function purge_characters() { $characters = $_POST['id']; foreach ($characters as $character => $id) { delete_player($id); } }
$results = search_players_by_id(); } else { $results = search_players_by_name(); } $body->set("results", $results); break; case 3: // Update Player check_admin_authorization(); update_player(); header("Location: index.php?editor=player&playerid={$playerid}"); exit; case 4: // Delete Player check_admin_authorization(); delete_player($playerid); if (isset($_GET['acctid'])) { header("Location: index.php?editor=account&acctid={$acctid}"); } else { header("Location: index.php?editor=player"); } exit; } function get_players($page_number, $results_per_page, $sort_by) { global $mysql; $limit = ($page_number - 1) * $results_per_page . "," . $results_per_page; $query = "SELECT id, account_id, name, level, class FROM character_data ORDER BY {$sort_by} LIMIT {$limit}"; $results = $mysql->query_mult_assoc($query); return $results; }
// If a valid hotslogs profile is found insert_player($valid_player); // Insert the player add_action('admin_notices', 'player_added_notice'); // Show success message } else { // If scraper returns false add_action('admin_notices', 'error_notice_btag'); // Show error notice take no other action } } else { add_action('admin_notices', 'error_notice_btag'); // Show error notice take no other action } } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { delete_player($_POST['name']); add_action('admin_notices', 'player_deleted_notice'); } } function check_input($tag, $reg) { // BattleTag format : NAME#1234 $tag = explode('#', $tag); // Split the battle tag if (sizeof($tag) == 2 && ($reg == 1 || 2)) { // Check we have 2 parts to the tag and a valid region $tag[0] = sanitize_text_field($tag[0]); // Clean the name $tag[1] = intval($tag[1]); // Clean the ID number return $tag;