function pray_sav($p, $o, $res = '') { list($p, $o) = ajxp($res, $p, $o); //echo $p.'-'.$o.'-'.$res; //$r=db_read('ummo/pray/1511'); $r = msql_read('', 'ummo_pray_1', '', ''); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $k => $v) { if ($v[0] == $p && $v[1] == $o) { $id = $k; } } } if ($id) { unset($r[$id]); } else { $r[] = array($p, $o, 1); } msql_modif('users', 'ummo_pray_1', $r, $dfb, 'arr', ''); db_write('ummo/pray/1511', $r); //if(!$id)modif_vars('users','ummo_pray_1',array($p,$o,1),'push'); //else modif_vars('users','ummo_pray_1',array($id=>array($p,$o,0)),'mdf'); $ret = pray_build($p, $o, $r); return $ret; }
/** * Function clearAIMLByFileName * * * @param $filename * @return string */ function clearAIMLByFileName($filename) { global $dbn, $bot_id, $dbConn; $sql = "delete from `aiml` where `filename` like '{$filename}' and `bot_id` = {$bot_id};"; $affectedRows = db_write($sql, null, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $msg = "<br/><strong>AIML categories cleared for file {$filename}!</strong><br />"; return $msg; }
function api_oauth2_grant_tokens_purge() { $then = api_oauth2_grant_tokens_min_age(); # TO DO: purge caches - iterate over all the keys? # (20121103/straup) $sql = "DELETE FROM OAuth2GrantTokens WHERE created <= {$then}"; $rsp = db_write($sql); return $rsp; }
function dots_search_extras_remove_dot(&$dot) { $enc_id = AddSlashes($dot['id']); $sql = "DELETE FROM DotsSearchExtras WHERE dot_id='{$enc_id}'"; $rsp = db_write($sql); if ($rsp['ok']) { $cache_key = "dots_search_extras_{$dot['id']}"; cache_unset($cache_key); } return $rsp; }
/** * Function delAIML * * * @param $id * @return string */ function delAIML($id) { if ($id != "") { $sql = "DELETE FROM `aiml` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1"; $affectedRows = db_write($sql, null, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($affectedRows == 0) { $msg = 'Error AIML couldn\'t be deleted - no changes made.</div>'; } else { $msg = 'AIML has been deleted.'; } } else { $msg = 'Error AIML couldn\'t be deleted - no changes made.'; } return $msg; }
function delete_room($id){ $room = db_single(db_fetch("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=$id")); $parent = db_single(db_fetch("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1=$id OR room_2=$id")); if ($room[room_1]) return 0; if ($room[room_2]) return 0; db_write("DELETE FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=$id"); if ($parent[id]){ db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_1=0 WHERE id=$parent[id] AND room_1=$id"); db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_2=0 WHERE id=$parent[id] AND room_2=$id"); } return 1; }
function delete_room($id) { $room = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=" . $id)); $parent = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1=" . $id . " OR room_2=" . $id)); if ($room['room_1']) { return 0; } if ($room['room_2']) { return 0; } db_write("DELETE FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=" . $id); if ($parent['id']) { db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_1=0 WHERE id=" . $parent['id'] . " AND room_1=" . $id); db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_2=0 WHERE id=" . $parent['id'] . " AND room_2=" . $id); } return 1; }
function authorization() { global $body; global $mod; global $curr; global $modules; // ---------------- init ---------------- // $login = ''; $pass = ''; $auth = array('id' => 0, 'desc' => '', 'state' => 1, 'perm' => '', 'sid' => 0); // state: // 1 - sess exists // 2 - ok // 4 - sess not exists // 8 - user for sess_id not exists // ------------------------------------ identificate organization ------------------------------------ // $auth['org'] = 0; $auth['org_desc'] = 'Добро пожаловать в Pyur CRM-Framework'; // ---- DoS filter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /* // -- `IP` filter -- // $remote_addr = explode('.', (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])?$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']:'') ); $remote_addr = $remote_addr[0] * 16777216 + $remote_addr[1] * 65536 + $remote_addr[2] * 256 + $remote_addr[3]; //$result = db_read('login_ip', array('date', 'count'), '`ip` = '.$remote_addr); $result = db_read(array('table'=>'login_ip', 'col'=>array('date', 'count'), 'where'=>'`ip` = '.