예제 #1
 * Send an html formatted email from a form.
 * @param $dbConn connection
 * @param $sql query. Must produce email1 and name, optional email2.
 * @param $fsubject subject
 * @param $body mail body
 * @param $sender sender email address
 * @param $sender_name sic.
 * and open the template in the editor.
function formMailer($dbConn, $sql, $fsubject, $body, $sender, $sender_name)
    $resultSet = $dbConn->Execute($sql);
    if ($resultSet === false) {
        $dbConn->log("<br>Cannot read mail data with <pre>" . $sql . "</pre> reason " . $dbConn->ErrorMsg() . "<br>");
    $recipients = "";
    $triggerSubject = 'You have mail at your fontys email address';
    $triggerBody = "See the subject. Read your mail" . " e.g. at <a href=\\'http://webmail.fontys.nl\\'>" . "http://webmail.fontys.nl</a><br/>Kind regards, the peerweb service.";
    $bodypostfix = "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    while (!$resultSet->EOF) {
        $headers = htmlmailheaders($sender, $sender_name, $email1, $tutor_email);
        $recipients .= "{$name} ({$email1})\n";
        // eval user created subject and body template
        $bodyprefix = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>' . $subject . '</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
        domail("{$name} <{$email1}>", $subject, $bodyprefix . $message . $bodypostfix, $headers);
    $headers = htmlmailheaders($sender, $sender_name, $sender, $tutor_email);
    domail($sender, 'your copy of mail ' . $subject, $bodyprefix . $message . "\n<br/><hr/>The above mail has been sent to the following recipients:\n<pre>\n" . $recipients . "</pre>\n" . $bodypostfix, $headers);
예제 #2
            echo 'Error: ' . $dbConn->ErrorMsg() . ' with <br/><pre>' . $sql . '</pre>';
        extract($resultSet->fields, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'author');
        $subject = 'You received feedback on one of your uploaded doucments at the peerweb';
        $body = "Dear {$author_roepnaam},\n\n" . "You received feedback on the document you uploaded to the peerweb.\n" . "Have a look at\n{$server_url}{$root_url}/upload_critique.php?doc_id={$doc_id}\nKind regards,\nThe peerweb service";
        $replyto = $jemail1;
        //	if ($isTutor)
        //  $replyto=$tutor_email;
        $headers = "From: peerweb@fontysvenlo.org\n" . "Reply-To: {$replyto}\n";
        $toAddress = $author_email1;
        domail($toAddress, $subject, $body, $headers);
        if (isset($author_email2)) {
            $subject = "You received an email at your fontys email address";
            $body = "Dear {$author_roepnaam},\n\n" . "You received an email at your fontys email address. Have a look.\n" . "Kind regards\nThe peerweb service";
            $toAddress = $author_email2;
            domail($toAddress, $subject, $body, $headers);
if (isset($_POST['doc_update'])) {
    $doc_title = pg_escape_string($_POST['doc_title']);
    // remove nasty tokens!
    $groupRead = isset($_POST['groupread']) ? 't' : 'f';
    $projectRead = isset($_POST['projectread']) ? 't' : 'f';
    $rights = '{' . $groupRead . ',' . $projectRead . '}';
    $doctype = $_POST['doctype'];
    $mime_type = $_POST['mime_type'];
    $new_prjtg_id = $_POST['new_prjtg_id'];
    $sql = "update uploads \n" . "set title='{$doc_title}'," . "\t rights='{$rights}', " . "\t doctype={$doctype}," . "\t mime_type=substr('{$mime_type}',1,64),\n " . "\t mime_type_long='{$mime_type}',\n" . "\t prjtg_id={$new_prjtg_id}\n " . "where upload_id={$doc_id}";
    $resultSet = $dbConn->execute($sql);
예제 #3
    $bodyprefix = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>' . $subject . '</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
    $message = $bodyprefix . $mailbody . "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    domail($toAddress, $subject, $message, $headers);
    // send author a copy, so he 'll know he is confirmed of sending the email.
    $recipients = htmlentities(preg_replace('/,/', ",\n", $toAddress));
    domail($replyto, $subject . ', your copy', $bodyprefix . $mailbody . "\n<br/><hr/>The above mail has been sent to the following recipients:\n<pre>" . $recipients . "\n</pre>\n" . "\n</body>\n</html>\n", $headers);
    if ($triggerList != '') {
        $subject = 'You have mail at your fontys email address';
        domail($triggerList, $subject, "See the subject.\n" . "One way to read your mail there is to visit " . "http://webmail.fontys.nl\n---\nKind Regards,\n Peerweb services", 'From: peerweb@fontysvenlo.org');
$prjSel->setJoin('milestone_grp using (prj_id,milestone)');
$prjList = $prjSel->getSelector();
$sql = "select * from student\n" . "where snummer={$peer_id}";
$resultSet = $dbConn->Execute($sql);
if ($resultSet === false) {
    print "error fetching judge data with {$sql} : " . $dbConn->ErrorMsg() . "<br/>\n";
if (!$resultSet->EOF) {
$page_opening = "Email to group members From: {$roepnaam} {$voorvoegsel} {$achternaam} <span style='font-family: courier'>&lt;{$email1}&gt;</span>";
$page = new PageContainer();
예제 #4
            $to_emails = array();
            while (!$resultSet3->EOF) {
                $to_emails[] = $email1;
                if (!in_array($tutor_email, $to_emails)) {
                    $to_emails[] = $tutor_email;
            $headers = "From: peerweb@fontysvenlo.org\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n";
            $reply_to = "Reply-To: peerweb@fontysvenlo.org";
            $toAddress = implode(', ', $to_emails);
            $headers .= $reply_to;
            domail($toAddress, $subject, $message, $headers);
            // no mail on personal docs.
    } else {
        $pp['uploadMessage'] = "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'>Upload failed, " . "possibly empty file ({$user_upload_path}) or Version limit ({$vesr} &gt; {$version_limit}) exceeded, file not uploaded</span><br/>\n";
//$dbConn->log("2 prj_id=$prj_id, milestone=$milestone\n");
$sql = "select description as name, doctype as value,rights \n" . "from uploaddocumenttypes udt join prj_milestone pm using(prj_id) join project_deliverables pd using(prjm_id,doctype)\n" . "where pm.prjm_id={$prjm_id} and version_limit > 0 order by due asc";
$resultSet = $dbConn->Execute($sql);
if ($resultSet === false) {
    print "error fetching document types with {$sql} : " . $dbConn->ErrorMsg() . "<br/>\n";
$preload = array('0' => array('name' => '&nbsp;', 'value' => '1:1'));
$pp['doctypeSelect'] = "<select name='doctype'>\n" . getOptionList($dbConn, $sql, $doctype) . "\n</select>\n";
// collect the rights in an array and pass it to javascript.