예제 #1
파일: 3.php 프로젝트: josefXXX/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //remove the photo plugin
     dbexec("DELETE FROM #__plugins WHERE `element` = 'access' AND `folder` = 'subscriptions' ");
     //remove the dangling transaction records
     dbexec("DELETE FROM #__subscriptions_transactions WHERE user_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM #__users)");
예제 #2
파일: 2.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
  * Called when migrating up.
 public function up()
     $timeThen = microtime(true);
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__nodes WHERE `type` LIKE \'%ComBaseDomainEntityComment%\' AND `parent_type` = \'com:todos.domain.entity.milestone\' ');
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__nodes WHERE `type` LIKE \'%com:todos.domain.entity.milestone\' ');
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__edges WHERE `node_b_type` LIKE \'%com:todos.domain.entity.milestone\' ');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__todos_milestones');
     //clearing todolists from the data
     $todolists = dbfetch('SELECT `id`, `parent_id`, `alias` FROM #__nodes WHERE `type` LIKE \'%com:todos.domain.entity.todolist\' ');
     foreach ($todolists as $todolist) {
         $terms = explode('-', $todolist['alias']);
         foreach ($terms as $index => $value) {
             if (strlen($value) < 3) {
         $todos = KService::get('com://site/todos.domain.entity.todo')->getRepository()->getQuery()->disableChain()->where('parent_id = ' . $todolist['id'])->fetchSet();
         foreach ($todos as $todo) {
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                 if (strlen($term) > 3) {
                     dboutput($term . ', ');
                     $todo->set('parent_id', 0)->set('description', $todo->description . ' #' . trim($term))->addHashtag($term)->save();
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__nodes WHERE `type` LIKE \'%com:todos.domain.entity.todolist\' ');
     //clear stories
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__nodes WHERE `story_object_type` = \'com:todos.domain.entity.todolist\' OR `story_object_type` = \'com:todos.domain.entity.milestone\' ');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__todos_todolists');
     $timeDiff = microtime(true) - $timeThen;
     dboutput("TIME: ({$timeDiff})" . "\n");
예제 #3
파일: 2.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     $timeThen = microtime(true);
     //converting the old boards as hashtags
     $boards = dbfetch('SELECT `id`, `alias` FROM #__anahita_nodes WHERE `type` LIKE \'%com:topics.domain.entity.board\' ');
     foreach ($boards as $board) {
         $terms = explode('-', $board['alias']);
         foreach ($terms as $index => $value) {
             if (strlen($value) < 3) {
         $topics = KService::get('com://site/topics.domain.entity.topic')->getRepository()->getQuery()->disableChain()->where('parent_id = ' . $board['id'])->fetchSet();
         foreach ($topics as $topic) {
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                 if (strlen($term) > 3) {
                     dboutput($term . ', ');
                     $topic->set('description', $topic->description . ' #' . trim($term))->addHashtag($term)->save();
     dbexec('UPDATE #__anahita_nodes SET `parent_id` = 0 WHERE `type` LIKE \'%com:topics.domain.entity.topic\'');
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__anahita_nodes WHERE `type` LIKE \'%com:topics.domain.entity.board\'');
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__anahita_edges WHERE `node_b_type` LIKE \'%com:topics.domain.entity.board\'');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__topics_boards');
     $timeDiff = microtime(true) - $timeThen;
     dboutput("TIME: ({$timeDiff})" . "\n");
예제 #4
파일: 12.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
  * Called when migrating up.
 public function up()
     if (!dbexists('SHOW TABLES LIKE "#__edges"')) {
         dbexec('RENAME TABLE #__anahita_edges TO #__edges');
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__edges WHERE node_a_id = node_b_id');
예제 #5
파일: 11.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
  * Called when migrating up.
