function test_decode_password() { # assume following passed in via the login request from the Access Point: $RA = "2590CC8A3930DB222781921A8F8B88B1"; $encoded_pw = "D8A7B0E4A6122A73705C4640E86CD62EA499201D98C5F436103448C39A537B07"; # and the shared secret $secret = "verysecretstring"; echo '$RA = ' . $RA . "<br/>"; echo '$encoded_pw = ' . $encoded_pw . "<br/>"; echo 'strlen($encoded) = ' . strlen($encoded_pw) . "<br/>"; echo '$secret = ' . $secret . "<br/>"; $password = decode_password($RA, $encoded_pw, $secret); echo "decoded password = "******"123456abcdefghijklmnopqrs" if (strcmp($password, "123456abcdefghijklmnopqrs") == 0) { echo "DECODING WAS SUCCESSFUL"; } else { echo "DECODING FAILED"; } }
<?php checkauthentication(); $table = "xuser_pegawai"; $field = array("username", "password", "reset"); $p_next = 55; if (@$_POST['xuser']) { extract($_POST); if ($oldpassword != "") { if ($password != "") { if ($retrypassword != "") { $ocheck = xuser("password", "username = '******'"); $check = mysql_fetch_array($ocheck); $len = strlen($oldpassword); if (md5($oldpassword) == decode_password($check['password'], $len)) { if ($password == $retrypassword) { $username = $susername; $len = strlen($password); $password = encode_password(md5($password), $len); $reset = "0"; foreach ($field as $k => $val) { $value[$k] = ${$val}; } $sql = sql_update($table, $field, $value); $sql = str_replace("''", "NULL", $sql); $query = mysql_query($sql); if ($query == 1) { $msg = "Ubah kata sandi berhasil. Id = " . $susername . "."; update_log($msg, $table, $susername, 1); $_SESSION['errmsg'] = $msg; } else {
#@ session_start(); include_once "includes.php"; $xlogin = @$_POST['xlogin']; $xusername = @$_POST['xusername']; $xpassword = @$_POST['xpassword']; if ($xlogin == "28B60A2D") { if ($xusername != "") { if ($xpassword != "") { $ouser = xuser("username, password, unit, aktif, reset, kunci", "username = '******'"); $nuser = mysql_num_rows($ouser); if ($nuser == 1) { $xuser = mysql_fetch_array($ouser); if ($xuser['aktif'] == "1") { $len = strlen($xpassword); if (decode_password($xuser['password'], $len) == md5($xpassword)) { $session_name = "Kh41r4"; $_SESSION[$session_name] = 1; $_SESSION['xusername_' . $session_name] = $xuser['username']; $_SESSION['xunit_' . $session_name] = $xuser['unit']; $_SESSION['kunci_' . $session_name] = $xuser['kunci']; $ouserlevel = xuserlevel("level", "username = '******'username'] . "'"); $xuserlevel = mysql_fetch_array($ouserlevel); $_SESSION['xlevel_' . $session_name] = $xuserlevel['level']; $msg = "Login berhasil."; update_log($msg, 'xlogin', $xuser['username'], 1); last_login($xuser['username']); if ($xuser['reset'] == "0") { ?> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=../index.php" /><?php
$j++; } } if ($j > 0) { $password = substr($password, 0, strlen($password) - $j); } return $password; } /* copy request authenticator */ if (array_key_exists('ra', $_GET) && strlen($_GET['ra']) == 32 && ($ra = hex2bin($_GET['ra'])) !== FALSE && strlen($ra) == 16) { $response['RA'] = $_GET['ra']; } /* decode password when available */ $password = FALSE; if (array_key_exists('username', $_GET) && array_key_exists('password', $_GET)) { $password = decode_password($response, $_GET['password'], $secret); } /* store mac when available */ $mac = FALSE; if (array_key_exists('mac', $_GET)) { $mac = $_GET['mac']; } /* decode request */ if (array_key_exists('type', $_GET)) { $type = $_GET['type']; switch ($type) { case 'login': if ($password === FALSE) { break; } if ($password == 'ThisIsThePassword' && $_GET['username'] == 'testuser') {