/* # Pelaporan case 'C01_proyeksi_penagihan' : die_mod('COP01'); die_ha('COP01', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_ppjb/daftar_ppjb_setup.php');break; case 'C01_umur_piutang' : die_mod('COP02'); die_ha('COP02', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_belum_ppjb/daftar_belum_ppjb_setup.php');break; case 'C01_spp_lunas_tahunan' : die_mod('COP07'); die_ha('COP07', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_ppjb/daftar_ppjb_setup.php');break; case 'C01_pembebasan_denda' : die_mod('COP03'); die_ha('COP03', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_belum_ppjb/daftar_belum_ppjb_setup.php');break; case 'C01_pembatalan_spp' : die_mod('COP04'); die_ha('COP04', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_ppjb/daftar_ppjb_setup.php');break; case 'C01_status_surat_penagihan' : die_mod('COP05'); die_ha('COP05', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_belum_ppjb/daftar_belum_ppjb_setup.php');break; case 'C01_laporan_tanda_jadi' : die_mod('COP06'); die_ha('COP06', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_ppjb/daftar_ppjb_setup.php');break; case 'C01_laporan_lain_lain' : die_mod('COP06'); die_ha('COP06', 'R'); include('ppjb/laporan/daftar_belum_ppjb/daftar_belum_ppjb_setup.php');break; */ # Lain-lain case 'C01_parameter_program': die_mod('COL01'); die_ha('COL01', 'R'); include 'collection_tunai/lain/parameter/parameter_setup.php'; break; case 'C01_registrasi_user': die_mod('COL02'); die_ha('COL02', 'R'); include 'collection_tunai/lain/registrasi_user/users_setup.php'; break; case 'C01_nomor_surat': die_mod('COL03'); die_ha('COL03', 'R'); include 'collection_tunai/lain/nomor_surat/nomor_surat_setup.php'; break; case 'C01_spp_tidak_valid': include 'collection_tunai/lain/spp_tidak_valid/spp_tidak_valid_setup.php'; break; }
<?php require_once '../../../../config/config.php'; die_login(); die_app('M'); die_mod('M30'); die_ha('M30', 'R'); $conn = conn($sess_db); die_conn($conn); $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? clean($_REQUEST['id']) : ''; ?> <table class="t-data w100"> <tr> <th>NO.</th> <th>KODE BLOK</th> <th>NAMA CALON PEMBELI</th> <th>TANGGAL RESERVE</th> <th>BERLAKU SAMPAI</th> </tr> <?php $query = "\n\tSELECT *\n\tFROM \n\t\tRESERVE\n\tWHERE KODE_BLOK = '{$id}'\n\tORDER BY TANGGAL_RESERVE\n\t"; $obj = $conn->execute($query); $i = 1; while (!$obj->EOF) { ?> <tr class="onclick" id="<?php echo $id; ?> ">
<?php require_once '../../../../../config/config.php'; die_login(); die_app('M'); die_mod('M28'); die_ha('M28', 'R'); $conn = conn($sess_db); die_conn($conn); $per_page = isset($_REQUEST['per_page']) ? max(1, $_REQUEST['per_page']) : 20; $page_num = isset($_REQUEST['page_num']) ? max(1, $_REQUEST['page_num']) : 1; $s_opf1 = isset($_REQUEST['s_opf1']) ? clean($_REQUEST['s_opf1']) : ''; $s_opv1 = isset($_REQUEST['s_opv1']) ? clean($_REQUEST['s_opv1']) : ''; $status_otorisasi = isset($_REQUEST['status_otorisasi']) ? clean($_REQUEST['status_otorisasi']) : ''; $tombol = isset($_REQUEST['tombol']) ? clean($_REQUEST['tombol']) : ''; $nama_tombol = isset($_REQUEST['nama_tombol']) ? clean($_REQUEST['nama_tombol']) : ''; $query_search = ''; if ($status_otorisasi == 0) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '0' AND TERJUAL = '0' "; } else { if ($status_otorisasi == 1) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '1' AND TERJUAL = '0' "; } else { if ($status_otorisasi == 2) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '1' AND TERJUAL = '1' "; } else { if ($status_otorisasi == 3) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '1' AND TERJUAL = '2' "; } } }
<?php require_once '../../../../../config/config.php'; die_login(); die_app('M'); die_mod('M29'); die_ha('M29', 'R'); $conn = conn($sess_db); die_conn($conn); $per_page = isset($_REQUEST['per_page']) ? max(1, $_REQUEST['per_page']) : 20; $page_num = isset($_REQUEST['page_num']) ? max(1, $_REQUEST['page_num']) : 1; $s_opf1 = isset($_REQUEST['s_opf1']) ? clean($_REQUEST['s_opf1']) : ''; $s_opv1 = isset($_REQUEST['s_opv1']) ? clean($_REQUEST['s_opv1']) : ''; $status_otorisasi = isset($_REQUEST['status_otorisasi']) ? clean($_REQUEST['status_otorisasi']) : ''; $tombol = isset($_REQUEST['tombol']) ? clean($_REQUEST['tombol']) : ''; $nama_tombol = isset($_REQUEST['nama_tombol']) ? clean($_REQUEST['nama_tombol']) : ''; $query_search = ''; if ($status_otorisasi == 0) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '0' AND TERJUAL = '0' "; } else { if ($status_otorisasi == 1) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '1' AND TERJUAL = '0' "; } else { if ($status_otorisasi == 2) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '1' AND TERJUAL = '1' "; } else { if ($status_otorisasi == 3) { $query_search .= "WHERE STATUS_STOK = '1' AND TERJUAL = '2' "; } } }