 public function up()
     //delete open social table
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__opensocial_profiles');
     //delete legacy com_cache and com_opensocial
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__components WHERE `option` = \'com_cache\' OR `option` = \'com_opensocial\' ');
     //some clean up
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__components WHERE name = "" ');
     //fix broken menu link
     dbexec('UPDATE #__components SET `admin_menu_link` = \'option=com_mailer\' WHERE `option` = \'com_mailer\' ');
     //Delete legacy plugins
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__plugins WHERE `element` IN ( \'ptag\', \'syntax\', \'opensocial\', \'mtupgrade\', \'usertype\' ) ');
     //remove anahita from nodes and edges table names
     if (!dbexists('SHOW TABLES LIKE "#__nodes"')) {
         dbexec('RENAME TABLE #__anahita_nodes TO #__nodes');
     //add pinned field to the nodes table
     if (!dbexists('SHOW COLUMNS FROM #__nodes LIKE "pinned"')) {
         dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__nodes ADD `pinned` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `enabled`');
     //add github gist plugin
     dbexec("INSERT INTO `#__plugins` (`name`, `element`, `folder`, `access`, `ordering`, `published`, `iscore`, `client_id`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `params`) VALUES ('Content Filter - Medium', 'medium', 'contentfilter', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '')");
     //remove the photo plugin
     dbexec("DELETE FROM #__plugins WHERE `element` = 'photo' ");
     //remove the migrator_migrations table if exists
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__migrator_migrations');
     //some of the plugins are core plugins
     dbexec("UPDATE jos_plugins SET iscore = 1 WHERE element IN ('joomla', 'gist', 'medium', 'link', 'video', 's3')");
예제 #6
파일: 2.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
  * Called when migrating up.
 public function up()
     dbexec('delete from jos_components where `option` IN ("com_installer","com_bazaar","com_tagmeta")');
     dbexec('delete from jos_components where `option` IS NULL OR `option` = ""');
     dbexec('update jos_components set admin_menu_link ="" where `option` IN ("com_search","com_todos","com_pages","com_html","com_invites")');
     ///remove privacy_read_mode. some installation may still have it
     try {
         dbexec('alter table jos_anahita_nodes drop column `privacy_read_mode`');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jos_core_log_items`');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jos_core_log_searches`');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jos_stats_agents`');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jos_tagmeta`');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jos_migration_backlinks`');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jos_migrations`');
     dbexec("DELETE FROM `jos_modules_menu` WHERE `moduleid` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `jos_modules` WHERE `module` IN ('mod_bazaar','mod_footer','mod_login','mod_rokquicklinks'))");
     dbexec("DELETE FROM `jos_modules` WHERE `module` IN ('mod_bazaar','mod_footer','mod_login','mod_rokquicklinks')");
     $people = dbfetch('select id,person_username AS username,person_userid AS userid from jos_anahita_nodes where type like "ComActorsDomainEntityActor,ComPeopleDomainEntityPerson,com:people.domain.entity.person" and person_username NOT REGEXP "^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*$"');
     foreach ($people as $person) {
         $username = $person['username'];
         $clean = $username = preg_replace('/(\\s|\\.|(@\\w+))+/', '', $username);
         //add a randome number until the username becomes unique
         while (dbexists("select id from jos_users where username like '{$username}'")) {
             $username = $clean . rand(0, 100);
         dbexec("update jos_anahita_nodes set person_username = '******' where id = {$person['id']}");
         dbexec("update jos_users set username = '******' where id = {$person['userid']}");
예제 #7
파일: 10.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes
             ADD `cover_filename` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `filesize`,
             ADD `cover_filesize` INT(11) NULL AFTER `cover_filename`,
             ADD `cover_mimetype` VARCHAR(100) NULL AFTER `cover_filesize`');
예제 #8
파일: 7.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //remove some legacy plugin records
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__plugins WHERE folder = \'system\' AND element IN (\'sef\',\'debug\',\'logger\',\'missioncontrol\', \'mtupgrade\', \'tagmeta\')');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #__menu');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #__menu_types');
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__modules WHERE `module` IN (\'mod_menu\',\'mod_viewer\') AND `client_id` = 0 ');
예제 #9
파일: 5.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     $timeThen = microtime(true);
     //some legacy cleanup
