function get_user_info($ds, $user, $config, $decode_normal, $k) { if ($ds) { $attrs = array('cn'); if ($config[ldap_userdn] == '') { if ($config[ldap_filter] != '') { $filter = xlat($config[ldap_filter], $login, $config); } else { $filter = 'uid=' . $login; } } else { $filter = xlat($config[ldap_userdn], $login, $config); } if ($config[ldap_debug] == 'true') { if ($config[ldap_userdn] == '') { print "<b>DEBUG(LDAP): Search Query: BASE='{$config['ldap_base']}',FILTER='{$filter}'</b><br>\n"; } else { print "<b>DEBUG(LDAP): Search Query: BASE='{$filter}',FILTER='(objectclass=radiusprofile)'</b><br>\n"; } } if ($config[ldap_userdn] == '') { $sr = @ldap_search($ds, "{$config['ldap_base']}", $filter, $attrs); } else { $sr = @ldap_read($ds, $filter, '(objectclass=radiusprofile)', $attrs); } $info = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); $cn = $info[0]["cn"][0]; if ($cn != '' && $decode_normal == 1) { $cn = decode_string($cn, $k); } if ($cn == '') { $cn = '-'; } return $cn; } }
function decode_message_body() { $this->body = decode_string($this->body, $this->headers['content-transfer-encoding']); }
} else { // We can't actually check the database yet since we haven't connected // to the database. That happens in connect.php. // Check for session. If not found, then note it for later // handling in connect.php. if (empty($webcalendar_session) && empty($login)) { $session_not_found = true; } else { // Check for cookie... if (!empty($webcalendar_session)) { $encoded_login = $webcalendar_session; if (empty($encoded_login)) { // invalid session cookie $session_not_found = true; } else { $login_pw = split('\\|', decode_string($encoded_login)); $login = $login_pw[0]; $cryptpw = $login_pw[1]; // make sure we are connected to the database for password check $c = dbi_connect($db_host, $db_login, $db_password, $db_database); if (!$c) { echo "Error connecting to database:<BLOCKQUOTE>" . dbi_error() . "</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"; exit; } if (!user_valid_crypt($login, $cryptpw)) { do_debug("User not logged in; redirecting to login page"); if (empty($login_return_path)) { do_redirect("login.php"); } else { do_redirect("login.php?return_path={$login_return_path}"); }
if (!empty($username) && !empty($tstringarray['username'])) { $form = $form.' translator: <input type="text" disabled="disabled" value="'.clean_username($tstringarray['username']).'" size="50" />'."<br/>\n"; } $form = $form.' <input name="action" value="edit-string-array" type="hidden" />'."\n"; $form = $form.' <table>'; $i = 0; foreach ($stringarray->item as $item) { $av = (string) $item; $tv = (string) $tstringarray; if (count($tstringarray) > $i && empty($tstringarray->item[$i]['notranslation'])) { $atv = (string) $tstringarray->item[$i]; } else { $atv = ''; } $decodedv = decode_string($av); $decodedtv = decode_string($atv); if ( empty($decodedtv) && !empty($decodedv) || empty($decodedv) && !empty($decodedtv) ) { $color = $color_red; $formcolor = $color; } else { $color = $color_green; } $numlines = count(split('\\\n', $av)); $numlines += strlen($av) / 50; // echo ' <!-- '.$av.'-->'."\n"; $form = $form.' <tr>'; $form = $form.' <td>'; $form = $form.' '.$i.': '."\n";
$homeaddress_lang = $info[0]["homepostaladdress;lang-{$config['general_prefered_lang']}"][0]; $homeaddress_lang = decode_string("{$homeaddress_lang}", $k); $homeaddress_lang = $homeaddress_lang ? $homeaddress_lang : '-'; $mobile = $info[0]['mobile'][0] ? $info[0]['mobile'][0] : '-'; $fax = $info[0]['facsimiletelephonenumber'][0] ? $info[0]['facsimiletelephonenumber'][0] : '-'; $url = $info[0]['labeleduri'][0] ? $info[0]['labeleduri'][0] : '-'; $ou = $info[0]['ou'][0]; if ($decode_normal) { $ou = decode_string($ou, $k); } $ou_lang = $info[0]["ou;lang-{$config['general_prefered_lang']}"][0]; $ou_lang = decode_string("{$ou_lang}", $k); $ou_lang = $ou_lang ? $ou_lang : '-'; $mail = $info[0]['mail'][0] ? $info[0]['mail'][0] : '-'; $title = $info[0]['title'][0] ? $info[0]['title'][0] : '-'; if ($decode_normal) { $title = decode_string($title, $k); } $title_lang = $info[0]["title;lang-{$config['general_prefered_lang']}"][0]; $title_lang = decode_string("{$title_lang}", $k); $title_lang = $title_lang ? $title_lang : '-'; $mailalt = $info[0]['mailalternateaddress'][0] ? $info[0]['mailalternateaddress'][0] : '-'; $user_password_exists = $info[0]['userpassword'][0] != '' ? 'yes' : 'no'; foreach ($attrmap as $key => $val) { $item_vals["{$key}"] = $info[0]["{$val}"]; } } @ldap_close($ds); } else { echo "<b>Could not connect to the LDAP server</b><br>\n"; }