$fileName = quote_smart($_FILES['imagen']['name'], $connection); $tmpName = $_FILES['imagen']['tmp_name']; $fileSize = quote_smart($_FILES['imagen']['size'], $connection); $fileType = quote_smart($_FILES['imagen']['type'], $connection); $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName)); $content = addslashes($content); fclose($fp); $insertTicket = "INSERT INTO INSTANT_WIN (descripcion, mensaje, inicio, fin, name, type, size, content) \r\n\t\t\tVALUES ({$descripcion}, {$mensaje}, {$inicio}, {$fin}, {$fileName}, {$fileType}, {$fileSize}, '{$content}')"; $res = mysql_query($insertTicket, $connection); // or die ("Error en insert ".mysql_error()."\n".$query); mysql_close($connection); header("Location: boPremiosInstantaneos.php"); } else { $query = "SELECT IW.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(IW.FIN) FIN_UNIX, TI.ticket, SU.id systemUserID, SU.nombre, SU.apellido\r\n\t\tFROM INSTANT_WIN IW \r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN TICKETS TI ON (IW.ticketID = TI.id) \t\t\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN SYSTEMUSER SU ON (TI.systemUserID = SU.id) \r\n\t\tORDER BY IW.inicio"; $res = doSelect($query); ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Finca Las Moras - Premia tu forma de disfrutar la vida - BACKOFFICE</title> <meta name="keywords" content="Vino, Tinto, Blanco, Finca Las Moras, Beber con moderaci�n" /> <meta name="description" content="Finca Las Moras recompensa tu forma de disfrutar la vida" /> <meta name="AUTHOR" content="That Day in London - Agencia Interactiva & Dise�o - para Publiquest" /> <link rel="icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="icon"/> <!-- Contact Form CSS files --> <link type='text/css' href='css/tdil.css' rel='stylesheet' media='screen' /> <style> #content #page { width: 850px; padding: 0px;
/** * * * @param unknown $queryType */ function doQuery($queryType) { global $currentTag; global $BBox; global $tables; global $fields; global $values; global $wheres; global $filters; global $limits; global $disjoints; global $resultType; global $notDisjoints; global $disjointCoords; global $notDisjointCoords; global $WKTfilters; global $filterPropertyNames; global $postgisObject; global $srs; global $useWktToGmlInPHP; global $postgisschema; global $tableObj; global $timeSlice; global $user; global $parentUser; global $layerObj; global $dbSplit; global $fieldConfArr; global $geometryColumnsObj; if (!$srs) { makeExceptionReport("You need to specify a srid in the URL."); } switch ($queryType) { case "Select": foreach ($tables as $table) { $HTTP_FORM_VARS["TYPENAME"] = $table; include_once "inc/http_basic_authen_subuser.php"; $tableObj = new table($postgisschema . "." . $table); $primeryKey = $tableObj->getPrimeryKey($postgisschema . "." . $table); $fieldConfArr = (array) json_decode($geometryColumnsObj->getValueFromKey("{$postgisschema}.{$table}.the_geom", "fieldconf")); $sql = "SELECT "; if ($resultType != "hits") { if (!empty($fields[$table])) { $fields[$table] = substr($fields[$table], 0, strlen($fields[$table]) - 1); $fieldsArr[$table] = explode(",", $fields[$table]); } else { foreach ($postgisObject->getMetaData($table) as $key => $value) { if ($key != $primeryKey['attname']) { $fieldsArr[$table][] = $key; } } } // We add "" around field names in sql, so sql keywords don't mess things up foreach ($fieldsArr[$table] as $key => $value) { $fieldsArr[$table][$key] = "\"{$value}\""; } $sql = $sql . implode(",", $fieldsArr[$table]) . ",\"{$primeryKey['attname']}\" as fid"; foreach ($tableObj->metaData as $key => $arr) { if ($arr['type'] == "geometry") { if ($useWktToGmlInPHP) { $sql = str_replace("\"{$key}\"", "public.ST_AsText(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $key . "\"," . $srs . ")) as " . $key, $sql); } else { $sql = str_replace("\"{$key}\"", "ST_AsGml(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $key . "\"," . $srs . ")) as " . $key, $sql); } $sql2 = "SELECT public.ST_Xmin(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $key . "\",{$srs}))) AS TXMin,public.ST_Xmax(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $key . "\",{$srs}))) AS TXMax, public.ST_Ymin(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $key . "\",{$srs}))) AS TYMin,public.ST_Ymax(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $key . "\",{$srs}))) AS TYMax "; } if ($arr['type'] == "bytea") { $sql = str_replace("\"{$key}\"", "encode(\"" . $key . "\",'escape') as " . $key, $sql); } } } else { $sql .= "count(*) as count"; } $from = " FROM {$postgisschema}.{$table}"; if ($tableObj->versioning && $timeSlice != false && $timeSlice != "all") { $from .= ",(SELECT gc2_version_gid as _gc2_version_gid,max(gc2_version_start_date) as max_gc2_version_start_date from {$postgisschema}.{$table} where gc2_version_start_date <= '{$timeSlice}' GROUP BY gc2_version_gid) as gc2_join"; } if (!empty($BBox) || !empty($wheres[$table]) || !empty($filters[$table])) { $from .= " WHERE "; $wheresFlag = true; } if (!empty($wheres[$table])) { $from .= "(" . $wheres[$table] . ")"; } if ($tableObj->versioning && $timeSlice != "all") { if (!$wheresFlag) { $from .= " WHERE "; } else { $from .= " AND "; } if (!$timeSlice) { $from .= "gc2_version_end_date is null"; } else { $from .= "gc2_join._gc2_version_gid = gc2_version_gid AND gc2_version_start_date = gc2_join.max_gc2_version_start_date"; } } if ($tableObj->workflow && $parentUser == false) { $roleObj = $layerObj->getRole($postgisschema, $table, $user); $role = $roleObj["data"][$user]; switch ($role) { case "author": $from .= " AND (gc2_status = 3 OR gc2_workflow @> 'author => {$user}')"; break; case "reviewer": $from .= ""; break; case "publisher": $from .= ""; break; default: $from .= " AND (gc2_status = 3)"; break; } } //die($from); if (!empty($BBox) || !empty($wheres[$table])) { //$from =dropLastChrs($from, 5); //$from.=")"; } if (!empty($limits[$table])) { //$from .= " LIMIT " . $limits[$table]; } //die($sql.$from); doSelect($table, $sql, $sql2, $from); } break; default: break; } }
