<?php if (!defined('_INCLUDE')) { define('_INCLUDE', true); } // header require_once str_replace('//', '/', dirname(__FILE__) . '/') . 'header.php'; $connection = dctl_sql_connect(DCTL_DB_ICONCLASS); if ($connection) { // $name = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) { $name = $_REQUEST['name']; } $id = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; } if ($name != '') { $nameX = my_strtoupper($name); $nameSoundex = my_soundex($nameX); echo "<h2>Ricerca per NOME: " . $name . " ({$nameX} - {$nameSoundex})</h2>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM tNAME WHERE tNAME.nameSoundex='{$nameSoundex}' OR tNAME.nameNormalized LIKE '%{$nameX}%' OR SUBSTRING(SOUNDEX(tNAME.nameNormalized), 1, 4) = SUBSTRING(SOUNDEX('" . $name . "'), 1, 4) ORDER BY tNAME.name"; } else { echo "<h2>Ricerca per KEY: {$id}</h2>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM tNAME WHERE tNAME.id='{$id}'"; } $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error in query: {$query}. " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { echo '<table>'; echo '<tr>';
<?php if (!defined('_INCLUDE')) { define('_INCLUDE', true); } // header require_once str_replace('//', '/', dirname(__FILE__) . '/') . 'header.php'; $connection = dctl_sql_connect(DCTL_DB_NAME); if ($connection) { // $name = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) { $name = $_REQUEST['name']; } $id = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; } if ($name != '') { $nameX = my_strtoupper($name); $nameSoundex = my_soundex($nameX); echo "<h2>Ricerca per NOME: " . $name . " ({$nameX} - {$nameSoundex})</h2>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM tNAME WHERE tNAME.nameSoundex='{$nameSoundex}' OR tNAME.nameNormalized LIKE '%{$nameX}%' OR SUBSTRING(SOUNDEX(tNAME.nameNormalized), 1, 4) = SUBSTRING(SOUNDEX('" . $name . "'), 1, 4) ORDER BY tNAME.name"; } else { echo "<h2>Ricerca per KEY: {$id}</h2>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM tNAME WHERE tNAME.id='{$id}'"; } $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error in query: {$query}. " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { echo '<table>'; echo '<tr>';
function parse_command($text2parse) { global $area; global $area_c; global $area_a; global $area; global $curr_area; global $curr_lang; global $string; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do { $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $has_command1 = stripos($text2parse, '$['); if ($has_command1 !== false) { $has_command2 = stripos($text2parse, ']$'); if ($has_command2 !== false) { $token = substr($text2parse, $has_command1, $has_command2 - $has_command1 + 2); $what = substr($token, 2, strlen($token) - 4); $prefix0 = explode(':', $what); $what = $prefix0[count($prefix0) - 1]; $prefix = $prefix0[0]; if ($prefix != $what) { $prev_prefix = basename(dirname($PHP_SELF)); $PHP_SELF = str_ireplace($prev_prefix . SYS_PATH_SEP, $prefix . SYS_PATH_SEP, $PHP_SELF); require_once str_replace(SYS_PATH_SEP_DOUBLE, SYS_PATH_SEP, dirname(__FILE__) . SYS_PATH_SEP) . DCTL_DATA_PATH . $prefix . SYS_PATH_SEP . 'config.inc.php'; switch ($prefix) { case WEB_WCTL_NAME: $key = array_multi_search($what, $area_c); break; case WEB_DCTL_NAME: $key = array_multi_search($what, $area_a); break; } } else { $key = array_multi_search($what, $area); } if (!stripos($what, '.php') === false) { $replace = $what; } else { $replace = $PHP_SELF; } $replace .= "?lang=" . $curr_lang . "&area=" . $key; if (XMLDB_PATH_BASE_TMP) { $replace .= "&temp=true"; } $text2parse = str_replace($token, $replace, $text2parse); } } } while ($has_command1 && $has_command2); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do { $has_command1 = stripos($text2parse, '${'); if (!($has_command1 === false)) { $has_command2 = stripos($text2parse, '}$'); if (!($has_command2 === false)) { $token = substr($text2parse, $has_command1, $has_command2 - $has_command1 + 2); $what = substr($token, 2, strlen($token) - 4); $replace = ''; switch ($what) { case 'newsletter': $email = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) { $email = $_REQUEST['email']; } if (!stripos($email, '@') === false) { require_once str_replace('//', '/', dirname(__FILE__) . '/') . '../_shared' . SYS_PATH_SEP . 