     $legacyTables = array('categories', 'content', 'content_frontpage', 'core_log_items', 'migration_backlinks', 'migrations', 'sections', 'stats_agents', 'tagmeta', 'core_log_searches');
     foreach ($legacyTables as $legacyTable) {
         dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #__' . $legacyTable);
     //delete a legacy record
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__components WHERE `option` = \'com_mailto\' ');
     //add the hashtag contentfilter
     dbexec('INSERT INTO #__plugins (name,element,folder,iscore) VALUES (\'Hashtag\', \'hashtag\',\'contentfilter\',1)');
     //create the fields required for creating hashtag nodes
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes DROP COLUMN `tag_count`');
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes DROP COLUMN `tag_ids`');
     //install the hashtag related extensions
     dbexec('INSERT INTO #__components (`name`,`link`,`option`,`iscore`,`enabled`) VALUES (\'Hashtags\',\'option=com_hashtags\',\'com_hashtags\',1,1)');
     $ids = array();
     //fetch only the nodes that contain something that resembels a hashtag
     $query_regexp = 'body REGEXP \'#([^0-9_\\s\\W].{2,})\'';
     dboutput("\nActors' Hashtags\n");
     //extracting hashtag terms from actors
     $ids = dbfetch('SELECT id FROM #__anahita_nodes WHERE type LIKE \'ComActorsDomainEntityActor%\' AND ' . $query_regexp);
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $entity = KService::get('com://site/actors.domain.entity.actor')->getRepository()->getQuery()->disableChain()->fetch($id);
         $hashtagTerms = $this->extractHashtagTerms($entity->description);
         foreach ($hashtagTerms as $term) {
             dboutput($term . ', ');
     dboutput("\nComments' hashtags\n");
     //extracting hashtag terms from comments
     $ids = dbfetch('SELECT id FROM #__anahita_nodes WHERE type LIKE \'ComBaseDomainEntityComment%\' AND ' . $query_regexp);
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $entity = KService::get('com://site/base.domain.entity.comment')->getRepository()->getQuery()->disableChain()->fetch($id);
         $hashtagTerms = $this->extractHashtagTerms($entity->body);
         foreach ($hashtagTerms as $term) {
             dboutput($term . ', ');
     dboutput("\nMedia's Hashtags\n");
     //extracting hashtag terms from mediums: notes, topics, pages, and todos
     $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__anahita_nodes WHERE ' . $query_regexp . ' AND ( ' . 'type LIKE \'%com:notes.domain.entity.note\' ' . 'OR type LIKE \'%com:topics.domain.entity.topic\' ' . 'OR type LIKE \'%com:photos.domain.entity.photo\' ' . 'OR type LIKE \'%com:photos.domain.entity.set\' ' . 'OR type LIKE \'%com:pages.domain.entity.page\' ' . 'OR type LIKE \'%com:todos.domain.entity.todo\' ' . ' ) ';
     $ids = dbfetch($query);
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $entity = KService::get('com://site/medium.domain.entity.medium')->getRepository()->getQuery()->disableChain()->fetch($id);
         $hashtagTerms = $this->extractHashtagTerms($entity->description);
         foreach ($hashtagTerms as $term) {
             dboutput($term . ', ');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__plugins SET published = 1 WHERE element = \'hashtag\'');
     $timeDiff = microtime(true) - $timeThen;
     dboutput("TIME: ({$timeDiff})" . "\n");
예제 #10
파일: 6.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //delete a legacy record
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__components WHERE `option` = \'com_content\' ');
     //add the mention tag contentfilter
     dbexec('INSERT INTO #__plugins (`name`,`element`,`folder`,`iscore`,`published`) VALUES (\'Mention\', \'mention\',\'contentfilter\',1,1)');
     //changing the hashtag class name to tag
     dbexec('UPDATE #__anahita_edges SET `type` = REPLACE(`type`, \'ComHashtagsDomainEntityAssociation,com:hashtags.domain.entity.association\', \'ComTagsDomainEntityTag,ComHashtagsDomainEntityTag,com:hashtags.domain.entity.tag\') WHERE type LIKE \'%com:hashtags.domain.entity%\' ');
예제 #11
파일: 14.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //add your migration here
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__users ENGINE=InnoDB");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__templates_menu ENGINE=InnoDB");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__plugins ENGINE=InnoDB");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__nodes ENGINE=InnoDB");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__components ENGINE=InnoDB");
예제 #12
파일: 15.php 프로젝트: LuccaCaldas/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //Create new fields for com_locations
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE `#__nodes` ADD `geo_address` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `geo_longitude`");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE `#__nodes` ADD `geo_city` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `geo_address`");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE `#__nodes` ADD `geo_state_province` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `geo_city`");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE `#__nodes` ADD `geo_country` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `geo_state_province`");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE `#__nodes` ADD `geo_postalcode` VARCHAR(15) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `geo_country`");
