID = ' . $id . ' ORDER BY f.created_date');
    while ($f = db_fetch($followups)) {
        $d_admin->row(drawName($f['created_user'], $f['firstname'] . ' ' . $f['lastname'], $f['created_date'], true, BR, $f['updated']), $f['message']);
        if (!$f['is_admin']) {
            $d_user->row(drawName($f['created_user'], $f['firstname'] . ' ' . $f['lastname'], $f['created_date'], true, BR, $f['updated']), $f['message']);
        if ($f['isUserAdmin']) {
            $admins[] = $f['email'];
        } else {
            $users[] = $f['email'];
    $admins = array_remove($_SESSION['email'], array_unique($admins));
    $users = array_remove($_SESSION['email'], array_unique($users));
    if ($debug) {
        die(drawEmail($message . $d_admin->draw()));
    //special codes for email
    //todo: put this in db, possibly by adding something to the users table or something
    if ($scenario == "new" && $ticket["departmentID"] == 3) {
        $admins = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
    if ($scenario == "new" && $ticket["departmentID"] == 13) {
        $admins = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
    if ($scenario == "new" && $ticket["departmentID"] == 2) {
        $admins = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
    if ($scenario == "critical" && $ticket["departmentID"] == 8) {
        $admins = array('*****@*****.**');
    if (count($admins)) {
        //$admins = join(", ", $admins);
        email($admins, drawEmail($message . $d_admin->draw()), $subject);
        error_debug('admin message emailed to ' . implode(', ', $admins) . ' admins', __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if (count($users) && $scenario != "followupadmin" && !$admin) {
        //$users = join(", ", $users);
        email($users, drawEmail($message . $d_user->draw()), $subject);
        error_debug('user message emailed to ' . implode(', ', $users) . ' users', __FILE__, __LINE__);
예제 #2
파일: index.php 프로젝트: Rhenan/intranet-1

include 'include.php';
if ($posting) {
    error_debug('handling bb post', __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $id = db_save('bb_topics');
    db_query('UPDATE bb_topics SET thread_date = GETDATE(), replies = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bb_followups WHERE topic_id = ' . $id . ') WHERE id = ' . $id);
    if (getOption('channels')) {
        db_checkboxes('channels', 'bb_topics_to_channels', 'topic_id', 'channel_id', $id);
    if ($_POST['is_admin'] == '1') {
        //get addresses of everyone & send with message
        emailUser(db_array('SELECT email FROM users WHERE is_active = 1'), $_POST['title'], drawEmail(bbDrawTopic($id, true)));
    } elseif (getOption('bb_notifypost') && getOption('channels') && getOption('languages')) {
        //get addresses of everyone with indicated interests and send
        $channels = array_post_checkboxes('channels');
        $languages = db_table('SELECT id, code FROM languages');
        foreach ($languages as $l) {
            $addresses = db_array('SELECT DISTINCT u.email FROM users u JOIN users_to_channels_prefs u2cp ON u.id = u2cp.user_id WHERE u.is_active = 1 AND u.language_id = ' . $l['id'] . ' AND u2cp.channel_id IN (' . implode(',', $channels) . ')');
            $topic = db_grab('SELECT 
						ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) firstname, 
						t.title' . langExt($l['code']) . ' title, 
						t.description' . langExt($l['code']) . ' description, 
						y.title' . langExt($l['code']) . ' type,
					FROM bb_topics t
					LEFT JOIN bb_topics_types y ON t.type_id = y.id