$remote_addr)); if ($result) { //$db = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $auth_ip_date = datesqltime($result['date']); $auth_ip_count = $result['count']; if ($auth_ip_count > 15) $auth['state'] = 16; } else { $result = db_write(array('table'=>'login_ip', 'set'=>array('ip' => $remote_addr, 'count' => 0)); $auth_ip_date = $curr['time']; $auth_ip_count = 0; } */ // ------------------------------------ read COOKIE ------------------------------------- // if (cookieb('bdsx_sid')) { $sess = db_read(array('table' => 'sess', 'col' => array('id', 'user', 'ip', 'ua'), 'where' => array('`sid` = \'' . cookieh('bdsx_sid') . '\'', '`stat` = 0'))); if ($sess) { $auth['sid'] = $sess['id']; $ua = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 512); $ipn = inet_pton($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $set = array(); $set['datel'] = $curr['datetime']; if ($sess['ip'] != $ipn) { $set['ip'] = $ipn; } if ($sess['ua'] != $ua) { $set['ua'] = $ua; } db_write(array('table' => 'sess', 'set' => $set, 'where' => '`sid` = \'' . cookieh('bdsx_sid') . '\'')); $sess = $sess['user']; } else { header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Thu, 17 Apr 1991 12:00:00 GMT"); setcookie('bdsx_sid', '', time() - 60 * 60, '/'); $auth['state'] = 4; } } else { $auth['state'] = 4; } // --------------------- hardwired (embedded), not DB-MySQL users: --------------------------- // if ($auth['state'] == 1 && $sess > 65503) { include 'l/hu.php'; if (isset($harduser[$sess - 65504])) { $auth['id'] = $sess; $auth['desc'] = $harduser[$sess - 65504]['desc']; $auth['perm'] = $harduser[$sess - 65504]['perm']; $auth['state'] = 2; } else { $auth['state'] = 8; } } // --------------------------------- read & check `user` --------------------------------------- // /* if ($auth['state'] == 1) { $user = db_read(array('table' => array('user', 'user_cat'), 'col' => array('user`.`name', 'user_cat`.`perm', ), 'where' => array('`user`.`id` = \''.$sess.'\'', '`user_cat`.`id` = `user`.`cat`', ), )); if ($user) { $auth['id'] = $sess; $auth['desc'] = $user['name']; $auth['perm'] = $user['perm']; $auth['state'] = 2; } else { $auth['state'] = 8; } } */ apache_note('userx', $auth['id']); // --------------------------------- permissions --------------------------------- // $perm = array(); //$auth['perm'] = 'stud:ank_edit,doc,stipen;test'; if ($auth['perm'] == 'all') { $tmp = array(); foreach ($modules as $k => $v) { if (!$v['acc'] || $v['acc'] & $auth['state']) { $perm[$k] = array(); foreach ($v['perm'] as $kk => $vv) { $perm[$k][$kk] = 1; } } } } else { // ---- user's explicit permissions ---- // $tmp = explode(';', $auth['perm']); foreach ($tmp as $v) { $tmp2 = explode(':', $v); $perm[$tmp2[0]] = array(); if (isset($tmp2[1])) { $tmp3 = explode(',', $tmp2[1]); foreach ($tmp3 as $vv) { //if (isset($modules[$tmp2[0]])) //$tmp3[$vv] = '1'; $perm[$tmp2[0]][$vv] = 1; } } //$perm[$tmp2[0]] = $tmp3; } } $menu = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($modules as $k => $v) { if (isset($perm[$k]) || $v['acc'] & $auth['state']) { $v['icon'] = $num; $v['sort'] = substr('000' . $v['pos'], -3, 3) . $v['name']; $menu[$k] = $v; } $num++; } /* // -------- bruteforce control -------- // if ($auth['state'] == 4 && $auth_ip_date > ($curr['time']-30) ) { // ---- increment `count` on wrong password ---- // $result = db_write(array('table'=>'login_ip', 'set'=>array('date' => datesql($curr['time'],1), 'count' => $auth_ip_count+1), 'where'=>'`ip` = '.$remote_addr)); } elseif ($auth_ip_count && $auth_ip_date < ($curr['time']-3600) ) { // ---- reset after 1 hour cooldown ---- // $result = db_write(array('table'=>'login_ip', 'set'=>array('date' => datesql($curr['time'],1), 'count' => 0), 'where'=>'`ip` = '.$remote_addr)); } */ // -------------------------------------------------- activity log rotate -------------------------------------------------------- // /* // SELECT `id`, COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `log_rotate` LIMIT 1 $log_rotate = db_read(array('table' => 'log_rotate', 'col' => array('id', '!COUNT(`id`) as `count`'), //verbose=>1 )); if ($log_rotate['count'] > 1999) { $query = 'DELETE FROM `log_rotate` ORDER BY `id` LIMIT '.($log_rotate['count'] - 1999); mysql_query($query); } db_write(array('table'=>'log_rotate', 'set' => array('host' => $remote_addr, 'time'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']), 'user' => $auth['userx'], 'request' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ))); */ // -------------------------------------------------- end: activity log rotate -------------------------------------------------------- // // ---- access control ---- // if (!isset($menu[$mod])) { $mod = 'default'; } if ($auth['perm'] == 'all') { $auth['perm_su'] = 1; } $auth['menu'] = $menu; $auth['perm'] = $perm; return $auth; }
