예제 #1
   $_REQUEST['q'] = 'manly';
$response = array();
$system = new System();
if (!$system->init(@$_REQUEST['db'])) {
    //get error and response
    $response = $system->getError();
} else {
    //$currentUser = $system->getCurrentUser();
    $data = array();
    if (@$_REQUEST['terms']) {
        $data["terms"] = dbs_GetTerms($system);
    if (@$_REQUEST['detailtypes']) {
        $ids = $_REQUEST['detailtypes'] == 'all' ? null : $_REQUEST['detailtypes'];
        $data["detailtypes"] = dbs_GetDetailTypes($system, $ids, intval(@$_REQUEST['mode']));
    if (@$_REQUEST['rectypes']) {
        $ids = $_REQUEST['rectypes'] == 'all' ? null : $_REQUEST['rectypes'];
        $mode = intval(@$_REQUEST['mode']);
        if ($mode > 2) {
            $data["rectypes"] = dbs_GetRectypeStructureTree($system, $ids, $mode, @$_REQUEST['fieldtypes']);
        } else {
            $data["rectypes"] = dbs_GetRectypeStructures($system, $ids, $mode);
    $response = array("status" => HEURIST_OK, "data" => $data);
    if ( extension_loaded('zlib') && (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip')) )
예제 #2
* Perform matching - find record id in heurist db 
* @param mixed $mysqli
* @param mixed $imp_session
* @param mixed $params
function findRecordIds($imp_session, $params)
    global $system;
    $imp_session['validation'] = array("count_update" => 0, "count_insert" => 0, "count_update_rows" => 0, "count_insert_rows" => 0, "count_error" => 0, "error" => array(), "recs_insert" => array(), "recs_update" => array());
    $import_table = $imp_session['import_table'];
    $multivalue_field_name = @$params['multifield'];
    //name of multivalue field           ART???????
    $multivalue_field_name_idx = 0;
    $cnt_update_rows = 0;
    $cnt_insert_rows = 0;
    //disambiguation resolution
    $disamb_resolv = @$params['disamb_resolv'];
    //record id => $keyvalue
    if (!$disamb_resolv) {
        //old way
        $disamb_ids = @$params['disamb_id'];
        //record ids
        $disamb_keys = @$params['disamb_key'];
        //key values
        $disamb_resolv = array();
        if ($disamb_keys) {
            foreach ($disamb_keys as $idx => $keyvalue) {
                array_push($disamb_resolv, array('recid' => $disamb_ids[$idx], 'key' => str_replace("\\'", "'", $keyvalue)));
                //$disamb_resolv[$disamb_ids[$idx]] = str_replace("\'", "'", $keyvalue);  //rec_id => keyvalue
    //get rectype to import
    $recordType = @$params['sa_rectype'];
    $currentSeqIndex = @$params['seq_index'];
    //create search query  - based on mapping (search for  sa_keyfield_ - checkboxes in UI)
    //for update
    $select_query_update_from = array("Records");
    $select_query_update_where = array("rec_RecTypeID=" . $recordType);
    $sel_fields = array();
    //$detDefs = getAllDetailTypeStructures(true);
    $detDefs = dbs_GetDetailTypes($system, 'all', 1);
    $detDefs = $detDefs['typedefs'];
    $idx_dt_type = $detDefs['fieldNamesToIndex']['dty_Type'];
    $mapped_fields = array();
    $mapping = @$params['mapping'];
    if (is_array($mapping)) {
        foreach ($mapping as $index => $field_type) {
            $field_name = "field_" . $index;
            $mapped_fields[$field_name] = $field_type;
            if ($field_type == "url" || $field_type == "id") {
                // || $field_type=="scratchpad"){
                array_push($select_query_update_where, "rec_" . $field_type . "=?");
            } else {
                if (is_numeric($field_type)) {
                    $where = "d" . $index . ".dtl_DetailTypeID=" . $field_type . " and ";
                    $dt_type = $detDefs[$field_type]['commonFields'][$idx_dt_type];
                    if ($dt_type == "enum" || $dt_type == "relationtype") {
                        //if fieldname is numeric - compare it with dtl_Value directly
                        $where = $where . "( d" . $index . ".dtl_Value=t" . $index . ".trm_ID and t" . $index . ".trm_Label=?)";
                        //." if(concat('',? * 1) = ?,d".$index.".dtl_Value=?,t".$index.".trm_Label=?) ";
                        array_push($select_query_update_from, "defTerms t" . $index);
                    } else {
                        $where = $where . " (d" . $index . ".dtl_Value=?)";
                    array_push($select_query_update_where, "rec_ID=d" . $index . ".dtl_RecID and " . $where);
                    array_push($select_query_update_from, "recDetails d" . $index);
                } else {
            array_push($sel_fields, $field_name);
            if ($multivalue_field_name == $field_name) {
                $multivalue_field_name_idx = count($sel_fields);
    //for mapping
    //keep mapping   field_XXX => dty_ID
