function newMovie($title) { //require("connect.php"); //require("string.php"); $movieId = str_replace(" ", "+", $title); $movieId = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $movieId); //in case of apostrophes etc. //@ to suppress warnings and notices... /*OMDB API -DOESNT EXIST FOR ALL MOVIES*/ $omdbXml = @simplexml_load_file("" . urlencode($movieId) . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true"); $poster = ""; $metascore = ""; $imdbRating = ""; $imdbVotes = ""; $imdbID = ""; $runtime = ""; $plot = ""; $releaseDate = ""; $rated = ""; $genre = ""; $director = ""; $writer = ""; $language = ""; $country = ""; $actors = ""; $website = ""; $boxOffice = ""; $awards = ""; $tomatoMeter = ""; $tomatoImage = ""; $tomatoRating = ""; $tomatoReviews = ""; $tomatoFresh = ""; $tomatoRotten = ""; $tomatoUserMeter = ""; $tomatoUserRating = ""; $tomatoUserReviews = ""; $imdbLink = ""; //echo $omdbXml->attributes()->response; if (@$omdbXml->root['response'] == "False") { echo "movie not found in omdb"; // throw new Exception("Cannot load xml source.\n"); $poster = ""; $metascore = ""; $imdbRating = ""; $imdbVotes = ""; $imdbID = ""; $runtime = ""; $plot = ""; $releaseDate = ""; $rated = ""; $genre = ""; $rated = ""; $genre = ""; $director = ""; $writer = ""; $language = ""; $country = ""; $actors = ""; $website = ""; $boxOffice = ""; $awards = ""; $tomatoMeter = ""; $tomatoImage = ""; $tomatoRating = ""; $tomatoReviews = ""; $tomatoFresh = ""; $tomatoRotten = ""; $tomatoUserMeter = ""; $tomatoUserRating = ""; $tomatoUserReviews = ""; $imdbLink = ""; } else { //$genre = $omdbXml->movie['genre']; $director = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['director'])); //$releaseDate = $omdbXml->movie['released']; $writer = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['writer'])); $language = @$omdbXml->movie['language']; $country = @$omdbXml->movie['country']; $actors = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['actors'])); $website = @$omdbXml->movie['Website']; $boxOffice = @$omdbXml->movie['boxOffice']; $awards = @$omdbXml->movie['awards']; //omdb tomato $tomatoMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoMeter']; $tomatoImage = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoImage']; $tomatoRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRating']; $tomatoReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoReviews']; $tomatoFresh = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoFresh']; $tomatoRotten = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRotten']; $tomatoUserMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserMeter']; $tomatoUserRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserRating']; $tomatoUserReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserReviews']; $metascore = @$omdbXml->movie['metascore']; $imdbRating = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbRating']; $imdbVotes = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbVotes']; $imdbID = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbID']; $runtime = @$omdbXml->movie['runtime']; $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, @$omdbXml->movie['plot']); $releaseDate = @$omdbXml->movie['releaseDate']; $rated = @$omdbXml->movie['rated']; $genre = @$omdbXml->movie['genre']; $poster = @$omdbXml->movie['poster']; $imdbLink = ""; } if (!IsEmpty($imdbID)) { echo "getting myapi films "; $myApiFilmsUrl = "" . $imdbID . "&token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=json&language=en-us&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&trailer=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=0&movieVideos=0&actors=0&biography=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornAndDead=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&similarMovies=0"; $json = file_get_contents($myApiFilmsUrl); $data = json_decode($json, true); //true for array format if (IsEmpty($plot)) { $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $data['data']['movies'][0]['plot']); } $imdbLink = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlIMDB']; if (IsEmpty($poster)) { $poster = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlPoster']; //$poster = ',0,214,317_AL_.jpg'; } echo "poster is" . IsEmpty($poster); if (!IsEmpty($poster)) { //download echo "download poster"; downloadPoster($movieId, $poster); } } $subtitleLink = '' . $movieId; //cant find $tomatoLink = ""; $tmdbLink = ""; $youtubeLink = ""; if (IsEmpty($movieId)) { return; } $title = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $title); $movieInfoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `movieinfo` (`movieId`, `rated`, `releaseDate`, `runtime`, `genre`, `director`, `writer`, `actors`, `plot`, `language`, `country`, `awards`, `poster`, `boxOffice`, `Website`, `Screenshots`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$rated}', '{$releaseDate}', '{$runtime}', '{$genre}', '{$director}', '{$writer}', '{$actors}', '{$plot}', '{$language}', '{$country}', '{$awards}', '{$poster}', '{$boxOffice}', '{$website}', '{$boxOffice}')"; $movieNameInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `moviename` (`movieId`, `name`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$title}')"; $imdbInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `imdb` (`movieId`, `metaCriticScore`, `imdbRating`, `imdbVotes`, `imdbID`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$metascore}', '{$imdbRating}', '{$imdbVotes}', '{$imdbID}')"; $linksInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `links` (`movieId`, `youtubeLink`, `imdbLink`, `tomatoLink`, `subtitleLink`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$youtubeLink}', '{$imdbLink}', '{$tomatoLink}','{$subtitleLink}')"; $tomatoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `tomato` (`movieId`,`tomatoMeter`, `tomatoImage`, `tomatoRating`, `tomatoReviews`, `tomatoFresh`, `tomatoRotten`, `tomatoUserMeter`,`tomatoUserRating`, `tomatoUserReviews`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$tomatoMeter}', '{$tomatoImage}', '{$tomatoRating}', '{$tomatoReviews}', '{$tomatoFresh}', '{$tomatoRotten}','{$tomatoUserMeter}', '{$tomatoUserRating}', '{$tomatoUserReviews}')"; mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); echo "info d "; mysqli_query($conn, $movieNameInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); echo "name d "; mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); echo "imdb d "; mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); echo "links d "; mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); echo "tomato d <br>"; }
function updateMovie() { set_time_limit(7200); require "../includes/connect.php"; require "../functions/string.php"; $selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM `imdb`"; $selectResult = mysqli_query($conn, $selectQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($selectResult)) { $movieId = $row['movieId']; //$movieId = "Dragonheart+3:+The+Sorcerer's+Curse"; $imdbID = $row['imdbID']; //$imdbID = "tt2974918"; //$movieId = "Alvin+and+the+Chipmunks:+The+Road+Chip"; echo "updating id :" . $imdbID . " "; if (IsEmpty($imdbID) || IsEmpty($movieId)) { continue; } $movieInfoQuery = "SELECT * FROM `movieinfo` WHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'"; //escape as id may have apostrophe $movieInfoResult = mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); $movieInfoRow = mysqli_fetch_array($movieInfoResult); //if(IsEmpty($movieInfoRow['movieId'])){ // continue; //} echo "getting omdb for " . $movieId . ", "; //@ to suppress warnings and notices... /*OMDB API -DOESNT EXIST FOR ALL MOVIES*/ $omdbXml = @simplexml_load_file("" . urlencode($movieId) . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true"); echo "omdb is" . urlencode($movieId) . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true , "; $poster = ""; $metascore = ""; $imdbRating = ""; $imdbVotes = ""; //$imdbID = ""; $runtime = ""; $plot = ""; $releaseDate = ""; $rated = ""; $genre = ""; $director = ""; $writer = ""; $language = ""; $country = ""; $actors = ""; $website = ""; $boxOffice = ""; $awards = ""; $tomatoMeter = ""; $tomatoImage = ""; $tomatoRating = ""; $tomatoReviews = ""; $tomatoFresh = ""; $tomatoRotten = ""; $tomatoUserMeter = ""; $tomatoUserRating = ""; $tomatoUserReviews = ""; $imdbLink = ""; //echo $omdbXml->attributes()->response; if (@$omdbXml->root['response'] == "False") { echo "movie not found in omdb"; // throw new Exception("Cannot load xml source.\n"); $poster = ""; $metascore = ""; $imdbRating = ""; $imdbVotes = ""; //$imdbID = ""; $runtime = ""; $plot = ""; $releaseDate = ""; $rated = ""; $genre = ""; $rated = ""; $genre = ""; $director = ""; $writer = ""; $language = ""; $country = ""; $actors = ""; $website = ""; $boxOffice = ""; $awards = ""; $tomatoMeter = ""; $tomatoImage = ""; $tomatoRating = ""; $tomatoReviews = ""; $tomatoFresh = ""; $tomatoRotten = ""; $tomatoUserMeter = ""; $tomatoUserRating = ""; $tomatoUserReviews = ""; $imdbLink = ""; } else { //$genre = $omdbXml->movie['genre']; $director = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['director'])); //$releaseDate = $omdbXml->movie['released']; $writer = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['writer'])); $language = @$omdbXml->movie['language']; $country = @$omdbXml->movie['country']; $actors = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['actors'])); $website = @$omdbXml->movie['Website']; $boxOffice = @$omdbXml->movie['boxOffice']; $awards = @$omdbXml->movie['awards']; //omdb tomato $tomatoMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoMeter']; $tomatoImage = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoImage']; $tomatoRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRating']; $tomatoReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoReviews']; $tomatoFresh = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoFresh']; $tomatoRotten = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRotten']; $tomatoUserMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserMeter']; $tomatoUserRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserRating']; $tomatoUserReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserReviews']; $metascore = @$omdbXml->movie['metascore']; $imdbRating = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbRating']; $imdbVotes = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbVotes']; //$imdbID = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbID']; $runtime = @$omdbXml->movie['runtime']; $plot = mysql_real_escape_string(@$omdbXml->movie['plot']); $releaseDate = @$omdbXml->movie['releaseDate']; $rated = @$omdbXml->movie['rated']; $genre = @$omdbXml->movie['genre']; $poster = @$omdbXml->movie['poster']; $imdbLink = ""; } $myApiFilmsUrl = "" . $imdbID . "&token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=json&language=en-us&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&trailer=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=0&movieVideos=0&actors=0&biography=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornAndDead=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&similarMovies=0"; //echo $myApiFilmsUrl."<br>"; $json = file_get_contents($myApiFilmsUrl); $data = json_decode($json, true); //true for array format //print_r($data); if (IsEmpty($plot)) { $plot = mysql_real_escape_string($data['data']['movies'][0]['plot']); } $imdbLink = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlIMDB']; if (IsEmpty($poster)) { $poster = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlPoster']; //$poster = ',0,214,317_AL_.jpg'; } //echo "poster is".IsEmpty($poster); if (!IsEmpty($poster)) { //download if (IsEmpty($movieInfoRow['poster'])) { echo "download poster for update<br>"; downloadPoster($movieId, $poster); } } //$plot = "plesase."; $subtitleLink = '' . $movieId; //cant find $tomatoLink = ""; $tmdbLink = ""; $youtubeLink = ""; echo " --inserting...-"; $movieInfoInsertQuery = "UPDATE `movieinfo` SET \n\t\t\t\trated = IF(LENGTH(rated)=0, '{$rated}', rated),\n\t\t\t\treleaseDate = IF(LENGTH(releaseDate)=0, '{$releaseDate}', releaseDate),\n\t\t\t\truntime = IF(LENGTH(runtime)=0, '{$runtime}', runtime),\n\t\t\t\tgenre = IF(LENGTH(genre)=0, '{$genre}', genre),\n\t\t\t\tdirector = IF(LENGTH(director)=0, '{$director}', director),\n\t\t\t\twriter = IF(LENGTH(writer)=0, '{$writer}', writer),\n\t\t\t\tactors = IF(LENGTH(actors)=0, '{$actors}', actors),\n\t\t\t\tplot = IF(LENGTH(plot)=0, '{$plot}', plot),\n\t\t\t\tlanguage = IF(LENGTH(language)=0, '{$language}', language),\n\t\t\t\tcountry = IF(LENGTH(country)=0, '{$country}', country),\n\t\t\t\tawards = IF(LENGTH(awards)=0, '{$awards}', awards),\n\t\t\t\tposter = IF(LENGTH(poster)=0, '{$poster}', poster),\n\t\t\t\tboxOffice = IF(LENGTH(boxOffice)=0, '{$boxOffice}', boxOffice),\n\t\t\t\tWebsite = IF(LENGTH(Website)=0, '{$website}', Website)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'"; echo $movieInfoInsertQuery; /*$movieInfoInsertQuery = "UPDATE `movieinfo` SET `rated` = IF(`rated` IS NULL, '$rated', `rated`), `releaseDate` = '$releaseDate', `runtime` = '$runtime', `genre` = '$genre', `director` = '$director', `writer` = '$writer', `actors` = '$actors', `plot` = '$plot', `language` = '$language', `country` = '$country', `awards` = '$awards', `poster` = '$poster', `boxOffice` = '$boxOffice', `Website` = '$website' WHERE `movieId = '$movieId'";*/ $tomatoInsertQuery = "UPDATE `tomato` SET \n\t\t\t\ttomatoMeter = '{$tomatoMeter}',\n\t\t\t\ttomatoImage = '{$tomatoImage}',\n\t\t\t\ttomatoRating = '{$tomatoRating}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoReviews = '{$tomatoReviews}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoFresh = '{$tomatoFresh}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoRotten = '{$tomatoRotten}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoUserMeter = '{$tomatoUserMeter}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoUserRating = '{$tomatoUserRating}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoUserReviews = '{$tomatoUserReviews}' \n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'"; $linksInsertQuery = "UPDATE `links` SET \n\t\t\t\timdbLink = '{$imdbLink}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'"; $imdbInsertQuery = "UPDATE `imdb` SET \n\t\t\t\tmetaCriticScore = '{$metascore}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'"; if (IsEmpty($movieInfoRow['poster'])) { $posterQuery = "UPDATE `movieinfo` SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\tposter = '{$poster}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'"; mysqli_query($conn, $posterQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); } if (!mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn)); } echo "movieinfo updated, "; if (!mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn)); } echo "tomato updated, "; if (!mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn)); } echo "links updated, "; if (!mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn)); } echo "imdb updated, "; echo "<br>"; /*mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery)or die(mysqli_error($conn)); mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery)or die(mysqli_error($conn)); mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery)or die(mysqli_error($conn));*/ } }
function getRecent() { require "../includes/connect.php"; //require("../functions/string.php"); /* find title of each recently released movie then put into omdb */ //xml /*<RESPONSE_DATA> <FILE_INFORMATION Order_Number="19222835"> response_data->file_information['Order_Number'] */ $xml = simplexml_load_file(""); //the "recently released" date $date = htmlentities($xml->data->movies->date); $trim = trim(str_replace(" ", "", $date)); $trim = str_replace(" ", "", $trim); //$rest = substr("abcdef", -1); // returns "f" $day = substr($trim, -2); $month = substr($trim, 0, 3); $year = date("Y"); //echo $date; global $formattedRecentDate; $formattedRecentDate = $day . " " . $month . " " . $year; //echo $formattedRecentDate; //store formatted date for use in recent.php so you dont have to keep calling api $newFileName = '../includes/recentDate.txt'; $appendContent = $formattedRecentDate; //If filename does not exist, the file is created. Otherwise, the existing file is overwritten, unless the FILE_APPEND flag is set. if (file_put_contents($newFileName, $appendContent) != false) { echo "File created (" . basename($newFileName) . ")"; } else { echo "Cannot create file (" . basename($newFileName) . ")"; } $zeroOrOne; //for($zeroOrOne=0; $zeroOrOne <=1; $zeroOrOne++){ for ($zeroOrOne = 0; $zeroOrOne <= 0; $zeroOrOne++) { //use this to skip first row (blank) $b = false; //movies[0] is the array for recently released, [1] is in theatres now foreach ($xml->data->movies[$zeroOrOne] as $movie) { if (!$b) { $b = true; continue; } //insert to omdb if not already found //rating is imdb rating $title = htmlentities($movie->title); echo $title . "<br>"; if (empty($title)) { continue; } //echo $title .'<br>'; $selectQuery = "SELECT movieId FROM moviename"; $selectResult = mysqli_query($conn, $selectQuery); $exists = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($selectResult)) { if (fuzzy_match($title, $row['movieId'])) { $exists = 1; break; } } if ($exists == 1) { if ($zeroOrOne == 1) { $movieId = str_replace(" ", "+", $title); $theatreInsertQurey = "INSERT INTO `intheatres` (`movieId`) VALUES ('{$movieId}')"; mysqli_query($conn, $theatreInsertQurey) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); } continue; } else { //print("not found"); //insert /*MYAPIFILMS*/ //format is 20151113 if ($zeroOrOne == 0) { $releaseDate = $formattedRecentDate; } else { if ($zeroOrOne == 1) { //format is 20151113 $releaseDate = $movie->releaseDate; $day = substr($releaseDate, -2); $monthNum = substr($releaseDate, 5, 6); $monthName = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthNum, 15)); $month = substr($monthName, 0, 3); $year = substr($releaseDate, 0, 4); $releaseDate = $day . " " . $month . " " . $year; } } //movieId $movieId = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, str_replace(" ", "+", $title)); //rated $rated = htmlentities($movie->rated); //runtime $runtime = htmlentities($movie->runtime); //plot $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities($movie->plot)); //poster $poster = $movie->urlPoster; echo $poster . "<br>"; //download downloadPoster($movieId, $poster); //imdblink $imdbLink = $movie->urlIMDB; $metascore = substr($movie->metascore, 0, -4); $imdbRating = $movie->rating; $imdbVotes = $movie->votes; $imdbID = $movie->idIMDB; try { //genre $genreList = ""; foreach ((array) $movie->genres->genre as $genre) { $temp = (string) $genre; $genreList = $genreList . $temp . " "; } $genreList = trim($genreList); $genre = $genreList; } catch (Exception $e) { //echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } if (IsEmpty($movieId)) { continue; } //@ to suppress warnings and notices... /*OMDB API -DOESNT EXIST FOR ALL MOVIES*/ $omdbXml = @simplexml_load_file("" . $movieId . "&y=" . $year . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true"); $director = ""; $writer = ""; $language = ""; $country = ""; $actors = ""; $website = ""; $boxOffice = ""; $awards = ""; $tomatoMeter = ""; $tomatoImage = ""; $tomatoRating = ""; $tomatoReviews = ""; $tomatoFresh = ""; $tomatoRotten = ""; $tomatoUserMeter = ""; $tomatoUserRating = ""; $tomatoUserReviews = ""; if (@$omdbXml->root['response'] == "False") { // throw new Exception("Cannot load xml source.\n"); $director = ""; $writer = ""; $language = ""; $country = ""; $actors = ""; $website = ""; $boxOffice = ""; $awards = ""; $tomatoMeter = ""; $tomatoImage = ""; $tomatoRating = ""; $tomatoReviews = ""; $tomatoFresh = ""; $tomatoRotten = ""; $tomatoUserMeter = ""; $tomatoUserRating = ""; $tomatoUserReviews = ""; } else { //$genre = $omdbXml->movie['genre']; $director = @$omdbXml->movie['director']; //$releaseDate = $omdbXml->movie['released']; $writer = @$omdbXml->movie['writer']; $language = @$omdbXml->movie['language']; $country = @$omdbXml->movie['country']; $actors = @$omdbXml->movie['actors']; $website = @$omdbXml->movie['Website']; $boxOffice = @$omdbXml->movie['boxOffice']; $awards = @$omdbXml->movie['awards']; //omdb tomato $tomatoMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoMeter']; $tomatoImage = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoImage']; $tomatoRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRating']; $tomatoReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoReviews']; $tomatoFresh = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoFresh']; $tomatoRotten = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRotten']; $tomatoUserMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserMeter']; $tomatoUserRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserRating']; $tomatoUserReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserReviews']; } $myApiFilmsUrl = "" . $imdbID . "&token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=json&language=en-us&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&trailer=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=0&movieVideos=0&actors=0&biography=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornAndDead=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&similarMovies=0"; $json = file_get_contents($myApiFilmsUrl); $data = json_decode($json, true); //true for array format if (IsEmpty($plot)) { $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $data['data']['movies'][0]['plot']); } $imdbLink = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlIMDB']; if (IsEmpty($poster)) { $poster = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlPoster']; } if (!IsEmpty($poster)) { //download downloadPoster($movieId, $poster); } $subtitleLink = '' . $movieId; //cant find $tomatoLink = ""; $tmdbLink = ""; $youtubeLink = ""; $movieInfoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `movieinfo` (`movieId`, `rated`, `releaseDate`, `runtime`, `genre`, `director`, `writer`, `actors`, `plot`, `language`, `country`, `awards`, `poster`, `boxOffice`, `Website`, `Screenshots`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$rated}', '{$releaseDate}', '{$runtime}', '{$genre}', '{$director}', '{$writer}', '{$actors}', '{$plot}', '{$language}', '{$country}', '{$awards}', '{$poster}', '{$boxOffice}', '{$website}', '{$boxOffice}')"; $movieNameInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `moviename` (`movieId`, `name`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$title}')"; $imdbInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `imdb` (`movieId`, `metaCriticScore`, `imdbRating`, `imdbVotes`, `imdbID`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$metascore}', '{$imdbRating}', '{$imdbVotes}', '{$imdbID}')"; $linksInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `links` (`movieId`, `youtubeLink`, `imdbLink`, `tomatoLink`, `subtitleLink`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$youtubeLink}', '{$imdbLink}', '{$tomatoLink}','{$subtitleLink}')"; $tomatoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `tomato` (`movieId`,`tomatoMeter`, `tomatoImage`, `tomatoRating`, `tomatoReviews`, `tomatoFresh`, `tomatoRotten`, `tomatoUserMeter`,`tomatoUserRating`, `tomatoUserReviews`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$tomatoMeter}', '{$tomatoImage}', '{$tomatoRating}', '{$tomatoReviews}', '{$tomatoFresh}', '{$tomatoRotten}','{$tomatoUserMeter}', '{$tomatoUserRating}', '{$tomatoUserReviews}')"; if ($zeroOrOne == 1) { $theatreInsertQurey = "INSERT INTO `intheatres` (`movieId`) VALUES ('{$movieId}')"; mysqli_query($conn, $theatreInsertQurey) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); } mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); mysqli_query($conn, $movieNameInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn)); } } } }