if ($_POST['done']) { $id = intval($_POST['id']); db_update('choose_rooms', array('blurb' => AddSlashes($_POST['blurb']), 'text_1' => AddSlashes($_POST['text_1']), 'text_2' => AddSlashes($_POST['text_2'])), "id={$id}"); header("location: edit.php?id={$id}&done=1"); exit; } # # delete room? # if ($_POST['delete']) { $id = intval($_POST['id']); $room = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE id={$id}")); $parent = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1={$id} OR room_2={$id}")); db_write("DELETE FROM choose_rooms WHERE id={$id}"); db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_1=0 WHERE room_1={$id}"); db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_2=0 WHERE room_2={$id}"); header("location: edit.php?id={$parent['id']}"); exit; } # # get info for display # $room_id = intval($_GET['id']); $room = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE id={$room_id}")); $parent = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1={$room_id} OR room_2={$room_id}")); if (!$room['id']) { include 'header.txt'; print "error: room {$room_id} not found"; include 'footer.txt'; exit; }
/** * Function parseAIML * * * @param $fn * @param $aimlContent * @param bool $from_zip * @return string */ function parseAIML($fn, $aimlContent, $from_zip = false) { global $dbConn, $post_vars; if (empty($aimlContent)) { return "File {$fn} was empty!"; } global $dbConn, $debugmode, $bot_id, $charset; $fileName = basename($fn); $success = false; $topic = ''; #Clear the database of the old entries $sql = "DELETE FROM `aiml` WHERE `filename` = :filename AND bot_id = :bot_id"; if (isset($post_vars['clearDB'])) { $params = array(':filename' => $fileName, ':bot_id' => $bot_id); $affectedRows = db_write($sql, $params, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } $myBot_id = isset($post_vars['bot_id']) ? $post_vars['bot_id'] : $bot_id; # Read new file into the XML parser $sql = 'insert into `aiml` (`id`, `bot_id`, `aiml`, `pattern`, `thatpattern`, `template`, `topic`, `filename`) values (NULL, :bot_id, :aiml, :pattern, :that, :template, :topic, :fileName);'; # Validate the incoming document /*******************************************************/ /* Set up for validation from a common DTD */ /* This will involve removing the XML and */ /* AIML tags from the beginning of the file */ /* and replacing them with our own tags */ /*******************************************************/ $validAIMLHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="[charset]"?> <!DOCTYPE aiml PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD Specification Version 1.0//EN" ""> <aiml version="1.0.1" xmlns="">'; $validAIMLHeader = str_replace('[charset]', $charset, $validAIMLHeader); $aimlTagStart = stripos($aimlContent, '<aiml', 0); $aimlTagEnd = strpos($aimlContent, '>', $aimlTagStart) + 1; $aimlFile = $validAIMLHeader . substr($aimlContent, $aimlTagEnd); $tmpDir = _UPLOAD_PATH_ . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($tmpDir)) { mkdir($tmpDir, 0755); } save_file(_UPLOAD_PATH_ . 'tmp/' . $fileName, $aimlFile); try { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->loadXML($aimlFile); $aiml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->saveXML()); $rowCount = 0; $_SESSION['failCount'] = 0; $params = array(); if (!empty($aiml->topic)) { foreach ($aiml->topic as $topicXML) { # handle any topic tag(s) in the file $topicAttributes = $topicXML->attributes(); $topic = $topicAttributes['name']; foreach ($topicXML->category as $category) { $fullCategory = $category->asXML(); $pattern = trim($category->pattern); $pattern = str_replace("'", ' ', $pattern); $pattern = IS_MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtoupper($pattern) : strtoupper($pattern); $that = $category->that; $that = IS_MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtoupper($that) : strtoupper($that); $template = $category->template->asXML(); $template = str_replace('<template>', '', $template); $template = str_replace('</template>', '', $template); $template = trim($template); # Strip CRLF and LF from category (Windows/mac/*nix) $aiml_add = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), '', $fullCategory); $params[] = array(':bot_id' => $bot_id, ':aiml' => $aiml_add, ':pattern' => $pattern, ':that' => $that, ':template' => $template, ':topic' => $topic, ':fileName' => $fileName); } } } if (!empty($aiml->category)) { foreach ($aiml->category as $category) { $fullCategory = $category->asXML(); $pattern = trim($category->pattern); $pattern = str_replace("'", ' ', $pattern); $pattern = IS_MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtoupper($pattern) : strtoupper($pattern); $that = $category->that; $template = $category->template->asXML(); //strip out the <template> tags, as they aren't needed $template = substr($template, 10); $tLen = strlen($template); $template = substr($template, 0, $tLen - 11); $template = trim($template); # Strip CRLF and LF from category (Windows/mac/*nix) $aiml_add = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), '', $fullCategory); $params[] = array(':bot_id' => $bot_id, ':aiml' => $aiml_add, ':pattern' => $pattern, ':that' => $that, ':template' => $template, ':topic' => '', ':fileName' => $fileName); } } if (!empty($params)) { $rowCount = db_write($sql, $params, true, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $success = $rowCount !== false ? true : false; } $msg = $from_zip === true ? '' : "Successfully added {$fileName} to the database.<br />\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { //$trace = print_r($e->getTrace(), true); //exit($e->getMessage() . ' at line ' . $e->getLine()); $msg = $e->getMessage() . ' at line ' . $e->getLine() . "<br>\n"; //trigger_error("Trace:\n$trace"); //file_put_contents(_LOG_PATH_ . 'error.trace.log', $trace . "\nEnd Trace\n\n", FILE_APPEND); $success = false; $_SESSION['failCount']++; $errMsg = "There was a problem adding file {$fileName} to the database. Please refer to the message below to correct the problem and try again.<br>\n" . $e->getMessage(); $msg .= upload_libxml_display_errors($errMsg); } return $msg; }
# # activate an old outfit? # if ($_GET['activate']){ list($id, $code) = explode('-', $_GET['activate']); foreach ($avatars as $row){ if ($id == $row['id'] && $code == $row['code']){ db_write("UPDATE glitchmash_avatars SET is_active=0 WHERE player_tsid='$tsid_enc'"); db_write("UPDATE glitchmash_avatars SET is_active=1 WHERE player_tsid='$tsid_enc' AND id=$row[id]"); header("location: /you/?active=1"); exit; } } } # # fetch all clothing rows # if (count($clothing)){ $clothing_ids = implode(',', array_keys($clothing)); $clothing = array();
'date_updated' => time(), 'details' => AddSlashes(serialize($avatar)), ); $hash2 = $hash; unset($hash2['date_added']); db_insert_dupe('glitchmash_avatars', $hash, $hash2); # # mark only the latest one as active # $tsid_enc = AddSlashes($cfg['user']['tsid']); list($latest_id) = db_list(db_fetch("SELECT id FROM glitchmash_avatars WHERE player_tsid='$tsid_enc' ORDER BY date_updated DESC LIMIT 1")); $latest_id = intval($latest_id); db_write("UPDATE glitchmash_avatars SET is_active=0 WHERE player_tsid='$tsid_enc' AND id!=$latest_id"); db_write("UPDATE glitchmash_avatars SET is_active=1 WHERE player_tsid='$tsid_enc' AND id=$latest_id"); # # done # header("location: /you/?imported=1"); exit; ?>
function updateWordCensor() { global $dbConn, $template, $msg, $request_vars; $word_to_censor = trim($request_vars['word_to_censor']); $replace_with = trim($request_vars['replace_with']); $id = trim($request_vars['censor_id']); if ($id == "" || $word_to_censor == "" || $replace_with == "") { $msg = '<div id="errMsg">There was a problem editing the replace_with - no changes made.</div>'; } else { $sql = 'UPDATE `wordcensor` SET `word_to_censor` = :word_to_censor,`replace_with`= :replace_with WHERE `censor_id`= :id LIMIT 1'; $params = array(':word_to_censor' => $word_to_censor, ':replace_with' => $replace_with, ':id' => $id); $result = db_write($sql, $params, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($result > 0) { $msg = '<div id="successMsg">Correction edited.</div>'; } else { $msg = '<div id="errMsg">There was a problem editing the replace_with - no changes made.</div>'; } } }
