function nxs_doPublishToLI($postID, $options) { global $nxs_gCookiesArr; $ntCd = 'LI'; $ntCdL = 'li'; $ntNm = 'LinkedIn'; //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToLI', array($postID, $options)); $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#000058">LinkedIn</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } // prr($options); if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $msgT = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle; $link = home_url(); $msg = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle . " " . $link; $isAttachLI = ''; $title = $blogTitle; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $liMsgFormat = $options['liMsgFormat']; $msg = nsFormatMessage($liMsgFormat, $postID); $msgT = nsFormatMessage($options['liMsgFormatT'], $postID); $link = get_permalink($postID); $isAttachLI = $options['liAttch']; $title = nsTrnc($post->post_title, 200); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title; $msgT = nsTrnc($msgT, 200); if ($isAttachLI == '1') { $src = nxs_getPostImage($postID); $dsc = trim(apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_excerpt)); if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); } $dsc = strip_tags($dsc); $dsc = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($dsc); $dsc = nxs_html_to_utf8($dsc); $dsc = nsTrnc($dsc, 300); } $msg = nxs_html_to_utf8($msg); $msgT = nxs_html_to_utf8($msgT); if (function_exists("doConnectToLinkedIn") && $options['ulName'] != '' && $options['uPass'] != '') { $auth = doConnectToLinkedIn($options['ulName'], $options['uPass'], $options['ii']); if ($auth !== false) { die($auth); } $to = $options['uPage'] != '' ? $options['uPage'] : ''; $lnk = array(); $msg = str_ireplace(' ', ' ', $msg); $msg = nsTrnc(strip_tags($msg), 700); if ($postID == '0') { $lnk['title'] = get_bloginfo('name'); $lnk['desc'] = get_bloginfo('description'); $lnk['url'] = home_url(); } else { if ($isAttachLI == '1') { $lnk['title'] = nsTrnc(strip_tags($post->post_title), 200); $lnk['postTitle'] = $msgT; $lnk['desc'] = $dsc; $lnk['url'] = get_permalink($postID); $lnk['img'] = $src; } } //prr($msg); $ret = doPostToLinkedIn($msg, $lnk, $to); $liPostID = $options['uPage']; } else { require_once 'apis/liOAuth.php'; $linkedin = new nsx_LinkedIn($options['liAPIKey'], $options['liAPISec']); $linkedin->oauth_verifier = $options['liOAuthVerifier']; $linkedin->request_token = new nsx_trOAuthConsumer($options['liOAuthToken'], $options['liOAuthTokenSecret'], 1); $linkedin->access_token = new nsx_trOAuthConsumer($options['liAccessToken'], $options['liAccessTokenSecret'], 1); $msg = nsTrnc($msg, 700); if ($options['grpID'] != '') { try { // prr($msgT); prr($msg); prr($options['grpID']); prr($src); prr($dsc); $purl = get_permalink($postID); prr($purl); if ($isAttachLI == '1') { $ret = $linkedin->postToGroup($msg, $msgT, $options['grpID'], get_permalink($postID), $src, $dsc); } else { $ret = $linkedin->postToGroup($msg, $msgT, $options['grpID']); } $liPostID = '' . $options['grpID']; } catch (Exception $o) { nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . "Linkedin Status couldn't be updated! - " . print_r($o, true)); $ret = "ERROR:" . print_r($o, true); } } else { try { if ($isAttachLI == '1') { $ret = $linkedin->postShare($msg, nsTrnc($post->post_title, 200), get_permalink($postID), $src, $dsc); } else { $ret = $linkedin->postShare($msg); } } catch (Exception $o) { nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . "<br/>Linkedin Status couldn't be updated! - " . print_r($o, true)); $ret = "ERROR:" . print_r($o, true); } } //$liPostID = $linkedin->getCurrentShare(); prr($liPostID); if ($liPostID == '') { $liPostID = $options['liUserInfo']; } } if (stripos($ret, 'update-url') !== false) { $liPostID = CutFromTo($ret, '<update-url>', '</update-url>'); $ret = '201'; } if ($ret != '201') { if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { if ($postID == '0') { echo 'OK - Linkedin status updated successfully'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, 'LI', $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $liPostID, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } if ($ret == '201') { return true; } else { return 'Something Wrong'; } }