'config.inc.php'; require_once str_replace(SYS_PATH_SEP_DOUBLE, SYS_PATH_SEP, dirname(__FILE__) . SYS_PATH_SEP) . './config.inc.php'; $connection = dctl_sql_connect(WEB_NEWSLETTER); if ($connection) { $email = addslashes($email); $email = trim($email); $query = "SELECT * FROM news_address WHERE email = '{$email}'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) != false) { $replace .= "<br /><strong class=\"thankyou\">" . $string[$curr_lang]['mail_yetrecorded'] . " (" . $email . ")...</strong>"; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO news_address (id, email) VALUES (NULL, '{$email}')"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { $replace .= "<br /><strong class=\"thankyou\">" . $string[$curr_lang]['mail_ok'] . "...</strong>"; } else { $replace .= "<br /><strong class=\"thankyou\">" . $string[$curr_lang]['mail_not'] . " (" . $email . ")...</strong>"; } } mysql_close($connection); } else { $replace .= "<br /><strong class=\"thankyou\">" . $string[$curr_lang]['mail_nosrv'] . "...</strong></em>"; } } else { $replace .= '<form id="newsletter" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="' . DCTL_FORM_METHOD . '" enctype="' . DCTL_FORM_ENCTYPE . '">'; $replace .= "<fieldset>"; $replace .= "<input class=\"small\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\" name=\"email\" value=\"(e-mail)\" />"; $replace .= "<label class=\"small\">"; $replace .= "<a class=\"small\" href=\"javascript:submitform('newsletter');\"> -> " . $string[$curr_lang]['mail_sign'] . "</a>"; $replace .= "</label>"; $replace .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"area\" value=\"" . $curr_area . "\" />"; $replace .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lang\" value=\"" . $curr_lang . "\" />"; $replace .= "</fieldset></form>"; } break; } $text2parse = str_replace($token, $replace, $text2parse); } } } while ($has_command1 && $has_command2); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return $text2parse; }
function getRetrieverDB($doc, $what, $selector) { $returnText = ''; global $mysql_dbName; try { $mysql_dbName = dctl_sql_connect(DCTL_DB_NAME); } catch (Exception $e) { die('<div class="wctl_error">[DB] ' . $e . '</div>'); } $name = $what; $nameX = my_strtoupper($name); $nameSoundex = my_soundex($nameX); $query = "SELECT * FROM tNAME WHERE"; $byCode = preg_match('/^\\d{6}$/', $nameX); if ($byCode) { $query .= " tNAME.id = {$nameX} "; } else { $query .= " tNAME.nameNormalized LIKE '%{$nameX}%' "; if ($selector != '') { $query .= "AND tNAME.type='{$selector}' "; } } $query .= "ORDER BY tNAME.name"; $result = mysql_query($query, $mysql_dbName) or die("Error in query: {$query}. " . mysql_error()); $code = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if (intval($row['collector']) != 0) { $code[$row['collector']] = $row['collector']; } else { $code[$row['id']] = $row['id']; } } if (count($code) > 0) { $iter = -1; $query = "SELECT * FROM tNAME WHERE "; foreach ($code as $collector => $id) { ++$iter; if ($iter > 0) { $query .= "OR "; } $query .= "tNAME.id='{$collector}' "; } $query .= "ORDER BY tNAME.type, tNAME.name"; $result = mysql_query($query, $mysql_dbName) or die("Error in query: {$query}. " . mysql_error()); mysql_close($mysql_dbName); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $cachedKEY = ''; // load all KEYs to cache for next XSLT preloadKEY($doc, &$cachedKEY); if ($cachedKEY) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $theKey = sprintf("%06s", $row['id']); if (stripos($cachedKEY, $theKey) !== false) { $returnText .= $row['name']; $returnText .= ' [' . $row['type'] . ']'; $returnText .= "|" . $theKey . "\n"; } } } } } return $returnText; }