<?php include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/common/dbpara.php"; include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/common/enum_values.php"; include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/modules/dbconnect.php"; $f = fopen("dblogin.sql", "r"); $sql = ""; while (!feof($f)) { $sql .= fgets($f); } $sqls = explode(";", $sql); //var_dump($sqls); fclose($f); foreach ($sqls as $sql2) { if (strlen($sql2) > 0) { db_write($sql2, null); } } echo "SQL INIT OK";
<?php include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/common/mui.php"; include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/modules/dbconnect.php"; include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/common/dbpara.php"; $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/install/SqlScripts/" . $_POST["key"] . "." . $_POST["value"] . ".sql"; $f = fopen($path, "r"); $sql = ""; while (!feof($f)) { $sql .= fgets($f); } $sqls = explode(";", $sql); //var_dump($sqls); fclose($f); $ret = true; foreach ($sqls as $sql2) { if (strlen($sql2) > 0) { //echo $sql2; $ret = db_write($sql2, null); } } if ($ret === true) { echo install::installok; } else { echo install::installfail; }
/** * Function addBotPersonality * * * @return string */ function addBotPersonality() { global $post_vars; $bot_id = $post_vars['bot_id']; $sql = "Insert into `botpersonality` (`id`, `bot_id`, `name`, `value`) values (null, {$bot_id}, :name, :value);"; $msg = ""; $params = array(); $newEntryNames = isset($post_vars['newEntryName']) ? $post_vars['newEntryName'] : ''; $newEntryValues = isset($post_vars['newEntryValue']) ? $post_vars['newEntryValue'] : ''; if (!empty($newEntryNames)) { if (is_string($newEntryNames)) { $newEntryNames = array(0 => $newEntryNames); } foreach ($newEntryNames as $index => $key) { $value = trim($newEntryValues[$index]); if (!empty($value)) { $params[] = array(':name' => $key, ':value' => $value); } } } $skipKeys = array('bot_id', 'action', 'func', 'newEntryName', 'newEntryValue'); $sqlParams = array(); foreach ($post_vars as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $skipKeys)) { continue; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $index => $fieldValue) { $field = $key[$fieldValue]; $fieldValue = trim($fieldValue); $params[] = array(':name' => $field, ':value' => $fieldValue); } continue; } else { $value = trim($value); $params[] = array(':name' => $key, ':value' => $value); } } $rowsAffected = db_write($sql, $params, true, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($rowsAffected > 0) { $msg = empty($msg) ? "Bot personality added. \n" : $msg; } else { $msg = 'Error updating bot personality.'; } return $msg; }
function db_add($f, $row) { db_init($f); $r = db_read($f); $r[] = $row; db_write($f, $r); }
function updateSpell() { global $dbConn, $template, $msg, $post_vars; $missspelling = trim($post_vars['missspelling']); $correction = trim($post_vars['correction']); $id = trim($post_vars['id']); if ($id == "" || $missspelling == "" || $correction == "") { $msg = '<div id="errMsg">There was a problem editing the correction - no changes made.</div>'; } else { $sql = "UPDATE `spellcheck` SET `missspelling` = :missspelling,`correction` = :correction WHERE `id` = :id LIMIT 1"; $params = array(':missspelling' => $missspelling, ':correction' => $correction, ':id' => $id); $affectedRows = db_write($sql, $params, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($affectedRows > 0) { $msg = '<div id="successMsg">Correction edited.</div>'; } else { $msg = '<div id="errMsg">There was a problem editing the correction - no changes made.</div>'; } } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: UIHARU * Date: 2015/10/16 * Time: 11:39 */ header("Content-Type:text/mysql"); include_once "include/modules/dbconnect.php"; include_once "include/common/dbpara.php"; $r = db_write("select 'ok'", array(new dbpara("s", "admin"), new dbpara("s", "admin"))); var_dump($r);