    $imp_session['validation']['mapped_fields'] = $mapped_fields;
    $mysqli = $system->get_mysqli();
    //query to search record ids in Heurist db
    $search_query = "SELECT rec_ID, rec_Title " . " FROM " . implode(",", $select_query_update_from) . " WHERE " . implode(" and ", $select_query_update_where);
    $search_stmt = $mysqli->prepare($search_query);
    $params_dt = str_repeat('s', count($sel_fields));
    //$search_stmt->bind_param('s', $field_value);
    $search_stmt->bind_result($rec_ID, $rec_Title);
    //already founded IDs
    $pairs = array();
    //to avoid search    $keyvalue=>recID
    $records = array();
    $disambiguation = array();
    $disambiguation_lines = array();
    $tmp_idx_insert = array();
    //to keep indexes
    $tmp_idx_update = array();
    //to keep indexes
    //loop all records in import table and detect what is for insert and what for update
    $select_query = "SELECT imp_id, " . implode(",", $sel_fields) . " FROM " . $import_table;
    $res = $mysqli->query($select_query);
    if ($res) {
        $ind = -1;
        while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
            $imp_id = $row[0];
            $row[0] = $params_dt;
            $is_update = false;
            $is_insert = false;
            $multivalue = $row[$multivalue_field_name_idx];
            //error_log($multivalue_field_name_idx.'  '.$multivalue);
            $ids = array();
            //split multivalue field
            $values = getMultiValues($multivalue, $imp_session['csv_enclosure'], $imp_session['csv_mvsep']);
            foreach ($values as $idx => $value) {
                $row[$multivalue_field_name_idx] = $value;
                //verify that not empty
                $fc = $row;
                $fc = trim(implode("", $fc));
                if ($fc == null || $fc == "") {
                //key is empty
                $fc = $row;
                //ART TEMP array_walk($fc, 'trim_lower_accent2');
                if ($imp_session['csv_mvsep'] == 'none') {
                    $keyvalue = $fc;
                } else {
                    $keyvalue = implode($imp_session['csv_mvsep'], $fc);
                    //csv_mvsep - separator
                //error_log($keyvalue.'  ='.implode(' ',$row));
                if (!@$pairs[$keyvalue]) {
                    //id not found yet
                    //search for ID
                    //assign parameters for search query
                    call_user_func_array(array($search_stmt, 'bind_param'), refValues($row));
                    $disamb = array();
                    while ($search_stmt->fetch()) {
                        //keep pair ID => key value
                        $disamb[$rec_ID] = $rec_Title;
                        //get value from binding
                    if (count($disamb) > 1) {
                        $resolved_recid = _findDisambResolution($keyvalue, $disamb_resolv);
                    } else {
                        $resolved_recid = null;
                    if (count($disamb) == 0 || $resolved_recid < 0) {
                        //nothing found - insert
                        $new_id = $ind;
                        $rec = $row;
                        $rec[0] = $imp_id;
                        $tmp_idx_insert[$keyvalue] = count($imp_session['validation']['recs_insert']);
                        //keep index in rec_insert
                        array_push($imp_session['validation']['recs_insert'], $rec);
                        //group_concat(imp_id), ".implode(",",$sel_query)
                        $is_insert = true;
                    } else {
                        if (count($disamb) == 1 || $resolved_recid != null) {
                            //array_search($keyvalue, $disamb_resolv, true)!==false){ // @$disamb_resolv[addslashes($keyvalue)]){
                            //either found exact or disamiguation is resolved
                            if ($resolved_recid != null) {
                                $rec_ID = $resolved_recid;
                            $new_id = $rec_ID;
                            $rec = $row;
                            $rec[0] = $imp_id;
                            array_unshift($rec, $rec_ID);
                            $tmp_idx_update[$keyvalue] = count($imp_session['validation']['recs_update']);
                            //keep index in rec_update
                            array_push($imp_session['validation']['recs_update'], $rec);
                            //rec_ID, group_concat(imp_id), ".implode(",",$sel_query)
                            $is_update = true;
                        } else {
                            $new_id = 'Found:' . count($disamb);