function publish_SendToXDB($exist, $collName, $packName, $partName, &$operationsPublish) { global $EXTENSION_PACKAGE; // INIT $toPublish = array(); // PREPARA FOLDERS $component = $collName; if ($packName != '') { $component .= SYS_PATH_SEP . $packName; } $operationsPublish .= '> avvio la preparazione dei dati per "' . $component . ':<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $prosecute = TRUE; if (!is_dir(DCTL_PUBLISH)) { if (mkdir(DCTL_PUBLISH, CHMOD)) { $operationsPublish .= '> creo cartella ' . DCTL_PUBLISH . '...<br />'; } else { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile creare la cartella "' . DCTL_PUBLISH . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } } @chmod(DCTL_PUBLISH, CHMOD); $operationsPublish .= '> avvio la preparazione dei file in "' . DCTL_PUBLISH . '":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); if ($prosecute) { // COPIA I DTD dircopy(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD, DCTL_PUBLISH); $operationsPublish .= '  - copio "' . DCTL_DTD . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); // COPIA GLI ADD-ONS dircopy(DCTL_SETTINGS_ADDONS, DCTL_PUBLISH); $operationsPublish .= '  - copio "' . DCTL_ADDONS . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); // AGGIORNA IL CATALOGO.XML $operationsPublish .= '  - verifico il catalogo dei "' . DCTL_DTD . '":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $dtd_catalog = XMLDB_CATALOG; try { if (isset($xml_dom)) { unset($xml_dom); } $xml_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($dtd_catalog); $xml_dom->load($dtd_catalog, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $upd = FALSE; $dtds_needed = array(); $handle = opendir(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD); while ($entry = readdir($handle)) { if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.') { $srcx = filemtime(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD . $entry); $tgtx = false || @filemtime(XMLDB_ENTITIES . SYS_PATH_SEP . $entry); if ($srcx > $tgtx) { $upd = TRUE; } } } dircopy(DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD, XMLDB_ENTITIES, &$dtds_needed); $operationsPublish .= '  - copio da "' . DCTL_SETTINGS_DTD . '" a "' . XMLDB_ENTITIES . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $dtds_present = $xml_dom->getElementsByTagName('system'); foreach ($dtds_present as $dtd_present) { $dtd_chk = $dtd_present->getAttribute('systemId'); $dtd_key = array_search($dtd_chk, $dtds_needed); if ($dtd_key !== FALSE) { $dtds_needed[$dtd_key] = ''; } } foreach ($dtds_needed as $dtd_needed) { if ($dtd_needed != '') { $node = $xml_dom->createElement('system'); $dtd_root = $xml_dom->getElementsByTagName('catalog')->item(0); $newnode = $dtd_root->appendChild($node); $newnode->setAttribute('systemId', $dtd_needed); $newnode->setAttribute('uri', 'entities' . SYS_PATH_SEP . $dtd_needed); $operationsPublish .= '> aggiungo ' . $dtd_needed . '...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); $upd = TRUE; } } if ($upd == TRUE) { $xml_dom->save($dtd_catalog); $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">Aggiornamento non eseguito per modifiche necessarie al database.</span><br />'; $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">IMPORTANTE: riavviare exist per proseguire correttamente (aggiornato "catalog.xml")!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XML #1 $xsl_path = DCTL_COMMODORO_XSLT . 'tei_publisher_1.xsl'; if (!is_file($xsl_path)) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trovare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } else { try { if (isset($xsl_dom)) { unset($xsl_dom); } $xsl_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($xsl_path); $xsl_dom->load($xsl_path, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> carico XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); try { if (isset($xsl_proc)) { unset($xsl_proc); } $xsl_proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $xsl_proc->registerPHPFunctions(); $xsl_proc->importStyleSheet($xsl_dom); // attach the xsl rules } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile inizializzare il processore XSL... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> trasformo i file XML (#1):<br />'; $prosecute = publish_recurseContents(DCTL_PROJECT_PATH . $collName, $collName, $packName, $xsl_proc, &$operationsPublish, &$toPublish); } if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XML #2 $xsl_path = DCTL_COMMODORO_XSLT . 