     //add extension records
     dbexec("INSERT INTO `#__components` (`name`, `link`, `admin_menu_link`, `admin_menu_alt`, `admin_menu_img`, `option`,`iscore`, `enabled`) VALUES ('Locations', 'option=com_locations', 'option=com_locations', 'Locations', 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 'com_locations', 1, 1)");
예제 #13
파일: 9.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //looks like these two didn't work in previous migrations
     dbexec("DROP TABLE #__content_rating");
     dbexec("DELETE FROM #__components WHERE `option` IN  ('com_media', 'com_menus', 'com_modules')");
     //add github gist plugin
     dbexec("INSERT INTO `#__plugins` (`id`, `name`, `element`, `folder`, `access`, `ordering`, `published`, `iscore`, `client_id`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `params`) VALUES (49, 'Content Filter - GithubGist', 'gist', 'contentfilter', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '')");
     //remove the syntax plugin
     dbexec("DELETE FROM #__plugins WHERE `element` IN ('syntax', 'ptag') ");
     //UTF-8 conversions
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_edges CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE name name VARBINARY(255)");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE name name VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE alias alias VARBINARY(255)");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE alias alias VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE body body MEDIUMBLOB");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE body body MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE person_given_name person_given_name VARBINARY(255)");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE person_given_name person_given_name VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE person_family_name person_family_name VARBINARY(255)");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__anahita_nodes CHANGE person_family_name person_family_name VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__migrator_migrations CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__migrator_versions CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__opensocial_profiles CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__opensocial_profiles CHARACTER SET utf8");
     //move these to related components
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__invites_tokens CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__opensocial_profiles CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__subscriptions_coupons CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__subscriptions_packages CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__subscriptions_transactions CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__subscriptions_vats CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__todos_todos CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__topics_topics CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__users CHARACTER SET utf8");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__users CHANGE name name VARBINARY(255)");
     dbexec("ALTER TABLE #__users CHANGE name name VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8");
     //updating comments
     $timeThen = microtime(true);
     $db = KService::get('koowa:database.adapter.mysqli');
     //change comment formats from html to string
     $entities = dbfetch('SELECT id, body FROM #__anahita_nodes WHERE type LIKE "ComBaseDomainEntityComment%" ');
     dboutput("Updating comments. This WILL take a while ...\n");
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $id = $entity['id'];
         $body = strip_tags($entity['body']);
         $db->update('anahita_nodes', array('body' => $body), ' WHERE id=' . $id);
     dboutput("Comments updated!\n");
     $timeDiff = microtime(true) - $timeThen;
     dboutput("TIME: ({$timeDiff})" . "\n");
예제 #14
function TestDB()
    $ret = array();
    $query = "SELECT 1 AS demo";
    $result = dbexec($query);
    if (db()->affected_rows) {
        //$ret = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $ret[] = $row;
    return $ret;
예제 #15
파일: 1.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #__invites_invitations');
     $query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__invites_tokens` (
      `id` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `inviter_id` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `service` VARCHAR(20),
      `token` VARCHAR(150),
      `used` TINYINT(20) unsigned default 0,
       PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
       KEY `inviter_id` (`inviter_id`)
     //add your migration here
예제 #16
파일: 10.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
  * Called when migrating up.