                            $disambiguation[$keyvalue] = $disamb;
                            $disambiguation_lines[$keyvalue] = $imp_id;
                    $pairs[$keyvalue] = $new_id;
                    array_push($ids, $new_id);
                } else {
                    //ID for this mapping is already found
                    if (array_key_exists($keyvalue, $tmp_idx_insert)) {
                        $imp_session['validation']['recs_insert'][$tmp_idx_insert[$keyvalue]][0] .= "," . $imp_id;
                        $is_insert = true;
                    } else {
                        if (array_key_exists($keyvalue, $tmp_idx_update)) {
                            $imp_session['validation']['recs_update'][$tmp_idx_update[$keyvalue]][1] .= "," . $imp_id;
                            $is_update = true;
                    array_push($ids, $pairs[$keyvalue]);
            //foreach multivalues
            if ($imp_session['csv_mvsep'] == 'none') {
                $records[$imp_id] = count($ids) > 0 ? $ids[0] : '';
            } else {
                $records[$imp_id] = implode($imp_session['csv_mvsep'], $ids);
                //IDS to be added to import table
            if ($is_update) {
            if ($is_insert) {
        //while import table
    // result of work - counts of records to be inserted, updated
    $imp_session['validation']['count_update'] = count($imp_session['validation']['recs_update']);
    $imp_session['validation']['count_insert'] = count($imp_session['validation']['recs_insert']);
    $imp_session['validation']['count_update_rows'] = $cnt_update_rows;
    $imp_session['validation']['count_insert_rows'] = $cnt_insert_rows;
    $imp_session['validation']['disambiguation'] = $disambiguation;
    $imp_session['validation']['disambiguation_lines'] = $disambiguation_lines;
    $imp_session['validation']['pairs'] = $pairs;
    //keyvalues => record id - count number of unique values
    //MAIN RESULT - ids to be assigned to each record in import table
    $imp_session['validation']['records'] = $records;
    //imp_id(line#) => list of records ids
    return $imp_session;
예제 #3
 * return record structure for given id and update $recstructures array
function getDetailType($system, &$detailtypes, $dtyID)
    if (!@$detailtypes[$dtyID]) {
        $res = dbs_GetDetailTypes($system, $dtyID, 1);
        if (!@$detailtypes['fieldNamesToIndex']) {
            $detailtypes['fieldNamesToIndex'] = $res['typedefs']['fieldNamesToIndex'];
        $detailtypes[$dtyID] = @$res['typedefs'][$dtyID]['commonFields'];
    return @$detailtypes[$dtyID];
예제 #4
 * put your comment there...
 * @param mixed $system
 * @param mixed $params
 *       FOR RULES
 *       rules - rules queries - to search related records on server side
 *       getrelrecs (=1) - search relationship records (along with related) on server side
 *       topids - list of records ids, it is used to compose 'parentquery' parameter to use in rules (@todo - replace with new rules algorithm)
 *       INTERNAL/recursive
 *       parentquery - sql expression to substiture in rule query
 *       sql - sql expression to execute (used as recursive parameters to search relationship records)
 *       SEARCH parameters that are used to compose sql expression
 *       q - query string (old mode) or json array (new mode)
 *       w (=all|bookmark a|b) - search among all or bookmarked records
 *       limit  - limit for sql query is set explicitely on client side
 *       offset - offset parameter value for sql query
 *       s - sort order
 *       OUTPUT parameters
 *       vo (=h3) - output format in h3 for backward capability (for detail=ids only)
 *       needall (=1) - by default it returns only first 3000, to return all set it to 1,
 *                      it is set to 1 for server-side rules searches
 *       publiconly (=1) - ignore current user and returns only public records
 *       detail (former 'f') - ids       - only record ids
 *                             header    - record header
 *                             timemap   - record header + timemap details
 *                             detail    - record header + all details
 *                             structure - record header + all details + record type structure (for editing) - NOT USED
 *       CLIENT SIDE
 *       id - unque id to sync with client side
 *       source - id of html element that is originator of this search
 *       qname - original name of saved search (for messaging)
function recordSearch($system, $params)
    //for error message
    $savedSearchName = @$params['qname'] ? "Saved search: " . $params['qname'] . "<br>" : "";
    if (!@$params['detail']) {
        $params['detail'] = @$params['f'];
