function cid_lookup($phone) { $aptStr = " Apt:"; function do_the_row($inRow) { // for ticket or constituents data global $apartment, $misc; $outStr = $inRow['contact'] . ";"; // phone $outStr .= $inRow['phone'] . ";"; // phone $outStr .= $inRow['street'] . stripos($inRow['street'], " Apt:") ? "" : $apartment; // street and apartment - 3/13/10 $outStr .= $inRow['street'] . $apartment . ";"; // street and apartment - 3/13/10 $outStr .= $inRow['city'] . ";"; // city $outStr .= $inRow['state'] . ";"; // state $outStr .= ";"; // frm_zip - unused $outStr .= $inRow['lat'] . ";"; $outStr .= $inRow['lng'] . ";"; $outStr .= $misc . ";"; // possibly empty - 3/13/10 return $outStr; // end function do_the_row() } // collect constituent data this phone no. $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}constituents` WHERE `phone`= '{$phone}'\n\t\tOR `phone_2`= '{$phone}' OR `phone_3`= '{$phone}' OR `phone_4`= '{$phone}'\tLIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error("", 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); $cons_row = mysql_num_rows($result) == 1 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result)) : NULL; $apartment = is_null($cons_row) ? "" : $aptStr . $cons_row['apartment']; // note brackets $misc = is_null($cons_row) ? "" : $cons_row['miscellaneous']; $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `phone`= '{$phone}' ORDER BY `updated` DESC"; // 9/29/09 $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error("", 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); $ret = mysql_num_rows($result) . ";"; // hits - common to each return if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // build return string from newest incident data $row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result)); $ret .= do_the_row($row); } elseif (!is_null($cons_row)) { // 3/13/10 $ret .= do_the_row($cons_row); // otherwise use constituents data } else { // no priors or constituents - do WP $wp_key = get_variable("wp_key"); // 1/26/09 $url = "" . urlencode($phone) . ";api_key=" . $wp_key; if (isset($phone)) { // wp phone lookup $url = "" . urlencode($phone) . ";api_key=" . $wp_key; } $data = ""; if (function_exists("curl_init")) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } else { // not CURL if ($fp = @fopen($url, "r")) { while (!feof($fp) && strlen($data) < 9000) { $data .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); } else { print "-error 1"; // @fopen fails } } // target: "Arnold Shore;(410) 849-8721;1684 Anne Ct; Annapolis; MD;21401;lattitude;longitude; miscellaneous" if (!(strpos($data, "Invalid") > 0 || strpos($data, "Missing") > 0)) { $aryk[0] = "<wp:firstname>"; $aryk[1] = "<wp:lastname>"; $aryk[2] = "<wp:fullphone>"; $aryk[3] = "<wp:fullstreet>"; $aryk[4] = "<wp:city>"; $aryk[5] = "<wp:state>"; $aryk[6] = "<wp:zip>"; $aryk[7] = "<wp:latitude>"; $aryk[8] = "<wp:longitude>"; // dump($aryk); $aryv = array(9); // values // First Last;(123) 456-7890;1234 Name Ct, Where, NY 12345" $arys[0] = " "; // firstname $arys[1] = ";"; // lastname $arys[2] = ";"; // fullphone $arys[3] = ";"; // fullstreet $arys[4] = ";"; // city $arys[5] = ";"; // state $arys[6] = ";"; // zip $arys[7] = ";"; // latitude $arys[8] = ";"; // longitude $pos = 0; // for ($i = 0; $i < count($aryk); $i++) { $pos = strpos($data, $aryk[$i], $pos); if ($pos === false) { // bad $arys = ""; break; } $lhe = $pos + strlen($aryk[$i]); $rhe = strpos($data, "<", $lhe); $aryv[$i] = substr($data, $lhe, $rhe - $lhe); // substr ( string, start , length ) } // end for ($i...) // dump($aryv); if (!empty($arys)) { // 11/11/09 for ($i = 0; $i < count($aryk); $i++) { // append return string to match count $ret .= $aryv[$i] . $arys[$i]; // value + separator } // end for () unset($result); } } } // end no priors //dump($ret); return $ret; }
function cid_lookup($phone) { $aptStr = " Apt:"; function do_the_row($inRow, $source_id, $the_phone) { // for ticket or constituents data global $apartment, $misc; $outStr = $inRow['contact'] . ";"; // name $outStr .= extr_digits($the_phone) . ";"; // phone $outStr .= $inRow['street'] . stripos($inRow['street'], " Apt:") ? "" : $apartment; // street and apartment - 3/13/10 $outStr .= $inRow['street'] . $apartment . ";"; // street and apartment - 3/13/10 $outStr .= $inRow['city'] . ";"; // city $outStr .= $inRow['state'] . ";"; // state $outStr .= ";"; // frm_zip - unused $outStr .= $inRow['lat'] . ";"; $outStr .= $inRow['lng'] . ";"; $outStr .= $misc . ";"; // possibly empty - 3/13/10 $outStr .= $source_id . ";"; // return $outStr; // end function do the_row() } // collect constituent data this phone no. $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}constituents` WHERE `phone`= '{$phone}'\n\t\tOR `phone_2`= '{$phone}' OR `phone_3`= '{$phone}' OR `phone_4`= '{$phone}'\tLIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error("", 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); $cons_row = mysql_num_rows($result) == 1 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result)) : NULL; $apartment = is_null($cons_row) ? "" : $aptStr . $cons_row['apartment']; $misc = is_null($cons_row) ? "" : $cons_row['miscellaneous']; $source = 0; // none $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `phone`= '{$phone}' ORDER BY `updated` DESC"; // 9/29/09 $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error("", 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); $ret = mysql_num_rows($result) . ";"; // hits - common to each return if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // build return string from newest incident data $row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result)); $source_id = 1; // incidents $ret .= do_the_row($row, $source_id, $phone); } elseif (!is_null($cons_row)) { // 3/13/10 $source_id = 2; // constituents $ret .= do_the_row($cons_row, $source_id, $phone); // otherwise use constituents data } else { // no priors or constituents - do WP $source_id = 3; // wp $ret = get_wp_data($phone, $source_id, $phone); } // end no priors $ret .= ";" . $source; // add data source return $ret; // semicolon-separated string }
$apartment = is_null($cons_row) ? "" : $aptStr . $cons_row['apartment']; // note brackets $misc = is_null($cons_row) ? "" : $cons_row['miscellaneous']; $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `phone`= '{$phone}' ORDER BY `updated` DESC"; // 9/29/09 $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error("", 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__); $ret = mysql_affected_rows() . ";"; // common to each return //dump(mysql_affected_rows()); if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { // build return string from newest incident data $row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result)); $ret .= do_the_row($row); } elseif (!is_null($cons_row)) { // 3/13/10 $ret .= do_the_row($cons_row); // otherwise use constituents data } else { // no priors or constituents - do WP // dump(__LINE__); // if ((get_variable("locale") ==0) && ( $_SESSION['internet'])) { // 9/30/10 - USA only and if internet available - 7/6/10, 9/2/10 $wp_key = get_variable("wp_key"); // 1/26/09 $url = "" . urlencode($phone) . ";api_key=" . $wp_key; if (isset($phone)) { // wp phone lookup $url = "" . urlencode($phone) . ";api_key=" . $wp_key; } $data = ""; if (function_exists("curl_init")) { $ch = curl_init();