 public function up()
     //remove anahita from nodes and edges table names
     if (!dbexists('SHOW TABLES LIKE "#__nodes"')) {
         dbexec('RENAME TABLE #__anahita_nodes TO #__nodes');
     if (!dbexists('SHOW TABLES LIKE "#__edges"')) {
         dbexec('RENAME TABLE #__anahita_edges TO #__edges');
     if (!dbexists('SHOW COLUMNS FROM #__nodes LIKE "cover_filename"')) {
         dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__nodes
             ADD `cover_filename` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `filesize`,
             ADD `cover_filesize` INT(11) NULL AFTER `cover_filename`,
             ADD `cover_mimetype` VARCHAR(100) NULL AFTER `cover_filesize`');
예제 #17
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //fetch duplicate rows
     $duplicate_rows = dbfetch("SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS count FROM `#__edges` GROUP BY `type`, `node_a_id`, `node_a_type`, `node_b_id`, `node_b_type` HAVING count > 1");
     //delete duplicate rows
     foreach ($duplicate_rows as $row) {
         dbexec('DELETE FROM `#__edges` WHERE `type`=\'' . $row['type'] . '\' AND `node_a_id`=\'' . $row['node_a_id'] . '\' AND `node_a_type`=\'' . $row['node_a_type'] . '\' AND `node_b_id`=\'' . $row['node_b_id'] . '\' AND `node_b_type`=\'' . $row['node_b_type'] . '\' ');
     //add unique constraint to columns
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE `#__edges` ADD CONSTRAINT `uc_edge` UNIQUE(`type`, `node_a_id`, `node_a_type`, `node_b_id`, `node_b_type`)');
     //insert previously duplicate rows once each
     foreach ($duplicate_rows as $row) {
         dbinsert('edges', $row);
예제 #18
파일: 2.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__subscriptions_coupons
     ADD `created_on` datetime DEFAULT NULL AFTER `usage`,
     ADD `created_by` bigint(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `created_on`,
     ADD INDEX `created_by` (`created_by`),
     ADD `modified_on` datetime DEFAULT NULL AFTER `created_by`,
     ADD `modified_by` bigint(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `modified_on`,
     ADD INDEX `modified_by` (`modified_by`)  
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__subscriptions_vats
     ADD `created_on` datetime DEFAULT NULL AFTER `data`,
     ADD `created_by` bigint(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `created_on`,
     ADD INDEX `created_by` (`created_by`),
     ADD `modified_on` datetime DEFAULT NULL AFTER `created_by`,
     ADD `modified_by` bigint(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `modified_on`,
     ADD INDEX `modified_by` (`modified_by`)  
예제 #19
파일: 1.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
 public function up()
     dbexec('INSERT IGNORE INTO #__migrator_versions (component,version) VALUES
                ("connect",   1),
예제 #20
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET `component` = \'com_articles\' WHERE `component` = \'com_pages\' ');
     // node types
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET type=\'ComMediumDomainEntityMedium,ComArticlesDomainEntityArticle,com:articles.domain.entity.article\' WHERE type=\'ComMediumDomainEntityMedium,ComPagesDomainEntityPage,com:pages.domain.entity.page\'');
     // revision nodes
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET type=\'ComMediumDomainEntityMedium,ComArticlesDomainEntityRevision,com:articles.domain.entity.revision\' WHERE type=\'ComMediumDomainEntityMedium,ComPagesDomainEntityRevision,com:pages.domain.entity.revision\'');
     // comments
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET type=\'ComBaseDomainEntityComment,com:articles.domain.entity.comment\' WHERE type=\'ComBaseDomainEntityComment,com:pages.domain.entity.comment\' ');
     // parent types
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET parent_type=\'com:articles.domain.entity.article\' WHERE parent_type=\'com:pages.domain.entity.page\' ');
     // update permissions
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET `permissions` = REPLACE(`permissions`, \'com_pages:page\', \'com_articles:article\')');
     // story_object_type
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET story_object_type=\'com:articles.domain.entity.article\' WHERE story_object_type=\'com:pages.domain.entity.page\' ');
     // Update edges
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__edges` SET `node_b_type` = \'com:articles.domain.entity.article\' WHERE `node_b_type` = \'com:pages.domain.entity.page\' ');
     // Update stories and notifications
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET name=\'article_add\' WHERE name=\'page_add\'');
     dbexec('UPDATE `#__nodes` SET name=\'article_comment\' WHERE name=\'page_comment\'');
예제 #21
파일: 13.php 프로젝트: LuccaCaldas/anahita
  * Called when migrating up.