        //backward capability
    $istimemap_request = @$params['detail'] == 'timemap';
    $istimemap_counter = 0;
    //total records with timemap data
    $fieldtypes_ids = null;
    if ($istimemap_request) {
        //get date,year and geo fields from structure
        $fieldtypes_ids = dbs_GetDetailTypes($system, array('date', 'year', 'geo'), 3);
        if ($fieldtypes_ids == null || count($fieldtypes_ids) == 0) {
            $fieldtypes_ids = array(DT_GEO_OBJECT, DT_DATE, DT_START_DATE, DT_END_DATE);
        $fieldtypes_ids = implode(',', $fieldtypes_ids);
    } else {
        if (!in_array(@$params['detail'], array('header', 'timemap', 'detail', 'structure'))) {
            //specific set of detail fields
            if (is_array($params['detail'])) {
                $fieldtypes_ids = $params['detail'];
            } else {
                $fieldtypes_ids = explode(',', $params['detail']);
            if (is_array($fieldtypes_ids) && (count($fieldtypes_ids) > 1 || is_numeric($fieldtypes_ids[0]))) {
                $fieldtypes_ids = implode(',', $fieldtypes_ids);
                $params['detail'] = 'detail';
            } else {
                $fieldtypes_ids = null;
                $params['detail'] = 'ids';
    $is_ids_only = 'ids' == $params['detail'];
    $return_h3_format = @$params['vo'] == 'h3' && $is_ids_only;
    if (null == $system) {
        $system = new System();
        if (!$system->init(@$_REQUEST['db'])) {
            $response = $system->getError();
            if ($return_h3_format) {
                $response['error'] = $response['message'];
            return $response;
    $mysqli = $system->get_mysqli();
    $currentUser = $system->getCurrentUser();
    if ($system->get_user_id() < 1) {
        $params['w'] = 'all';
        //does not allow to search bookmarks if not logged in
    if ($is_ids_only) {
        $select_clause = 'select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT rec_ID ';
    } else {
        $select_clause = 'select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT ' . 'bkm_ID,' . 'bkm_UGrpID,' . 'rec_ID,' . 'rec_URL,' . 'rec_RecTypeID,' . 'rec_Title,' . 'rec_OwnerUGrpID,' . 'rec_NonOwnerVisibility,' . 'bkm_PwdReminder ';
          .'bkm_PwdReminder ';*/
    if ($currentUser && @$currentUser['ugr_ID'] > 0) {
        $currUserID = $currentUser['ugr_ID'];
    } else {
        $currUserID = 0;
        $params['w'] = 'all';
    if (@$params['topids']) {
        //if topids are defined we use them as starting point for following rule query
        // it is used for incremental client side only
        //@todo - implement it in different way - substitute topids to query json as predicate ids:
        $query_top = array();
        if (strcasecmp(@$params['w'], 'B') == 0 || strcasecmp(@$params['w'], 'bookmark') == 0) {
            $query_top['from'] = 'FROM usrBookmarks TOPBKMK LEFT JOIN Records TOPBIBLIO ON bkm_recID=rec_ID ';
        } else {
            $query_top['from'] = 'FROM Records TOPBIBLIO LEFT JOIN usrBookmarks TOPBKMK ON bkm_recID=rec_ID and bkm_UGrpID=' . $currUserID . ' ';
        $query_top['where'] = "(TOPBIBLIO.rec_ID in (" . $params['topids'] . "))";
        $query_top['sort'] = '';
        $query_top['limit'] = '';
        $query_top['offset'] = '';
        $params['parentquery'] = $query_top;
        //parentquery parameter is used in  get_sql_query_clauses
    } else {
        if (@$params['rules']) {
            //special case - server side operation
            // rules - JSON array the same as stored in saved searches table
            if (is_array(@$params['rules'])) {
                $rules_tree = $params['rules'];
            } else {
                $rules_tree = json_decode($params['rules'], true);
            $flat_rules = array();
            $flat_rules[0] = array();
            //create flat rule array
            $rules = _createFlatRule($flat_rules, $rules_tree, 0);
            //find result for main query
            if (@$params['limit']) {
            if (@$params['offset']) {
            if (@$params['vo']) {
            $params['needall'] = 1;
            //return all records
            $resSearch = recordSearch($system, $params);
            $keepMainSet = true;
            if ($keepMainSet) {
                //find main query results
                $fin_result = $resSearch;
                //main result set
                $flat_rules[0]['results'] = $is_ids_only ? $fin_result['data']['records'] : array_keys($fin_result['data']['records']);
                //get ids
            } else {
                //empty main result set
                //remove from $fin_result! but keep in $flat_rules[0]['results']?
