$b = array(); $b['w040 tac'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="checkall" />'; $b['w080 tac'] = 'Period'; $b['w100 tac'] = 'Filesize'; $btab[] = $b; foreach ($files as $filename => $filesize) { $file_split = explode('-', $filename); $period_year = substr($file_split[1], 0, 4); $period_month = substr($file_split[1], 4, 2); $period_fileformat = $period_year . $period_month; $period_displayformat = "{$period_month}.{$period_year}"; $cbid = 'bu-' . $period_fileformat; $b = array(); $b['w040 tac'] = '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $cbid . '" value="' . $period_displayformat . '"' . (in_array($period_fileformat, $payone_period) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' />'; $b['w080 tac'] = '<label for="' . $cbid . '">' . $period_displayformat . '</label>'; $b['w100 tac'] = '<label for="' . $cbid . '">' . displayFileSize($filesize) . '</label>'; $btab[] = $b; } $backup_table = '<h3>Backup Data</h3>'; $backup_table .= tep_draw_table('tbl-backup', $btab); if ($_SESSION['payone-log-backup']['show-all']) { $showall_button = '<input type="button" id="showall" value="Show Recent" title="Click here to show only ' . $max_backup_data . ' most recent backup data" />'; } else { $showall_button = '<input type="button" id="showall" value="Show All" title="By default system show only ' . $max_backup_data . ' most recent backup data, click here to show all backup data" />'; } $backup_table .= '<div class="buttons-left"><input type="button" id="restore" value="Restore" title="Restore selected backup period to existing data" /> ' . $showall_button . '</div>'; } $tables = '<div style="float:left;">' . $existing_table . '</div>'; $tables .= '<div style="margin-left:280px;">' . $backup_table . '</div>'; echo utf8_encode($tables); exit;
} if ($total_zipfiles > 0) { $zip_count = 0; foreach ($zip_filenames as $zf) { $zip_file = SP_LAZADAID_TEMP_IMAGE_DIR . $zf; if (is_file($zip_file)) { $zip_count++; $count_text = $total_zipfiles > 1 ? " ({$zip_count})" : ''; $filesize = filesize($zip_file); $link = '../print/print-file.php?type=laid-uploadimgs&fn=' . $zf; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<a class="dl-icon" href="' . $link . '" target="_blank"></a>'; $result .= ' <a class="dl-text" href="' . $link . '" target="_blank">Download Products Images Zip' . $count_text . '</a>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '<td style="padding-top:8px;text-align:right;">' . displayFileSize($filesize) . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } } } $result .= '</table>'; //echo '<div style="margin-top:20px;"><input id="amvd-download-all" type="button" value="Download All Files" /></div>'; echo utf8_encode($result); exit; } } $content .= '<div id="download-div"></div>'; $title = 'CSV generator for Lazada ID'; $javascript = ' var pids = top.window.$("#hid-products-id").val(); postAction = function() {
} if ($total_zipfiles > 0) { $zipcount = 0; foreach ($zip_filenames as $zf) { $zip_file = SP_AMAZONVD_UPLOAD_PATH . $zf; if (is_file($zip_file)) { $zipcount++; $count_text = $total_zipfiles > 1 ? " ({$zipcount})" : ''; $filesize = filesize($zip_file); $link = 'print/print-file.php?type=amvde-uploadimgs&fn=' . $zf; $content .= '<tr>'; $content .= '<td>'; $content .= '<a class="dl-icon" href="' . $link . '" target="_blank"></a>'; $content .= ' <a class="dl-text" href="' . $link . '" target="_blank">Download Products Images Zip' . $count_text . '</a>'; $content .= '</td>'; $content .= '<td' . $fsstyle . '>' . displayFileSize($filesize) . '</td>'; $content .= '</tr>'; } } } $content .= '</table>'; $content .= '<div style="margin-top:20px;"><input id="amvd-download-all" type="button" value="Download All Files" /></div>'; $javascript .= ' $("#amvd-download-all").click(function() { $("a.dl-icon").each(function() { window.open($(this).attr("href")); }); }); '; //AMAZON VENDOR UPLOAD PROCESS END } elseif ($jng_sp_id == '1001') { /////////////////////////////////////// // LAZADA INDONESIA UPLOAD PROCESS //