 public function up()
     //remove anahita from nodes and edges table names
     if (!dbexists('SHOW TABLES LIKE "#__nodes"')) {
         dbexec('RENAME TABLE #__anahita_nodes TO #__nodes');
     if (!dbexists('SHOW TABLES LIKE "#__edges"')) {
         dbexec('RENAME TABLE #__anahita_edges TO #__edges');
     //migrate users usertype
     dbexec('UPDATE #__users SET `usertype`=\'registered\' WHERE `usertype` NOT LIKE \'%admin%\' ');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__users SET `usertype`=\'administrator\' WHERE `usertype`=\'Administrator\' ');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__users SET `usertype`=\'super-administrator\' WHERE `usertype`=\'Super Administrator\' ');
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__users DROP COLUMN `gid` ');
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__users DROP COLUMN `sendEmail` ');
     //migrate people usertype
     dbexec('UPDATE #__nodes SET `person_usertype`=\'registered\' WHERE `person_usertype` NOT LIKE \'%admin%\' ');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__nodes SET `person_usertype`=\'administrator\' WHERE `person_usertype`=\'Administrator\' ');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__nodes SET `person_usertype`=\'super-administrator\' WHERE `person_usertype`=\'Super Administrator\' ');
     //migrate session table
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__session DROP COLUMN `gid` ');
     //drop legacy tables
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__core_acl_aro');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__core_acl_aro_groups');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__core_acl_aro_map');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__core_acl_aro_sections');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__core_acl_groups_aro_map');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE #__groups');
     //legacy component cleanup
     dbexec('DELETE FROM #__components WHERE `option` IN (\'com_users\', \'com_user\') ');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__components SET `admin_menu_link`=\'option=com_people\', `admin_menu_alt`=\'People\', `admin_menu_img`=\'js/ThemeOffice/component.png\' WHERE `option`=\'com_people\' ');
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__nodes MODIFY `enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
     dbexec('ALTER TABLE #__nodes MODIFY `is_default` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__nodes SET `story_subject_id` = `created_by` WHERE `story_subject_id` = `story_target_id` AND `name` = \'actor_follow\'');
     dbexec('UPDATE #__nodes SET `enabled`=1, `access` = \'admins\' WHERE `type` LIKE \'%com:people.domain.entity.person\' AND `enabled` = 0');
예제 #22
            //if it fails any and, it fails all ands
    if (!isset($add) || $add) {
        $post = $doc->createElement('post');
        $post->setAttribute('post-id', $post_row['id']);
        $post->setAttribute('group-name', htmlspecialchars($post_row['name']));
        $post->setAttribute('author-name', htmlspecialchars($post_row['author_name']));
        $post->setAttribute('created', htmlspecialchars(formatdatetime($post_row['created'])));
        if (isset($post_row['image'])) {
            $post->setAttribute('image', htmlspecialchars($post_row['image']));
        //leave room for adding comments
        $comment_stmt = dbexec($select_db, 'SELECT c.id, c.message, c.created,
					(SELECT u.username FROM users u JOIN comments c2 ON c2.author_id = u.id WHERE c2.author_id = c.author_id LIMIT 1) as author_name
					FROM comments c
					WHERE c.post_id = ?', array($post_row['id']), array(PDO::PARAM_INT));
        $comments = $doc->createElement('comments');
        while ($comment_row = $comment_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $comment = $doc->createElement('comment');
            $comment->setAttribute('id', htmlspecialchars($comment_row['id']));
            $comment->setAttribute('author-name', htmlspecialchars($comment_row['author_name']));
            $comment->setAttribute('created', htmlspecialchars(formatdatetime($comment_row['created'])));
예제 #23
파일: 1.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //add your migration here
     dbexec("UPDATE jos_anahita_nodes SET filename = CONCAT(MD5(id),'.jpg') WHERE type LIKE '%com:photos.domain.entity.photo%' AND filename = ''");
예제 #24
function raisedbystudent($uid, &$tvc)
    $w1vendortotal = 0;
    $w2vendortotal = 0;
    $w3vendortotal = 0;
