$subjectHTML = htmlspecialchars($subject); } switch ($do) { case 'login': exit(doLogin()); case 'logout': exit(doLogout()); case 'shell': nonce_check(); exit(shell_exec($_POST['cmd'])); case 'create': nonce_check(); exit(doCreate($_POST['f_name'], $_GET['f_type'], $path)); case 'upload': nonce_check(); exit(doUpload($path)); case 'chmod': nonce_check(); exit(doChmod($subject, $path, $_POST['mod'])); case 'extract': nonce_check(); exit(doExtract($subject, $path)); case 'readFile': exit(doReadFile($subject, $path)); case 'rename': nonce_check(); exit(doRename($subject, $path)); case 'delete': nonce_check(); exit(doDelete($subject, $path)); case 'saveEdit':
function uploadFiles(&$drive_service, &$client, &$configObj, &$UsersAFSObj) { foreach ($UsersAFSObj->fileList as $value) { $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " File path: " . $value->path . "\n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); // Make sure the file still exists in AFS if (!file_exists($value->path)) { array_push($UsersAFSObj->failedFiles, $value->path); $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Upload failed. File does not exist!" . "\n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); continue; } $parentFolderID = $UsersAFSObj->folderList[getParentFolder($value->path)]; $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Parent folder name: " . $value->path . "\n"; $logline = $logline . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Parent folder ID: " . $parentFolderID . "\n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); // If it couldn't find the parent folder's ID, skip this file if ($parentFolderID == null) { $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Upload failed. No parent ID for parent folder!" . "\n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); continue; } if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) { //Trade access token for refresh token if ($client->refreshToken($configObj->refreshToken) == null) { $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ": Using refresh token, access token granted. \n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); } else { $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ": Unable to obtain access token. \n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); } } //decides whether to do media or resumable upload and uploads file //1000 bytes is currently hardcoded as chunk size for resumable upload function //make a config file for the chunk size? $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Doing upload..." . "\n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); $results = doUpload($drive_service, $client, $value, $parentFolderID, $configObj); if ($results) { array_push($UsersAFSObj->failedFiles, $value->path); $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Failure" . "\n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); } else { ++$UsersAFSObj->numFilesUploaded; $logline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Success!" . "\n"; fwrite($configObj->logFile, $logline); } } }
$command = "ls"; } if ($command == "ls") { if (!isset($_SESSION["path"]) || $_SESSION["path"] == "") { $_SESSION["path"] = "/"; } if (isset($_REQUEST["path"])) { $_SESSION["path"] = @$_REQUEST["path"]; } listCurrentPath(); } else { if ($command == "upload") { printUploadFile(); } else { if ($command == "doupload") { doUpload(); } else { if ($command == "delete") { confirmDelete(); } else { if ($command == "dodelete") { doDelete(); } else { if ($command == "open") { openFile(); } else { if ($command == "mkdir") { printMkDir(); } else { if ($command == "domkdir") { doMkDir();
} else { if ($sessionid) { require_once DIR . '/vb/verticalresponse.php'; doConfirmUpload($sessionid); } } } // ######################## UPLOAD FILES ############################## if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'do_upload') { if (!$soap_installed) { print_cp_header($vbphrase['verticalresponse']); echo $vbphrase['no_soap_client_desc']; } else { if ($sessionid) { require_once DIR . '/vb/verticalresponse.php'; doUpload($sessionid); } } } print_cp_footer(); //This confirms the settings for upload of a list of members function doConfirmUpload($sessionid) { global $vbphrase, $vbulletin; global $_HIDDENFIELDS; //first let's make sure we have a valid session and valid list if (!$sessionid) { return; } $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('listname' => TYPE_STR, 'listid' => TYPE_UINT, 'do_percycle' => TYPE_UINT, 'user' => TYPE_ARRAY, 'profile' => TYPE_ARRAY, 'display' => TYPE_ARRAY_BOOL, 'orderby' => TYPE_STR, 'startat' => TYPE_UINT, 'serializedprofile' => TYPE_STR, 'serializeduser' => TYPE_STR, 'serializeddisplay' => TYPE_STR, 'condition' => TYPE_STR)); $client = new vB_VerticalResponse();
//FOR DEBUGGING only //FOR FINAL IMPLEMENTATION please comments below lines until "exit;" if(isset($temp_images)) foreach($temp_images as $ti) if(file_exists($ti)) unlink($ti); echo 'XML Created'; $mt_finish = microtime(); list($old_usec, $old_sec) = explode(' ',$mt_start); list($new_usec, $new_sec) = explode(' ',$mt_finish); $old_mt = ((float)$old_usec + (float)$old_sec); $new_mt = ((float)$new_usec + (float)$new_sec); $runtime = $new_mt - $old_mt; echo '<br />Run in '.$runtime.' seconds'; exit; */ if ($success) { if ($last_process_status == 'doupload') { $success = doUpload(); } elseif ($last_process_status == 'wait') { $messages_success .= "CAT XML File is succesfully appended with data!<br/>"; $messages_success .= "Total Products Left : " . ($total_pids_left - count($products)) . "<br/>"; $messages_success .= "Available Time : {$hour_available_left} hours<br/>"; } } else { if ($last_process_status == 'doupload') { $messages_error .= 'Can not save CAT XML File to server "temp folder", please contact administrator.<br/>'; } } //UPDATE SETTINGS FILE $handle = fopen($upload_settings_file, "r+"); fwrite($handle, "{$total_pids_taken_per_run}\n{$upload_status}\n{$process_runned}"); fclose($handle); //NECKERMANN.DE UPLOAD PROCESS END
cleanPath($path); ?> <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <?php // if CREATE is supported AND this is CREATE ... if (SUPPORT_CREATE && !strcasecmp($action, "create")) { // ... create the Folder doCreate($folder); } else { if (SUPPORT_DELETE && !strcasecmp($action, "delete")) { // ... delete the Folder/File doDelete($file); } else { if (SUPPORT_UPLOAD && !strcasecmp($action, "upload")) { // ... upload the Image doUpload(basename($name), $width, $height, $aspect); } } } // list the Path doList(); // emit the HTML echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n"; // if DELETE is supported ... if (SUPPORT_DELETE) { // ... emit the HTML echo "function deletePath(path) {\n"; echo " var lister = findAncestor(window.frameElement, '" . LISTER_NAME . "', '" . LISTER_TAG . "');\n\n"; echo " if(lister && confirm(\"Delete '\" + path + \"'?\"))\n"; echo " lister.contentWindow.navigate('" . scriptURL("lister.php?DPI=") . AGENT_DPI . "&action=delete&path=" . $base . "&file=" . "' + escape(path));\n"; echo "}\n\n";