'tei_publisher_2.xsl'; if (!is_file($xsl_path)) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trovare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } else { try { if (isset($xsl_dom)) { unset($xsl_dom); } $xsl_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($xsl_path); $xsl_dom->load($xsl_path, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> carico XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); try { if (isset($xsl_proc)) { unset($xsl_proc); } $xsl_proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $xsl_proc->registerPHPFunctions(); $xsl_proc->importStyleSheet($xsl_dom); // attach the xsl rules } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile inizializzare il processore XSL... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> trasformo i file XML :: ID/NUM (#2):<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); foreach ($toPublish as $fullsrc) { $prosecute = true; $fulldst = $fullsrc; $entry = basename($fulldst); if (in_array(substr($entry, -8, 4), $EXTENSION_PACKAGE) !== FALSE) { $operationsPublish .= ' - trasformazione XSLT per XML "' . $entry . '":'; try { if (isset($xml_dom)) { unset($xml_dom); } $xml_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($fullsrc); $xml_dom->load($fullsrc, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' aggiorno...'; try { $text = $xsl_proc->transformToXML($xml_dom); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trasformare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' scrivo XML...'; $text = str_ireplace('xmlns=""', '', $text); try { $fd = fopen($fulldst, "wb"); $out = fwrite($fd, forceUTF8($text)); fclose($fd); @chmod($fulldst, CHMOD); $operationsPublish .= ' ok<br/>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile riscrivere XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } } } } } if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XML #3 // 3) carico i file XML e li trasformo $xsl_path = DCTL_COMMODORO_XSLT . 'tei_publisher_3.xsl'; if (!is_file($xsl_path)) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trovare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { try { if (isset($xsl_dom)) { unset($xsl_dom); } $xsl_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xsl_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($xsl_path); $xsl_dom->load($xsl_path, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> carico XSLT "' . $xsl_path . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); try { if (isset($xsl_proc)) { unset($xsl_proc); } $xsl_proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $xsl_proc->registerPHPFunctions(); $xsl_proc->importStyleSheet($xsl_dom); // attach the xsl rules } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile inizializzare il processore XSL... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= '> trasformo i file XML :: LABEL/NAME/TOPIC (#3):<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); global $mysql_dbName; global $mysql_dbIconclass; try { $mysql_dbName = dctl_sql_connect(DCTL_DB_NAME); } catch (Exception $e) { die('<span class="wctl_error">[DB] ' . $e . '</span>'); } try { $mysql_dbIconclass = dctl_sql_connect(DCTL_DB_ICONCLASS); } catch (Exception $e) { die('<span class="wctl_error">[DB] ' . $e . '</span>'); } foreach ($toPublish as $fullsrc) { $prosecute = true; $fulldst = $fullsrc; $entry = basename($fulldst); if (in_array(substr($entry, -8, 4), $EXTENSION_PACKAGE) !== FALSE) { $operationsPublish .