    $trk = dbGetObj("select * from tracking where user_id={$uid}");
    $pro = dbGetObj("select * from progress where user_id={$uid}");
    $wk = getfld("week", "users", "where id={$uid}");
    $errors = 0;
    $space = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    if ($wk > 1) {
        $w1vendorcost = $trk->w1cost;
        $w1vendortotal = 0;
        $w1multiplier = 0;
        if ($w1vendorcost > 0) {
            $w1vendor = $trk->w1vendor;
            $w1vendortotal = 25000;
            //Max amount a vendor can raise
            //determine how much of the max amount the vendor actually raised
            $vnum = getvnum(1, $w1vendor, $w1vendorcost);
            if ($vnum == 1) {
                $w1multiplier = 1.0;
            } else {
                if ($vnum == 2) {
                    $w1multiplier = 0.75;
                } else {
                    if ($vnum == 3) {
                        $w1multiplier = 0.5;
                    } else {
                        if ($vnum == 4) {
                            $w1multiplier = 0.25;
                        } else {
                            rerr("tsk1: student id={$uid} {$space} w1vendor=\"{$w1vendor}\" {$space} w1vendorcost={$w1vendorcost}");
                            $w1multiplier = 0.625;
            //Determine the adjusted vendortotal
            $w1vendortotal *= $w1multiplier;
            $w1vendortotal -= $w1vendorcost;
        //Dock them for hiring an extra vendor
        if (substr($pro->w1nlc_utt, 0, 1) == "c") {
            $w1vendortotal -= 3000;
    if ($wk > 2) {
        $w2vendorcost = $trk->w2cost;
        $w2vendortotal = 0;
        $w2multiplier = 0;
        if ($w2vendorcost > 0) {
            $w2vendor = $trk->w2vendor;
            $w2vendortotal = 50000;
            //Max amount a vendor can raise
            $vnum = getvnum(2, $w2vendor, $w2vendorcost);
            if ($vnum == 1) {
                $w2multiplier = 1.0;
            } else {
                if ($vnum == 2) {
                    $w2multiplier = 0.75;
                } else {
                    if ($vnum == 3) {
                        $w2multiplier = 0.5;
                    } else {
                        if ($vnum == 4) {
                            $w2multiplier = 0.25;
                        } else {
                            rerr("tsk2: student id={$uid} {$space} w2vendor=\"{$w2vendor}\" {$space} w2vendorcost={$w2vendorcost}");
                            $w2multiplier = 0.625;
            //Determine the adjusted vendortotal
            $w2vendortotal *= $w2multiplier;
            $w2vendortotal -= $w2vendorcost;
        //Dock them for getting insurance
        if (substr($pro->w2nlc_utt, 0, 1) == "c") {
            $w2vendortotal -= 1500;
    if ($wk > 3) {
        $w3vendorcost = $trk->w3cost;
        $w3vendortotal = -12500;
        $w3vendor = $trk->w3vendor;
        if (substr($w3vendor, 0, 7) == "Ramblin") {
            $w3vendor = substr($w3vendor, 0, 7);
        //if($w3vendor != null)
        //p("$uid - w3vendor = $w3vendor");
        //p("w3vendor = null");
        if ($w3vendor != "" && $w3vendor != null) {
            $vnum = getvnum(3, $w3vendor, $w3vendorcost);
            // p("&emsp; vnum = $vnum");
            if ($vnum < 4) {
                $w3vendortotal = -8000;
                // Arrested wrong vendor
            } else {
                if ($vnum == 4) {
                    $w3vendortotal = 0;
                    // Arrested the correct vendor
                } else {
                    rerr("tsk3: student id={$uid} {$space} w3vendor=\"{$w3vendor}'\" {$space} w3vendorcost={$w3vendorcost}");
            //p("&emsp w3vendortotal = $w3vendortotal");
        //Dock them for hiring an assistant
        if (substr($pro->w3nlc_utt, 0, 1) == "c") {
            $w3vendortotal -= 1500;
        dbexec("update tracking set w3cost={$w3vendortotal} where user_id={$uid}");
    // Test Calculation
    /*if(($w1vendortotal+$w2vendortotal+$w3vendortotal) > 0){
    		p("$uid - w1raised = $w1vendortotal - w2raised = $w2vendortotal - w3raised = $w3vendortotal");
    		p("Total = ".($w1vendortotal+$w2vendortotal+$w3vendortotal));
    // ===========================
    $raised = $w1vendortotal + $w2vendortotal + $w3vendortotal;
    dbExec("update tracking set raisedmoney={$raised}, errors={$errors} where user_id=" . $uid);
    setvar($uid, 'RAISED', $raised);
    dbExec("update results set raised={$raised} where uid={$uid}");
    $tvc = $w1vendorcost + $w2vendorcost;
    // xxx currently not used ?
