예제 #1
function docs_url($tree, $branch = false)
    // Get next branch
    if (!$branch) {
        $branch = current($tree);
    if ($branch['type'] === 'file') {
        return $branch['url'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($branch['tree'])) {
            return docs_url($branch['tree']);
        } else {
            // Try next folder...
            $branch = next($tree);
            if ($branch) {
                return docs_url($tree, $branch);
            } else {
                echo '<strong>Daux.io Config Error:</strong><br>Unable to find the first page in the /docs folder. Double check you have at least one file in the root of of the /docs folder. Also make sure you do not have any empty folders. Visit the docs to <a href="http://daux.io">learn more</a> about how the default routing works.';
예제 #2
파일: index.php 프로젝트: dongcheng/daux
profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of
liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this
software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
require_once 'libs/functions.php';
$options = get_options();
$tree = get_tree($options['docs_path'], $base_url);
// If a language is set in the config, rewrite urls based on the language
if (!isset($language) || $language === null) {
    $homepage_url = homepage_url($tree);
    $docs_url = docs_url($tree);
} else {
    $homepage_url = "/";
$docs_url = docs_url($tree);
$url_params = url_params();
if (count($options['languages']) > 0 && count($url_params) > 0 && strlen($url_params[0]) > 0) {
    $language = array_shift($url_params);
    $base_path = "docs/" . $language;
} else {
    $language = null;
    $base_path = "docs";
$tree = get_tree($base_path, $base_url, '', true, $language);
$page = load_page($tree, $url_params);
// If a timezone has been set in the config file, override the default PHP timezone for this application.
if (isset($options['timezone'])) {
// Redirect to docs, if there is no homepage
예제 #3
 function makePdf($data)
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     $isPromo2 = substr($data['professor']['nivel']['nome_nivel'], -1) > substr($data['progressao']['nome_nivel_seguinte'], -1) ? 'Promoção' : 'Progressão';
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     $this->pdf->SetTitleDoc(specialChars('ANEXO IV DA RESOLUÇÃO Nº 175-CONSAD, de 09 de novembro de 2015.'));
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     $this->pdf->BorderlessRow(array("", "II.", specialChars("Declaração de última progressão funcional expedida pelo SIGRH, quando houver;")));
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     $this->pdf->BorderlessRow(array("", "IV.", specialChars("Relatório de Avaliação De Desempenho Didático gerado pelo SIGAA;")));
     $this->pdf->BorderlessRow(array("", "V.", specialChars("Memorial, quando for o caso;")));
     $this->pdf->BorderlessRow(array("", "VI.", specialChars("Tese Acadêmica, quando for o caso;")));
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