            $is_get_relation_records = @$params['getrelrecs'] == 1;
            //get all related and relationship records
            foreach ($flat_rules as $idx => $rule) {
                if ($idx == 0) {
                $is_last = @$rule['islast'] == 1;
                //create request
                $params['q'] = $rule['query'];
                $parent_ids = $flat_rules[$rule['parent']]['results'];
                //list of record ids of parent resultset
                $rule['results'] = array();
                //split by 3000 - search based on parent ids (max 3000)
                $k = 0;
                while ($k < count($parent_ids)) {
                    //$need_details2 = $need_details && ($is_get_relation_records || $is_last);
                    $params3 = $params;
                    $params3['topids'] = implode(",", array_slice($parent_ids, $k, 3000));
                    if (!$is_last) {
                        //($is_get_relation_records ||
                        //$params3['detail'] = 'ids';  //no need in details for preliminary results  ???????
                    $response = recordSearch($system, $params3);
                    if ($response['status'] == HEURIST_OK) {
                        //merge with final results
                        if ($is_ids_only) {
                            $fin_result['data']['records'] = array_merge_unique($fin_result['data']['records'], $response['data']['records']);
                        } else {
                            $fin_result['data']['records'] = mergeRecordSets($fin_result['data']['records'], $response['data']['records']);
                            $fin_result['data']['order'] = array_merge($fin_result['data']['order'], array_keys($response['data']['records']));
                            foreach (array_keys($response['data']['records']) as $rt) {
                                $rectype_id = @$rt['4'];
                                if ($rectype_id) {
                                    if (!array_key_exists($rectype_id, $fin_result['data']['rectypes'])) {
                                        $fin_result['data']['rectypes'][$rectype_id] = 1;
                        if (!$is_last) {
                            //add top ids for next level
                            $flat_rules[$idx]['results'] = array_merge_unique($flat_rules[$idx]['results'], $is_ids_only ? $response['data']['records'] : array_keys($response['data']['records']));
                        if ($is_get_relation_records && (strpos($params3['q'], "related_to") > 0 || strpos($params3['q'], "relatedfrom") > 0)) {
                            //find relation records (recType=1)
                            //create query to search related records
                            if (strcasecmp(@$params3['w'], 'B') == 0 || strcasecmp(@$params3['w'], 'bookmark') == 0) {
                                $from = 'FROM usrBookmarks TOPBKMK LEFT JOIN Records TOPBIBLIO ON bkm_recID=rec_ID ';
                            } else {
                                $from = 'FROM Records TOPBIBLIO LEFT JOIN usrBookmarks TOPBKMK ON bkm_recID=rec_ID and bkm_UGrpID=' . $currUserID . ' ';
                            if (strpos($params3['q'], "related_to") > 0) {
                                $fld2 = "rl_SourceID";
                                $fld1 = "rl_TargetID";
                            } else {
                                $fld1 = "rl_SourceID";
                                $fld2 = "rl_TargetID";
                            $where = "WHERE (TOPBIBLIO.rec_ID in (select rl_RelationID from recLinks where (rl_RelationID is not null) and {$fld1} in (" . $params3['topids'] . ") and {$fld2} in (" . implode(",", $is_ids_only ? $response['data']['records'] : array_keys($response['data']['records'])) . ")))";
                            $params2 = $params3;
                            $params2['sql'] = $select_clause . $from . $where;
                            $response = recordSearch($system, $params2);
                            //search for relationship records
                            if ($response['status'] == HEURIST_OK) {
                                if (!@$fin_result['data']['relationship']) {
                                    $fin_result['data']['relationship'] = array();
                                if ($is_ids_only) {
                                    $fin_result['data']['relationship'] = array_merge_unique($fin_result['data']['relationship'], $response['data']['records']);
                                } else {
                                    $fin_result['data']['relationship'] = mergeRecordSets($fin_result['data']['relationship'], $response['data']['records']);
                                /*merge with final results
                                      $fin_result['data']['records'] = array_merge($fin_result['data']['records'], $response['data']['records']);