= ' - trasformazione XSLT per XML "' . $entry . '":'; try { if (isset($xml_dom)) { unset($xml_dom); } $xml_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml_dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; forceUTF8($fullsrc); $xml_dom->load($fullsrc, DCTL_XML_LOADER); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile caricare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' aggiorno...'; if ($mysql_dbName && $mysql_dbIconclass) { try { // the two parameters (collection and package) are needed for key_items, they will // be used by the function *get_n_from_xml_id*, which is called from xslt $xsl_proc->setParameter('', 'collection', $collName); // if $packName is empty, we need to do some ugly hack on the if ($packName == '') { $package = substr($entry, strpos($entry, $collName . '-') + strlen($collName . '-'), strrpos($entry, '.') - strlen($entry)); } else { $package = $packName; } $xsl_proc->setParameter('', 'package', $package); $text = $xsl_proc->transformToXML($xml_dom); } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile trasformare XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $operationsPublish .= ' scrivo XML...'; $text = str_ireplace('xmlns=""', '', $text); try { $fd = fopen($fulldst, "wb"); $out = fwrite($fd, forceUTF8($text, $fulldst)); fclose($fd); @chmod($fulldst, CHMOD); $operationsPublish .= 'ok<br/>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile riscrivere XML "' . $entry . '"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } } else { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile connettersi a MySQL...</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } } } } mysql_close($mysql_dbName); mysql_close($mysql_dbIconclass); if ($prosecute) { // PREPARA XMLDB $operationsPublish .= '> connessione al database "exist":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); if (!$exist) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile connettersi al database "exist"... {' . $e . '}</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { $baseDB = XMLDB_PATH_BASE; $result = $exist->createCollection($baseDB) != FALSE or dump($exist->getError()); if (!$result) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile creare la Collection base "' . $baseDB . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } if ($prosecute) { // 1) creo la collezione in exist $operationsPublish .= '  - aggiorno la Collection "' . $collName . '":<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); if ($packName == '') { $exist->removeCollection($baseDB . $collName); $operationsPublish .= '  - ripulisco la Collection "' . $collName . '"...<br />'; } $result = $exist->createCollection($baseDB . $collName) != FALSE or dump($exist->getError()); if (!$result) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile creare la Collection "' . $collName . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } $operationsPublish .= '> pubblico i dati nel database...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); foreach ($toPublish as $fullsrc) { $prosecute = true; $fulldst = $fullsrc; $entry = basename($fulldst); // 3) pubblico nella collezione di exist $operationsPublish .= '  - pubblico "' . $entry . '"...'; $pathTo = $baseDB . $collName . DB_PATH_SEP . $entry; $result = $exist->uploadResource($pathTo, $fulldst) !== FALSE or dump($exist->getError()); if (!$result) { $operationsPublish .= '<span class="error">impossibile pubblicare XML "' . $entry . '"!</span><br />'; $prosecute = FALSE; } else { $operationsPublish .= ' ok<br />'; $prosecute = TRUE; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } if ($prosecute) { $fullsrc = DCTL_PROJECT_PATH . $collName . SYS_PATH_SEP . DCTL_MEDIA; if (true) { $prosecute = publish_recurseMedia($fullsrc, DCTL_PUBLISH_MEDIA, &$operationsPublish); } else { if (!COPY_MEDIA) { $operationsPublish .= '<br /><span class="error">RI-ABILITA COPIA DEI MEDIA...'; } else { // COPIA MEDIA $operationsPublish .= '  - copio "' . $fullsrc . '"...<br />'; hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); dircopy($fullsrc, DCTL_PUBLISH_MEDIA); } } $operationsPublish .= '<br /><span class="ok">Pubblicazione per "' . $collName; if ($packName != '') { $operationsPublish .= SYS_PATH_SEP . $packName; } $operationsPublish .= '" effettuata con successo.</span><br /><br />'; } else { $operationsPublish .= '<br /><span class="error">Errori nella pubblicazione per "' . $component . '"!</span><br /><br />'; } hardFlush(&$operationsPublish); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return TRUE && $prosecute; }