function doPostToNT($options, $message) { $badOut = array('postID' => '', 'isPosted' => 0, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Error' => ''); $liPostID = ''; //## Check settings if (!is_array($options)) { $badOut['Error'] = 'No Options'; return $badOut; } if ((!isset($options['ulName']) || trim($options['uPass']) == '') && empty($options['liOAuthVerifier'])) { $badOut['Error'] = 'Not Configured'; return $badOut; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } if (empty($options['liMsgFormatT'])) { $options['liMsgFormatT'] = '%TITLE%'; } //## Format if (!empty($message['pText'])) { $msg = $message['pText']; } else { $msg = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['liMsgFormat'], $message); } if (!empty($message['pTitle'])) { $msgT = $message['pTitle']; } else { $msgT = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['liMsgFormatT'], $message); } if ($options['liAttch'] == '1') { if (isset($message['imageURL'])) { $imgURL = trim(nxs_getImgfrOpt($message['imageURL'], $options['imgSize'])); } else { $imgURL = ''; } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } if (!empty($message['urlDescr'])) { $dsc = $message['urlDescr']; } else { $dsc = $msg; } $dsc = strip_tags($dsc); $dsc = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($dsc); $dsc = nxs_html_to_utf8($dsc); $dsc = nsTrnc($dsc, 300); } $msg = strip_tags($msg); $msg = nxs_html_to_utf8($msg); $msgT = nxs_html_to_utf8($msgT); $urlToGo = $message['url']; if (function_exists("doConnectToLinkedIn") && $options['ulName'] != '' && $options['uPass'] != '') { $dusername = $options['ulName']; $pass = substr($options['uPass'], 0, 5) == 'n5g9a' ? nsx_doDecode(substr($options['uPass'], 5)) : $options['uPass']; // ??? Do we need that?????? $auth = doConnectToLinkedIn($options['ulName'], $options['uPass'], $options['ii']); if ($auth != false) { $badOut['Error'] .= "|Auth Error - " . $auth; return $badOut; } $to = $options['uPage'] != '' ? $options['uPage'] : ''; $lnk = array(); $msg = str_ireplace(' ', ' ', $msg); $msg = nsTrnc(strip_tags($msg), 700); if ($options['liAttch'] == '1') { $lnk['title'] = $message['urlTitle']; $lnk['postTitle'] = $msgT; $lnk['desc'] = $message['urlDescr']; $lnk['url'] = $urlToGo; $lnk['img'] = $imgURL; } $ret = doPostToLinkedIn($msg, $lnk, $to); $liPostID = $options['uPage']; } else { if ($options['isV2']) { //## V2 if ($options['grpID'] != '') { try { if ($msgT == '') { $msgT = ' '; } if ($options['liAttch'] == '1') { $ret = $this->postToGroup($options['liAccessToken'], $msg, $msgT, $options['grpID'], str_replace('&', '&', $urlToGo), $imgURL, $dsc); } else { $ret = $this->postToGroup($options['liAccessToken'], $msg, $msgT, $options['grpID']); } $liPostID = '' . $options['grpID']; } catch (Exception $o) { $ret = "ERROR: " . print_r($o, true); } } else { //echo $msg ."|". nsTrnc($msgT, 200) ."|". $urlToGo ."|". $imgURL ."|". $dsc; if ($options['liAttch'] == '1') { $ret = $this->postShare($options['liAccessToken'], $msg, nsTrnc($msgT, 200), str_replace('&', '&', $urlToGo), $imgURL, $dsc); } else { $ret = $this->postShare($options['liAccessToken'], $msg); } } } else { //## V1 require_once 'apis/liOAuth.php'; $linkedin = new nsx_LinkedIn($options['liAPIKey'], $options['liAPISec']); $linkedin->oauth_verifier = $options['liOAuthVerifier']; $linkedin->request_token = new nsx_trOAuthConsumer($options['liOAuthToken'], $options['liOAuthTokenSecret'], 1); $linkedin->access_token = new nsx_trOAuthConsumer($options['liAccessToken'], $options['liAccessTokenSecret'], 1); $msg = nsTrnc($msg, 700); //prr($urlToGo); $urlToGo = urlencode($urlToGo); prr($urlToGo); die(); if ($options['grpID'] != '') { try { if ($msgT == '') { $msgT = ' '; } if ($options['liAttch'] == '1') { $ret = $linkedin->postToGroup($msg, $msgT, $options['grpID'], str_replace('&', '&', $urlToGo), $imgURL, $dsc); } else { $ret = $linkedin->postToGroup($msg, $msgT, $options['grpID']); } $liPostID = '' . $options['grpID']; if ($ret == '201') { $ret = array('updateUrl' => $liPostID); } } catch (Exception $o) { $ret = "ERROR: " . print_r($o, true); } } else { //echo $msg ."|". nsTrnc($msgT, 200) ."|". $urlToGo ."|". $imgURL ."|". $dsc; try { if ($options['liAttch'] == '1') { $ret = $linkedin->postShare($msg, nsTrnc($msgT, 200), str_replace('&', '&', $urlToGo), $imgURL, $dsc); } else { $ret = $linkedin->postShare($msg); } } catch (Exception $o) { $ret = "ERROR:" . print_r($o, true); } } } if ($liPostID == '') { $liPostID = $options['liUserInfo']; } } // prr($ret); if (!is_array($ret) && stripos($ret, '<update-url>') !== false) { $rurl = CutFromTo($ret, '<update-url>', '</update-url>'); $ret = array('updateUrl' => $rurl); } if (is_array($ret) && !empty($ret['updateUrl'])) { if (stripos($ret['updateUrl'], 'topic=') !== false) { $liPostID = CutFromTo($ret['updateUrl'], 'topic=', '&'); } else { $liPostID = ''; } return array('isPosted' => '1', 'postID' => $liPostID, 'postURL' => $ret['updateUrl'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } else { $badOut['Error'] .= print_r($ret, true); } return $badOut; }