                                      $fin_result['data']['records'] = mergeRecordSets($fin_result['data']['records'], $response['data']['records']);
                                      $fin_result['data']['order'] = array_merge($fin_result['data']['order'], array_keys($response['data']['records']));
                                      $fin_result['data']['rectypes'][1] = 1;
                    } else {
                        //@todo terminate execution and return error
                    $k = $k + 3000;
                //while chunks
            //for rules
            if ($is_ids_only) {
                //$fin_result['data']['records'] = array_unique($fin_result['data']['records']);
            $fin_result['data']['count'] = count($fin_result['data']['records']);
            if ($return_h3_format) {
                $fin_result = array("resultCount" => $fin_result['data']['count'], "recordCount" => $fin_result['data']['count'], "recIDs" => implode(",", $fin_result['data']['records']));
            //@todo - assign if size less than 3000? only
            $fin_result['data']['mainset'] = $flat_rules[0]['results'];
            return $fin_result;
    $chunk_size = PHP_INT_MAX;
    if (@$params['sql']) {
        $query = $params['sql'];
    } else {
        $is_mode_json = false;
        if (@$params['q']) {
            if (is_array(@$params['q'])) {
                $query_json = $params['q'];
                //DEBUG error_log('Q='.print_r($params['q'],true));
            } else {
                $query_json = json_decode(@$params['q'], true);
            if (is_array($query_json) && count($query_json) > 0) {
                $params['q'] = $query_json;
                $is_mode_json = true;
        } else {
            return $system->addError(HEURIST_INVALID_REQUEST, $savedSearchName . "Invalid search request. Missed query parameter 'q'");
        if ($is_mode_json) {
            $aquery = get_sql_query_clauses_NEW($mysqli, $params, $currentUser);
        } else {
            $aquery = get_sql_query_clauses($mysqli, $params, $currentUser);
            //!!!! IMPORTANT CALL OR compose_sql_query at once
        if ($is_ids_only && @$params['needall']) {
            $chunk_size = PHP_INT_MAX;
            $aquery["limit"] = '';
        } else {
            $chunk_size = $system->user_GetPreference('search_detail_limit');
            //limit for map/timemap output
        if (!isset($aquery["where"]) || trim($aquery["where"]) === '') {
            return $system->addError(HEURIST_DB_ERROR, "Invalid search request; unable to construct valid SQL query", null);
        $query = $select_clause . $aquery["from"] . " WHERE " . $aquery["where"] . $aquery["sort"] . $aquery["limit"] . $aquery["offset"];
        //error_log($is_mode_json.' '.$query);
        /* DEBUG
                    if($params['q']=='doerror'){ //force error
                        $query ='abracadabra'; 
    $res = $mysqli->query($query);
    if (!$res) {
        $response = $system->addError(HEURIST_DB_ERROR, $savedSearchName . 'Search query error', $mysqli->error);
    } else {
        $fres = $mysqli->query('select found_rows()');
        if (!$fres) {
            $response = $system->addError(HEURIST_DB_ERROR, $savedSearchName . 'Search query error (retrieving number of records)', $mysqli->error);
        } else {
            $total_count_rows = $fres->fetch_row();
            $total_count_rows = $total_count_rows[0];
            if ($is_ids_only) {
                //------------------------  LOAD and RETURN only IDS
                $records = array();
                while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
                    array_push($records, (int) $row[0]);
                if (@$params['vo'] == 'h3') {
                    //output version
                    $response = array('resultCount' => $total_count_rows, 'recordCount' => count($records), 'recIDs' => implode(',', $records));
                } else {
                    $response = array('status' => HEURIST_OK, 'data' => array('queryid' => @$params['id'], 'count' => $total_count_rows, 'offset' => get_offset($params), 'reccount' => count($records), 'records' => $records));
            } else {
                // read all field names
                $_flds = $res->fetch_fields();
                $fields = array();
                foreach ($_flds as $fld) {
                    array_push($fields, $fld->name);
                array_push($fields, 'rec_ThumbnailURL');
                //array_push($fields, 'rec_Icon'); //last one -icon ID
                $rectype_structures = array();
                $rectypes = array();
                $records = array();
                $order = array();
                // load all records
                while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
                    //3000 maximal allowed chunk
                    array_push($row, $fieldtypes_ids ? '' : fileGetThumbnailURL($system, $row[2]));
