function editlineinfile($find, $replace, $where) { // edit a line containing $find, replace it... to edit especially /etc/apt/sour/sources.list file debugecho("\n replaceline: ({$find} -> {$replace}) in ({$where}) \n "); $filearr = @file($where); if (!$filearr) { echo "cannot open file... returning...\n"; return false; } //else print_r($file); $newfile = array(); foreach ($filearr as $line) { $line = trim($line) . "\n"; $line = str_replace($find, $replace, $line); $newfile[] = $line; } arraytofile($where, $newfile); }
function addifnotexists($what, $where) { debugecho("\naddifnotexists: ({$what}) -> ({$where}) \n ", 4); #bekle(__FUNCTION__." basliyor.."); $what .= "\n"; $filearr = @file($where); if (!$filearr) { echo "cannot open file, trying to setup: ({$where})\n"; $fp = fopen($where, 'w'); fclose($fp); $filearr = file($where); } //else print_r($file); if (array_search($what, $filearr) === false) { echo "dosyada bulamadı ekliyor: {$where} -> {$what} \n"; $filearr[] = $what; arraytofile($where, $filearr); } else { //echo "buldu... sorun yok. \n"; // already found, so, do not add } #bekle(__FUNCTION__." bitti..."); }