    if ($w1vendor == "") {
        $w1vendor = "no one";
    if ($w2vendor == "") {
        $w2vendor = "no one";
    if ($w3vendor == "") {
        $w3vendor = "no one";
    return $raised;
예제 #25
파일: 12.php 프로젝트: josefXXX/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     dbexec("DELETE FROM #__anahita_edges WHERE node_a_id = node_b_id");
예제 #26
파일: 1.php 프로젝트: stonyyi/anahita
  * Called when migrating up.
 public function up()
     dbexec('UPDATE #__nodes SET access=\'admins\' WHERE enabled=0 AND type=\'ComMediumDomainEntityMedium,ComPagesDomainEntityPage,com:pages.domain.entity.page\'');
예제 #27
파일: 8.php 프로젝트: walteraries/anahita
  * Called when migrating up
 public function up()
     //dropping module tables
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #__modules');
     dbexec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #__modules_menu');
예제 #28
 if ($passnum == 2) {
     $mcols = $db->MetaColumnNames("scores", true);
     array_push($mcols, "UBER");
     array_push($mcols, "RAISED");
     $mn = count($mcols);
     if ($catoffset > $mn) {
         echo "Pass 2 finished.<p>";
         $passnum = 3;
     } else {
         $cat = $mcols[$catoffset];
         if ($cat != "decision") {
             $catstogo = $mn - $catoffset;
             echo "Pass 2 of 3: Generating Percentiles for category {$catoffset}, \"{$cat}\" ({$catstogo})<br>";
             //echo "Building percentile table ... "; ob_flush(); flush();
             $num = getField("vars", "count(*)", "where uid!=0 and tag='{$cat}' order by val asc");
             $rs = dbexec("select distinct(val) from vars where uid!=0 and tag='{$cat}' order by val asc");
             $pcntl = array();
             while (!$rs->EOF) {
                 $v = $rs->fields("val");
                 $below = getField("vars", "count(val)", "where uid!=0 and tag='{$cat}' and val < {$v}");
                 $above = getField("vars", "count(val)", "where uid!=0 and tag='{$cat}' and val > {$v}");
                 $bp = $below * 100 / $num;
                 $ap = 100 - $above * 100 / $num;
                 $p = ($bp + $ap) / 2;
                 $pcntl[$v] = $p;
                 echo "% ";
             echo "<br>";
예제 #29

require '../../utility/common.php';
$params = validate_params('POST', array('username', 'password'), array(0, 0), array(0, 0));
if (!$params) {
    error('invalid form data', '/account/login.php');
$select_db = connect('select');
$stmt = dbexec($select_db, 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', array($params['username']), array(PDO::PARAM_STR));
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($row) == 0) {
    //user is not in database, they need to sign up, or they have not activated their account yet
    error('You need to sign up first', '../login.php');
} elseif (!is_null($row['activation_key'])) {
    error('You have not activated your account yet', '../login.php');
if (password_verify($params['password'], $row['password'])) {
    //stop session fixation
    $_SESSION['name'] = $row['username'];
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['id'];
    $_SESSION['tree'] = get_tree($select_db, $row['id']);
    header('Location: /home/home.php');
} else {
    //users password was entered incorrectly
    error('Wrong password', '/account/login.php');

require '../utility/common.php';
require '../utility/htmlcommon.php';
$params = validate_params('POST', array('email'), array(FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL), array(FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL));
if (!$params) {
    error('Invalid params', 'login.php');
$select_db = connect('select');
$stmt = dbexec($select_db, 'SELECT username FROM users WHERE email = ?', array($params['email']), array(PDO::PARAM_STR));
$res = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($stmt->rowCount() === 0) {
    echo 'That email does not exist in our database';
$message = 'Hello, you recently requested to recover your username for the account associated
			with this email at Classmatches. If you did not request this information, we suggest
			you change your password at Classmatches as soon as possible. Your username is: ' . $res['username'] . '. Thank you for using Classmatches.';
$message = wordwrap($message, 100);
mail($params['email'], 'Username account recovery', $message, 'From: accountrecovery@classmatches.com');
top(false, 'Account recovery submit');
			<p>An email has been sent to <?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($params['email']);
 with your username</p>
			<p><a href="login.php">Log In</a></p>