                    //array_push( $row, $row[4] ); //by default icon if record type ID
                    $records[$row[2]] = $row;
                    array_push($order, $row[2]);
                    if (!@$rectypes[$row[4]]) {
                        $rectypes[$row[4]] = 1;
                if (($istimemap_request || $params['detail'] == 'detail' || $params['detail'] == 'structure') && count($records) > 0) {
                    //search for specific details
                    if (!$fieldtypes_ids && $fieldtypes_ids != '') {
                        $detail_query = 'select dtl_RecID,' . 'dtl_DetailTypeID,' . 'dtl_Value,' . 'AsWKT(dtl_Geo), 0, 0, 0 ' . 'from recDetails
                                where dtl_RecID in (' . join(',', array_keys($records)) . ') ' . ' and dtl_DetailTypeID in (' . $fieldtypes_ids . ')';
                    } else {
                        $detail_query = 'select dtl_RecID,' . 'dtl_DetailTypeID,' . 'dtl_Value,' . 'AsWKT(dtl_Geo),' . 'dtl_UploadedFileID,' . 'recUploadedFiles.ulf_ObfuscatedFileID,' . 'recUploadedFiles.ulf_Parameters ' . 'from recDetails
                                  left join recUploadedFiles on ulf_ID = dtl_UploadedFileID
                                where dtl_RecID in (' . join(',', array_keys($records)) . ')';
                    // @todo - we may use getAllRecordDetails
                    $res_det = $mysqli->query($detail_query);
                    if (!$res_det) {
                        $response = $system->addError(HEURIST_DB_ERROR, $savedSearchName . 'Search query error (retrieving details)', $mysqli->error);
                        return $response;
                    } else {
                        while ($row = $res_det->fetch_row()) {
                            $recID = array_shift($row);
                            if (!array_key_exists('d', $records[$recID])) {
                                $records[$recID]['d'] = array();
                            $dtyID = $row[0];
                            $val = null;
                            if ($row[2]) {
                                $val = $row[1] . ' ' . $row[2];
                                //dtl_Geo @todo convert to JSON
                            } else {
                                if ($row[3]) {
                                    $val = array($row[4], $row[5]);
                                    //obfuscated value for fileid
                                } else {
                                    if (@$row[1]) {
                                        $val = $row[1];
                            if ($val) {
                                if (!array_key_exists($dtyID, $records[$recID]['d'])) {
                                    $records[$recID]['d'][$dtyID] = array();
                                array_push($records[$recID]['d'][$dtyID], $val);
                        // 1. optimize loop - include into main detail loop
                        // 2. exit loop if more than 5000 geo enabled
                        // 3. return geojson and timeline items
                        //additional loop for timemap request
                        //1. exclude records without timemap data
                        //2. limit to $chunk_size
                        if ($istimemap_request) {
                            $tm_records = array();
                            $order = array();
                            $rectypes = array();
                            foreach ($records as $recID => $record) {
                                if (is_array(@$record['d']) && count($record['d']) > 0) {
                                    //this record is time enabled
                                    if ($istimemap_counter < $chunk_size) {
                                        $tm_records[$recID] = $record;
                                        array_push($order, $recID);
                                        $rectypes[$record[4]] = 1;
                            $records = $tm_records;
                            $total_count_rows = $istimemap_counter;
                $rectypes = array_keys($rectypes);
                if ($params['detail'] == 'structure' && count($rectypes) > 0) {
                    //rarely used in editing.js
                    //description of recordtype and used detail types
                    $rectype_structures = dbs_GetRectypeStructures($system, $rectypes, 1);
                    //no groups
                $response = array('status' => HEURIST_OK, 'data' => array('queryid' => @$params['id'], 'count' => $total_count_rows, 'offset' => get_offset($params), 'reccount' => count($records), 'fields' => $fields, 'records' => $records, 'order' => $order, 'rectypes' => $rectypes, 'structures' => $rectype_structures));
                if ($fieldtypes_ids) {
                    $response['data']['fields_detail'] = explode(',', $fieldtypes_ids);
    return $response;