/** * * * @param unknown $queryType */ function doQuery($queryType) { global $currentTag; global $BBox; global $tables; global $fields; global $values; global $wheres; global $filters; global $limits; global $disjoints; global $notDisjoints; global $disjointCoords; global $notDisjointCoords; global $WKTfilters; global $filterPropertyNames; global $postgisObject; global $srs; global $useWktToGmlInPHP; global $postgisschema; global $tableObj; global $fieldConfArr; global $geometryColumnsObj; if (!$srs) { makeExceptionReport("You need to specify a srid in the URL."); } switch ($queryType) { case "Select": foreach ($tables as $table) { $tableObj = new table($postgisschema . "." . $table); $primeryKey = $tableObj->getPrimeryKey($postgisschema . "." . $table); $fieldConfArr = (array) json_decode($geometryColumnsObj->getValueFromKey("{$postgisschema}.{$table}.the_geom", "fieldconf")); $sql = "SELECT "; if (!empty($fields[$table])) { $fields[$table] = substr($fields[$table], 0, strlen($fields[$table]) - 1); $fieldsArr[$table] = explode(",", $fields[$table]); } else { foreach ($postgisObject->getMetaData($table) as $key => $value) { if ($key != $primeryKey['attname']) { $fieldsArr[$table][] = $key; } } } // We add "" around field names in sql, so sql keywords don't mess things up foreach ($fieldsArr[$table] as $key => $value) { $fieldsArr[$table][$key] = "\"{$value}\""; } $sql = $sql . implode(",", $fieldsArr[$table]) . ",{$primeryKey['attname']} as fid"; foreach ($tableObj->metaData as $key => $arr) { if ($arr['type'] == "geometry") { if ($useWktToGmlInPHP) { $sql = str_replace("\"{$key}\"", "public.ST_AsText(public.ST_Transform(" . $key . "," . $srs . ")) as " . $key, $sql); } else { $sql = str_replace("\"{$key}\"", "ST_AsGml(public.ST_Transform(" . $key . "," . $srs . ")) as " . $key, $sql); } $sql2 = "SELECT public.ST_Xmin(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(" . $key . ",{$srs}))) AS TXMin,public.ST_Xmax(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(" . $key . ",{$srs}))) AS TXMax, public.ST_Ymin(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(" . $key . ",{$srs}))) AS TYMin,public.ST_Ymax(public.ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(" . $key . ",{$srs}))) AS TYMax "; } } $from = " FROM {$postgisschema}.{$table}"; if (!empty($BBox) || !empty($wheres[$table]) || !empty($filters[$table])) { $from .= " WHERE "; } if (!empty($wheres[$table])) { $from .= "(" . $wheres[$table] . ")"; // White spaces HAS TO BE THERE } if (!empty($BBox) || !empty($wheres[$table])) { //$from =dropLastChrs($from, 5); //$from.=")"; } if (!empty($limits[$table])) { //$from .= " LIMIT " . $limits[$table]; } doSelect($table, $sql, $sql2, $from); } break; default: break; } }
} echo "<div class='g'></div>\n"; echo divClass("prefconflict", "hotradiorelation"); doRadio('a', 'prefconflict', 'Assign conflicts when PC members have review preferences of −100 or less'); echo "</div>\n"; echo divClass("lead", "hotradiorelation"); doRadio('a', 'lead', 'Assign discussion lead from reviewers, preferring '); doSelect('leadscore', $scoreselector); echo "</div>\n"; echo divClass("shepherd", "hotradiorelation"); doRadio('a', 'shepherd', 'Assign shepherd from reviewers, preferring '); doSelect('shepherdscore', $scoreselector); echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div class='g'></div>", divClass("clear", "hotradiorelation"); doRadio('a', 'clear', 'Clear all '); doSelect('cleartype', array(REVIEW_PRIMARY => "primary", REVIEW_SECONDARY => "secondary", REVIEW_PC => "optional", "conflict" => "conflict", "lead" => "discussion lead", "shepherd" => "shepherd")); echo " assignments for selected papers and PC members"; echo "<div class='g'></div>", divClass("discorder", "hotradiorelation"); doRadio("a", "discorder", "Create discussion order in tag #"); echo Ht::entry("discordertag", get($Qreq, "discordertag", "discuss"), array("size" => 12, "onfocus" => 'autosub(false,this)')), ", grouping papers with similar PC conflicts</div>"; echo "</div>\n"; // PC echo "<h3>PC members</h3><table><tr><td class=\"nw\">"; doRadio("pctyp", "all", ""); echo "</td><td>", Ht::label("Use entire PC", "pctyp_all"), "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=\"nw\">"; doRadio('pctyp', 'sel', ''); echo "</td><td>", Ht::label("Use selected PC members:", "pctyp_sel"), " (select "; $pctyp_sel = array(array("all", 1, "all"), array("none", 0, "none")); $pctags = pcTags(); if (count($pctags)) {