function login() { global $post_vars, $get_vars, $dbConn, $msg; if (!isset($post_vars['user_name']) || !isset($post_vars['pw'])) { return 'logout'; } //$_SESSION['poadmin']['display'] = $hide_logo; $user_name = $post_vars['user_name']; $pw_hash = md5($post_vars['pw']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `myprogramo` WHERE user_name = :user_name AND password = :pw_hash"; $params = array(':user_name' => $user_name, ':pw_hash' => $pw_hash); $row = db_fetch($sql, $params, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (!empty($row)) { $_SESSION['poadmin']['uid'] = $row['id']; $_SESSION['poadmin']['name'] = $row['user_name']; $_SESSION['poadmin']['lip'] = $row['last_ip']; $_SESSION['poadmin']['prior_login'] = date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A', strtotime($row['last_login'])); switch (true) { case !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']): $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; break; case !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']): $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; break; default: $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $sql = "UPDATE `myprogramo` SET `last_ip` = :ip, `last_login` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE user_name = :user_name limit 1"; $params = array(':ip' => $ip, ':user_name' => $user_name); $transact = db_write($sql, $params, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $_SESSION['poadmin']['ip'] = $ip; $_SESSION['poadmin']['last_login'] = date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `bots` WHERE bot_active = '1' ORDER BY bot_id ASC LIMIT 1"; $row = db_fetch($sql, null, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $count = count($row); if ($count > 0) { $_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_id'] = $row['bot_id']; $_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_name'] = $row['bot_name']; } else { $_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_id'] = -1; $_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_name'] = "unknown"; } } else { $msg .= "incorrect username/password<br>\n"; } if (empty($msg)) { $_SESSION['poadmin']['logged_in'] = true; header('Location: index.php'); return 'main'; } return 'logout'; }
function dots_search_remove_user(&$user) { $enc_id = AddSlashes($user['id']); $sql = "DELETE FROM DotsSearch WHERE user_id='{$enc_id}'"; return db_write($sql); }
function api_oauth2_access_tokens_delete_for_key(&$key) { $enc_key = AddSlashes($key['id']); $sql = "DELETE FROM OAuth2AccessTokens WHERE api_key_id='{$enc_key}'"; # TO DO: purge caches - iterate over all the things? # (20121103/straup) $rsp = db_write($sql); return $rsp; }
/** * Function insertAIML * * * @return string */ function insertAIML() { //db globals global $template, $msg, $post_vars, $dbConn; $aiml = "<category><pattern>[pattern]</pattern>[thatpattern]<template>[template]</template></category>"; $aimltemplate = trim($post_vars['template']); $pattern = trim($post_vars['pattern']); $pattern = IS_MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtoupper($pattern) : strtoupper($pattern); $thatpattern = trim($post_vars['thatpattern']); $thatpattern = IS_MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtoupper($thatpattern) : strtoupper($thatpattern); $aiml = str_replace('[pattern]', $pattern, $aiml); $aiml = empty($thatpattern) ? str_replace('[thatpattern]', "<that>{$thatpattern}</that>", $aiml) : $aiml; $aiml = str_replace('[template]', $aimltemplate, $aiml); $topic = trim($post_vars['topic']); $topic = IS_MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtoupper($topic) : strtoupper($topic); $bot_id = isset($_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_id']) ? $_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_id'] : 1; if ($pattern == "" || $aimltemplate == "") { $msg = 'You must enter a user input and bot response.'; } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `aiml` (`id`,`bot_id`, `aiml`, `pattern`,`thatpattern`,`template`,`topic`,`filename`) VALUES (NULL, :bot_id, :aiml, :pattern, :thatpattern, :aimltemplate, :topic, :file)'; $params = array(':bot_id' => $bot_id, ':aiml' => $aiml, ':pattern' => $pattern, ':thatpattern' => $thatpattern, ':aimltemplate' => $aimltemplate, ':topic' => $topic, ':file' => 'admin_added.aiml'); $affectedRows = db_write($sql, $params, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($affectedRows > 0) { $msg = "AIML added."; } else { $msg = "There was a problem adding the AIML - no changes made."; } } return $msg; }
b('<td>'); b(inet_ntop($v['ip'])); b('<td>'); b(dateh($v['date'])); b('<td>'); b(dateh($v['datel'])); b('<td>'); b(ua_str($v['ua'])); b('<td>'); b(icona('/' . $mod . '/srk/?row=' . $k)); } b('</table>'); } else { b('error: no `sess`.'); } } // -------------------------------- session revoke proxy ------------------------------------ // if ($act == 'srk') { db_write(array('table' => 'sess', 'set' => array('stat' => 2), 'where' => '`id` = ' . $grow)); $redirect = '/' . $mod . '/'; } // -------------------------------- Logout ------------------------------------ // if ($act == 'lof') { // -- graceful logout -- // db_write(array('table' => 'sess', 'set' => array('stat' => 1), 'where' => '`sid` = UNHEX(\'' . cookieh('bdsx_sid') . '\')')); // -- clear cookie -- // header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Thu, 17 Apr 1991 12:00:00 GMT"); setcookie('bdsx_sid', '', time() - 60 * 60, '/'); $redirect = '/'; }
/** * Adds default predicate (personality) data to the database for the current chatbot * * @param $bot_id * @return string */ function make_bot_predicates($bot_id) { global $dbConn, $bot_name; $msg = ''; $sql = <<<endSQL INSERT INTO `botpersonality` VALUES (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'age', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'baseballteam', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'birthday', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'birthplace', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'botmaster', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'boyfriend', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'build', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'celebrities', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'celebrity', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'class', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'email', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'emotions', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'ethics', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'etype', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'family', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoriteactor', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoriteactress', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoriteartist', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoriteauthor', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoriteband', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoritebook', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoritecolor', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoritefood', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoritemovie', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoritesong', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'favoritesport', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'feelings', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'footballteam', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'forfun', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'friend', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'friends', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'gender', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'genus', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'girlfriend', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'hockeyteam', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'kindmusic', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'kingdom', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'language', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'location', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'looklike', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'master', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'msagent', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'name', '{$bot_name}'), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'nationality', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'order', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'orientation', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'party', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'phylum', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'president', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'question', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'religion', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'sign', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'size', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'species', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'talkabout', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'version', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'vocabulary', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'wear', ''), (NULL, {$bot_id}, 'website', ''); endSQL; $affectedRows = db_write($sql, null, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($affectedRows > 0) { $msg .= 'Please create the bots personality.'; } else { $msg .= 'Unable to create the bots personality.'; } return $msg; }
$prepare->bindParam(1, $gid); $prepare->bindParam(2, $thumb, SQLITE3_BLOB); $prepare->execute(); } b('uploaded.'); } // -------------------------------- create folder -------------------------------- // if ($act == 'cf') { $ajax = TRUE; //http_response_code(418); $name = post('name'); $parent = postn('parent'); $table = 'file'; $name = mb_substr($name, 0, 255); $set = array(); $set['p'] = $parent; $set['url'] = ''; $set['name'] = $name; $set['namei'] = mb_convert_case($name, MB_CASE_LOWER); $set['desc'] = ''; $set['size'] = 0; $set['width'] = 0; $set['height'] = 0; $set['mime'] = 0; // 0 - for folder $set['dtu'] = $curr['time']; $set['owner'] = 0; // $curr['userx']; $gid = db_write(array('table' => $table, 'set' => $set)); b('ok'); }
function users_purge_password_reset_codes(&$user) { $rsp = db_write("DELETE FROM users_password_reset WHERE user_id={$user['id']}"); return $rsp['ok']; }
function invite_codes_delete(&$invite) { $enc_code = AddSlashes($invite['code']); $sql = "DELETE FROM InviteCodes WHERE code='{$enc_code}'"; $rsp = db_write('InviteCodes', $sql); if ($rsp['ok']) { $keys = array("invite_codes_code_{$invite['code']}", "invite_codes_email_{$invite['email']}"); foreach ($keys as $k) { cache_unset($k); } } return $rsp; }
/** * Function save * * * @param $action * @return string */ function save($action) { global $dbConn, $dbn, $action, $post_vars; if (isset($post_vars['memberSelect'])) { $id = $post_vars['memberSelect']; } else { if (!isset($post_vars['user_name']) or !isset($post_vars['password']) or !isset($post_vars['passwordConfirm'])) { return 'You left something out!'; } $id = $post_vars['id']; $user_name = $post_vars['user_name']; $password1 = $post_vars['password']; $password2 = $post_vars['passwordConfirm']; $password = md5($password1); if ($action != 'Delete' and $password1 != $password2) { return 'The passwords don\'t match!'; } } switch ($action) { case 'Add': $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sql = "insert into myprogramo (id, user_name, password, last_ip, last_login) values (null, :user_name, :password,:ip, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);"; $params = array(':user_name' => $user_name, ':password' => $password, ':ip' => $ip); $out = "Account for {$user_name} successfully added!"; break; case 'Delete': $action = 'Add'; $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$dbn}`.`myprogramo` WHERE `myprogramo`.`id` = :id LIMIT 1"; $params = array(':id' => $id); $out = "Account for {$user_name} successfully deleted!"; break; case 'Edit': $action = 'Add'; $sql = "update myprogramo set user_name = :user_name, password = :password where id = :id;"; $params = array(':user_name' => $user_name, ':password' => $password, ':id' => $id); $out = "Account for {$user_name} successfully updated!"; break; default: $action = 'Edit'; $sql = ''; $out = ''; } if (!empty($sql)) { //save_file(_LOG_PATH_ . 'memberSQL.txt', $sql); $affectedRows = db_write($sql, $params, false, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // } return $out; }
if ($user_id) { while (1) { $sid = md5(microtime() . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (!db_read(array('table' => 'sess', 'col' => 'id', 'where' => '`sid`=\'' . $sid . '\''))) { break; } } $set = array(); $set['sid'] = $sid; $set['stat'] = 0; $set['user'] = $user_id; $set['ip'] = inet_pton($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $set['ua'] = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 512); $set['date'] = $curr['datetime']; $set['datel'] = $curr['datetime']; db_write(array('table' => 'sess', 'set' => $set)); // -------- set COOKIE -------- // header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Thu, 17 Apr 1991 12:00:00 GMT"); // Wed setcookie('bdsx_sid', $sid, post('f_savepassword') ? time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12 * 5 : 0, '/'); b(1); } else { // -------- no user found / password matched -------- // b(3); } } else { // -------- no login provided -------- // b(2); } }